




















1. 文化不但沒有同質化,反而走向多樣化、複雜化

2. 發達國家的顯性文化進入其它國家後遇到反彈,會尋找妥協之道並改造自己

3. 技術的發展,讓流行的事物變更地更快,導致任何一個地方都有機會輸出自己的流行文化,顯性文化無法長期佔據,阻止了同質化的發生






by Jerry EU C.


There is no direct connection between globalization and homogenization of culture or dominance of western culture. Even though the homogenization is a possible outcome of globalization, it may not be the only case. McDonaldization and global consumerism, as two typical examples of cultural globalization, shows that besides cultural homogenization, differentialism, heterogeneity or hybridization can be any direction of cultural development in global scope. Hence, the dominance of western culture does not necessarily arise.

Keyword: Cultural globalization,homogenization, heterogeneity, hybridization, McDonaldization, global consumerism, negotiation, competition

What is globalization? Different scholars usually give various explanations. Though no consensus about definition of globalization is achieved among social scientists as yet (Steger, 2003), it is a phenomenon surely existing.

As an existing phenomenon, globalization becomes one of the major issues being researched in social science field. Social scientists divide this topic into three major dimensions: economic globalization, political globalization and cultural globalization. Any study on globalization will fall on one or more than one of these three aspects. Therefore, the identification of relationship between globalization and cultural homogenization, in this article, will follow such pattern and falls on cultural dimension.

Fig. 1 Friedman"s book The World Is Flat

Globalization as a study usually brings about conflicts among different scholars. The origin of these conflicts is distinctive views of such phenomenon. Some scholars claim that globalization is more or less the same as liberalism, westernization, or even Americanization in the whole world. One of these figures is Thomas L. Friedman, an American journalist, columnist and author of New York Times who is famous for his book, The World is Flat (2007). Friedman defines globalization as the spread of free-market capitalism to different countries in the world, which resulting in market openness, deregulation and privatization. In addition, these evolution are the products of incentives from states and individuals for establishing a more competitive economic structure. Friedman interprets globalization in a neo-liberal perspective by observing successful models from newly industrialized countries including China, India, etc. Economic booming comes and national power rises after adapting a more capitalized and liberal market system in these countries. Therefore they obtain higher international status and become more influential worldwide, which is the outcome of globalization and on the other hand pushes this process forward. These scholars are categorized as hyperglobalists which preserving optimistic attitude towards globalization, while some others, the sceptics, deny the existence of globalization and criticize those hyperglobalists. Sceptics usually criticize hyperglobalists for equaling globalization to westernization or Americanization. They fundamentally regard globalization as a myth and hence disagree with the existence of homogenization of economic, political and cultural institutions or values. The battle of ideas mostly occurs in cultural dimensions, since the other two are usually explicit and therefore can be measured more easily.

Under this situation, whether cultural homogenization or even the dominance of western cultures occurs or will come becomes doubtful. This controversy will be discussed in this article with the aid of two typical examples.To identify whether there is a direct connection between globalization and homogeneity of culture or dominance of western value, basically it needs to recognize the existence of globalization. As indicated at the beginning of this article, though no final agreement is made on what globalization is, the phenomenon itself in fact exists. A more moderate view will be applied for further discussion of this controversy, which is transformationalism.

Neither implication nor different perspectives of globalism comprising hyperglobalism, global scepticism and transformationalism is the theme of the discussion, therefore they will not be dissented much in the following parts. Instead, the phenomena of globalization itself and outcomes of it will be the main foci. In addition, since it is the study of cultural homogenization, cultural globalization is undoubtedly the central route for heading to destination, i.e. the final conclusion.

Cultural globalization, by its definition, is an interaction between people of diverse cultures, values and ways of life, which the culture, according to Manfred B. Steger, is referring to symbolic construction, articulation and dissemination of meaning in daily life (Steger,2003). The exchange of ideas, attitudes and values can lead to either positive or negative results or both. The advancement of communication, transportation technologies accelerated cultural globalization which technological development being the key factor for this process.

When different cultures in the world interact to result in cultural globalization, cultural homogenization functions by diffusing western culture to non-western societies with spreading of cultural products and values through those multinational corporations. Cultural homogenization is a combination in global culture following the global economy, i.e. a world culture and a set of universal values and institutional forms are established by homogenizing different cultures. Cultural globalization and homogenization are the same concept with interacting and fusing of cultures, and become unequal without fusing of cultures. A more intuitive description is, when different cultures merge by interacting to each other, there will be no difference between cultural globalization and homogenization. Otherwise they are two distinctive concepts.

