Candy Crush 為什麼這麼火?

之前就一直蟬聯 iOS 美國榜前幾名,最近超越了 Clash of Clan 登頂 Grossing 榜首(後進者,King)。但玩了一下感覺和普通的三消類遊戲(如寶石迷陣)好像沒有很大差別(可能是我沒有玩到後面?),比較迷惑。

這個遊戲確實很火,前幾天的GDC正好有Candy Crush開發公司http://King.com的2個演講,他們自己公布的數據是DAU 900萬,而且用戶以女性用戶為主,佔了70%。在演講里http://King.com的Tommy Palm總結了4個原因:


2、之前三消類遊戲和過關類遊戲都很受歡迎,Candy Crush將兩者結合在一起,再加上遊戲本身的高品質和帶來的樂趣。



在另外一場產品主題演講中他們將原因總結為:CAN:Campfire Index(很好地利用社交元素,朋友之間的成績對比心理,刺激用戶活躍)、Accessibility(移動市場的擴大,讓更多用戶能夠利用碎片時間玩遊戲)Never Ending(現在有245關)














  Candy之所以能排名App Store暢銷榜單第一名,成為內置付費應用中收入優異的應用,和道具的設置關係極大。











candy crush不是。引入了復活時間機制(死了一次之後需要30分鐘復活,每次最多可以五條命)這個和風靡一時的求合體是同樣的路線。求合體是步數限制,玩一陣就得等。























這算是 Candy Crush 最強大的一點了。對於平時忙碌的人來講,地鐵是最適合玩遊戲的地方了。

可是,在北美,即使是多倫多這樣光鮮的城市裡,地鐵連手機信號都沒有,更不要說數據網路了。坐地鐵的這段時間,就只能看書或者玩單機。而Candy Crush在離線的時候都能玩,等上線後再更新數據。這樣既有了網路遊戲的模式,又能離線玩,所以能抓住一大批玩家。



對於很多遊戲,特別動作類和互動類的遊戲來說,一旦中斷遊戲就意味著前功盡棄。這樣的遊戲不適合在這樣有 「突發事件」 的環境下玩。

但是Candy Crush就沒有這個問題。玩家有事可以先離開,忙完了正事的時候可以回來,而遊戲還在那邊等著你。這是何等的方便!我一朋友是開店的,平時沒客人時他就刷糖果。有客人來了就把ipad一鎖屏,等客人走了再繼續。



首先來講我感覺candy crush在國內是沒有國外火的。國外基本上前兩年真的是地鐵上飯店裡所有人都在玩。而回國的話觀察不多,刷微博的看小說的更多。

因為受我媽的影響從小就對三消遊戲比較著迷,寶石迷城還有各種山寨的都有玩過,而大部分candy crush之前的三消都是寶石迷城模式:計時,賺分。當時pc上已經有了類似「交換位置打碎所有的玻璃」類似的玩法,但也是計時的。而candy crush最好的一點就是不計時,計步數。因此上課的時候,等電梯的時候,電梯里,地鐵上,等上菜的時候都可以玩而不需要擔心「我去到站了,沒時間了要不又是最高分「。還有一點計算步數而不計時的好處就是,策略性較強,可以算好下落的位置來製造炮彈~而計時模式下的三消毫無策略可言,純靠反應和人品。當然了,其實步數模式也是挺看臉的,但是至少給了個「我是帶著腦子在玩這個遊戲」的假象。

另外橫向對比一下candy crush最火的這段時期的手機遊戲,最火的都是連facebook的這自然不必說。當時正值切水果和憤怒的小鳥等不連facebook無互動攀比的遊戲剛剛過氣,神廟逃亡等跑酷類遊戲開始火起來。但是跑酷類要求精神高度集中,容易影響等電梯的人進電梯,地鐵乘客換乘站什麼的,這種打斷真的是很差的體驗。而candy crush不計算時間,只要到站了一鎖屏,該幹嘛幹嘛就好了。



Candy Crush具備我所說的這些特徵:

  1. 上手容易,精通不易,且玩且珍惜。手游面向的是大眾,所以上手難的遊戲就一律pass,必須保證遊戲具有簡單性,讓玩家一安裝就可以玩的;
  2. 可中斷,時間短。一般玩遊戲,都是在公交地鐵上等碎片時間裡,所以提供的是短時間的娛樂效果,允許在遊戲和工作模式之間順利切換;
  3. 必須加入SNS元素:一款好的手游應該具有社交元素,可以加入LBS尋找周圍的玩家,或和好友一起玩遊戲及互動,抑或者認識新的好友。因為手游都很簡單,所以要留住玩家,加入SNS可以留住玩家;
  4. 充分利用手機的各項優點:手機的優點比如便攜性,私密性,即使抵達。手機是我們身體的延伸,所以一款好的遊戲應該充分利用手機的一些感測器、攝像頭、網路、藍牙,找出特點,以便設計出一款優秀的遊戲。






Candy Crush Game Mechanics

Every single month, there are over 42 million Facebook users play Candy Crush Saga by King. Are you one of them? The game is currently more popular than every other game on Facebook, including mega-popular ones like Words With Friends, Farmville, and Angry Birds.

