











而三角翼可以看作是在後掠機翼的後緣填補一塊三角面積 演變而來,這樣有什麼好處呢?









Recently, I found an answer to explain why Concorde use delta configuration.

  1. On highly-swept wings, flow initially detaches from the LE as AOA increases, and may roll up into
    vortices that produce substantial lift (aka vortex lift)

  2. In this case, stall is not closely linked to the onset of flow separation and lift may be further
    increased by raising AOA still higher

  3. The penalty is that drag is also large. However, the L/D ratio may be acceptable for the flight phase

  4. Typically, high-AOA effects are mainly relevant to sub/transonic flight. Supersonic aircraft may however
    (and often do) exploit this effect to lift for takeoff, landing, or (subsonic) manouevering

  5. If the wing is not highly-swept, chines or LE extensions (LEX) near the wing root can be used to
    induce vortex flows

On delta wings, which are typically highly-swept, a reasonable approximation for high-! lift and
drag is obtained by assuming the lift is provided by a combination of 『potential』 and 『vortex』 lift.

The slender-wing potential
flow theory of Jones can explain this question in details.

However, I am still looking for answer to explain aerofoil section in supersonic speed. I mainly concentrate on how shock wave can be prevented or used "efficiently" on Concorde wing section.

After a few weeks, this question can be answered more specifically by using some relevant theories.

R.T. Jones adapted Prandtl』s assumptions for slender wings of high aspect ratio:

  1. The flow around every cross-section perpendicular to the flight direction can be approximated by
    the two-dimensional flow around the same section, superimposed on the original uniform stream.

  2. This makes it possible to determine the lift distribution along the chord just as the Prandtl』 theory
    gives the lift distribution along the span.

  3. The lift at any point is only influenced by the flow ahead of the point considered and is
    independent of the flow conditions downstream, unlike in Prandtl』s case of large-aspect-ratio
    wings, the local lift depends largely on the influence of the free vortices downstream. Consider a delta wing flying through a stationary body of fluid, with AoA !:

The increment in velocity potential between the
two sides of the plate is given analytically by

The force is generated because in a fixed reference frame, the flow is unsteady owing to the passage of the wing. We can then use the unsteady Bernoulli equation (written in potential form)

to compute the lift force per unit length as

For a plain delta wing=const and we have

Cross-flow drag analogy for vortex lift

Consider the normal force produced by the wing-normal component of flow

Delta wing design constraints


1 A history of aerodynamics, J. D. Anderson Jr, 1997

2 Theory of wing sections including a summary of airfoil data, I.H. Abbott IH
A.E. von Doenhoff, 1949 (online: NACA TR-824)

3 Lecture notes: Hugh Blackburn (Monash University, ), John Fulker (QinetiQ)

4 Lecture notes: , Joaquim, Imperial





1. 後掠翼主要的作用就是提升超音速下的性能,但為什麼可以提升是題主問題的核心。大概地說就是後掠的角度比馬赫錐的角度更大,使得機翼躲在馬赫錐後面,這時候吹到機翼上的氣流經過減速已經是亞音速了,使得機翼不至於受激波產生的阻力影響。

我想指出的主要是,雖然搜三角翼搜不到太多信息,但因為三角翼本質上還是後掠翼,在超音速下的性能表現和未填實的後掠翼非常類似,所以可以搜swept wing:Swept wing。維基上面有定性的解釋和定量的計算。

2. 我對於填實的作用的理解是,在低速大攻角時提供基於渦旋的升力,所以即使提供升力的機翼法向空速很小,整個機翼提供的升力仍然可以保持穩定。這個題主自己的答案裡面已經解釋的比較清楚了。此外和機身更長的連接可以增加機械強度,並提高滾轉穩定性(roll stability),省略水平尾翼(stabilizer)。


卡爾曼 Rudolf Kalman (卡爾曼濾波 Kalman Filter)有哪些奇聞軼事?

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