以上所有問題自打有了哲學的拷問以來就被以不同形式提出過。(Lane, 1984)
一如聽力正常的寶寶會咿呀學語,先天失聰的寶寶會『咿呀學手』。一如言語過了一定年齡就很難學,手語過了關鍵期再學也會變得異常困難。很多人可能誤以為手語就是比劃來比划去,或是用手拼寫字母,其實不然,正如口語可由有限的音素組成無限的辭彙,手語也可由有限的手形組成無限的辭彙。而且,手語也是有著複雜的語法的。和言語一樣,手語也有『詩歌』等藝術形式,甚至還有『繞手令』(finger-fumbler) 正如黑猩猩學不會口語,歷史上也不止一位科學家曾試圖教黑猩猩手語,但都無果而終。和言語一樣,手語也是在大腦的語言中樞地區買的房。
左半腦在識別手語與言語時所激活的腦區(A) 母語為手語者 (大不裂顛手語). (B) 聽力正常的母語為口語者(英語). (C) 由手語和言語所激活的腦區在顳上回及額下回的重疊區域(也就是著名的語言中樞:白洛卡區和維尼克區!)。此外,手語識別激活視覺與運動皮質結構(A),而言語識別則激活聽覺結構(B)
根據 Bettger, Emmorey 和 Bellugi (1997),母語為美國手語的聾啞人在本頓面部辨識測試中,特別是在帶陰影的面部上,表現得都比不使用手語、聽力正常的人出色。而另一個實驗發現不懂手語的聾啞兒童在本頓面部辨識測試上沒有優勢。(Parasnis, Samar, Bettger 和 Sathe, 1996)。2.空間能力
通過研究使用手語的中國兒童和年齡相匹配的聽力正常的兒童對移動漢字的記憶,研究人員發現,學習並使用手語具有提高對移動圖案的視覺空間辨識能力。(Fok, Bellugi, Van Hoek 和 Klima, 1988)此外,不管是聾啞的還是聽力正常的以手語為母語的人都能比不會手語的人更快地生成並旋轉視覺圖像。(Emmorey, Kosslyn 和 Bellugi, 1993)3. 短期記憶
早在1917年 Pintner 就發現失聰兒童的短期記憶短於聽力正常的兒童。4. 非語彙智商
根據 Sisco and Anderson (1980) 對超過1000聾啞學生的研究,父母親聾啞的孩子以107分的非語彙智商均分超過了平均分為97分的父母聽力正常的孩子(一般會導致父母不會手語或手語很差,從而影響聾啞兒童的母語習得);其實,107分的分數甚至超過均分100的聽力正常兒童。--------------無言無語--------------
即使你不說,即使你沒『想說』,你也大概在想這答案怎麼這麼死長。我們都有這樣的經驗:『誒,這不是我要說的』『誒,都到我嘴邊兒了……』。且如@佘炤灼(shé zhào/zhāo zhuó)所說,失語症並不會影響所有智能。再如@陳章魚這條答案中的奇葩思路http://zhi.hu/MPWY,應該是即便患了失語症也應該可以運用的吧。顯然,思維是獨立於語言的。否則沒有語言的人類幼體又是如何學會語言的呢?一個不知道『正在下雨』是什麼意思的寶寶又是怎麼學會『正在下雨』這句話的呢? 其實要想了解沒有語言的世界,只要了解失語症患者的世界即可。白洛卡失語症(語法失語症)的一位患者,在語言能力失而復得之後如是回憶到:當我早上醒來時,我感到一點點頭痛,而且以為我一定是睡覺時把右臂壓在身體下面了,因為我感到右邊像針扎一般的麻,而且不聽我使喚。我下了床,但是站不穩;事實上,我是摔在地上的,因為我的右腿虛弱到無法支撐我的體重。我叫隔壁的妻子來幫我,但沒發出任何聲音——我講不出話了……我驚呆了,嚇壞了。我簡直不能相信這件事會發生在我身上。我開始覺得迷惑、恐懼,然後忽然一下子,我想到我肯定是中風了。從某個角度來講,這樣的分析讓我感到了些許輕鬆,不過也就一下子,因為我以前一直覺得只要中風都是永久性的……我發現我可以說一點點,但即使對我來說聽起來都像錯誤的單詞,而且也不是我想要說的。
就像 iOS 不止是 Siri 和 Wolfram Alpha,對於思維,任何朦朧而性感的討論都是耍流氓!下面我們給智力做個小解剖:
- 符號操控(無影響): (Spencer and Meadow-Orlans, 1996) 發現一下12個月大的孩童儘管沒有語言但依然參與了代表性的遊戲。(例如用玩具假扮角色)
- 概念獲得(有影響):Friedman(1987)比較了三組孩童在一個物體分類任務上的表現,(1)聽力正常語言正常習得的兒童,(2)聽力正常語言部分障礙兒童,(3)訓練過口語的耳聾兒童。與聽力正常的兩組想比,耳聾兒童的語言習得滯後並且不知道所要分類的物體的名稱。然而,耳聾兒童對物體的分類能力幾乎和聽力語言均正常的兒童一樣好。相較之下,具有語言障礙的兒童可以叫出所有物體與類項的名稱,但在分類任務上卻有困難。
- 心智理論(理解他人,有影響):Peterson 和 Siegal(1997)比較了四組孩童:(1)父母耳聾的耳聾兒童,也即母語為手語的兒童(2)父母聽力正常的耳聾兒童(3)自閉症兒童(4)正常發育的兒童。他們發現(1)和(4)都能很好的理解他人的意思,而(2)和(3)有困難。
- 推理能力(無影響):據說很難考察,(Furth 1964)認為影響不大。
我們已經看過了沒有語言的思考:福特先生,第二章中討論到的一點都不笨的失語症患者。(當然,你可以辯解說他的思考能力是在他中風前,建構在他當時所擁有的語言之上的。)我們也見過了缺乏語言而後發明語言的耳聾孩童。更對題的是偶爾發現的耳聾成年人。他們任何形式的語言都壓根沒有---沒有手語,沒有書面語,沒有唇語,沒有言語。在蘇珊·莎樂(Susan Schaller)的新書《一個無言以對的男人》中,莎樂講述了伊爾德方索(Ildefonso)——一個莎樂在洛杉磯當手語翻譯時認識的,一個二十七歲,來自墨西哥小村的非法移民。伊爾德方索靈動的眼神投射出確鑿無疑的智慧與好奇心。而後莎樂成了他的志願老師和同伴。他一下子就讓她看到了他對數字的十足把握:他用三分鐘學會了在紙上做加法並且在理解兩位數以內的十進位邏輯幾乎沒有問題。在一次令人想起海倫·凱勒的機緣中,伊爾德方索在莎樂試圖教他『貓』的手型時,突然領悟到命名的原則。有如一瀉千里的河水,他要求給他看看所有他所熟悉的物體。很快他便能給莎樂傾訴他的生命歷程:他兒時是如何央求他窮困的父母送他上學,他在各州所摘的不同莊家,他如何躲避移民局的官員。他將莎樂印象另一些被遺忘在社會角落,語言缺失的成年人。儘管他們被隔離在語言的世界之外,他們展示出了許多抽象的思考形式,比如重組壞掉的鎖頭,比如使錢,比如玩卡牌,比如欣賞彼此之間的啞劇表演。
