

A weak teammate does you more harm than a strong enemy.

six is more than five

Fight even against God,not with a pig。

Better Germany than Italy.

1.A tough rival beat you; a piggish teammate fuck you.

2.A tough rival may kill you; a piggish teammate make you want to kill yourself.

2.If you want to destroy a team, send them a piggish teammate.

Give me no burden, but Burning!

Our xxx is actually on your team right?

A foolish teammate ruins more than a brilliant opponent does.

I would prefer a godlike match rather than a piglike mate.

The godlike opponent"s plan to beat us is only a bad joke ,but our piglike teammate is a gifted comedian.


然後以前在美服打LOL的時候見到過a 6 on 4 game is hard to play

Better omnipotent opponent than impotent proponent.

Unbeatable team is ruined by silly mate.

Mind the dumbest teammate rather than the mightiest foe.

據說肯尼迪這樣說過: We fear not God-like rivals, but pig-like team members.

首先感謝邀請。這是翻譯能力很糟糕的我的水平,見笑了!There are no fear of opponents like god but teammates like pigs

It"s better suck up an enemy than a sucking teamate.

I would rather face 430 than support CTY

如果是在遊戲里的話大部分老美說u fukin retard,沒了


Strong enemy doesn"t really kill you but your dump ass mate.



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