
Spring可以說是一個管理bean的容器,也可以說是包括很多開源項目的總稱,spring mvc是其中一個開源項目,所以簡單走個流程的話,http請求一到,由容器(如:tomact)解析http搞成一個request,通過映射關係(路徑,方法,參數啊)被spring mvc一個分發器去找到可以處理這個請求的bean,那tomcat裡面就由spring管理bean的一個池子(bean容器)裡面找到,處理完了就把響應返回回去。






最開始只有spring,後來出了亂七八糟的比如mvc,security,boot等。原來的spring就變成了現在的spring core。所以spring,也既spring core指ioc,aop那塊。mvc指web的mvc框架

springMVC.startWith(spring) 結果為true


spring boot extends spring mvc extends spring


Spring是一個通用解決方案, 最大的用處就是通過Ioc/AOP解耦, 降低軟體複雜性, 所以Spring可以結合SpringMVC等很多其他解決方案一起使用, 不僅僅只適用於WEB開發

ps: 一個Spring + Spring MVC開源項目供參考: youzan/bugCatcher


spring主要包括IOC AOP這兩大塊,spring mvc是web層的框架,主要用來接受HTTP請求並轉發給controller,主要就是幾個常用的註解@Controller @service


The Spring Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework is designed around a DispatcherServlet that dispatches requests to handlers, with configurable handler mappings, view resolution, locale, time zone and theme resolution as well as support for uploading files. The default handler is based on the @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations, offering a wide range of flexible handling methods. With the introduction of Spring 3.0, the @Controller mechanism also allows you to create RESTful Web sites and applications, through the @PathVariable annotation and other features.

"Open for extension…" A key design principle in Spring Web MVC and in Spring in general is the "Open for extension, closed for modification" principle.

Some methods in the core classes of Spring Web MVC are marked final. As a developer you cannot override these methods to supply your own behavior. This has not been done arbitrarily, but specifically with this principle in mind.

For an explanation of this principle, refer to Expert Spring Web MVC and Web Flow by Seth Ladd and others; specifically see the section "A Look At Design," on page 117 of the first edition. Alternatively, see

  • Bob Martin, The Open-Closed Principle (PDF)

You cannot add advice to final methods when you use Spring MVC. For example, you cannot add advice to the AbstractController.setSynchronizeOnSession() method. Refer to Section 10.6.1, 「Understanding AOP proxies」 for more information on AOP proxies and why you cannot add advice to final methods.

In Spring Web MVC you can use any object as a command or form-backing object; you do not need to implement a framework-specific interface or base class. Spring』s data binding is highly flexible: for example, it treats type mismatches as validation errors that can be evaluated by the application, not as system errors. Thus you need not duplicate your business objects" properties as simple, untyped strings in your form objects simply to handle invalid submissions, or to convert the Strings properly. Instead, it is often preferable to bind directly to your business objects.

Spring』s view resolution is extremely flexible. A Controller is typically responsible for preparing a model Map with data and selecting a view name but it can also write directly to the response stream and complete the request. View name resolution is highly configurable through file extension or Accept header content type negotiation, through bean names, a properties file, or even a custom ViewResolver implementation. The model (the M in MVC) is a Map interface, which allows for the complete abstraction of the view technology. You can integrate directly with template based rendering technologies such as JSP, Velocity and Freemarker, or directly generate XML, JSON, Atom, and many other types of content. The model Map is simply transformed into an appropriate format, such as JSP request attributes, a Velocity template model.


spring : ioc 容器 spring mvc : 就是servlet 控制器 同類的有struts2

Spring 框架是一個分層架構,由 7 個定義良好的模塊組成,而Spring MVC是其中的一個模塊。

MVC框架是一個全功能的構建 Web應用程序的 MVC 實現,通過策略介面,MVC框架變成為高度可配置的,MVC 容納了大量視圖技術,其中包括 JSP、Velocity、Tiles、iText 和 POI。

Spring 是是一個開源框架,是為了解決企業應用程序開發,功能如下:











Spring的兩大核心AOP與IOC,可以單獨用於任何應用,包括與Struts等MVC框架與Hibernate等ORM框架的集成,目前很多公司所謂的輕量級開發就是用 Spring + Struts(2)+Hibernate。

Spring MVC就是一個MVC框架,個人覺得Spring MVC annotation式的開發比Struts2方便,可以直接代替上面的Struts(當然Struts的做為一個非常成熟的MVC,功能上感覺還是比Spring強一點,不過Spring MVC已經足夠用了)。當然spring mvc的執行效率比struts高,是因為struts的值棧影響效率。spring mvc類似於struts的一個MVC開框架,其實都是屬於spring,spring mvc需要有spring的架包作為支撐才能跑起來。

spring 框架有超多的延伸產品例如 boot security jpa etc... 但它的基礎就是 spring 的 ioc 和 aop ioc 提供了依賴注入的容器 aop 解決了面向橫切面的編程 然後在此兩者的基礎上實現了其他延伸產品的高級功能 Spring MVC 呢是基於 Servlet 的一個 MVC 框架 主要解決 WEB 開發的問題 因為 Spring 的配置太複雜了 各種 XML JavaConfig hin 麻煩 於是懶人改變世界推出了 Spring boot 約定優於配置 簡化了 spring 的配置流程。


Spring + Struts(2)+Hibernate。

Spring MVC類似於struts的一個MVC開框架,其實都是屬於Spring ,Spring MVC需要有Spring 的架包作為支撐才能跑起來。






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