如何看待Tax Cut & Jobs Act of 2017對國際學生的影響?

這個bill如果通過的話,tuition waiver也會變成taxable income了。對於已經在美國超過五年的讀phd的國際學生來說,相當於每年多了至少四萬多的taxable income。算下來每年一大半的stipend都得拿來交稅了,剩下的錢作為生活費根本不夠吧?


今天剛收到賓大校長Amy Gutmann的郵件:

We are writing to update you about our efforts in response to proposed changes in tax policy impacting higher education that are currently being discussed in the US House of Representatives and other changes that will soon be discussed in the US Senate.

We believe strongly that many of these changes would have a detrimental impact on our students, on Penn families, on our institution, and on the mission of higher education.

These regressive changes, among other things, could eliminate the tax deduction for student loans; force graduate students to include tuition waivers as taxable income; tax part of universities』 endowment income, which is otherwise invested and spent on advancing university programs; and reduce the value of the charitable deduction, which helps sustain not only universities but also all non-profit and charitable organizations.

We are engaging vigorously and proactively on these proposals. We are working closely with our peer universities and professional groups to inform elected officials of our concerns and to emphasize the value to our country of support for higher education. Our efforts are coordinated through Penn』s Office of Government and Community Affairs and its representatives in Washington, using a wide range of resources and contacts across campus.

At this pivotal moment, we urge you to express your views through social media and directly to elected officials in the House of Representatives and the Senate. You can find contact information for all federal officials at: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials.



可以看最新的Washington Post, 在senate tax plan已經沒有這條了,所以議員們還不算石樂志:)

Endowment tax remains in play, but graduate tax appears to be off the table in Senate plan

Absent from the Senate plan is any mention of repealing an exemption that prevents graduate students from paying taxes on the waivers that cover their tuition. Graduate students mobilized in the wake of the House proposal to end that tax benefit. Many complained that counting their tuition as taxable income would result in a tax burden that their stipends could not cover.


另外似乎美帝各大高校也在聯合起來反對endowment tax。。所以最後會怎樣也不好說


《紙牌屋》中為什麼 Frank 謀求在本屆政府當總統?

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