
我目前在國內普高,想明年申請美國大學物理專業。我發現關於 jhu 物理系的描述極其有限,不過聽說那裡的天體物理很不錯, 可否請有經驗的學長學姐相對完整地提供一下這方面信息?


樓上那位校友,首先,和NASA合作的應用物理實驗室(APL)不在街對面,在巴爾的摩和華盛頓中間,APL中國人的確不能進。街對面的是Space Telescope Science Institute,中國人是有可能進的,我早就找教授確認過了,況且我現在的research就是和STScI直接相關。另外近五年的物理Teaching Evaluation我都仔細看過,從沒見到哪個大物課評價說教授上課講廣相。請問咱們上的是同一個學校嗎?在系裡混了四年連STScI和APL都不分請允許我懷疑你的身份。

好了言歸正傳,先說本科教學。輾轉或深入了解過若干大U和私立學校後發現,JHU物理課的難度在美國大學裡屬於偏高的,不論是基礎還是高階課,雖然美本整體難度均低於國內頂級物理系,教授水平很高,教學也很耐心。舉例來講,這學期在上的量力是以townsend為主線,穿插sakurai進行補充;熱統以schroeder和kittel並行講解;天體物理以Ryden為基礎,教授額外補充自己研究領域的內容,包括重子聲學震蕩的最新進展,線性紅移畸變模型,以及請諾獎Adam Riess介紹哈勃膨脹係數的測量史話及未來研究方法等,可謂異彩紛呈(教授本身就是WMAP項目的PI)。由於人口基數少,絕大多數教授在授課時都會盡量照顧到所有人,課後會耐心答疑,直到學生理解為止。(就不說下學期我要上的量子和廣相分別只有5人和2人,教授還都是大牛這種幸福的事了。)作業量很大,一般一門高階課每周作業有五六道題,認真寫需要十個小時以上,但每次寫完可謂收穫頗豐。雖然教學水平高,但大部分外國學生理科水平十分有限,一套簡單的量子或者熱統均分只有60簡直慘不忍睹……另外兩位中國學生還是十分厲害的。

JHU物理系非常注重學生間的合作。我系的SPS(Society For Physics Students)相當於扮演了其他學校的Major Advisor的角色,負責向系裡的學生提供各種校外資源,包括科研、實習和大型物理活動,另外會定期更新物理學生手冊,方便我們整合資源。因為人少,同學們之間互相都很熟,而且每學期上課的都是同一撥學生,方便合作交流。學校設立了物理本科生專用的Advanced Lab,有各種工作站和巨型大白板,在那寫作業不能再爽。師生間的交流也很頻繁,每個學生會分配一個professor advisor和professor mentor,相當於本科全程2v1來carry你(☆_☆)。所以,雖然很多外國學生理科基礎不好,只要學會吃餅,願意吃餅,四年下來能力提高還是很可觀的,最後phd申請結果也還算不錯,每年畢業20個左右物理專業,10個申請phd,三四個物理六大校還是沒問題的。

再談談物理科研。我校一貫以research oriented著稱,每年20億科研投入也不是吹出來的,至於本科生能得到多少實惠,也沒法定量,不過學校確實十分鼓勵本科科研,和教授談研究機會大多也會得到積極回應。天體物理是物理系的招牌,哈勃和詹姆斯韋伯望遠鏡的控制中心就在物理樓街對面(STScI),學校不遠處就是戈達德空間飛行中心,兩邊都儲備了大量的天體物理學家和NASA工作人員,並且會給學生提供不少科研機會。天體的師資可謂豪華,不乏Riess,Giacconi,Bennett,Kamionkowski和Nima這樣的明星。天體理論、宇宙學和空間天文台等方向造詣都很深,屬於全美最前列。除了天體物理,其他方向實力就比較一般了。高能物理有一個組在做CMS collaboration還算不錯。凝聚態,生物物理就沒太多亮點了。














I think it"s consensus that if you graduated from Hopkins, you"re at least expected to be successful in your field of expertise. You"re not expected to go back to China and make a living off your SAT grades. I think you would agree that your achievements are below average for a Hopkins graduate. So please stop talking down to your fellow alumni. We all have that one piece of paper. That"s the last thing for us to brag about. And our SAT grades... we don"t even think about that as bragging material.

And this is negative advertising really... Do students really want to join Hopkins now, after learning that the graduates become SAT counselors instead of scientists? Especially when such graduates actually think very highly of themselves, as if they"re top achievers of the class? I looked up your linkedin profile. You spent 4 years on a Masters degree. I guess you quit your PhD then. I would not judge your life decisions, but I think you are far from telling anybody that you are better than them.

And I should add that it"s also very sad that after spending years at such an elite institution, you did not even learn to be professional. Now I understand that this is a casual online forum, but the well educated would not spit venom anywhere. This is highly uncharacteristic of any elite American university, let alone the one I"m most proud of.

I wish whoever"s reading this does not look at that one example and make conclusions about the Johns Hopkins education. We are better than this. Even though the physics department is not the best department at Hopkins, it"s still better than this. I don"t know too much about NASA and the APL and everything, as I graduated from a completely different department, but how many schools are able to manage a trip to Pluto? And I seem to remember that a professor got the Nobel prize one year when I was at school. I wouldn"t argue that we"re tier 1, but I think we"re underrated and if your main interest is in astronomical studies, we do have good resources for that.

Lastly I would advice against any student to sign up at Chen Xin"s company. I usually support Hopkins alumni on their professional work, but I"ll make an exception here. Regardless of where he graduated from (though it"s a stretch to call it graduating when you went in for a PhD and came out with a masters OF ARTS (who on Earth graduates with a Masters of ARTS in a scientific discipline???) after so many years), do you really want such a venomous person to be coaching you for anything?


I apologize to those who are offended by my comment on MA degrees. I do not know about other schools. Very few people choose to graduate from Hopkins with a BA or MA if they majored in STEM subjects, hence the trash talk. I apologize to graduates from UChicago and other schools who may have felt offended.

Chen Xin, please get a life.



I recommend Johns Hopkins University very seriously. Two of my high school friends went to Johns Hopkins and now they are doing very well in their physics career:


Liang Dai Awarded NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship

We still contact each other once a while to get some update. From what they told me, Johns Hopkins is a great school for studying math and physics. Frankly, you might need to worry more about whether you can get into Johns Hopkins in the first place, as the competition can be very, very keen.





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