The developmental psychologist Karen Wynn has recently shown
that five-month-old babies can do a simple form of mental arithmetic.She used a technique common in infant perception research. Show ababy a bunch of objects long enough, and the baby gets bored andlooks away; change the scene, and if the baby notices the difference,he or she will regain interest. The methodology has shown that babies
as young as five days old are sensitive to number. In one experiment,an experimenter bores a baby with an object, then occludes the objectwith an opaque screen. When the screen is removed, if the sameobject is present, the babies look for a little while, then get boredagain. But if, through invisible subterfuge, two or three objects haveended up there, the surprised babies stare longer.In Wynn"s experiment, the babies were shown a rubber MickeyMouse doll on a stage until their little eyes wandered. Then a screencame up, and a prancing hand visibly reached out from behind a
curtain and placed a second Mickey Mouse behind the screen. Whenthe screen was removed, if there were two Mickey Mouses visible(something the babies had never actually seen), the babies looked foronly a few moments. But if there was only one doll, the babies werecaptivated—even though this was exactly the scene that had boredthem before the screen was put in place. Wynn also tested a secondgroup of babies, and this time, after the screen came up to obscurea pair of dolls, a hand visibly reached behind the screen and removedone of them. If the screen fell to reveal a single Mickey, the babieslooked briefly; if it revealed the old scene with two, the babies had
more trouble tearing themselves away. The babies must have beenkeeping track of how many dolls were behind the screen, updatingtheir counts as dolls were added or subtracted. If the number inexplicablydeparted from what they expected, they scrutinized the scene,as if searching for some explanation.Vervet monkeys live in stable groups of adult males and femalesand their offspring. The primatologists Dorothy Cheney and RobertSeyfarth have noticed that extended families form alliances like theMontagues and Capulets. In a typical interaction they observed inKenya, one juvenile monkey wrestled another to the ground screaming.
