如何看待Google宣布「our quantum computer really works」?

Google: We have proof that our quantum computer really works (Dec 9th, 2015)


Google announced a breakthrough in the field of quantum computing Wednesday. The company thinks it"s found a quantum algorithm that solves problems 100 million times faster than conventional processes. If confirmed, this discovery could not only lead to iRobot-style artificial intelligence but also advance the US space program by light years.

Back in 2013, Google and NASA went halvsies on a D-Wave X2 computing system. The D-Wave is supposedly the world"s first functional quantum computer, though experts both within and without the company have never been able to conclusively prove that the machine actually taps into the quantum realm to produce its calculations. That is, until now.

Google"s announcement Wednesday centers on "quantum annealing", a technique that determines the global minimum for a given function when presented with a set of potential solutions. In English, it figures out the best (ie most efficient) overall course of action to complete a task when given a set number of options. Scientists have been working on quantum annealers for a while now, though the two primary techniques, "simulated annealing" and "quantum monte carlo" are both just simulated systems running on conventional hardware. The D-Wave system, on the other hand, is hard-coded to run the quantum annealing algorithm on its quantum array.

The company recently tested the new QA algorithm in a proof-of-concept trial against conventional systems running the simulated annealing and monte carlo methods. The results are more than impressive. As you can see from the graph above, Google"s method beat out the other two quite handily, solving a function with 1000 binary variables up to 100 million times faster.

Google qualified these results as "intriguing and very encouraging" in its announcement, though the company has a long way to go before this research is ready for the consumer market. But once it is, hoo boy, get ready for a technological revolution. With it, AI researchers may be able to develop smarter, more responsive computer learning systems, NASA could use it to simulate rocket launches (or entire space missions) -- heck even the mundane material sciences could get a boost from this technology.


他們後來找了一個NP-hard問題,Number Partitioning Problem (NPP),理論分析認為用量子退火演算法比現有的所有經典演算法快。問題是,這個問題不能用D-WAVE公司的設備來算。最後還是歸結為一句話,需要設計下一代的量子退火計算器,要更大量的投入。反正谷歌不缺錢,趕緊投下去吧!





媒體使用的「it actually works」,「it"s 100 million times faster than today"s PCs」等說法,確實是過度簡化和包裝了這個話題。

就像其他樓主說的,它只能在實驗條件下,在一些極少量的、非常具體的、被精心設計的計算任務中,超越傳統晶元。D-Wave的工程總監Neven說,量子計算想要有實際意義還非常困難。當然他也說量子計算將會特別適合解決深度學習的問題,讓Machine Learning變成Quantum Learning,AI將會通過量子計算實現。




「We』re not quite there yet, but we』re on the way.」



Hartmut Neven, the head of Google"s Quantum Artificial Intelligence lab, said these results are "intriguing and very encouraging" but that there"s still "more work ahead to turn quantum enhanced optimization into a practical technology."

As always, it"s important to note that D-Wave"s computers are not capable of universal computing: they are only useful for a small number of very specific tasks—and Google, NASA, and others are currently trying to work out what those tasks might be. D-Wave』s claim of "over 1,000 qubits" is also unclear. In the past, several physical qubits were clustered to create a single computational qubit, and D-Wave doesn』t make that distinction clear.

Google, NASA: Our quantum computer is 100 million times faster than normal PC



not capable of universal computing 不適合通用計算




https://www.zhihu.com/question/38345705 https://www.zhihu.com/question/34265075




,and just works.




為什麼嚴格的多體波函數不能計算出超導態,而簡單的 BCS 平均場能得到超導態?
光的反射定律:這個定理中的「同一平面」適用於曲面嗎? 如果不適用,請給出一束光線在曲面上反射的示意圖?

TAG:人工智慧 | 美國 | 計算機 | 物理學 | 量子計算機 |