

你好,感謝邀請。前段時間忙著備考趕作業,一直沒來得及上知乎,因此回答得晚了。耽誤了不短的時間,非常對不起。以下的回答會分為三個部分:Dal的申請條件,Dal電子工程(Electrical Engineering)的必修/實習安排,以及在我答題時(Nov., 2016)NS省的移民政策。



1. 高中畢業GPA在70%以上

2. Grade12 單科成績70%以上

3. Grade12 需要上english, pre-calculus, calculus, chemistry, physics

4. 對SAT沒有要求

(Undergraduate Admission Requirements, Dalhousie University Website)

5. 如果國籍不是美國,需要提供語言成績。語言成績標準線如下(任選一)

a. 雅思總分6.5,單項不少於6.0

b. 托福機考237,iBT90 且單項不少於20

(English Language Requirements, Dalhousie University Official Website)






1. 在Diploma階段(General Engineering),Dal工程1000/2000級別必修課如下:


Fall Term(九月初至十二月上旬)

ENGI 1103: Engineering Design and Graphics I

CPST 1103: Technical Communications I

MATH 1280: Engineering Mathematics I

ENGM 1081: Computer Programming

CHEM 1021: Engineering Chemistry I

PHYC 1190: Introduction to Physics I

Winter Term(一月初至四月底)

ENGI 1203: Mechanics I: Statics and Dynamics

CPST 1203: Technical Communications II

MATH 1290: Engineering Mathematics II

ENGM 1041: Applied Linear Algebra

CHEM 1022: Engineering Chemistry II

PHYC 1290: Introduction to Physics II


Fall Term(九月初至十二月上旬)

ENGM 2101: Applied Vector Calculus

ENGM 2032: Applied Probability and Statistics

ECED 2000: Electric Circuits

ENGI 2102: Thermo-Fluid Engineering I

IENG 2005: Engineering Economics

A three credits writing course(寫作課)

Winter Term(一月初至四月底)

ENGI 2203: Engineering Design II

HSTC 1801: History of Engineering II

ENGM 2022: Applied Differential Equations

ECED 2001: Circuit Analysis*

ECED 2200: Digital Circuits*

BIOL 1030: Biology for Engineers*


2a. 在Bachelor階段(Bachelor of Electrical Engineering),電氣方向(Electrical Engineering Option)3000/4000級別必修課/選修課如下:


Fall Term(九月初至十二月上旬)

ECED 3003.03: Networks Systems

ECED 3201.03: Introduction to Electronics

ECED 3204.03: Microprocessors

ECED 3300.03: Electromagnetic Fields

ECED 3500.03: Signal Analysis

ENGM 3282.03: Data Structures and Numerical Methods

Winter Term(一月初至四月底)

Co-op Work Term(實習)

Summer Term(五月初至八月底)

ECED 3101.03: Power Systems I

ECED 3202.03: Analog Electronics

ECED 3301.03: Electromagnetic Waves and Propagation

ECED 3511.03: Communication Systems

ECED 3600.03: Modern Control Systems

ECED 3901.03: Electrical Engineering Design II


Fall Term(九月初至十二月上旬)

Co-op Work Term(實習)

Winter Term(一月初至四月底)

ECED 4502.03: Digital Signal Processing

ECED 4513.03: Communication Networks

ECED 4900.03: Senior Year Project I

Humanities Elective**

Technical Elective I***

Summer Term(五月初至八月底)

Co-op Work Term(實習)

Fall Term(來年九月初至十二月上旬)

CPST 3030.03: Engineering in Society II

ECED 4102.03: Electromechanics

ECED 4601.03: Digital Control Systems

ECED 4901.03: Senior Year Project II

Technical Elective III***



ECED 4082.03: MOS Switched-Capacitor Circuits

ECED 4130.03: Electric Power Systems II

ECED 4140.03: Power Systems III

ECED 4260.03: IC Design and Fabrication

ECED 4350.03: Optical Electronics

ECED 4421.03: Technology and Applications of Fiber Optics

ECED 4460.03: Communications Electronics

ECED 4504.03: Digital Transmission Theory

ECED 4760.03: Biomedical Engineering

ECED 4402: Real Time Systems

ECED 4404: Computer Networks

2b. 在Bachelor階段(Bachelor of Electrical Engineering),電氣方向(Computer Engineering Option)3000/4000級別必修課/選修課如下:


Fall Term(九月初至十二月上旬)

ECED 3003.03: Networks Systems

ECED 3201.03: Introduction to Electronics

ECED 3204.03: Microprocessors

ECED 3401.03: Systems Analysis

ECED 3500.03: Signal Analysis

ENGM 3282.03: Data Structures and Numerical Methods

Winter Term(一月初至四月底)

Co-op Work Term(實習)

Summer Term(五月初至八月底)

CSCI 3120.03: Operating Systems

ECED 3202.03: Analog Electronics

ECED 3403.03: Computer Architecture

ECED 3511.03: Communication Systems

ECED 3600.03: Modern Control Systems

ECED 3901.03: Electrical Engineering Design II


Fall Term(九月初至十二月上旬)

Co-op Work Term(實習)

Winter Term(一月初至四月底)

ECED 4404.03: Computer Networks Communications

ECED 4502.03: Digital Signal Processing

ECED 4513.03: Communication Networks

ECED 4900.03: Senior Year Project I

Humanities Elective**

Technical Elective I***

Summer Term(五月初至八月底)

Co-op Work Term(實習)

Fall Term(來年九月初至十二月上旬)

CPST 3030.03: Engineering in Society II

ECED 4102.03: Electromechanics

ECED 4402.03: Real Time Systems

ECED 4901.03: Senior Year Project II

Technical Elective III***

**-文學院(Faculty of Arts)下任意課程


ECED 4082.03: MOS Switched-Capacitor Circuits

ECED 4130.03: Electric Power Systems II

ECED 4140.03: Power Systems III

ECED 4260.03: IC Design and Fabrication

ECED 4350.03: Optical Electronics

ECED 4421.03: Technology and Applications of Fiber Optics

ECED 4460.03: Communications Electronics

ECED 4504.03: Digital Transmission Theory

ECED 4760.03: Biomedical Engineering

ECED 4601: Digital Control Systems

(Pg. 674-680, Dalhousie Undergraduate Calendar)



在我答題時(2016-11-26), NS省有五項不同的移民政策,分別如下(以下中文翻譯為個人翻譯,可能和官方翻譯有出入):

1. Entrepreneur(創業移民)

2. International Graduate Entrepreneur(畢業生創業移民)

3. Skilled Worker(技術移民)

4. Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry(緊缺人才移民:快速通道)

5. Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry(經驗人才移民:快速通道)


1. Entrepreneur(創業移民)

a. 申請人必須為21歲以上;

b. 申請人必須有在NS省永久居留並經營公司的意願;

c. 申請人必須持有至少$600,000加幣的總資產(Net Worth);

d. 申請人必須在NS省投資至少$150,000加幣創辦公司,資金來源必須全部來自個人資產;

e. 申請人必須滿足以下兩個條件之一:

i&> 持有並參與管理公司至少三年,且持有公司至少1/3的產權(1/3 ownership minimum);

ii&> 作為公司高層管理人員工作五年以上。

f.申請人必須在CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark)評分標準下獲得起碼5分;*

g. 申請人必須在網上填寫申請表(Expression of Interest);

h. 申請人必須獲得NS省移民局(Nova Scotia Office of Immigration)邀請申請移民。

(Entrepreneur | NSOI, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration Website)

*- CLB 5 = IELTS 4.0/5.0/5.0/5.0(讀/寫/聽/說),TOEFL不能直接轉換(Language test equivalency charts, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