Twenty minutes later the victim"s sister approached the perpetrator"ssister and without provocation bit her on the tail. For theretaliator to have identified the proper target, she would have had tosolve the following analogy problem: A (victim) is to B (myself) as C(perpetrator) is to X, using the correct relationship "sister of (orperhaps merely "relative of; there were not enough vervets in thepark for Cheney and Seyfarth to tell).But do monkeys really know how their groupmates are related toeach other, and, more impressively, do they realize that different pairsof individuals like brothers and sisters can be related in the sameway? Cheney and Seyfarth hid a loudspeaker behind a bush andplayed tapes of a two-year-old monkey screaming. The females in thearea reacted by looking at the mother of the infant who had beenrecorded—showing that they not only recognized the infant by itsscream but recalled who its mother was. Similar abilities have beenshown in the longtailed macaques that Verena Dasser coaxed into alaboratory adjoining a large outdoor enclosure. Three slides wereprojected: a mother at the center, one of her offspring on one side,and an unrelated juvenile of the same age and sex on the other. Eachscreen had a button under it. After the monkey had been trained topress a button under the offspring slide, it was tested on pictures ofother mothers in the group, each one flanked by a picture of thatmother"s offspring and a picture of another juvenile. More than ninetypercent of the time the monkey picked the offspring. In another test,the monkey was shown two slides, each showing a pair of monkeys,and was trained to press a button beneath the slide showing a particularmother and her juvenile daughter. When presented with slides ofnew monkeys in the group, the subject monkey always picked themother-and-offspring pair, whether the offspring was male, female,infant, juvenile, or adult. Moreover, the monkeys appeared to berelying not only on physical resemblance between a given pair ofmonkeys, or on the sheer number of hours they had previously spenttogether, as the basis for recognizing they were kin, but on somethingmore subtle in the history of their interaction. Cheney and Seyfarth,who work hard at keeping track of who is related to whom in whatway in the groups of animals they study, note that monkeys wouldmake excellent primatologists.Many creative people insist that in their most inspired momentsthey think not in words but in mental images. Samuel Taylor Coleridgewrote that visual images of scenes and words once appearedinvoluntarily before him in a dreamlike state (perhaps opium-induced).He managed to copy the first forty lines onto paper, resultingin the poem we know as "Kubla Khan," before a knock on the doorshattered the images and obliterated forever what would have beenthe rest of the poem. Many contemporary novelists, like Joan Didion,report that their acts of creation begin not with any notion of acharacter or a plot but with vivid mental pictures that dictate theirchoice of words. The modern sculptor James Surls plans his projectslying on a couch listening to music; he manipulates the sculptures inhis mind"s eye, he says, putting an arm on, taking an arm off, watchingthe images roll and tumble.Physical scientists are even more adamant that their thinking isgeometrical, not verbal. Michael Faraday, the originator of our modernconception of electric and magnetic fields, had no training inmathematics but arrived at his insights by visualizing lines of force asnarrow tubes curving through space. James Clerk Maxwell formalizedthe concepts of electromagnetic fields in a set of mathematical equationsand is considered the prime example of an abstract theoretician,but he set down the equations only after mentally playing with elaborateimaginary models of sheets and fluids. Nikola Tesla"s idea for theelectrical motor and generator, Friedrich Kekule"s discovery of thebenzene ring that kicked off modern organic chemistry, Ernest Lawrence"sconception of the cyclotron, James Watson and FrancisCrick"s discovery of the DNA double helix—all came to them inimages. The most famous self-described visual thinker is Albert Einstein,who arrived at some of his