So what makes the game so addictive and leaves players clamoring for bonuses like new episodes, extra lives, and charms and boosters?

The answer is actually quite simple. King has implemented aspects from all of the Eight Core Drives of the game-design framework Octalysis into their game, and those drives work together to create an incredibly addictive experience that is currently earning over half a million dollars every single day thanks to in-app purchases.

How are they hooking you, exactly? Let』s look at each of the core drives of Octalysis and see how Candy Crush Saga implements each one.

Game Core Drive #1: Epic Meaning and Calling

Unlike most games, Candy Crush Saga does not have a particularly compelling narrative that, on its own, convinces the participant to take action. True, you ride a little train solving problems in the magical world, but it』s mostly just funny problems such as helping a magical dragon bathe in candy, which is not a very strong 「I』m doing this because it』s a mission bigger than myself.」

Instead, the epic meaning and calling comes from game techniques such as Beginners Luck, Destiny Child, and getting a Free Lunch.

Players experience Beginner』s Luck (Game Technique #23) when they start the early levels, which allow them to easily get three stars for matching candies and crushing them.

As they continue playing, many players can go through the first 10 levels and get three stars on each on the first try. This makes them think, 「Hey, I』m pretty good at this – I should keep playing.」 They feel like they are destined to take this journey and see how far they can get without losing lives (Game Technique #25)

As they progress even further through the levels, players start to unlock charms and boosters that give them extra moves, special abilities, and cool new ways to crush candy. Now, eventually they』ll have to pay for these terms and boosters, but initially, they get 1 to 3 freebies that they can use during the game. This is the Free Lunch (Game Technique #24) that makes them feel like they are getting bonuses due in part to their performance.

Almost every addicted player feels these three mechanisms during the on-boarding process, which is in the first 35 levels. Not surprisingly, these first 35 levels are free and help players get acclimated to the game before the levels start costing money.

Gamification Core Drive #2: Development andAccomplishment

Candy Crush Saga, like most Facebook games and iPad apps, uses tons of rewards to show progress and demonstrate accomplishments to the player. As I mentioned before, on each level players earn up to three stars and also get a score based on how many points they earned throughout the level.

There are also Fixed Action Rewards (Game Technique #7) built into the game. The most obvious one is that if you beat a level with at least one star, you』ll unlock the next level. Of course, the next level is just another puzzle to figure out (an intrinsic motivation that ties to Core Drive #3), but the tangible reward is in the accomplishment of progressing through the map, which shows one long, continuous train track. The player always knows where she is on the track and always knows the next action she needs to take in order to move forward.

One of the most important things in any game design is to make sure the user isn』t stuck for too long. This is where they introduced the Glowing Choice (Game Technique #28). When the player doesn』t make a move within 10 seconds, Candy Crush Saga will offer a hint that appears to have no rhyme or reason. The goal of this is just to make sure no one is stuck at any point for too long without finding any next steps at all.

Additionally, the iPad app allows you to connect to Facebook, which automatically connects you to all your friends who are playing the game.At the beginning of each level, you』ll see a Leaderboard (Game Technique #3) which includes where you rank amongst your friends. The leaderboard gives you all sorts of metrics you can try to achieve, including what your friends scores for that level. This motivates players because they can see their own progress against their friends』 scores, stars, leaderboard positions, and number of levels beaten or progress within the game (This of course leans heavily on Core Drive #5: Social Influence Relatedness too).

Finally, Candy Crush Saga is divided into episodes, most of which have 15 levels each (the first two episodes are the only ones with 10 levels). The last level in each episode is almost always the hardest and simulates the Boss Fight (Game Technique #14) that is typical of traditional video games like Mario Brothers or Donkey Kong. Beating this last level lets the player progress to the next episode, which gives players a huge sense of accomplishment.

Gamification Core Drive #3: Empowerment of Creativity and Feedback

Each level of Candy Crush Saga arranges the candies in a random order, which means that no two boards are quite the same. This allows players to use their own creativity to come up with the right combinations that will help them beat each level. When they create a cascade of matches, the game rewards them with words like, 「Tasty!」, 「Sweet」, and 「Delicious!」 This lets the player know that they are racking up points with each move.

