Resume,簡述於求職相關的教育背景和工作經歷,其目的在於說服用人單位僱用自己;CV,Curriculum Vitae事集中說明學術工作,不重視與文化程度和學習成績無直接關係的資料。CV的完整形式是拉丁文Curriculum Vitae,在美國,CV主要是用於申請學術、教育、科研職位,或者申請獎學金等等,而在歐洲、中東、非洲和亞洲等地,CV則更常用於應徵工作。
Resume,大多只需一頁大小,而有兩頁的對具有廣泛的工作經驗的人才有典型性。應包括:姓名、地址、電子信箱(可選)和電話號碼(當地和固定的);工作崗位(可選) ;教育;獲何榮譽獎勵;有關功課(可選);經歷,列出組織、地址、日期、工作名稱、成績和職責簡述。
The main differences between the two are the length, purpose and format.
- A CV is longer, summarizes your entire career chronologically, and doesn"t change very often (except when new education or experience is achieved).
- A resume is shorter, usually just 1 or 2 pages, can be tailored to suit the applicant, and highlights only the skills and achievements related to the job you are applying for.
Employers in Canada and the U.S. usually ask for resumes. CVs are usually required for education programs, applying for a job abroad, and academic positions.
Many other English-speaking countries, such as the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand use only CVs.
I hope this is helpful.
栗子的微信公眾號:E-Speller 或者 栗子英文 (只有精彩的原創)
感謝 @Leon Anderson 的翻譯
Be careful with the terms "resume" and "C.V." in job listings especially with U.S. employers. While often Europeans will use these two words interchangeably, in the U.S. the word "C.V." is much more academically oriented in scope and dramatically more lengthy. It will have extensive details about a person"s educational background including coursework, published articles in journals, assistant teaching assignments, project highlights, descriptions of courses taught at the graduate or doctorate school levels, honors thesis material, patents (if any), etc. If you are able to, clarify with the prospective employer exactly what they are looking. It would be a tremendous mistake and likely eliminate you from consideration if you sent an employer a 5+ page "C.V." while they were only considering 2 page resumes. A professional resume editor can help make sure you have perfect and appropriate documents.
Please let me know if you would like this answer in Chinese. Best of luck!
Vince Fulco, CFA, CAIA剛好我準備找工作了,遇到這個問題。
參考:The Difference Between a Curriculum Vitae and a Resume
原文是英文,我大概翻譯一下吧。最主要的區別是長度、包含的內容和用途。就算都是用於求職,resume 和 CV 也不總是一樣的。
resume 是1到2頁,是你的技能、經歷和教育的摘要。
一個 resume 應該是簡短並簡潔的(不超過1到2頁),一個 curriculum vitae 長一點,至少2頁,提供更多細節概要。
curriculum vitae 包含你的教育經歷和教育背景,以及學習和研究的領域、出版物、自我介紹、獲獎、榮譽、社團等細節。在歐洲、中東、非洲及亞洲,僱主更希望收到的是一個 CV。
在美國,一個 curriculum vitae 主要用於申請學院、教育、科學研究等機構。也使用與獎學金和補助金的申請。
現在很流行把簡歷做在網上,所以找工作的朋友們,如果是互聯網行業,建議在網上可以把簡歷做成 CV,投遞時使用 Resume。例如我下面是我的在線簡歷
Gaohaoyang"s CVupdate2016.7.20去年這個時候還在面試阿里巴巴。現在我已經入職阿里巴巴快一個月了。In 99% of the situations when someone says, 「Can you send over your CV?" or "Can you send me your resume?" they mean the exact same thing.
根據牛津字典,英式英語cv (currículum vitae)=美式英語résumé
Ref: Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 7th Edition看見CV,第一反應是聲優,第二反應是航母……
CV _個人履歷 2-3頁越詳細越好Resume_個人簡歷 一頁為佳