「如夢如煙」 英文翻譯?
如夢如煙該怎麼翻譯比較好?要做到信達雅且比較簡潔。原文有三個,一是出自陳淑樺《如夢如煙》:「人生如夢夢如煙,歡笑悲傷留不住。」二是:「水之澹澹,如夢如煙。水之渺渺。如霧如仙。 」三個人感覺與《金剛經》中著名的「六如偈」有相似之處:「一切有為法,如夢幻泡影如露亦如電,應作如是觀。」 怎麼結合這些情境做出一個比較好的翻譯呢?
第一句:Life is as short as a misty dream; joys and sorrows are gone with the wind.
一、 「人生如夢夢如煙」中的「夢」是實指,可考慮譯為:
1. Life is like a smoky dream. (口語版)2. Life is as smoky as a dream. (文藝版)二、「水之澹澹,如夢如煙」中的「夢」是虛指,可考慮譯為:
1. The ripply water (river) surface looks like dreamy smoke. (口語版)
2. The surface of the river (water) is rippled as dreamy as smoke. (文藝版)三、《金剛經》看不懂,只能幫到這兒了。謝邀。謝邀。「如夢如煙」
Like a dream,like a mist。
Joys and woes of life are momentary, like fog that will finally disperse, like dreams that will finally end.
life is but a dream.
Life is not real, enjoy it as it is there.
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