
為什麼提供「盜版」網路電視服務的 Aereo 在美國的服務不涉及侵犯版權?

Aereo 的介紹在這裡:http://www.36kr.com/p/200636.html

原因之一,是Aereo為每個用戶分配了一個獨立的微型的「兔耳天線」(參考附圖)---儘管從技術角度來看一個天線就可以滿足所有用戶的需求。 這樣做的目的就是為了避免法律問題。正因為有了這種的獨特設計,你可以認為每個用戶還是在通過自己的天線和電視解調器(機頂盒)在看電視,只不過你的天線和解調器被放在了「雲端」(Aereo的機房)而不是自己家裡,解調出來的信號再通過互聯網點對點的傳送給用戶。所以Aereo可以宣稱自己並沒有盜用電視網的信號並在互聯網上「廣播」,從架構上來看他們是對電視信號做「點對點」的IP接力。


首先@ym x說的沒錯,官司還在打,所以侵不侵犯版權還沒有最終的定論。但目前只有Utah地區法院通過了對Aereo的預先禁令,從這個角度講Aereo運氣還算不錯。

然後明確一點,裝天線收廣播電視本身不違法。在美國OTA(over-the-air)電視是免費的,有點天賦人權的意思。任何人都可以自己買個天線收看廣播電視,FCC有專門的網頁(The Digital TV Transition: Reception Maps)供人們查詢在某個具體地址能收到哪些電視台的廣播信號。廣播電視中還有不少是高清節目。

@霞飛 提到了Aereo為每個用戶分配了一個獨立天線,這並不是說假如Aereo有一萬個用戶它就得有一萬個天線,而是說在任一時刻任一天線只負責為一名用戶接收OTA信號。Aereo不是嚴格意義上的實時轉播,它先將OTA信號保存到自己的伺服器上,然後將那個副本通過互聯網發給用戶,中間有大概十秒鐘的延遲。Aereo並非主動保存所有的電視節目,而是只有當用戶選擇收看某個節目的時候那個節目的副本才會被保存,並且保存下來的副本只給該用戶收看。

這個「唯一天線」(unique antenna)和「唯一副本」(unique copy)的概念是Aereo證詞中很重要的一環,因為它關係到Aereo的服務是否屬於公開表演(public performance)。版權法規定公開表演是版權所有者的專有權,目前最高法院審理的這個案子中,原告(各大電視台)就是起訴Aereo侵犯了他們這個權利。Aereo認為自己是把唯一副本發送給唯一用戶(即選擇收看/錄製該節目的用戶),故屬於private transmission。

Aereo認為它的服務本質上跟DVR是一個性質,而DVR在2008年的Cablevision一案中被認定不屬於public performance。與之類似的還有1984年的Betamax一案,Betamax認定VCR設備生產商應被免於追究侵犯版權的責任。

目前聯邦第二巡迴上訴法院和紐約南區聯邦地區法院所作的判決都只是認定Aereo非public performance,否決了原告的預先禁令請求,但這不代表Aereo沒有以其它方式違反版權法。比如有人(Why Aereo Should Lose and Why it Doesn』t Matter for the Cloud |)認為原告方不應該走public performance的路線而是調用volitional conduct測試讓Aereo變成direct performer。但這個人寫得極其偏激,不可全信。

最後我也贊成@霞飛 的觀點,Aereo的系統究竟是不是唯一副本和唯一天線是個值得追究的問題。為了規避法律糾紛而不省本來可以省的硬體和存儲成本實在是個很難做的抉擇。




電視台並不害怕Aereo會搶走他們的生意。Aereo只涉足13個城市,暫時還是個小公司;而且因為OTA節目大多很沒意思(基本上都是本地新聞台,ESPN這種是不會出現在OTA上的),所以用戶對Aereo需求有限。電視台所擔心的是許可費(retransmission fee)。1992年的Cable Act規定有線電視需要得到廣播電視台的許可才能傳輸廣播電視信號,並且允許廣播電視台向有線電視索取許可費作為回報。這筆許可費可以佔到廣播電視台收入的10%。2005年有線電視向廣播電視台支付了2500萬美元,今年這個數字估計是40億美元。假如Aereo贏了官司,那有線電視就可以如法炮製,沒了許可費廣播電視台就吃不飽了。


最開始老說天線天線 還以為真的付費了要去領一個天線安手機上.....

Why so many want Aereo to beat broadcasters in the Supreme Court







Court decision denies consumers the ability to use a cloud-based antenna to access free over-the-air television, further eliminating choice and competition in the television marketplace

New York, New York (June 25, 2014) - The following statement can be attributed to Aereo CEO and Founder, Chet Kanojia:

"Today"s decision by the United States Supreme Court is a massive setback for the American consumer. We"ve said all along that we worked diligently to create a technology that complies with the law, but today"s decision clearly states that how the technology works does not matter. This sends a chilling message to the technology industry. It is troubling that the Court states in its decision that, "to the extent commercial actors or other interested entities may be concerned with the relationship between the development and use of such technologies and the Copyright Act, they are of course free to seek action from Congress." (Majority, page 17) That begs the question: Are we moving towards a permission-based system for technology innovation?"

"Consumer access to free-to-air broadcast television is an essential part of our country"s fabric. Using an antenna to access free-to-air broadcast television is still meaningful for more than 60 million Americans across the United States. And when new technology enables consumers to use a smarter, easier to use antenna, consumers and the marketplace win. Free-to-air broadcast television should not be available only to those who can afford to pay for the cable or satellite bundle."

"Justice Scalia"s dissent gets it right. He calls out the majority"s opinion as "built on the shakiest of foundations." (Dissent, page 7) Justice Scalia goes on to say that "The Court vows that its ruling will not affect cloud-storage providers and cable television systems, see ante, at 16-17, but it cannot deliver on that promise given the imprecision of its results-driven rule." (Dissent, page 11)"

"We are disappointed in the outcome, but our work is not done. We will continue to fight for our consumers and fight to create innovative technologies that have a meaningful and positive impact on our world."

Yours truly,

Chet Kanojia

Founder CEO


A Letter to Our Consumers: Standing Together for Innovation, Progress and Technology - An Update on Aereo

"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress." --Charles Kettering, inventor, entrepreneur, innovator philanthropist

A little over three years ago, our team embarked on a journey to improve the consumer television experience, using technology to create a smart, cloud-based television antenna consumers could use to access live over the air broadcast television.

On Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision in favor of Aereo, dealing a massive setback to consumers.

As a result of that decision, our case has been returned to the lower Court. We have decided to pause our operations temporarily as we consult with the court and map out our next steps. You will be able to access your cloud-based antenna and DVR only until 11:30 a.m. ET today. All of our users will be refunded their last paid month. If you have questions about your account, please emailsupport@aereo.com or tweet us @AereoSupport.

The spectrum that the broadcasters use to transmit over the air programming belongs to the American public and we believe you should have a right to access that live programming whether your antenna sits on the roof of your home, on top of your television or in the cloud.

On behalf of the entire team at Aereo, thank you for the outpouring of support. It has been staggering and we are so grateful for your emails, Tweets and Facebook posts. Keep your voices loud and sign up for updates at http://ProtectMyAntenna.org - our journey is far from done.

Yours truly,

Chet Kanojia



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