
1. 《應該讀點經濟史》

  一般認為,歐洲是因為在17世紀發展出穩定的政治、法律和經濟機制,才點燃了工業革命的火苗。但克拉克則指出,這些機制早在工業化之前便已存在,是這些機制鼓勵人們放棄狩獵-採集的本能(暴力、沒耐心、不肯努力),接受經濟習慣(努力工作、理性行動和教育),方使文化產生緩慢而深刻的轉變。並且似乎只有殖民及保安歷史悠久的社會才能發展出上述文化特徵及的勞動力,從而促進經濟成長;對於其它許多未能享受長治久安的社會來說,工業化則非天賜之福。此外,有別於賈德·戴蒙(Jared Diamond)在《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》(Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies)中所提出地形地勢等天然條件會造成國與國間貧富差異的論述,克拉克在本書中大膽提出全新觀點:決定人類窮與富的命運,並非剝削、地理因素或天然資源──文化才是決定性因素。


2. 《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》 賈雷德·戴蒙德






3. 《大分流》 彭慕蘭




彭慕蘭(Kenneth Pomeranz),美國加利福尼亞大學爾灣分校歷史系主任、歷史和東亞語言文學教授,加州大學系統世界史研究組主任。其大部分著作圍繞著中國和比較經濟發展、農村社會變革、環境變革及政府的形成等展開研究,但也著有民間宗教史和家庭結構及性別角色史方面的著作。
4. 《Why Nations Fail》Daron Acemoglu / James Robinson
This is a provocative new theory of political economy explaining why the world is divided into nations with wildly differing levels of prosperity. Why are some nations more prosperous than others? "Why Nations Fail" sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argued new theory: that it is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions. Drawing on an extraordinary range of contemporary and historical examples, from ancient Rome through the Tudors to modern-day China, leading academics Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson show that to invest and prosper, people need to know that if they work hard, they can make money and actually keep it - and this means sound institutions that allow virtuous circles of innovation, expansion and peace. Based on fifteen years of research, and answering the competing arguments of authors ranging from Max Weber to Jeffrey Sachs and Jared Diamond, Acemoglu and Robinson step boldly into the territory of Francis Fukuyama and Ian Morris. They blend economics, politics, history and current affairs to provide a new, powerful and persuasive way of understanding wealth and poverty. They offer a pragmatic basis for the hope that at "critical junctures" in history, those mired in poverty can be placed on the path to prosperity - with important consequences for our views on everything from the role of aid to the future of China.


About the Author

Daron Acemoglu is the Killian Professor of Economics at MIT. He received the John Bates Clark Medal.

MIT Economics : Daron Acemoglu

James Robinson is a political scientist and economist and the Florence Professor of Government at Harvard University, and a world-renowned expert on Latin America and Africa.

James Robinson

Joel Mokyr 是 Series Editor
地址在這裡:Browse Princeton Catalog in The-Princeton-Economic-History-of-the-Western-World

Brazil in Transition
Beliefs, Leadership, and Institutional Change
Lee J. Alston, Marcus André Melo, Bernardo Mueller, Carlos Pereira

The Rise and Fall of American Growth
The U.S. Standard of Living since the Civil War
Robert J. Gordon

Unequal Gains
American Growth and Inequality since 1700
Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson

Why Did Europe Conquer the World?
Philip T. Hoffman

Fragile by Design
The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit
Charles W. Calomiris, Stephen H. Haber

Lending to the Borrower from Hell
Debt, Taxes, and Default in the Age of Philip II
Mauricio Drelichman, Hans-Joachim Voth

Power to the People
Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries
Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima, Paul Warde

The Son Also Rises
Surnames and the History of Social Mobility
Gregory Clark

Cities of Commerce
The Institutional Foundations of International Trade in the Low Countries, 1250-1650
Oscar Gelderblom

The Roman Market Economy
Peter Temin

Why Australia Prospered
The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth
Ian W. McLean

The Chosen Few
How Education Shaped Jewish History, 70-1492
Maristella Botticini, Zvi Eckstein

Creating Wine
The Emergence of a World Industry, 1840-1914
James Simpson

Distant Tyranny
Markets, Power, and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800
Regina Grafe

The Evolution of a Nation
How Geography and Law Shaped the American States
Daniel Berkowitz, Karen B. Clay

States of Credit
Size, Power, and the Development of European Polities
David Stasavage

Power over Peoples
Technology, Environments, and Western Imperialism, 1400 to the Present
Daniel R. Headrick

Unsettled Account
The Evolution of Banking in the Industrialized World since 1800
Richard S. Grossman

