

Do you know how to ask a question in chinese?

There are a variety of 序言 in chinese, what do you want exactly?

Prologue. Only use a prologue in fiction. It comes BEFORE
the actual beginning of the story to introduce characters or to explain
past events or history that might need to be
explained, or to generally intrigue the reader. It"s a great place to
provide information relevant to your story without have to go through
flashbacks or torturous dialogue in your first few chapters. Keep it
short. Bear in mind many people skip it!

Foreword. A foreword (NB NOT "forward"), are words BEFORE the main text which are NOT written by the author. Someone else tell readers WHY they
should read the book. This is the place for a guest celebrity or author
to praise and introduce the book. It should make an emotional
connection with the reader. A foreword should always be "signed off" by
someone other than the author.

Preface. A preface explains HOW the book came about. It is similar to a foreword, but it is written BY the book"s author.

樓上正解 突然很想推薦一下名為preface的這首歌

分享The Shanghai Restoration Project的單曲《Preface》http://music.163.com/song/1234460/ (@網易雲音樂)



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