Windows 系統的滑鼠指針為什麼是向左傾斜,而不是正的?
騰訊科技 林靖東 2月19日編譯
比利時軟體開發者巴特吉森斯(Bart Gijssens)最近在編程者網站Stack Exchange上披露了這一典故。他寫道:「滑鼠即後來的滑鼠指示符是由道格拉斯恩格勒巴特(Douglas Englebart)發明的,它最初是垂直向上的。」
吉森斯繼續寫道:「當施樂的XEROX PARC設備被開發出來時,滑鼠指示符變成了一個略向左斜的箭頭。研究人員發現,由於當時的顯示屏解析度比較低,畫一條直線和一個45度的角會更容易,而且比垂直向上的箭頭更易識別。」
Stackexchange 搬運,看到這個有趣的問題,順便分享一下。
Why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?
2.交互因素This is the historical reason:
(Concept drawing taken from document: VLSI-81-1_The_Optical_Mouse.pdf)
The mouse, and therefore the mouse cursor, was invented by Douglas Engelbart, and was initially an arrow pointing up.
When the XEROX PARC machine was built, the cursor changed into a tilted arrow. It was found that, given the low resolution of the screens in those days, drawing a straight line (left edge of arrow) and a line at a 45 degree angle (right edge of arrow) was easier to do and more recognizable than the straight cursor.
In case anyone wonders : some less known interfaces did use a straight arrow as pointed in Reddit
One such irregularity is orientation, and it is neatly explained by the following illustration:
You should find it next to impossible to find the search target in 1 (a straight line in a group of straight lines). But rather easy in 2 - finding a tilted line in a group of straight lines. In 3 it should be equally next to impossible to find the tilted line in a group of tilted lines (of the same angle).
Since vertical and horizontal orientations are the most common ones on screens (and in life in general) a tilted mouse pointer will be more easily found.
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