



如@器器所說,成年女性的卵細胞其數目也是在青春期發育後就固定的,記憶里不會有更新。心肌細胞,雖然能觀測到更新,但其來源是現有的細胞而非幹細胞(Nature:成年哺乳動物心肌細胞的更新源自現有細胞而非幹細胞)。但脂肪細胞wiki中給了個鏈接號稱是有更新的。(https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%84%82%E8%82%AA%E7%B4%B0%E8%83%9E,"Dynamics of fat cell turnover in humans" Kirsty L. Spalding, et al.Nature453 783-787, (2008))


「It is widely accepted that self-renewal is a prominent feature of the epidermis, intestine, lung, blood and bone marrow, thymus, testis, uterus, and mammary gland (13, 63). There are also at least some data suggesting the occurrence of physiological cell turnover in the pancreas, kidney, cornea, prostate, bone, adipose tissue, heart, and brain (3, 11, 13, 30, 63, 81). Although the details of adult tissue dynamics remain obscure or controversial in many of these cases, it seems fair to conclude that human anatomy is far more dynamic than has previously been appreciated.

The rate of cell turnover varies widely between organs. For example, it has been estimated that the intestinal epithelium completely self-renews within about 5 days, whereas the epithelium in the lung takes up to 6 months to be replaced (13). Moreover, cell turnover is an ongoing process in most organs, but can sometimes occur in intermittent cycles. The mammary gland, for instance, exhibits cycles of growth and degeneration during the ovarian cycle as well as during pregnancy and weaning (44).」 From Cell Turnover and Adult Tissue Homeostasis: From Humans to Planarians

所以,人體有好些細胞確實是會更新換代,但是鑒於同樣有很多,而且往往是比較重要的細胞並不更新換代,所以,題主提到的說法至少是不嚴謹的吧,加個「大部分」應該會好些。當然,這種更新換代(adult tissue homeostasis)對於人體正常狀態是必不可少的。

而且,即使你支持這種說法,七年這個數字也是太大了,比如有興趣的可參考上面提到的review (Cell Turnover and Adult Tissue Homeostasis: From Humans to Planarians),「In humans, the magnitude of this flux is truly astounding—it has been estimated that each of us eradicates and, in parallel, generates a mass of cells equal to almost our entire body weight each year (89).」 (Reed JC. 1999. Dysregulation of apoptosis in cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 17:2941–53 [Medline][Web of Science ?])





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