insights by imagining himself ridinga beam of light and looking back at a clock, or dropping a coin whilestanding in a plummeting elevator. He wrote:The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thoughtare certain signs and more or less clear images which can be "voluntarily"reproduced and combined. . . . This combinatory play seemsto be the essential feature in productive thought—before there isany connection with logical construction in words or other kinds ofsigns which can be communicated to others. The above-mentionedelements are, in my case, of visual and some muscular type. Conventionalwords or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only ina secondary state, when the mentioned associative play is sufficientlyestablished and can be reproduced at will.Another creative scientist, the cognitive psychologist Roger Shepard,had his own moment of sudden visual inspiration, and it led toa classic laboratory demonstration of mental imagery in mere mortals.Early one morning, suspended between sleep and awakening in astate of lucid consciousness, Shepard experienced "a spontaneouskinetic image of three-dimensional structures majestically turning inspace." Within moments and before fully awakening, Shepard had aclear idea for the design of an experiment. A simple variant of hisidea was later carried out with his then-student Lynn Cooper. Cooperand Shepard flashed thousands of slides, each showing a single letterof the alphabet, to their long-suffering student volunteers. Sometimesthe letter was upright, but sometimes it was tilted or mirror-reversedor both. As an example, here are the sixteen versions of the letter F:
The subjects were asked to press one button if the letter was normal
(that is, like one of the letters in the top row of the diagram), anotherif it was a mirror image (like one of the letters in the bottom row).To do the task, the subjects had to compare the letter in the slideagainst some memory record of what the normal version of the letterlooks like right-side up. Obviously, the right-side-up slide (0 degrees)is the quickest, because it matches the letter in memory exactly, butfor the other orientations, some mental transformation to the uprightis necessary first. Many subjects reported that they, like the famoussculptors and scientists, "mentally rotated" an image of the letter tothe upright. By looking at the reaction times, Shepard and Coopershowed that this introspection was accurate. The upright letterswere fastest, followed by the 45 degree letters, the 90 degree letters,and the 135 degree letters, with the 180 degree (upside-down)letters the slowest. In other words, the farther the subjects had tomentally rotate the letter, the longer they took. From the data, Cooperand Shepard estimated that letters revolve in the mind at a rate of56 RPM.Note that if the subjects had been manipulating something resemblingverbal descriptions of the letters, such as "an upright spine withone horizontal segment that extends rightwards from the top andanother horizontal segment that extends rightwards from the middle,"the results would have been very different. Among all the topsyturvyletters, the upside-down versions (180 degrees) should be fastest:one simply switches all the "top"s to "bottom"s and vice versa,and the "left"s to "right"s and vice versa, and one has a new descriptionof the shape as it would appear right-side up, suitable for matchingagainst memory. Sideways letters (90 degrees) should be slower,because "top" gets changed either to "right" or to "left," dependingon whether it lies clockwise (+ 90 degrees) or counterclockwise (— 90degrees) from the upright. Diagonal letters (45 and 135 degrees)should be slowest, because every word in the description has to bereplaced: "top" has to be replaced with either "top right" or "topleft," and so on. So the order of difficulty should be 0, 180, 90, 45,135, not the majestic rotation of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180 that Cooper andShepard saw in the data. Many other experiments have corroboratedthe idea that visual thinking uses not language but a mental graphicssystem, with operations that rotate, scan, zoom, pan, displace, andfill in patterns of contours.
