而作為新手,使用網格系統可能並沒有網格系統那本書呈現的結果那麼美好、簡單易懂、高效而富有邏輯。這個過程甚至有點像約會。在http://lynda.com關於grid的視頻里有一句話說的非常精闢。Finding the right grid for the content is like dating: you need look around, try a few out, let some go, and commit to one. (給自己設計的內容找到合適的網格系統就像約會,你需要到處看看,試試幾個,排除幾個,然後在一個上投入。)這甚至有點靠運氣了,當然也靠經驗積累起來產生的判斷力。作為新手,我們也只能硬著頭皮上了。所以第一步,打開google,搜索grid systems。打開youtube,搜索grid system等等關鍵詞。獲取了一些有用的信息—— http://typophile.com/files/How%20you%20make%20a%20grid.pdf ,這是一位叫Andrew Maher小哥在看過grid systems寫的一份詳細如何使用網格的指南。詳細閱讀這份指南後,我心中只有一個大寫的贊字。這份指南基本上是按照書中內容提煉的一個可行的設計過程,當然具體可行到什麼程度,還取決於你的水平和你的設計內容。建議大家讀一下。這是pdf里羅列的步驟。我的製作步驟沒有完全嚴格按照他說的來做。因為我也是第一次用網格系統,遇到了很多我沒有想過的情況。後面的暴走我也就控制不住了。
Define the format (size of the page)
Define the type area (where all the words are going to go)
Choose a font (stick to one) for everything and typefaces (a font is a family of typefaces. So Times
New Roman would be the font, Times New Roman
set at 24pt bold would be the typeface) for Display headings (they』re the really big headings)
Headings Captions (if you need them) Body Text
Test test test until you』re happy with how easy it is
to read (compare this off to magazines and books
you like or find have been typeset really nicely)
Redefine the type area (we』ll talk more about this soon)
Decide how many units you want your grid to be
(depends upon the application of your grid)
Create divisions
Apply Grid
以我做簡歷為例,接下來,是我自己的步驟(可以點開看大圖)Step1:確定設計載體大小在美國的簡歷用的是letter size(8.5*11inche),中國的用的是ISO 216標準紙張中的A4規格。那麼這份設計紙頭就將在A4規格的區域里進行設計。打開InDesign(我使用的是Adobe CC InDesign 2015.4版本,因為是在美國subscribe的,所以只有英文版),創建新文件
「When you say
design, everybody has their own definition that doesn』t
correspond to yours. There are many good definitions,
one is the synthesis of Form and Content. In other
words without content there』s no form, and without
form there』s no content. A work of art is realised when
form and content are indistinguishable. When form
predominates, meaning is blunted, but when content
predominates interest lags.」