這個技術之前用在松下可變透明的投影幕牆上,估計應用到這次透明oled上了暫時查不到這個透明oled的技術細節,所以這是我猜的..松下的這個電視第一次亮相是在1月份的 CES 2016。只不過顯示效果沒這麼好...不能做到完全透明...看來這半年終於做出了一個不錯的demo,趕緊拿出來給大家看一下...
現在的狀態是prototype,not available in at least 3years, Cost unknown! 意思就是現在是個試驗品,大概2019年可以量產,成本未知...所以同學們,你們有三年時間攢錢...
我以前做過的顯示屏關態也可以看透...就是有點暗而且模糊...所以說能不能透明,應該是陰極材料厚度和電流(亮度)的trade off...至於他們用了什麼牛逼的材料/工藝之類的,達到這麼好的透明度...我就不知道了...
另外,最牛逼的是柔性顯示和透明顯示結合在一起...一般常見於各種概念機...效果大概就是一層可以看電視的塑料紙...或者說,理論上可以做出能顯示的 小雨衣...想想就excited...
At first glance, it looks like a glass pane in a sliding door, but with a push of a button or wave of a hand a television screen instantly appears.
Panasonic has been improving its transparent television since unveiling it at the Consumer Electronics Show, with the goal of making it completely invisible.
The firm swapped out the LED screen for an OLED and now when in transparent mode, the set is completely undetectable - allowing users to clearly see through it.
An OLED screen uses self-lighting pixels, while an LED uses a backlight to illuminate its pixels.
The Japanese electronic maker"s innovation was first seen at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this past January in Las Vegas Nevada.
Not only has Panasonic created an invisible set, the firm also improved the image to where it is 『almost indistinguishable from existing televisions』.
The earlier prototype required a backlight to enhance the image on the screen but now, users can see a clear and bright picture without anything giving it a boost in the background.
To show off the improved model, the firm embedded the OLED screen, which is developed from fine mesh, into the glass sliding doors of a large entertainment center.
While not in use, consumers can see the vases and statues that sit behind it on the shelves.
The TV is still a prototype, and is unlikely to be available for at least three years, according to a Panasonic spokesperson. The cost is also unknown.
HOW TRANSPARENT SCREENS WORKOLED (organic light-emitting diode) screens produce light when electricity is applied through them.
They are used to create digital displays in devices such as TV screens, computer monitors, portable systems, handheld game consoles and smartphones.
This material does not need a backlight and filters, unlike LCD displays, which makes them more efficient, easier to make and much thinner.
It also means that they have the option to become transparent.
An OLED panel is made up of a layer of plastic sandwiched between two electrodes - the cathode and anode - all deposited on a glass substrate.
When electricity is fed through the plastic, it emits light on its own, which is why no backlight is needed.
When the panel is on, the self-illuminating pixels produce a picture, and when the screen is off, the components go back to being transparent.
The panel requires so little electricity that the panel can be incredibly thin, making it practically invisible.
Viewers looking at the "invisible" screen on Panasonic"s prototype up close would see that it is in fact a very fine grid.
OLEDs can also be designed to be more flexible and even rollable.
Source: OLED-info
即相對於lcd來說,不需要背光即可發光這樣一來,陽極和陰極均可允許製成透明材料簡單來說,影響oled透明度主要在3塊: 陽極-發電層-陰極。陽極及陰極均屬導電層。發電層搞成透明很簡單,當年我用的是高分子聚合物,通電顯示影像,不通電基本就是透明的。現在實驗碰到的主要問題在於,導電層的製備無法完美達到透明度及導電率的平衡,或者說達到這種平衡付出的代價有點大
斯塔克電影里透明顯示器 透明手機難道就要問世了么?