What sense, then, can we make of the suggestion that images,
numbers, kinship relations, or logic can be represented in the brainwithout being couched in words? In the first half of this century,philosophers had an answer: none. Reifying thoughts as things inthe head was a logical error, they said. A picture or family tree ornumber in the head would require a little man, a homunculus, tolook at it. And what would be inside his head—even smaller pictures,with an even smaller man looking at them? But the argumentwas unsound. It took Alan Turing, the brilliant British mathematicianand philosopher, to make the idea of a mental representation scientificallyrespectable. Turing described a hypothetical machine thatcould be said to engage in reasoning. In fact this simple device, nameda Turing Machine in his honor, is powerful enough to solve anyproblem that any computer, past, present, or future, can solve. Andit clearly uses an internal symbolic representation—a kind of mentalese—without requiring a little man or any occult processes. Bylooking at how a Turing machine works, we can get a grasp of whatit would mean for a human mind to think in mentalese as opposedto English.In essence, to reason is to deduce new pieces of knowledge fromold ones. A simple example is the old chestnut from introductorylogic: if you know that Socrates is a man and that all men are mortal,you can figure out that Socrates is mortal. But how could a hunkof matter like a brain accomplish this feat? The first key idea is arepresentation: a physical object whose parts and arrangement corre-spond piece for piece to some set of ideas or facts. For example, thepattern of ink on this pageSocrates isa manis a representation of the idea that Socrates is a man. The shape ofone group of ink marks, Socrates, is a symbol that stands for theconcept of Socrates. The shape of another set of ink marks, isa,stands for the concept of being an instance of, and the shape of thethird, man, stands for the concept of man. Now, it is crucial to keepone thing in mind. I have put these ink marks in the shape of Englishwords as a courtesy to you, the reader, so that you can keep themstraight as we work through the example. But all that really mattersis that they have different shapes. I could have used a star of David,a smiley face, and the Mercedes-Benz logo, as long as I used themconsistently.Similarly, the fact that the Socrates ink marks are to the left ofthe isa ink marks on the page, and the man ink marks are to theright, stands for the idea that Socrates is a man. If I change anypart of the representation, like replacing isa with isasonofa, orflipping the positions of Socrates and man, we would have arepresentation of a different idea. Again, the left-to-right Englishorder is just a mnemonic device for your convenience. I could havedone it right-to-left or up-and-down, as long as I used that orderconsistently.Keeping these conventions in mind, now imagine that the page hasa second set of ink marks, representing the proposition that everyman is mortal:Socrates isa manEvery man ismortalTo get reasoning to happen, we now need a processor. A processoris not a little man (so one needn"t worry about an infinite regress ofhomunculi inside homunculi) but something much stupider: a gadgetwith a fixed number of reflexes. A processor can react to differentpieces of a representation and do something in response, includingaltering the representation or making new ones. For example, imaginea machine that can move around on a printed page. It has a cutoutin the shape of the letter sequence isa, and a light sensor that cantell when the cutout is superimposed on a set of ink marks in theexact shape of the cutout. The sensor is hooked up to a little pocketcopier, which can duplicate any set of ink marks, either by printingidentical ink marks somewhere else on the page or by burning theminto a new cutout.Now imagine that this sensor-copier-creeper machine is wired upwith four reflexes. First, it rolls down the page, and whenever itdetects some isa ink marks, it moves to the left, and copies the inkmarks it finds there onto the bottom left corner of the page. Let looseon our page, it would create the following:Socrates isa manEvery man ismortalSocratesIts second reflex, also in response to finding an i s a , is to get itselfto the right of that i s a and copy any ink marks it finds there intothe holes of a new cutout. In our case, this forces the processor tomake a cutout in the shape of man. Its third reflex is to scan downthe page checking for ink marks shaped like Every, and if it findssome, seeing if the ink marks to the right align with its new cutout.In our example, it finds one: the man in the middle of the secondline. Its fourth reflex, upon finding such a match, is to move to theright and copy the ink marks it finds there onto the bottom center ofthe page. In our