



On a blazing street, bloodied youths mill around police with riot shields.

With such disgraceful scenes yesterday, the Left marked the passing of Baroness Thatcher.

Violence erupted at 『death parties』 across the country. Six officers were injured in the early hours at the one pictured below, in Bristol.



It raised security concerns about next week』s funeral, with increasing fears that militant groups, anti-austerity protesters or even dissident Irish Republicans might seek to disrupt the occasion.

One police source said senior officers had initially been 『quite relaxed』 about the operation to protect Wednesday』s farewell to the former prime minister, but had hardened their view as disorder broke out.

The funeral at St Paul』s Cathedral now looks likely to present a security challenge unparalleled since the funerals of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997 and Sir Winston Churchill in 1965.


While many senior politicians on all sides acknowledged Lady Thatcher』s towering legacy, some of her old foes were unable to demonstrate respect for her in death.


Labour leader Ed Miliband faced calls to boycott the most controversial annual trade unionists』 gathering, the Durham Miners』 Gala, in July after it emerged that its leaders were planning a celebration of Lady Thatcher』s demise.Dave Hopper, general secretary of the Durham Miners』 Association, declared: 『It』s a great day ... she did more damage to us than Hitler did.『We will have a hell of a time, we will have comedians on and bands and we are going to enjoy ourselves. There will be a lot of men wanting to have a drink and celebrate.』 Respect MP George Galloway, who prompted anger by tweeting 『Tramp the dirt down』 after Lady Thatcher』s death, said he was refusing to take part in today』s Parliamentary tributes. 『It is a series of tributes at public expense vast public expense if everyone turns up,』 he said. 『It is enough to make you sick.』 On social networking sites, there were calls to download the Wizard Of Oz song 『Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead』 to try to propel it into the top 40 of the singles chart.

工黨領袖Ed Miliband被要求不要參加最具爭議的達拉謨礦工工會會員的年度集會,因為工會領導們正準備慶祝撒切爾夫人的死亡。Dave Hopper,達拉謨總工會秘書長說到:「這是偉大的一天。。。她(撒切爾)做的事情比希特勒更有破壞性」。「我們有大量的時間,我們有很多的同志和我們一起享受這一時刻,將會有很多人想要喝酒慶祝」

著名議員喬治·加洛韋,在撒切爾死後發表的推特也促進了這種仇恨「幹掉這個婊子了」 ,並稱他拒絕出席今天的國會舉辦的追思會。



Surprisingly, a close friend of Lady Thatcher said she would have considered the insults and the street parties being organised to mark her death as a 『remarkable tribute』.

Conor Burns revealed that months ago, the former prime minister expressed delight that stalls at the Trades Union Congress were selling 『party packs』 for delegates who despised her to use when she passed away.

Mr Burns, who visited Lady Thatcher weekly, said: 『I remember telling her about the TUC congress selling Thatcher death party packs.

『She said the fact that they still felt so strongly about her more than 20 years after she left Downing Street was a tribute to the fact that she had done something in politics, rather than just been someone in politics.』


Conor Burns透露幾個月以前,前首相對貿易工會代表大會暫緩給那些憎惡撒切爾的會員發放用於慶賀撒切爾去世的禮包的活動表示高興。




Thtcher destroyed our mining industry, our manufacturing and destroyed our society, it was she that said there is no such thing as society and she who made the hate filled commentators of the Daily Mail who seem to hate everybody. It was she who wanted the UK to be based on the Financial Sector and Banks. Look where that got us. I was there in her time and saw the wastelands made between my town and Birmingham as factories shut and were pulled down. Was this really good? She may have destroyed the unions but was destroying our manufacturing base worth that price? The country is near boiling point and this was a catalyst, expect more.


Oh yea, I sometimes forget the DM"s a right wing paper. In actual fact DM, the majority of people/countries have suffered greatly under the Thatcher reign, so don"t be surprised if they"re a tad bit excited to hear she"s no longer with us.


I saw the raw hardship this woman caused first hand, as part of my job. I wasn"t directly affected as I was well paid and I thanked my stars often. Separately I saw the funding to hospitals savagely cut and saw letters to very sick people advising them of 18 month and two year waiting lists for "urgent" treatment: again I was young enough not to need this help and thanked my stars here to. When I became older and needed NHS help T Blair was in power. I waited 4 weeks. Then just a few years back I learned that this woman allowed her political colleagues free reign on claiming expenses in 1980"s as they were whinging their MP salaries weren"t enough despite them being over 3 times the national average and this made me determine that she really was a hypocrite happy to forsake the poor and the sick yet turn a blind eye to fiddling under her nose - stolen by MP"s from the taxes of the very people whose livelihoods and jobs were bring destroyed. I won"t miss her nor will I mourn her going


I work have a decent house and several other houses. But the grief she caused my parents and myself.I whole heartly celebrate her death. will party and lay on fireworks. best news this year. Just fantastic.


To those who say that the majority of people celebrating are too young to remember the days of Thatcher - they"ve still got to live with the legacy!


She declared war on her own people and workers, she invoked policies of divide and rule, she sowed the seeds and must now reap the harvest! Let society judge her as her spiv, profiteering, speculator friends try to re-write history!


Is it any surprise? She ruined the country, sold off all our utilities, counted dictators like Pinochet among her best friends, called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and (following her retirement from politics) actively worked for tobacco companies to expand their markets in the 3rd world. Was such a person really worthy of respect?












一直覺得gb的歷史應該讓她她該早生 100 年,併當premier!她的情況是,在複雜的年代做精鍊的事情。

之前對她的認識,認為她和之前惠普的那個 菲奧莉娜 一樣,都是出身於普通中產階級家庭,瑪格麗特是牛津的學生吧,同樣的是做事比較激進。




有些遙遠, 只是舉得她很強硬, 在馬島之戰時, 也很堅持



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