這是一個讓人印象深刻的鏡頭,開始是一個低角度的俯視,接著鏡頭突然下搖變成極限的垂直俯視。於我來說這像極了瑟堡的雨傘 (豆瓣)的第一個鏡頭,不知道算不算得上。5』05
這是男主和厄爾的老師的辦公室,他們兩經常來這裡聊天和看片,這次屏幕上播放的是關於赫爾佐格電影陸上行舟 (豆瓣)的紀錄片電影夢 (豆瓣),這部電影還會出現好幾次。6『16
我們第一次來到男主的卧室,這裡面有無數的電影海報,最明顯的是窮街陋巷 (豆瓣)和四百擊 (豆瓣),其中四百擊 (豆瓣)還會在電影里出現很多次。8』24
這是一段複雜的旋轉長鏡頭,接近三分鐘,配樂也很明顯,這是對希區柯克迷魂記 (豆瓣)的致敬。在這個鏡頭裡有一個有意思的小情節,就是男主在打電話約女孩的同時在看電影。這部電影是斯科塞斯的計程車司機 (豆瓣),男主看的是評論音軌版本,而屏幕里出現的是計程車司機 (豆瓣)里一個著名的橫移鏡頭,鏡頭裡的情節也是男主在約女孩。而它們的最終情況也如出一轍,他兩都被拒絕了。
視頻出處Sina Visitor System,關於推軌橫移鏡頭的混剪。
16『05對好朋友厄爾的介紹,用了來自於鏢客三部曲(荒野大鏢客 (豆瓣)、黃昏雙鏢客 (豆瓣)和黃金三鏢客 (豆瓣))的配樂。16』59男主的怪咖老爸在給童年男主和厄爾講電影阿基爾,上帝的憤怒 (豆瓣),依舊是赫爾佐格,導演其腦殘粉無誤。17『41
依舊電影夢 (豆瓣)。
飛鏢片頭,致敬 邁克爾·鮑威爾和艾默力·皮斯伯格的合作,和72『17的鏡頭呼應,我不知道是哪部電影,希望有人能解答一下。17』55
開始講述他兩的迷影情結,各種翻拍,顯然,這裡是在拍蔑視 (豆瓣)。18『00
各種翻拍的電影和諧音梗,這裡分別是:公民凱恩 (豆瓣)、大開眼戒 (豆瓣)、羅絲瑪麗的嬰兒 (豆瓣)、四百擊 (豆瓣)、諾斯費拉圖 (豆瓣)、八部半 (豆瓣)、第三人 (豆瓣)、紅菱艷 (豆瓣)、桃色血案 (豆瓣)和迷魂記 (豆瓣)。
這近一分鐘的蒙太奇都是他倆的經典翻拍。與安德烈晚餐 (豆瓣)蔑視 (豆瓣):
筋疲力盡 (豆瓣):這段拍得真的很像呀。
哈洛與慕德 (豆瓣):我覺得這取名方式也挺像黃金三鏢客 (豆瓣)的,但是拍的應該還是哈洛與慕德 (豆瓣)。
威尼斯疑魂 (豆瓣):這部電影擁有影史最佳床戲。
第七封印 (豆瓣):偷窺狂 (豆瓣):
窮街陋巷 (豆瓣):這是海報評論上提到的,這個片名不知道有沒有其他致敬的地方。
再次電影夢 (豆瓣)!大家可以對比一下:22:38
這裡出現各種幻覺,包括熊貓和豬,我覺得挺像死亡幻覺 (豆瓣)里的兔子。37『59
男主把翻拍的羅生門 (豆瓣)交給女孩。43『33
此時的配樂是女武神降臨,男主和厄爾正在翻拍現代啟示錄 (豆瓣)。45』32這裡是發條橙 (豆瓣)。47『50
男主和女孩的對話,再次提到赫爾佐格,並且他在學電影夢 (豆瓣)里的金斯基講話。49』57迷魂記 (豆瓣)的翻拍。72』13
四百擊 (豆瓣)的超級粉絲。電腦桌面是著名奔跑鏡頭的片場照。73『17
17』51里提到過。77『52這是和8』42里一樣有互文關係的致敬,在電影里男主遭遇變故上不了大學,他的父母在討論他的前途。男主很迷茫地看電影,鏡頭裡顯示的就是四百擊 (豆瓣)里一樣的迷茫地奔跑。但是我們可以看到男主和厄爾的第一部原創,一種實驗電影和定格動畫的感覺。
結尾實在讓人淚目,類似於瑪麗和馬克思 (豆瓣)。在我們以男孩的視角看了整部電影之後,我們終於接觸到了女孩的視角,這段經歷男孩們用電影的方式給永遠留下來,而女孩用了她自己的方式。這是她獨特的愛好,令人驚喜又跟讓人難過,因為愛好存在的理由就是對生活的熱愛。來自http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2582496/movieconnectionsThe Tales of Hoffmann (1951): Greg has this DVDThe 400 Blows (1959): Poster seen in Greg"s bedroomMean Streets (1973): Poster seen in Greg"s bedroomTaxi Driver (1976): Greg has this DVDThe Last Waltz (1978): Greg wears a shirt with this movie title on itHeartburn (1986): Script seen on Greg"s deskCasino (1995): Script seen on Greg"s deskHome Movies (1999) (TV Series): Friends losing innocence and making home movies.The 400 Blows (1959): Clips from the film are used, music from the film is used, and a poster is seen.Taxi Driver (1976): A scene from this is shown on the T.V. for a secondBurden of Dreams (1982): Earl and Greg watch this several timesSpoof:Nosferatu (1922): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Nose Ferret 2")M (1931): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("uM")Scarface (1932): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Scabface")The Lady Vanishes (1938): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Lady Manishness")The Wizard of Oz (1939): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Janitor of Oz")Gone with the Wind (1939): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Gone with My Wind")The Grapes of Wrath (1940): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Prunes of Wrath")Citizen Kane (1941): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Senior Citizen Cane")49th Parallel (1941): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("49th Parallelogram")It"s a Wonderful Life (1946): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("It"s a Punderful Life")The Red Shoes (1948): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Rad Shoes")The Third Man (1949): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Turd Man")Rashomon (1950): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Monorash")The Wages of Fear (1953): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Wages for Beer")Rear Window (1954): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Rear Wind")The Seventh Seal (1957): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Seven Seals")Vertigo (1958): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Vere"d He Go?")The 400 Blows (1959): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The 400 Bros")Anatomy of a Murder (1959): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Anatomy of a Burger")Breathless (1960): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Breathe Less")Peeping Tom (1960): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Pooping Tom")La Jetée (1962) (Short): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("La Gelee")8? (1963): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Ate 1/2 (Of My Lunch)")Contempt (1963): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Can"t Tempt")Seconds (1966): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Second (Helpings of Dinner)")The Battle of Algiers (1966): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Battle of All Deer")Rosemary"s Baby (1968): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Rosemary Baby Carrots")Yellow Submarine (1968): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Yellow Submarine Sandwich")Z (1969): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("ZZZ")Midnight Cowboy (1969): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("2:48 PM Cowboy")Death in Venice (1971): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Death in Tennis")A Clockwork Orange (1971): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("A Sockwork Orange")Harold and Maude (1971): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Harry, Old and Mod")Mean Streets (1973): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Grumpy Cul-de-Sacs")Don"t Look Now (1973): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Don"t Look Now, Because a Creepy-Ass Dwarf is About to Kill You!!! Damn.")The Conversation (1974): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Complete Lack of Conversation")Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Gross Encounters of the Turd Kind")Apocalypse Now (1979): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("A Box O"Lips, Wow")Raging Bull (1980): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Raging Bullsh*t")My Dinner with Andre (1981): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("My Dinner with Andre the Giant")Koyaanisqatsi (1982): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Pittsburghasqatsi")Burden of Dreams (1982): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Burden of Screams")Blue Velvet (1986): One of Earl Greg"s films ("Brew Vervet")The Last Temptation of Christ (1988): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("The Last Crustacean of Christ")My Best Fiend (1999): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("My Best Actor is Also a Dangerous Lunatic")Eyes Wide Shut (1999): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Eyes Wide Butt")Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000): One of Earl and Greg"s movies ("Crouching Housecat, Hidden Housecat")
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