example, those are the ink marks i s m o r t a l . If youare following me, you"ll see that our page now looks like this:Socrates isa manEvery man ismortalSocrates ismortalA primitive kind of reasoning has taken place. Crucially, althoughthe gadget and the page it sits on collectively display a kind of intelligence,there is nothing in either of them that is itself intelligent.Gadget and page are just a bunch of ink marks, cutouts, photocells,lasers, and wires. What makes the whole device smart is the exactcorrespondence between the logician"s rule "If X is a Y and all Y"sare Z, then X is Z" and the way the device scans, moves, and prints.Logically speaking, "X is a Y" means that what is true of Y is alsotrue of X, and mechanically speaking, X isa Y causes what is printednext to the Y to be also printed next to the X. The machine, blindlyfollowing the laws of physics, just responds to the shape of the inkmarks isa (without understanding what it means to us) and copiesother ink marks in a way that ends up mimicking the operation ofthe logical rule. What makes it "intelligent" is that the sequence ofsensing and moving and copying results in its printing a representationof a conclusion that is true if and only if the page contains representa-tions of premises that are true. If one gives the device as much paperas it needs, Turing showed, the machine can do anything that anycomputer can do—and perhaps, he conjectured, anything that anyphysically embodied mind can do.Now, this example uses ink marks on paper as its representationand a copying-creeping-sensing machine as its processor. But therepresentation can be in any physical medium at all, as long as thepatterns are used consistently. In the brain, there might be threegroups of neurons, one used to represent the individual that theproposition is about (Socrates, Aristotle, Rod Stewart, and so on),one to represent the logical relationship in the proposition (is a, isnot, is like, and so on), and one to represent the class or type thatthe individual is being categorized as (men, dogs, chickens, and soon). Each concept would correspond to the firing of a particularneuron; for example, in the first group of neurons, the fifth neuronmight fire to represent Socrates and the seventeenth might fire torepresent Aristotle; in the third group, the eighth neuron might fireto represent men, the twelfth neuron might fire to represent dogs.The processor might be a network of other neurons feeding into thesegroups, connected together in such a way that it reproduces the firingpattern in one group of neurons in some other group (for example,if the eighth neuron is firing in group 3, the processor network wouldturn on the eighth neuron in some fourth group, elsewhere in thebrain). Or the whole thing could be done in silicon chips. But in allthree cases the principles are the same. The way the elements in theprocessor are wired up would cause them to sense and copy piecesof a representation, and to produce new representations, in a waythat mimics the rules of reasoning. With many thousands of representationsand a set of somewhat more sophisticated processors (perhapsdifferent kinds of representations and processors for different kindsof thinking), you might have a genuinely intelligent brain or computer.Add an eye that can detect certain contours in the world and turn onrepresentations that symbolize them, and muscles that can act on theworld whenever certain representations symbolizing goals are turnedon, and you have a behaving organism (or add a TV camera and setof levers and wheels, and you have a robot).This, in a nutshell, is the theory of thinking called "the physicalsymbol system hypothesis" or the "computational" or "representa-tional" theory of mind. It is as fundamental to cognitive science as thecell doctrine is to biology and plate tectonics is to geology. Cognitivepsychologists and neuroscientists are trying to figure out what kindsof representations and processors the brain has. But there are groundrules that must be followed at all times: no little men inside, and nopeeking. The representations that one posits in the mind have to bearrangements of symbols, and the processor has to be a device witha fixed set of reflexes, period. The combination, acting all by itself,has to produce the intelligent conclusions. The theorist is forbiddento peer inside and "read" the symbols, "make sense" of them, andpoke around to nudge the device in smart directions like some deusex machina.Now we are in a position to pose the Whorfian question in a preciseway. Remember that a representation does not have to look likeEnglish or any other language; it just has to use symbols to representconcepts, and arrangements of symbols to represent the logical relationsamong them, according to some consistent scheme. But thoughinternal representations in an English speaker"s mind don"t have