Are there lilac trees in the heart of town,
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town,
Does enchantment pour out of every door,
No it"s just on the street where you live.
【ecstasy】狂喜;陶醉;入迷當時看《Becoming Jane》的時候,看到Tom給Jane念這段的時候感覺心都飄起來了。"Swifts on a fine morning in May, flying this way, that way, "sailing around at a great height perfectly happily. Then... "Then one leaps onto the back of another, grasps tightly, "and forgetting to fly, they both sink down and down in a great, dying fall,"fathom after fathom, until the female utters..."
Yes? "...the female utters a loud, piercing cry "of ecstasy." 【enigma】來自希臘語。神迷的人;難解的物;迷。【serenade】小夜曲;為某人唱小夜曲。會不會想到中世紀一位優雅而浪漫的騎士在所愛慕的女子窗外唱出的愛意。-
一直喜歡的單詞 nostalgia~
Serenade: a song or tune played or sung at night by a lover outside the window of the woman he loves 小夜曲Nocturne: a short piece of music in a romantic style, especially for the piano 夜曲
Cavatina: &<意&>(歌劇中的)抒情獨唱曲
Hymn: a song of praise, especially one praising God and sung by Christians 讚美詩,聖歌
很喜歡Hymn of Life這首歌
Melodious: pleasant to listen to, like music 悅耳的,優美動聽的
Lilt: a regular rising and falling pattern in music, with a strong rhythm 輕快活潑的曲調(也可形容說話抑揚頓挫)
Transcendence: is the quality of being able to go beyond normal limits or boundaries or of existing outside themtranscendence of time and death 時間和死亡的超越Apotheosis: The highest or most perfect development of sth; a formal statement that a person has become a god 冊封為神,神化
Splendour: grand and impressive beauty ("Love is a Many Splendored Thing")
Epic: a long poem about the actions of great men and women or about a nation"s history 史詩
Hitherto: 迄今
Momentum: 動力
Prophesy: 預言
Clandestine: 秘密的
Cathedral: 主教座堂
Perception: 感知
Flashback: 閃回,倒敘
Apocalypse: the end of the worldNevermore: (還記得愛倫坡的烏鴉嗎?/微笑)
SeasonObsessVanishPresenceMomentarilySwoon: 對(某人)神魂顛倒Criss-cross: 十字交叉的Aroma: 芳香Destiny---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
很喜歡這個問題,有空慢慢來補~~ 最唯美的詞當然是在詩歌、文學作品中最多啦,所以,看書去咯~~Neverland虛無之地
zsa zsa zsu。sex and the city裡面用來形容見到動心的人那種小鹿亂撞為之一振的心理活動。 zsa is when the stars touch the water, zsa is the sound of candle flicker, zsu is and so do you
Linger on:久久徘徊,流連忘返,讀起來就很有味道
Sophistication:名言simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,至繁歸於至簡,也是讀起來動挺有詩意。isolation 彷彿真的如大海上的島嶼般與世隔絕,獨自寂寞
linger, lingering
Merry Xmas
Marry mea 和 e 的位置對調
X 和 s 用愛心代替今天剛看到的一個微博,挺不錯,分享給大家。可能偏題,抱歉anesthesia
"loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness"單詞在語句中才能更有意境吧.隨便看幾首十四行詩 如莎士比亞sonnet18裡面各種
everlasting 永恆之花。Everlasting 上帝。所以everlasting.也可以感覺是上帝之花?我在扇貝上看的,其他地方還沒查到,還望指教
有一天女孩問男孩:ABCDEFG是什麼意思?男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl。
【一個男孩可以為女孩做任何事情】好多人告訴女孩後面還有HIJK——He is just kidding
因為後面還有LMNOP——Love must need our patience【愛情需要付出耐心】微博轉載Girls" names.Lizzy,Charlotte,Juliet,Violet,Natalie...
※英語的發音不是標準的英式或者美式 影響很大嗎?