Further research of cultural homogenization process discovers two dimensions or foci of it: cultural products and assimilation of elites. Cultural product is a media for multinational corporations to disseminate their own country』s culture to others through marketing. From McDonald』s (a brand of fast food) to Titanic (name of a movie), any items for consumption can become cultural products. The case of McDonaldization as a typical example will be discussed in the part of global localization. Elite assimilation, on the other hand, describes a process which social elites in non-western countries being assimilated to western countries for undergoing western education. It is feasible for western knowledge, technologies and even values, mainly the capitalist cultural ones, to be disseminated to non-western countries by this course.The media in such case is the social elites in those countries. These people are named as elites as being able to receive higher level educations in western developed countries and potentially becoming the major pillars for their motherlands. Since these elites are well educated comparing to other citizens, they have greater competitiveness in society. Similar to elites in western countries, these social members enter governmental or administrative bodies more easily. Being nurtured by western educational systems at the same time helps to obtain greater chances to become members in international organizations including United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF)and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which hold powerful grips on international economic, political and cultural affairs - it will further spread western cultures and values to the whole world.

Being more powerful and hence more influential than any other regions for western countries led by United States as one of the two superpowers in modern era and the only one after collapse of Berlin Wall radiates their own cultures and values globally, therefore cultural homogenization, under this circumstance, is not much different from westernization especially Americanization. An American-style capitalist culture and liberal democracy becomes the dominant values in the global society by such mean.

Fig. 2 Huntington"s Clash of Civilizations

While hyperglobalists take this process for granted as well as welcoming it, sceptics reject such thought by claiming that cultural resistance to the invasion of western culture is witnessed with the evidences of religious fundamentalism and the cultural ethnic conflicts labeled as the clash of civilizations. Clash of Civilizations, first being proposed by American political scientist Samuel Phillips Huntington in the magazine Foreign Affair in 1993, is a term for describing possible conflicts among different cultural systems in a modern world. The reason for such possibility is cultural differentialism in nature and difficulty for eliminating them. Globalization ties various regions to increase interactions itself is a source for more frequent collisions among cultures. Dissolution of the Soviet Union even terminated ideologies and pushed cultures to the front line, i.e. when ideologies were still the main characters in global conflicts, cultural problems stayed behind the historical curtain and were almost forgotten, therefore clash of cultures were not significant during cold-war period. When reviewing human history, cultural conflicts existed since they are distinctive fundamentally. Religious collisions composed Cruciata (from 1096 to 1291) and some other warfare. In Huntington』s later book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1996), cultural including religious conflicts were narrated as the product of cultural differences, consciousness or awareness of them and human nature of liking similarities while hating heterogeneous, i.e. discrimination. Cultural differences were too immutable to reduce following conflicts. Economic developments and social changes lead people to leave from their homelands which diminish their local identities. As a substitution, cultures and religions provide identities transcending national boundaries which were provided by territorial consciousness. In addition, the spreading of western cultures triggers protection of local values. On the other hand, successful economic regionalism with the aid of economic globalization in countries comprising China and India enhance global influences and competitiveness, which consolidate cultural consciousness and encourages these countries to export their own cultures reversely.

Fig. 3 World map of civilizations illustrated by S. P. Huntington

The scenario of clash of civilizations in contemporary world is performed by some major civilizations, including Hindu, Islamic, Japanese, Orthodox, Sinic and Western cultures,because these six civilizations are more possible to clash with each other. African, Buddhist and Latin American civilizations will develop to draw world』s attention. He even anticipated that western cultures would withdraw and those from non-western countries progressed in the world of tomorrow.

Huntington confronts with criticisms from some scholars even after his death, still his views help to introduce another concept which is opposite to homogeneity: the heterogeneity. Heterogeneity supported by sceptics because the dominance of western media, for instance, leads to dominance of western propaganda and values, and triggers resistance from non-western countries. According to sceptics, this scenario may be illustrated by a phrase: war on cultural imperialism.