2. International Graduate Entrepreneur(畢業生創業移民)

a. 申請人必須有在NS省永久居留並經營公司的意願;

b. 申請人必須已經持有並參與管理位於NS省的公司至少一年,且持有公司全部產權(100% ownership minimum);

c. 申請人必須持有NS省大學或社區學院(community college)頒發的學位證書或文憑(Diploma)並在NS省大學或社區學院就讀至少兩年;

d. 申請人必須持有有效的畢業工簽(Post-Graduation Work Permit);

e. 申請人必須在CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark)評分標準下獲得起碼7分;**

f. 申請人必須在網上填寫申請表(Expression of Interest);

g. 申請人必須獲得NS省移民局(Nova Scotia Office of Immigration)邀請申請移民。

(International Graduate Entrepreneur | NSOI, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration Website)

**- CLB 7 = IELTS 6.0/6.0/6.0/6.0(讀/寫/聽/說),TOEFL不能直接轉換 (Language test equivalency charts, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

3. Skilled Worker(技術移民)

a. 申請人必須獲得一份來自NS省僱主的全職永久工作邀請(Full-time Permanent Job Offer);***

b. 申請人必須在上述工作崗位上工作至少一年;

c. 申請人必須在21歲至55歲之間;

d. 申請人必須持有高中文憑;

e. 申請人必須受過與上述工作崗位相關的訓練;

f. 申請人必須在CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark)評分標準下獲得起碼5分;****

g. 申請人必須提供足夠的財務證明。*****

(Skilled worker | NSOI, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration Website)

***- 永久工作邀請應表示通過LMIA審核的工作邀請 (Hire permanent workers: How to make a job offer, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

****- CLB 5 = IELTS 4.0/5.0/5.0/5.0(讀/寫/聽/說),TOEFL不能直接轉換(Language test equivalency charts, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

*****- 至少$11,000加幣,如帶家人則每增加一位家人增加$2,000 (Pg. 8, Skilled Worker Application Guide)

4. Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry(緊缺人才移民:快速通道)

(2016-11-26 該政策處於關閉狀態,暫不通過新申請人)

a. 申請人必須在指定工作崗位上工作至少一年;

b. 申請人必須持有高中文憑;

c. 申請人必須在CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark)評分標準下獲得起碼7分;******

d. 申請人必須在移民六項評分系統中獲得至少67分(滿分100);*******

e. 申請人必須提供足夠的財務證明;********

f. 申請人必須在快速通道(Express Entry)系統中註冊。

(Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry | NSOI, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration Website)

******- CLB 7 = IELTS 6.0/6.0/6.0/6.0(讀/寫/聽/說),TOEFL不能直接轉換 (Language test equivalency charts, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

*******- 六項分別為:(English and/or French Skills)語言水平, (Education)教育水平, (Experience)經驗水平, (Age)年齡, (Arranged Employment in Canada)加拿大工作經驗, (Adaptability)適應性 (Six selection factors - Federal skilled workers, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

********- 最少資金總量與家庭人數成正比,三口之家需要$18,617 (Proof of funds - Skilled immigrants (Express Entry), Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)

5. Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry(經驗人才移民:快速通道)

a. 申請人必須在NS省工作至少一年;

b. 申請人必須在21-55歲之間;

c. 申請人必須持有高中文憑;

d. 申請人必須滿足以下條件之一:

i&> 如果工作崗位屬於NOC 0類或NOC A類, 申請人必須在CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark)評分標準下獲得起碼7分;

ii&> 如果工作崗位屬於NOC B類, 申請人必須在CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark)評分標準下獲得起碼5分;*********

f. 申請人必須在快速通道(Express Entry)系統中註冊。

(Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry | NSOI, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration Website)

*********- CLB 7 = IELTS 6.0/6.0/6.0/6.0(讀/寫/聽/說), CLB 5 = IELTS 4.0/5.0/5.0/5.0(讀/寫/聽/說),TOEFL不能直接轉換 (Language test equivalency charts, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Government of Canada)


利益相關:Dalhousie 工程系在讀學生





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Disclamer: This answer is not a substitute for professional advice and does not create an client-consultant relationship, nor is it a solicitation to offer immigration advice. If you ignore this warning and convey confidential information in a private message or comment, there is no duty to keep that information confidential or forego representation adverse to your interests. All the information provided above are gathered from internet source by amateur at the time of answering and may change in future. DO NOT use this as a professional opinion under any circumstance.


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