tolook like English, they could, in principle, look like English—orlike whatever language the person happens to speak. So here is thequestion: Do they in fact? For example, if we know that Socrates isa man, is it because we have neural patterns that correspond one-tooneto the English words Socrates, is, a, and man, and groups ofneurons in the brain that correspond to the subject of an Englishsentence, the verb, and the object, laid out in that order? Or do weuse some other code for representing concepts and their relations inour heads, a language of thought or mentalese that is not the sameas any of the world"s languages? We can answer this question byseeing whether English sentences embody the information that aprocessor would need to perform valid sequences of reasoning—without requiring any fully intelligent homunculus inside doing the"understanding."The answer is a clear no. English (or any other language peoplespeak) is hopelessly unsuited to serve as our internal medium ofcomputation. Consider some of the problems.The first is ambiguity. These headlines actually appeared in newspapers:Child"s Stool Great for Use in GardenStud Tires OutStiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral PlanDrunk Gets Nine Months in Violin CaseIraqi Head Seeks ArmsQueen Mary Having Bottom ScrapedColumnist Gets Urologist in Trouble with His PeersEach headline contains a word that is ambiguous. But surely thethought underlying the word is not ambiguous; the writers of theheadlines surely knew which of the two senses of the words stool,stud, and stiff they themselves had in mind. And if there can be twothoughts corresponding to one word, thoughts can"t be words.The second problem with English is its lack of logical explicitness.Consider the following example, devised by the computer scientistDrew McDermott:Ralph is an elephant.Elephants live in Africa.Elephants have tusks.Our inference-making device, with some minor modifications to handlethe English grammar of the sentences, would deduce "Ralph livesin Africa" and "Ralph has tusks." This sounds fine but isn"t. Intelligentyou, the reader, knows that the Africa that Ralph lives in is thesame Africa that all the other elephants live in, but that Ralph"s tusksare his own. But the symbol-copier-creeper-sensor that is supposedto be a model of you doesn"t know that, because the distinction isnowhere to be found in any of the statements. If you object that thisis just common sense, you would be right—but it"s common sensethat we"re trying to account for, and English sentences do not embodythe information that a processor needs to carry out common sense.A third problem is called "co-reference." Say you start talkingabout an individual by referring to him as the tall blond man withone black shoe. The second time you refer to him in the conversationyou are likely to call him the man; the third time, just him. But thethree expressions do not refer to three people or even to three waysof thinking about a single person; the second and third are just waysof saving breath. Something in the brain must treat them as the samething; English isn"t doing it.A fourth, related problem comes from those aspects of languagethat can only be interpreted in the context of a conversation or text—what linguists call "deixis." Consider articles like a and the. What isthe difference between killed a policeman and killed the policeman?Only that in the second sentence, it is assumed that some specificpoliceman was mentioned earlier or is salient in the context. Thus inisolation the two phrases are synonymous, but in the following contexts(the first from an actual newspaper article) their meanings arecompletely different:A policeman"s 14-year-old son, apparently enraged afterbeing disciplined for a bad grade, opened fire from hishouse, killing a policeman and wounding three peoplebefore he was shot dead.A policeman"s 14-year-old son, apparently enraged afterbeing disciplined for a bad grade, opened fire from hishouse, killing the policeman and wounding three peoplebefore he was shot dead.Outside of a particular conversation or text, then, the words a andthe are quite meaningless. They have no place in one"s permanentmental database. Other conversation-specific words like here, there,this, that, now, then, I, me, my, her, we, and you pose the sameproblems, as the following old joke illustrates:First guy: I didn"t sleep with my wife before we were married, didyou?Second guy: I don"t know. What was her maiden name?A fifth problem is synonymy. The sentencesSam sprayed paint onto the wall.Sam sprayed the wall with paint.Paint was sprayed onto the wall by Sam.The wall was sprayed with paint by Sam.refer to the same event and therefore license many of the same inferences.For example, in all four cases, one may conclude that the wallhas paint on it. But they are four distinct arrangements of words. Youknow