
金融危機後,金融圈大洗牌。6年過去了,期間很多銀行都進行了大的業務調整,銀行間也是跑馬圈地重新劃分勢力範圍,那麼現在應該如何給這些大行們坐次?他們的改革成功嗎?前景如何?誰更加崛起,誰在走下坡路? 高盛,摩根斯坦利,摩根大通,美銀美林,瑞銀,瑞信,德銀,巴克萊 等,望高手指教

Update: a chart I saw on a bank"s presentation:


回到家了, 我把它翻譯了吧


請不要轉載, 複製粘貼任何數字.

但是結論請隨便拿, 不要客氣.

Global Revenue(全球收入)來製作的, 不要把它當作相對優勢, 薪水, bonus, tier capital或者盈利水平等等的排名.

我本來想把它寫的很直觀, 可是我實在我不能把我們分析師的圖表發到網上, 所以就放一個大概的數字和結論吧.

1. 所有的數字都只是前十二個月全球收入數字, 不涉及任何費用 (2012第四季度-2013第三季度)

2. 只包括傳統賣方投行職能, 也就是IBD和ST. 不包括商業銀行和銀行買方職能..

3. 我只想表達排名的大概情況, 所以只給個粗略的數據, 到億位應該差不多吧(所有數據都是公開數據, 需要詳細數字的話可以自己找到)

4. 這項分析涉及到四個貨幣: 美元, 歐元, 瑞士法郎, 英鎊. 當時對於美元的匯率是:瑞士法郎:0.886; 英鎊: 1.65; 歐元:1.375.

5. 數字單位為百萬美元.


But, the conclusion is for you to grab.

This is a ranking for Bulge Brackets based on Global Revenue, don"t use it as a rank for competitiveness, salary, tier capital. leverage, or ROE, etc...

I wanted to make this as straightforward as possible. But I just can"t post analyst"s spreadsheets and charts online. So rough numbers and conclusion only.

1. All these numbers are top line GLOBAL revenue, LTM (Q4 2012 - Q3 2013).

2. It only includes traditional sell-side functions for the banks, namely IBD and ST. Commercial Banking and Buyside business (Asset Management/PE/PWM) is not part of the analysis

3. I just want to show the scale, so I"ll rank the banks and only give the first two digits. (All public information. You can find the exact numbers if you want)

4. The analysis is across four currencies: Euro, USD, Swiss Francs, Great Britain Pounds. The spot prices used in the analysis are: CHF: 0.886; GBP: 1.65, Eur: 1.375

5. Number in millions, USD

排名(以下我就不知道怎麼翻譯了, 翻譯了也沒什麼意義):


Total Underwriting:

BAC: 5100

JPM: 5000

GS: 3800

Citi: 3200

DB: 3100

HSBC: 3000

MS: 3000

CS: 3000

UBS: 2300

MA Advisory:

GS: 1900

JPM: 1300

MS: 1300

BAC: 1100

CS: 900

Citi: 800

DB: 700

UBS: 600

Total IB Fees (Underwriting + Advisory)

JPM: 6400

BAC: 6200

GS: 5700

MS: 4200

Citi: 4000

DB: 3800

CS: 3800

Barc: 3700

HSBC: 3000

UBS: 3000

SOCGEN: 2400

Sales and Trading (Equity)

GS: 7300

MS: 6400

CS: 5200

JPM 4800

Barc: 4300

UBS: 4200

BAC: 4000

DB: 3700

SOCGEN: 3300

Citi: 3000

HSBC: 900

Sales and Trading (FICC)

JPM: 15400

Citi: 13500

DB: 10100

BARC: 10000

GS: 9100

BAC: 9100

HSBC: 5600

CS: 5600

MS: 4300

SOCGEN: 3400

UBS: 1800

Sales and Trading Total

JPM: 20000 (excluding additional 5500 Other Lending Securities Services)

Citi: 16500 (excluding additional 3200 Other Lending Securities Services)

GS: 16000

Barc: 14500

DB: 14000

BAC: 13000

CS: 10500

MS: 10500

HSBC: 7000

SOCGEN: 6500

UBS: 6000

Overall (IB + Trading):

JPM: 26400 (excluding additional 5500 Other Lending Securities Services)

GS: 21700

Citi: 20500 (excluding additional 3200 Other Lending Securities Services)

BAC: 19200

Barc: 18200

DB: 17800

MS: 14700

CS: 14200

HSBC: 10000

UBS: 9000

SOCGEN: 8900

BNP: 7400



無敵巨無霸級: 摩根大通

巨型級: 高盛, 花旗, 美國銀行美林

大型級: 巴克萊, 德意志

中型級: 摩根斯坦利, 瑞信

小型級: HSBC, 瑞銀, 法興, 巴黎銀行

等MA活動開始變多以後, 高盛和摩根斯坦利的排名可能會上升一個檔次. 但是摩根大通在可預見的未來里會當很久的巨無霸.


In terms of global revenue generation ability:

Titanic: JP Morgan

Huge: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Global presence: Barclays, Deutsche Bank

Specilized: Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse

Regional: HSBC, UBS, Societe Generale, BNP Paribas

Possible change in the future: Maybe when the MA activity picks up, GS and MS could advance one tier in this ranking, but JPM will be the absolute No.1 revenue generator in the near future.

金融危機其實主要的變化就是commercial bank的生命力增強了,很多以前投行業務更強的專業投行被重創。但是在投行的世界裡,對於個人而言,GS,MS仍然是好的選擇,JP,CS,DB這些仍然是一些二三線的選擇。對於中國人來說,考慮到個人成長,CICC,Citics,haitong仍然是更適合國人成功的起點。

高盛 jpmorgan 瑞信 前景不錯

美林不大行 瑞銀如果能少些bureacracy就好了 其他的感覺沒差


List of top 200 investment banks and boutiques


  1. Large, International Investment Banks – 10 Banks
  2. Large, Mid-sized, and Prestigious Boutique Investment Banks – 40 Banks
  3. Boutique Investment Banks – 150 Banks"


從專業角度來說資產管理(asset management)和財富管理(wealth management)之間的區別是什麼?

TAG:投資銀行 | 金融危機 | 金融 |