Regardless what opinions sceptics hold, homogenization itself is flawed. It is basically over-simplified, focusing on the production of culture only. People in all countries are assumed to be willing to accept western cultures with no question simply because western products are powerful to capture their hearts, which is practically impossible since human beings think critically and have ability to interpret the meaning of any culture product. As illustrated before, cultural consciousness resists propagation of western cultures. Impacts of colonization show its defects at the same time. Former colonizing nations, which were all western countries except Japan (which was the colonizer of Taiwan during the Second World War), do not always remain strong ties with former colonizing regions. Singapore,a former British colony until 1963, is an independent nation with different languages and religious believes. Main festivals in this country consist of Chinese New Year, Christmas, Eid al-Fitr, Diwali and National Day. The first four festivals come from Sinic, Western, Islamic and Hindu Kulturkreis (culture circle). In this case, British influence has been weakened. One of the possible reasons is that about 74.1% of citizens are Chinese Singaporean (Statistics Singapore, 2012), which becomes the dominant force in cultural development. The same situation can be found in India, as another former British colony. Ethnics in Philippine are more diverse such that local dominant culture cannot be formed, which still maintains a strong cultural influence from United States, which was its former colonizing nation. Even though, US』s influence on Philippine is not as significant as before. Therefore the population percentage of certain ethnics may become a factor to decide whether influence

When homogeneity seldom explains substantial facts comprising cultural resistance and Huntington』s clash of civilizations theory, heterogeneity overcome imperfections of it by acknowledging the increasing diversity of globalization among cultures and especially within cultures.

Unlike homogeneity, heterogeneity is a trend for cultures to become more different with each other. Indeed, culture influences each other and western cultures have more ability to influence other countries,western cultures themselves become more influenced by peripheral cultures. Since people interpret meaning of culture, it is feasible and possible for objects in western cultures to be indigenized and given new meanings. If so, homogenization or dominance of western cultures seldom takes place.

Global localization and multi-centered phenomenon are the two major aspects for reviewing heterogeneity. These two dimensions will conclude how impossibly the homogeneity can exist.

Fig. 4 KFC sells Chinese traditional breakfast in Chinese Mainland

Instead of homogenization, global localization has been and should be the situation and solution for multinational corporations to launch their business in various regions. McDonald』s, as a well-known global fast food enterprise, has adjusted its images in different countries. Though brands and standardization process are still identical in the world, restaurants indifferent regions are providing different kinds of food and tastes to satisfy local customers. When French fries and coke is main dish in United States, they are regarded as snacks in China. To attract Chinese customers, McDonald』s hires local nutrition experts to formulate dishes suitable for Chinese people. The marketing strategies, design of restaurant and food supply are different from those in United States in all aspects. Such phenomenon is found in other countries. In Indonesia, the selling of McRice is much welcomed; and in Philippines,the most popular product among Filipinos is fried chicken with plain rice. McDonald』s sell these products to them instead of to local Americans because rice is a main daily food for Southeast Asians. By comparison, KFC in mainland China even introduce Chinese traditional food including Chinese fritters and soya bean milk in its breakfast list. When a global company runs its business locally, i.e. with different strategies and standards for meeting the needs from various cultures, it is named as global localization.

McDonaldization, being defined as the product of globalized market economy and with ration, efficiency, effectiveness and standardized McDonalds" system which has been accepted in most societies (Ritzer,2009), differs itself and turns into a form of intercultural hybridization: partly in its origins and partly in its present different localized varieties of forms.

Such case shows that the global and local developments may be mutually reinforcing rather than necessarily in conflict. Western cultures negotiate and mix with non-western ones to become more competitive. Hence it is evident that heterogeneity or hybridization rather than homogeneity will become the tomorrow of globalization. Even if cultural homogenization will occur in the future, it will not simply become a dominance of western culture or Americanization.

Meanwhile, multi-centered phenomenon helps to indicate that peripheral cultures may integrate to become core regional cultures. Multiple cores hold global cultural power together, rather than a simple core-periphery relationship between United States and the rest of world. For example, people in Irian Jaya (an island nation near the equator) feel pressure from Indonesianization rather than Americanization; Japanization may be more powerful for Koreans; Indianization for Sri Lankans (Sri Lanka is an island nation next to India), and Vietnamization for Cambodians (Cambodia locates between Thailand and Vietnam). Peripheral countries in global scope may become a core in smaller scopes. They are able to play a more important role than western cultures for cultural influence on countries nearby. Another example is still food-related. When hamburgers flow from United States to Asia, Chinese food on the other hand brings impacts on local American cuisine. Sushi,as a typical Japanese food, even becomes popular worldwide.

Besides homogeneity and heterogeneity, there is another possible process for globalization, which is hybridization of culture. Hybridization seems to be a negotiation between homogeneity and heterogeneity because cultures mix with each other. Though cultural changes indicate loss and destruction of traditional culture and practices, it may also bring creative global ideas and values. Since local citizens are able to interpret those global or westernized cultural items with their own traditions and values, their original cultures will innovate and become more diverse. In brief, hybridization mixes several cultures to make each of them more complicated.