The game also uses Step-By-Step Tutorials (Game Technique #9) to show players how newly introduced concepts work. These tutorials are incredibly important, especially during the on-boarding process, because they empower players with the confidence to learn by doing things and practicing the skills they just learned on their own.

Finally, because the game is almost entirely based on unlocking new levels, new boosters, and new episodes, there』s always a General』s Carrot (Game Technique #11) dangling in front of them, which engages them to push forward through the game.

Gamification Core Drive #4: Ownership and Possession

Candy Crush Saga uses a few forms of ownership and possession to help their players, though they could easily add more of this drive to the game. The primary Virtual Goods (Game Technique #8) within the game are the charms, which are special candies that can be used between 1 to 3 times on any level once activated. These candies are good throughout the entire game, so even though they often run between $25-$50, players are happy to collect them and use them on the more difficult levels that they are having a hard time beating.

The way Candy Crush Saga gets players is by bringing the opportunity to purchase those charms and boosters outside of the 「shop.」 At the beginning of each level, they show you exactly which charms and boosters are allowed on the level and fade out the ones that you haven』t collected (purchased) yet. They present the charms and boosters as a small set of three or four so it looks like you have one but not the others. This makes players want to purchase the others to complete their Collection Set (Game Technique #16), because who doesn』t want to have tons of boosters to use on a specific level?

Gamification Core Drive #5: Social Influence and Relatedness

Candy Crush Saga makes use of Facebook』s platform to spread the word about their game. When you open the game in your browser, the first message you』ll receive is a Friend Invite request (Game Technique #60), asking to invite friends to play the game too.

Candy Crush Saga also uses Social Treasures (Game Technique #63) as a way to get you interacting with your friends on the game.There are a number of social treasures you can give your friends at no cost to either you or them. These include helping them unlock an episode, giving them free lives, and giving them three extra moves that they can use on any level of their choosing. These gifted bonuses cost money within the game, making them especially valuable virtually and in the real-world. Because there』s no cost, this encourages players to help their friends by sending them these coveted items.

But Candy Crush Saga takes it even a step further because it also allows players to send requests to their friends for these free items. For example, to unlock an episode, you can either pay $0.99 or you can get help from three of your friends. There』s a built-in mechanism to send requests to your friends whenever you need help unlocking in episode or gaining extra lives.

Finally, the game』s use of leaderboards and the map allow you to see how far your friends have progressed throughout the game. While there』s no mechanism specifically for Bragging (Game Technique #57) to your friends, it』s easy to start a comparing yourselves with others either on points, stars, or number of episodes unlocked (which is Touting).This can also create a subtle sense of Envy (Game Technique #59), drawing the player into wanting to be more like their high-achieving friends.

Gamification Core Drive #6: Scarcity and Impatience

One of Candy Crush Saga』s most frustrating points is that they only give you five lives — and when you lose one, it takes you 30 minutes to gain it back. That means that if you play a level and lose it five times, you have to wait roughly 2 1/2 hours before you can play again.This use of the Fixed Interval Torture (Game Technique #66) leaves players with an incredible sense of impatience to get back to the game.

Of course, you can buy another set of five lives as an in-app purchase if you don』t want to wait. But there are other ways to get more lives as well, like through asking your friends or by connecting your Facebook account to as many mobile devices as you want. The game is available on the iPad, the iPhone, and most android phones, each of which will start your lives back at five, which means players are often switching between multiple devices in order to keep playing.

This gives Candy Crush Saga incredible penetration in the mobile market, which means that players have the game at their disposal while they』re out waiting in lines, riding the train, or stuck in traffic. This just encourages more and more opportunities for play until the player has developed an addictive habit to keep them going with the game.

Gamification Core Drive #7: Curiosity andUnpredictability

Even though the concept behind Candy Crush Saga is simple, it』s a surprisingly unpredictable game. The most obvious unpredictability is that each time you open the level, the candies are arranged in random order. That means that some configurations will make the level of easier to beat than others, which has players going through the level over and over again in rapid succession until they beat it.

Additionally, as a player gets into the later levels, there are tons of Sudden Rewards (Game Technique #75)in the form of special candies. The player has no idea what special candies they might get when they start a new level, which keeps the game fun and fresh.

After a number of episodes, the game literally introduces Easter Eggs, which are a type of candy that, once matched, turns into a particular handful of special candies. When a player matches an Easter Egg, there are both random rewards and random penalties, because the Easter Egg can either turn into a special candy or a molasses trap, like a chocolate bite or metal twists, both of which make it more difficult to play level.

