
A critical question for the field of quantum computing in the near future is
whether quantum devices without error correction can perform a well-defined
computational task beyond the capabilities of state-of-the-art classical
computers, achieving so-called quantum supremacy. We study the task of sampling
from the output distributions of (pseudo-)random quantum circuits, a natural
task for benchmarking quantum computers. Crucially, sampling this distribution
classically requires a direct numerical simulation of the circuit, with
computational cost exponential in the number of qubits. This requirement is
typical of chaotic systems. We extend previous results in computational
complexity to argue more formally that this sampling task must take exponential
time in a classical computer. We study the convergence to the chaotic regime
using extensive supercomputer simulations, modeling circuits with up to 42
qubits - the largest quantum circuits simulated to date for a computational
task that approaches quantum supremacy. We argue that while chaotic states are
extremely sensitive to errors, quantum supremacy can be achieved in the
near-term with approximately fifty superconducting qubits. We introduce cross
entropy as a useful benchmark of quantum circuits which approximates the
circuit fidelity. We show that the cross entropy can be efficiently measured
when circuit simulations are available. Beyond the classically tractable
regime, the cross entropy can be extrapolated and compared with theoretical
estimates of circuit fidelity to define a practical quantum supremacy test.

------ https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00263

補一篇 Aram Harrow 和 Ashley Montanaro 今年的綜述: Quantum computational supremacy.

簡單介紹並比較了幾種可能達到 quantum supremacy 的選擇, 比如 Boson sampling / IQP / QAOA 和 random circuits, 以及常見的 assumption, 比如 polynomial hierarchy 和 average case. 不過 Google 用的 random circuits 有若干個 negative results, 給出的 qubit 數量估計都在在 10^3 附近......


首先,quantum supremacy 這說法和Google半毛錢關係都沒有啊。。。網上那幾篇中文報道寫的都什麼亂七八糟的;還有某些公眾號,把質疑二十年前已經被廣泛接受的里程碑式工作的「民科」風格文章發上來,說是「討論」。本來嘛,這些事情確有爭論,Gil Kalai 和 Aram Harrow 還在2012年左右在兩人博客上進行過一系列公開辯論(見Quantum Supremacy and Complexity和Gil Kalai的http://www.ams.org/publications/journals/notices/201605/rnoti-p508.pdf),一部分質疑就集中在糾錯編碼的可行性本身。即便真有問題,quantum Fourier transform 可是給出了一系列工作的,倒是用他的做法攻擊一下整個體系和近年工作看看?盯著二十年前的東西不放算哪門子事,HSP近年的進展又不是沒有。

11年的時候,John Preskill在第二十五屆索爾維會議上提到了quantum supremacy (文稿見見 http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.5813)。簡單的說,用少量的qubit來驗證量子計算機與經典計算機相比可以得到的超多項式加速。這東西的目的之一,就是證偽extended church-turing thesis,即有效計算不等於圖靈機有效計算。當然,這也確實是實驗和理論的絕佳結合處:由理論研究者提出只需要少量qubit的問題,再由實驗研究者在實際系統上實現(比如說十年內數十qubit)。最為出名的工作就是Boson Sampling,除此之外還有IQP / commuting Hamiltonians和Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm(QAOA);叉院近期也有一篇相關的工作,給出了複雜性結果和實驗方案,見http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04947。既然如此,那麼想來這些可能的驗證當然將會發生在世界上最好的幾個實驗組,比如John Martinis組;標題這麼寫自然也沒什麼不妥。

當然了,這玩意確實是Scott Aaronson的最愛,參見此公在Quora的回答(https://www.quora.com/What-work-in-quantum-computing-are-you-most-excited-about):

In experimental QC, what excites me the most right now is the race to achieve what some people are calling quantum supremacy: that is, a clear, unambiguous demonstration of the use of quantum computing hardware to achieve a speedup over the best known classical algorithms for some well-defined mathematical task, however useless and contrived, and however specialized and non-scalable the hardware. I think this will be a major scientific milestone, disproving the people who said quantum computing can』t possibly work, putting the Extended Church-Turing Thesis on termination notice, and setting the stage for future hardware advances that could aim in a more practical direction. And unlike with a full scalable, fault-tolerant, universal QC, which will take longer, I』m optimistic that quantum supremacy can be achieved within the next 5–10 years. And I feel like the hardware builders should be focusing on this, rather than 「entangling」 the issue with practical applications—-why not achieve the clear milestone first, and then worry about practical applications?