Food is still a good case for explaining hybridization. Local businessmen in some regions build fast food chain restaurants to sell traditional cuisine, in order to terminate the monopoly of McDonald』s or KFC, etc. In China, a local chain called Kungfu owns over 400 branches which serve Chinese meals,e.g. steamed food and dumplings. In Moscow, the Ruskoje Bistros opens to sell Pirozhki, a traditional Russian snack. In Japan, MOS Burger sells hamburgers made from rice instead of wheat. These restaurants may adapt some of the ideas from American counterparts, the cultural difference in both foods supplied and service among them, however, exist. The innovations of McDonald』s and KFC outside United States can be regarded as cultural hybridization as well. In this case, they adapt some ideas from non-western countries.

By comparison, hybridization is better than homogeneity and heterogeneity to explain contemporary globalization phenomenon in most of time. In Islamic societies which resist western cultures more often, heterogeneity is still more appropriate to be used for description.

After discussing the topic of clash of civilizations, McDonaldization and numerous practical examples, it is concluded that homogeneity or dominance of western culture is not easy to occur in reality. Instead, hybridization is more proper for sketching the contemporary globalization process; meanwhile, heterogeneity is still useful for explaining cultural resistance in conservative societies. The article should have ended here. However, by studying global consumerism, it is found that even hybridization is not enough for answering what globalization in nowadays looks like. Therefore in the final part, global consumerism will be discussed.

Consumer culture or consumerism, by its means, is referring to social arrangement in which the relations between the lived cultural experience of everyday life and social resources exist. Mediating through markets, meaningful valued ways of life and the symbolic and material resources on which consumers depend are linked.

There are four major features of consumerism:

1. Pervasive and rapid circulation of commercial products which are goods produced for exchange within a capitalist market

overtakes the role of government which used to redistribute social resources.

2. Relative independence of consumption activities from those related to production and the growing power and authority allows consumers to own more market dynamics.

3. Citizens shift their role into consumers and producers by changing relationship between different systems of production and valuation in society, which is increasingly interlinked and mediated by market values, i.e. consumers ask how much a product should costs or at what price level should they sell it.

4. Consuming is an instrument for showing one』s social status of individuals because with much more abundant good supply, people no longer consume for purpose of surviving only, instead, consuming better goods reflects better life of a consumer.

Consumerism basically relies on supply of products.Therefore producers carve the structure of consuming behaviors of people. McDonaldization, as mentioned for several times, brings impacts on consumerism by standardization. Fast food chains such as McDonald』s and category killers including Wal-Mart reshape the purchasing habits of consumers. Global medias,for example, CNN and Facebook, usually provide information freely; in return for this, they obtain the power to control public opinions. Global manufacturers including Pfizer, one of the world』s largest medicine producers,make consumers more rely on them. Global brands comprising Coca Cola and Louis Vuitton, a luxury brand, influence consumers』 values towards consumption.

When multinational corporations which mainly come from United States spread their products and additional cultures worldwide, some express worries about cultural homogenization or even the dominance of western culture, because these companies are backed by state power and those developed states bring influences of values and habits on other countries purposively. Local cultures will be threatened under this situation. Obviously these worries are unnecessary since homogeneity, as concluded before, rarely happen in the real world.

Some scholars notice the importance of global consumerism in recent years, therefore it is possible to study and compare different views of it.

The first view being discussed is from Leslie Sklair. Sklair states that consumer culture is the center of globalization, which citizens transfer their role into consumers (Sklair, 2002). He also applies the fall of Soviet Union as an example to show that consumerism can even bring about political innovation. Néstor Carcía Canclini focuses on hybridization and diversity of global consumerism. For him, goods are produced from different regions and consumed by the whole world, therefore consuming is a good method for sensing the world (Canclini, 2001) and interacting individuals to each other. Benjamin R. Barber holds the opposite views. He claims that both homogeneity, which is represented by McWorld, and heterogeneity, being represented by Jihad, are threats to democracy development (Barber, 2008). In deed, McWorld eliminates isolationism and brings about economic and political stability, it result in secularism among people. Besides, McWorld puts threats on states which are the main force for democratization. His final argument is difficulty of finding equilibrium between roles of consumer and citizen, since the former rises dependence and needs, the latter pursue for independence and democracy, i.e. these two roles are conflicting in nature. George Ritzer does not agree with Barber. He states that threatening as well as promising features of homogeneity and heterogeneity co-exist. Finally, in Douglas J. Goodman』s view, global consumer culture may exist, however people need more researches to verify its existence (Goodman, 2008). In addition, no matter what Sklair, Canclini and Ritzer』s opinion are, they fail to verify the existence of global consumer culture. His conclusion is that global consumerism may exist in some extents, but this process needs money spending. As a result, consumer culture is limited.

