

I think it included Bio-MEMS, micro array, paper based bio chip.





基本上Transducer的分類 可以粗略分成這幾項,

*資料取自明年的U.S. Alaska Transducer Conference Transducers 2015

  1. Mechanical/Physical Sensors and Microsystems

    Examples: pressure, inertial, force, thermal

  2. Materials, Fabrication and Packaging Technologies

    Examples: Unit processes and characterization, process flows and parameter studies for material integration, fabrication and packaging technologies for transducers, not limited to a certain kind of technology family

  3. Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Fabrication

    Examples: nanomaterials (one structural dimension &< 5 nm) with new functional properties for sensors, nanowires, CNTs, and respective devices and fabrication process flows

  4. Chemical Sensors and Microsystems

    Examples: liquid and gas phase sensing

  5. Bio-Sensors and Bio-Microsystems

    Examples: devices and instruments for in vitro measurement and handling of biological samples and bio markers

  6. Medical Microsystems

    Examples: devices and instruments for in vivo measurements, such as implantable devices, drug delivery systems, micro device/system for clinical use

  7. Microfluidics

    Examples: technologies, devices, and systems for manipulation of fluids, particles, and droplets

  8. Composite Materials/ Polymers, Devices and Fabrication

    Examples: functional polymers, nanoparticle filled polymers, device concepts and fabrication process flows, characterization, including drift, reliability and aging

  9. Energy and Power MEMS/ Magnetic Sensors

    Examples: microsystems and technologies for energy conversion, storage, and management, energy harvesters (micro/nano enhanced solar, thermal, mechanical, RF) and large area fabrication technologies

  10. RF MEMS, Resonators, and Oscillators

    Examples: switches, tunable power dividers, phase shifters, or filters

  11. Optical MEMS

    Examples: micro spectrometers, SPR based sensor, fiber based systems, integrated optics, tunable soft lenses

  12. Actuators

    Examples: micro / nano actuators and robots, DC Switches, micro relays and probe devices (e.g. AFM)

  13. Theory, Design and Test Methodology

    Examples: Noise, noise models and SNR in sensors, sensor information theory, design methodologies and novel models, simulation concepts and calibration and test procedures

而其中Bio-MicroSystem 是傳統上(比較偏生物學的定義,醫學檢驗等)定義的生物傳感器。

然而在近年,MEMS(微機電系統)則因為Actuator, Microfluid在生物學上的應用再度興起(目前主要在仍以在美國為主,不論是學界或是灣區業界),然而這其中一個很大的問題的,如何將生物訊號輸出到電子裝置上,比如說讓你使用手機就可以知道身體狀況,遠端照護(Point of Care)的這個具有商業化前景的概念。



Detecting Ebola with a Piece of Paper

Huck Yang 2014.11.20 於 台北


Bio MEMS里有很多有趣的. 之前見一個real time aortic shear stress sensor.



TAG:感測器 | 微機電系統MEMS | 電子 | 醫療器械 | 醫學 |