






Like a Chinese


(指西洋的樣式) foreign flavour; Western style

例句:Because, besides its foreign flavour, it has some smell of native soil.


exotisme 異域風情

How about chic ?










- Sentimentality
or vulgar, often pretentious bad taste, especially in the arts: ?When money
tries to buy beauty it tends to purchase a kind of courteous kitsch?
(William H.

- An example or examples of kitsch.


- Of, being, or
characterized by kitsch: ?The kitsch kitchen... has aqua-and-white gingham
curtains and rubber duck-yellow walls painted in a fried-egg motif?

- Flashy, tasteless.


「Kitsch is the inability to admit that shit exists.

― Milan Kundera

「Kitsch causes two tears to flow in quick succession. The first tear says: How nice to see children running on the grass!

The second tear says: How nice to be moved, together with all mankind, by children running on the grass!

― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Everything is kitsch, if you want. Music as a whole is kitsch, kitsch art is; literature itself is kitsch. Every emotion is kitsch, almost by definition, but also any reflection, and even in a sense any action. The only thing that is definitely not kitsch, it"s nothing.

― Michel Houellebecq, The Possibility of an Island

「I will not subscribe to the argument that ornament increases the pleasure of the life of a cultivated person, or the argument which covers itself with the words: 「But if the ornament is beautiful! ...」 To me, and to all the cultivated people, ornament does not increase the pleasures of life. If I want to eat a piece of gingerbread I will choose one that is completely plain and not a piece which represents a baby in arms of a horserider, a piece which is covered over and over with decoration. The man of the fifteenth century would not understand me. But modern people will. The supporter of ornament believes that the urge for simplicity is equivalent to self-denial. No, dear professor from the College of Applied Arts, I am not denying myself! To me, it tastes better this way.

― Adolf Loos, Ornament and Crime: Selected Essays

「Kitsch is the most pernicious of all prisons. The bars are covered with the gold of simplistic, unreal feelings, so that you take them for the pillars of a palace.

― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon

No matter how much we scorn it, kitsch is an integral part of the human condition.

Milan Kundera

The Super Bowl is Americana at its most kitsch and fun.


Kitsch is more dangerous than it looks when taken to the extreme.

John Cusack

People talk aboutBollywood being very kitsch, and just songs and dances, and over the top and colorful.

Shahrukh Khan

When applied to politics and taken to its extreme, kitsch is the mask of death. Fascism was all aesthetics. There was no core principle to it. There was no truth to it.

John Cusack

Ultimately Warhol"s private moral reference was to the supreme kitsch of the Catholic church.

Allen Ginsberg

I did my homework and didn"t go out much, and had a very highly developed kitsch fantasy life where I dreamed of being a dancing girl.

Emily Mortimer

I"m not too fond of really cool design. I"ve got quite kitsch taste really, in things like tableware. I"m quite a sucker for 1930s pressed glass.

Kevin McCloud

The Rolling Stones have been the best of all possible worlds: they have the lack of pretension and sentimentality associated with the blues, the rawness and toughness of hard rock, and the depth which always makes you feel that they are in the midst of saying something. They have never impressed me as being kitsch.

Jon Landau

Architectural kitsch is most common in the commercial pop vernacular - typified by the Big Duck of 1931 in Flanders, New York, a Long Island roadside poultry stand resembling a duck, which Venturi and Scott Brown made a cult object through their writings.

Martin Filler

The 1970s "Wonder Woman" was sort of a kitsch thing. It was a very specific time for that, and it"s hard to modernize something like that.

Maggie Q

Ireland is a series of stories that have been told to us, starting with the Irish Celtic national revival. I never believed in "Old Ireland." It has been made all of kitsch by the diaspora, looking back and deciding what Ireland is. Yes, it is green. Yes, it is friendly. I can"t think of anything else for definite.

Anne Enright

In 1979, postmodernism lost its understanding of the meaning of ornament. It degenerated into kitsch applique.

Charles Jencks

If you can"t take the kitsch, get out of the kitchen.

Charles Jencks


如果你說的「洋氣」是長沙話,那對應的有且僅有 Dope 了。


我這裡用 hipster 來表達洋氣的人。口語做形容詞也可以,或者叫 hipster-style.

朋友說這個大概指 Person who would always follow the trend.



you rock! 洋氣在中文已經不只是異域風情、時髦,也指高逼格、厲害


很多網站上的翻譯是 Western style 。感覺還行。



翻譯Need something for the pain but the killer is us?
二本英專學生該怎麼在山東大學,ucl, 香港理工之間選擇?
be featured in如何翻譯?
這句英文怎麼翻譯「You don"t know me, not as well as you think.」?

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