也在考慮多大的Rotman,這兩所學校之間有什麼差距,哪個更佔優勢呢?【其實還是比較在意回國的就業情況和是否真的能學到東西?(′ε` )】【因為我不在意能不能留在國外啦,本來家裡就辦了加拿大和香港的移民了,我還是比較想回國就業的】
Why the *** are you thinking about investment banking as a first-year high school kid??? Do you know what it is??? Do you think your entire education is for getting you into a finance firm??? Do you think you are doing all those activities only for getting you into an investment bank??? WTF??? Finance does not mold a person.
If you do those all only for getting into a company, then don"t ever do them. You are a person, not a machine. You receive education to become a more wonderful person, not a more exquisite machine. It"s not worth the money your family paid for your education if it makes you a machine.
You are a high school kid. Think about knowledge, about friendship, about life, and the way the world works. Then you"ll see there are plenty of interesting jobs that also make much money if you do them well. If you do like finance then, go pick it and I"ve got nothing to say.多大的rotman還是和ubc尚德比吧。。。別黑nyu了。。
首先標化分數要求。NYU的錄取要求語言成績TOEFL雖然沒有最低分數要求,但是官網上有一句話說no minimun requirement, but competitive score is above100 意思就是還是要上100分才有競爭力。IELTS的話是要求7.5分。SAT或者ACT考試成績都可以,沒有最低分數要求。但是SAT的話至少要1400以上才行。再就是高中階段的平均成績也非常重要,百分制的話至少90分才有競爭力。
※怎麼樣才能在一個全是外國人的study group自如的瞎扯?
TAG:留學美國 | 紐約大學NewYorkUniversity | 多倫多大學UniversityofToronto | 留學加拿大 |