that they mean the same thing, but no simple processor, crawlingover them as marks, would know that. Something else that is notone of those arrangements of words must be representing the singleevent that you know is common to all four. For example, the eventmight be represented as something like(Sam spray painti) cause (painti go to (on wall))—which, assuming we don"t take the English words seriously, is nottoo far from one of the leading proposals about what mentalese lookslike.These examples (and there are many more) illustrate a single importantpoint. The representations underlying thinking, on the onehand, and the sentences in a language, on the other, are in many waysat cross-purposes. Any particular thought in our head embraces avast amount of information. But when it comes to communicating athought to someone else, attention spans are short and mouths areslow. To get information into a listener"s head in a reasonable amountof time, a speaker can encode only a fraction of the message intowords and must count on the listener to fill in the rest. But inside asingle bead, the demands are different. Air time is not a limitedresource: different parts of the brain are connected to one anotherdirectly with thick cables that can transfer huge amounts of informationquickly. Nothing can be left to the imagination, though, becausethe internal representations are the imagination.We end up with the following picture. People do not think inEnglish or Chinese or Apache; they think in a language of thought.This language of thought probably looks a bit like all these languages;presumably it has symbols for concepts, and arrangements of symbolsthat correspond to who did what to whom, as in the paint-sprayingrepresentation shown above. But compared with any given language,mentalese must be richer in some ways and simpler in others. Itmust be richer, for example, in that several concept symbols mustcorrespond to a given English word like stool or stud. There mustbe extra paraphernalia that differentiate logically distinct kinds ofconcepts, like Ralph"s tusks versus tusks in general, and that linkdifferent symbols that refer to the same thing, like the tall blond manwith one black shoe and the man. On the other hand, mentalese mustbe simpler than spoken languages; conversation-specific words andconstructions (like a and the) are absent, and information aboutpronouncing words, or even ordering them, is unnecessary. Now, itcould be that English speakers think in some kind of simplified andannotated quasi-English, with the design I have just described, andthat Apache speakers think in a simplified and annotated quasi-Apache. But to get these languages of thought to subserve reasoningproperly, they would have to look much more like each other thaneither one does to its spoken counterpart, and it is likely that theyare the same: a universal mentalese.Knowing a language, then, is knowing how to translate mentaleseinto strings of words and vice versa. People without a language wouldstill have mentalese, and babies and many nonhuman animals presumablyhave simpler dialects. Indeed, if babies did not have a mentaleseto translate to and from English, it is not clear how learning Englishcould take place, or even what learning English would mean.So where does all this leave Newspeak? Here are my predictionsfor the year 2050. First, since mental life goes on independently ofparticular languages, concepts of freedom and equality will be thinkableeven if they are nameless. Second, since there are far moreconcepts than there are words, and listeners must always charitablyfill in what the speaker leaves unsaid, existing words will quickly gainnew senses, perhaps even regain their original senses. Third, sincechildren are not content to reproduce any old input from adults butcreate a complex grammar that can go beyond it, they would creolizeNewspeak into a natural language, possibly in a single generation.The twenty-first-century toddler may be Winston Smith"s revenge.
參考- Pinker, S. (1994). The Language Instinct - The New Science Of Language And Mind
- Jerry Fodor. Review of Jose Luis Bermudez, "Thinking without Words" 踩↓吐槽說諸多思維都非推理……說思考自己所思的時候不一定是輸入自然語言,或者說二級思考不見得依賴自然語言的反輸入
- José Luis Bermúdez- Thinking without Words 認為思維是推理性的
- Pessi Lyyra. 2005. Review of José Luis Bermúdez- Thinking without Words 挺↑
- Martine Nida-Rumelin. 2010. Thinking without Language
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- 手語言語腦成像:Heather Patterson Knapp, David P. Corina, A human mirror neuron system for language: Perspectives from signed languages of the deaf, Brain and Language, Volume 112, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 36-43, ISSN 0093-934X, 10.1016/j.bandl.2009.04.002. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0093934X0900056X)
- L.Weiskrantz. 1988. Thought Without Language
瀉藥@丁若水 我記得這個問題我在知乎心理學群里自己問過別人一次。