Gamification Core Drive #8: Loss and Avoidance

The last core drive, loss and avoidance, is also used in Candy Crush Saga. When a player connects to Facebook, all other players they are friends with can see how many days they have been stuck on a particular level. This Scarlet Letter (Game Technique #82) can make it socially unappealing to not move forward in the game. Candy Crush Saga also encourages players to connect to Facebook from their mobile app because Facebook syncs their progress. If you don』t sync up, and you lose your phone or break your iPad, then through Lost Progress (Game Technique #81), you』ve lost all the effort you』ve invested into the game and will have to start over from the beginning.

The game also makes use Weep Tunes (Game Technique #49) and Visual Graves (Game Technique #47) to give negative feedback when you lose a level.

Finally, this game is based on tons of levels that take between three and five minutes to play, each. This means that an avid player can easily work through 100 levels in a couple weeks. This engages the Last Mile Drive (Game Technique #53) where the player keeps on playing because they』re so close to the goal and they』ve already invested too much time and energy in the game to quit.

But are they that close to completing the game? King continues to add new episodes to the end of the map, which means the players can keep going for awhile. The longer they play, the harder it is to stop.

So now that we』ve been through the eight core drives of gamification and how Candy Crush Saga utilizes each of them to hook players into returning for more and more levels, can you see why this simple game has swept the nation?

Learning from Game Mechanics of Candy Crush

Candy Crush sure did a good job appealing to the mainstream consumer and getting them to pay comfortably on an app. Our goal here is not to make sure we can make good games, but to make sure we learn from the game design and dynamics so we can provide it into useful and productive tasks within Gamification.

What appeals to you the most about Candy Crush?

Via:Game Mechanics Research: What Makes Candy Crush so Addicting?

Candy Crush的成功背後有著極其準確的對用戶心理的把控以及對應的強大且豐富的產品邏輯,下面試著簡單分析一些:

一. 體現對用戶意識的準確分配


  1. 運氣的因素,因為掉落方塊的顏色是不確定的,掉落之後的顏色組合又可以被消除,這個因素的存在減少了用戶在遊戲進行過程中對完成任務的負擔感,以及增加了用戶完成困難關卡的感知可能性;

  2. 針對單次操作的技巧,單次操作是非常簡單的容易完成的小任務,配合遊戲過程中出現的自動提示,遊戲總是可以比較順暢地進行下去,單次消除的體驗過程也是一個更小單元的完成任務的過程,這些過程的集合構成了遊戲過關的成就感,就算用戶最後沒有過關,感覺上也不會太受挫;

  3. 全局的策略,困難的關卡需要先對整體的結構進行全局的分析,有難度才有挑戰,這也是能夠留住用戶的重要因素,糖果的組合形式也屬於這個層面的因素,根據消除時對應的結構會出現三種特異糖果,這三種特異糖果相互之間又有六種組合形式,如果可以出現關鍵的組合,對遊戲的全局進展會有決定性的影響;



二. 體現對用戶時間的準確把控



三. 體現對遊戲難度的準確把控

  1. 關卡的結構分為大關卡和小關卡,是一個階梯狀的結構,讓用戶很容易形成清晰的短期目標(小關卡),中期目標(大關卡),長期目標(所有任務),同時,大關卡之間都穿插了情節畫面,情節化和故事化讓遊戲體驗不再是一個單一的機械的過程;

  2. 遊戲過關不消耗生命值,生命值不會在用戶順利過關的情況下卡住用戶,生命值卡住用戶的時間剛好是用戶連續過不了關的時候,在用戶狀態不好或者比較受挫的時候讓用戶停下來;如果有生命值可供消耗,則這個過程不會得到提示,這一點增強了遊戲進行受到生命值限制的時候用戶對限制的敏感度,這使得用戶更加不願意去等半個小時的時間,於是更有可能選擇離開遊戲,但下一次想起玩遊戲的時期,生命值一般都是滿血狀態,潛意識中會對比到上一次離開遊戲時的情況,這個對比強化了用戶在無意之中想起來的時候去玩遊戲的意願;

  3. 難度的提升並不是很直觀,更明顯的是遊戲形式的豐富變化,確保了用戶遊戲體驗過程中的新鮮感,以及數量豐富的總關數無形之中會激發著用戶繼續玩下去的意願;

四. 對收費節點的合理安排





2、殺時間利器。餐廳排隊、聚會等朋友等等……生活中總有那麼多零零碎碎的時間,好啦我知道時間邊角料拿來利用一年可以讀xx本書,但是,我又不是學霸,就讓我揮霍下不行么。玩個小遊戲,剛剛好。但是,因為防沉迷的存在,又不會耽誤時間一直玩下去(這個是我現在不怎麼玩angry birds的主要原因,失眠的人打小鳥剎不住車打到凌晨三點真不是什麼好事情)。





















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TAG:iOS遊戲 | AppStore | 糖果傳奇CandyCrushSaga |