As far as I can tell, the group that』s most laser-focused right now on passing the quantum supremacy milestone is that of John Martinis at Google, which is aiming in a couple years to have 40–50 superconducting qubits with good coherence times and controllable couplings integrated in a 2D array on a chip. (In case anyone is wondering, 40 qubits that are the quality of John Martinis』s are much more interesting to me than 2,000 qubits that are the quality of D-Wave』s!) But there are many others to watch as well: for example, Rob Schoelkopf at Yale and the IBM group in superconducting qubits; Chris Monroe at the University of Maryland, Rainer Blatt in Austria, and David Wineland at NIST in ion traps; Jeremy O』Brien at Bristol in optical QC, and others who I』m forgetting.

Now, along with all this engineering work, a convincing demonstration of quantum supremacy is also going to need support from complexity theory! As theorists, we』ll need to be able to tell the experimentalists what they should do with their hardware, how to verify the results, and most importantly, how strong the grounds are for believing that it would』ve been much harder to get the same results with a classical computer.

BosonSampling, which my student Alex Arkhipov and I proposed in 2011, was an attempt to answer all three of those questions in the context of linear-optical quantum computing. There have been other recent proposals along similar lines, like the Bremner-Jozsa-Shepherd 「IQP / commuting Hamiltonians」 model (related to what I』ve called Fourier Sampling), and the Farhi-Goldstone-Gutmann 「Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm」 (QAOA). But probably what will be needed will be to tailor a theoretical proposal to the hardware that will actually become available in the next few years. This will involve a closer collaboration between complexity theorists and experimentalists than I ever would』ve imagined when I started in this field ~18 years ago. But it』s something that I hope to spend a large fraction of my time working on at UT Austin: the convincing overthrow of the Extended Church-Turing Thesis is an event that』s only going to happen once, and me passing up the opportunity to be involved would seem almost criminal.


首先,我們先澄清一件事,Google有一整套量子機器學習的計劃,但是沒有一個「量子霸權」這麼中二的名字。可能是因為Supremacy在字典上第一個意思就是霸權,編譯就把Quantum Supremacy翻譯成「量子霸權」,還把這個當成Google項目的名字吸引眼球。New Scientist的標題是Google"s plan for quantum computer supremacy,首字母小寫的supremacy。

在Google的語境里,Quantum Supremacy指的僅僅是,一台量子機能比經典計算機更好地解決一個計算問題,就說明這台量子機具有Quantum Supremacy。

Quantum Supremacy一般指量子的優越性之類的意思。

Google近期的目標很實際,只要證明這台機器能解決一個經典計算機不能更好地解決的事,就能說明這台機器真的有Quantum Supremacy。


Google在這篇文章里選的問題是, the task of sampling from the output distributions of (pseudo-)random quantum circuits。

對於這個問題,Google認為超級計算機Edison最多只能模擬42個量子比特構成的網格,所以只要Google的量子機能模擬50個量子比特構成的網路,那麼就算打敗超算Edison了。Google認為這個實驗會是一次證據確鑿的「Quantum Supremacy」。

文章提到了without error correction這點,因為error correction一直是製造量子計算機的難點。如果沒有error correction的機器就能解決一些問題,這無疑會讓Quantum Supremacy離我們更近。




有興趣的朋友可以記住John M. Martinis這個名字,UCSB物理系教授,Google量子項目帶頭人,可能會幫人類邁出一小步





在這個 clj 加冕特獎的日子裡,表達一發我這個小渣渣的崇敬之情。


文章是說google的量子計算機能否在沒有糾錯機制下任務完成效率超過傳統計算機,來達到所謂的量子高度,文章用了so-called,所謂的,也就是文章作者對quantum supremacy持懷疑態度,而這邊的supremacy直譯為霸權我認為不妥,前面幾個回答所說的優越性表達的意思最為接近

誰給翻譯一下Scott Aaronson在Quora的回答?

可以參考前段時間Google AI實驗室在Reddit上的AMA(Ask Me Anything):


Jeff Dean:我會去聽他們的講座。除此之外,大概十年內不會有什麼可合作的。



如何看待浙江大學超算隊在 ASC16 中遭遇不公平對待,隊伍不承認比賽成績?

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