Power and Plenty
Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
Ronald Findlay, Kevin H. O"Rourke

The European Economy since 1945
Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond
Barry Eichengreen

A Farewell to Alms
A Brief Economic History of the World
Gregory Clark

War, Wine, and Taxes
The Political Economy of Anglo-French Trade, 1689-1900
John V.C. Nye

Cultures Merging
A Historical and Economic Critique of Culture
Eric L. Jones

Feeding the World
An Economic History of Agriculture, 1800-2000
Giovanni Federico

Understanding the Process of Economic Change
Douglass C. North

Farm to Factory
A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution
Robert C. Allen

Quarter Notes and Bank Notes
The Economics of Music Composition in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
F. M. Scherer

The Strictures of Inheritance
The Dutch Economy in the Nineteenth Century
Jan Luiten van Zanden, Arthur van Riel - Translated by: Ian Cressie

The Big Problem of Small Change
Thomas J. Sargent, Fran?ois R. Velde

The Great Divergence
China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy
Kenneth Pomeranz

Black "47 and Beyond
The Great Irish Famine in History, Economy, and Memory
Cormac ó Gráda

The Vanishing Irish
Households, Migration, and the Rural Economy in Ireland, 1850-1914
Timothy W. Guinnane

Growth in a Traditional Society
The French Countryside, 1450-1815
Philip T. Hoffman

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布羅代爾的《菲利普二世時期的地中海與地中海世界》 《15至18世紀的物質文明、經濟和資本主義》

李伯重 吳承明 傅衣凌 範金民 王家范 等等

1、方福前《當代西方經濟學主要流派 》

2.姚開建《經濟學說史 》












吳敬璉 《 當代中國經濟改革教程 》。

LSE 的 Msc Economic History 列出了一個 Preliminary Reading, 或許可以幫助你(也幫助我)入門經濟史這一學科


Acemoglu, D. and Robinson, J. (2012), Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, London: Profile.

Allen, R.C. (2009), The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Austin, Gareth M. Markets, Slaves and States in West African History, c.1450 to the present (Cambridge: CUP 2013)

Austin, Gareth M. Kaoru Sugihara (eds.) Labour-intensive industrialisation in Global History (London: Routledge 2013).

Baten, Joerg (2016), A History of the Global Economy. Cambridge.

Broadberry, S. and O』Rourke, K. (eds.) (2010), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crafts, N.F.R. and Fearon, P. (2013), The Great Depression of the 1930s: Lessons for Today, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Darwin, J. (2007), After Tamerlane: The Rise and Fall of Global Empires, 1400-2000, London: Allen Lane.

Engerman, Stanley L. Kenneth L. Sokoloff Economic Development in the Americas since 1500: endowments and institutions (Cambridge: CUP/NBER 2012).

Findlay, R. and O』Rourke, K. (2009), Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium (Princeton Economic History of the Western World), Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Floud, Roderick, Fogel, Robert, Harris, Bernard, and Hong, Sok Chul (2011), The Changing Body: health, nutrition, and human development in the western world since 1700. Cambridge.

Greif, A. (2006) Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hatcher, J. and Bailey, M (2001), Modelling the Middle Ages: The History and Theory of England』s Economic Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Herschman, Albert O. (2013), The Passions and the Interests: political arguments for capitalism before its triumph. Princeton.

King, Mervyn (2016), The End of Alchemy: money, banking and the future. Little, Brown.

Livi-Bacci, Massimo (2012), A Concise History of Worl Population. Wiley Blackwell.

Mackenzie, D (2006), An Engine, Not a Camera: How Financial Models Shape Markets. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Morgan, Mary S. (2012), The World in the Model: How Economists Work and Think, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

North, D.C., Wallis, J.J. and Weingast, B. (2009), Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History, Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.

Parthasarathi, P. (2011), Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not: Global Divergence, 1600-1850, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pomeranz, K. (2000), The Great Divergence: China, Europe and the Making of the Modern World Economy, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Reinhart, C.M. and Rogoff, K.S. (2009), This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Rosenthal, J-L and Wong, R. Bin (2011), Before and Beyond Divergence: The Politics of Economic Change in China and Europe, Harvard University Press.

Roy, T. (2012), India in the World Economy: From Antiquity to the Present (New Approaches to Asian History), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Von Glahn, Richard (2016), The Economic History of China from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century (CUP)

Yun-Casalilla, B. and O』Brien, P. (2011), The Rise of Fiscal States: A Global History, 1500-1914, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Source: MSc Economic History




The Cambridge economic history of modern Europe 有一二兩卷





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