為什麼美國不直接給留學生 SSN,而非要工作不可?

沒有ssn各種不方便 乾脆直接給ssn得了唄



了解了一下ssn的歷史 感覺留學生就是gov用來向美國民眾顯示ssn不是所謂全民身份證的犧牲品

(中文翻譯: http://zhi.hu/4LVW - Thank you @錢曦 for your awesome translation!)

Social Security numbers (SSN) are being used in a way that was never intended in its original design in the Social Security Act of 1935.[1]

Social Security numbers were originally the identification numbers for people enrolled in the New DealSocial Security program.[2][3] The Social Security program was first established as a permanent system of retirement pensions and unemployment insurance. In that respect, people didn"t need to apply for an SSN until they started working.

But the Tax Reform Act of 1986 required parents to start listing the SSN"s of dependents in order to claim tax deductions.[4] Everybody wanted to pay less taxes, so naturally everybody applied for SSN"s for their children. To make this easier to people, SSN"s began to be assigned with birth certificates.

Since all American citizens were being assigned a SSN at birth and there were no duplicate numbers, it became very convenient for other agencies and organization to use the SSN as a unique identification number. And over time, it became the practical national identification number.

For example, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) strongly recommends using the SSN when filing tax returns. Since this associates a person"s basic financial information, such as income, address, etc, with a unique number, it has also become standard practice (although a really bad one) for financial institutions to use it as an identification number and as an authenticator. Banks and credit cards companies often require that clients have a SSN because it simplifies the process of researching a person"s financial history.

But the U.S. Federal Government can"t give each new immigrant a SSN just to assign them a national ID number: having a SSN makes you eligible for the welfare benefits of Social Security and the government wants to avoid that. So the logic goes,

  1. If an immigrant is not in the US on a work visa,
  2. then the government doesn"t expect the person to be working until retirement on that visa,
  3. therefore the government doesn"t expect to provide welfare for the person,
  4. therefore the government avoids the hassle of assigning that person a SSN.

And I think that"s the real pain point for immigrants. There are basic processes, such as applying for a credit card or renting an apartment, that are completely independent from welfare aspect of Social Security but sometimes require a SSN. But because the Federal Government hasn"t reformed its national ID system, all the major agencies and institutions are stuck using an outdated and restrictive ID system.

So I think the better solution isn"t to assign a SSN to each immigrants, but to make a national identification system that is independent of Social Security.

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I give a brief overview of how an international student can apply for a Social Security number in the "Local ID"s" sections of my answer to 去美國留學,要注意什麼?.

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[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_number

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Deal, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Deal#Social_Security_Act

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_(United_States)

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Reform_Act_of_1986

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As always, if you have the courage and patience to translate this into Chinese, then go for it! =P

翻譯 @Brian的回答。第一次在知乎上做翻譯,如有錯漏請大家指正。



SSN最初是給進入 New Deal 社會保障計劃的人的識別號。[2][3] 社會保障計劃最初被用作一個永久性的退休金和失業保險系統。所以,還沒有工作的人沒必要申請SSN。

但是1986年稅收改革法要求父母為了減稅需要列出子女等家屬的SSN。[4] 大家都想少交稅,所以很自然地,每個人都為自己的孩子申請了SSN。為了方便群眾,SSN開始與出生證明一起發放。











我在去美國留學,要注意什麼?中 "Local ID" 這節簡單介紹了國際學生如何申請SSN。


[1] Social Security number

[2] New Deal, New Deal

[3] Social Security (United States)

[4] Tax Reform Act of 1986

據我所知,如果擁有了 EAD卡(工卡),可以在沒有工作 offer 的情況下直接去 SS Office 辦 SSN。當然這並非絕對,不過 moonbbs 的大多數數據都聲稱可以直接去辦,也沒被盤問。

對 F-1 簽證的本科學生來說,EAD卡可以在 OPT 期間填 I-765 辦理,一般 post-completion OPT 可以在課程結束日期前 90 天開始申請。

所以如果一直沒有去工作或者沒有找到過工作,等到畢業前後也有很大幾率直接拿 EAD卡申請到。




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