No matter what results these scholars give, they should have provided sufficient hints for others to collect more findings. In this article, global consumer culture or global consumerism is found as a phenomenon with four characteristics.

Firstly, it is unevenly developed among different regions and conflicts exist, which means that global consumerism mainly originates in developed and western countries. However, more and more such culture is produced in other countries. Conflicts are not necessarily happening between westernized global consumer culture and traditional cultures though they usually exist. In fact, traditional values and anti-consumerism inside those western countries are the other forces resisting the advancement of global consumerism. For example, in San Francisco, California, United States, anti-McDonaldization movement did occur.

Secondly, homogenization never comes true. This point has been illustrated in the part of global localization. The examples of local fast food chains in several cities prove the existence of cultural hybridization.

Thirdly, Goodman』s argument, which is that consuming needing money, is in fact not that correct by comparing this statement to the reality. Internet is evidence to the contrary. Though a computer is required for surfing on the Internet, consuming products on it is almost free. Videos on YouTube, games on Facebook, etc charge nothing but time. Marginal cost is zero when watching one more video or playing one more game, which result in nearly-zero average cost even take the cost of computer into account after certain amounts of these products are consumed. Despite digital divide between developed and developing countries, people in the world are more easily to access the Internet even they themselves have no devices. For instance, among 238,600,000 Indonesian populations, only 16.5% (39,600,000) are Internet users. Still it cannot prevent citizens from obtaining information on the Internet. The Korean music video named Gangnam Style, as the most viewed video on YouTube, is influential in Indonesia.Even one of the five flash mobs of Gangnam Style shows in the world is held in this country. Since marginal cost for watching one more video as well as watching by more than one people with one computer is nearly zero, most Indonesians can still use this technology for connecting to the world. Otherwise there is no proper explanation for the popularity of Gangnam Style in here.

Fourthly, as consuming is not necessarily costly, people nowadays can produce with much lower costs. The cost for producing Gangnam Style is much lower than that of any Hollywood movies. However the number for watching that funny music video and is several times greater than the movie Titanic, one of the most popular western movies. YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, all these platforms allows ordinary people to produce some goods with nearly no cost. The term We Media or Web 2.0, therefore, are providing a vision that any person can be a producer. Anyone can produce influential products to the world under this circumstance, which lower the hurdle for people in non-western countries to express their culture more often.

Fig. 5 Snapshot of Gangnam Style"s MV

On December 15th, 2012, Google published its searching statistics report Zeitgeist 2012. According to this report,Gangnam Style is ranked at the second top of keywords searching, only coming after Whitney Houston, a deceased female singer in United States. The result was much different in the last year, which Justin Bieber, a Canadian teenager singer, ranked at the top of list. This fact tells one argument, which can be described as easy-hot and easy-fade. This phrase means that in contemporary world, it is easy for a figure or a culture to become influential. However, nearly none of them can capture the public attention for as long time as before. In this part, it can summarize that since different cultures have more chances to be shown to the world, they will be more often to be hybridized.

Globalization brings intensive interactions of people around the world, linking different culture and values together. Multinational corporation and nowadays any individual can be the media for cultural globalization process. Cultural homogeneity is an impossible outcome, instead, heterogeneity and hybridization are. In addition, cultural globalization is a procedure of competition and negotiation. When competitions take places among different cultures and values, negotiations arise between multinational corporations and a certain country - the only incentive for these companies to do so is the demand of consumers. When cultures in developed countries are confronting with challenges from those in developing countries, all of them will seek an equilibrium position. All or none of them can have any advantages when comparing to others in the end. Competitions among cultures exist during this process. Meanwhile, multinational corporations produce products under the influence of consumer preferences, therefore cultures and values from those consumers can reversely shape the culture and values in these companies. Therefore when contemporary multinational corporations are trying to produce dominant cultures and values, they themselves are influenced by preferences, tastes or values of consumers in different regions by negotiating with them - business achievements will tell whether their negotiations are successful. In short, heterogeneity, hybridization, competition and negotiation are all possible for cultural globalization process. Whether they exist fully or partially are base on the circumstance in certain cases.


Barber, B. R.(2008), Shrunken Sovereign: Consumerism, Globalization, and American Emptiness

Canclini, N. C. (2001), Consumers and Citizens: Globalization and Multicultural Conflicts (Cultural Studies of the Americas,Vol. 6)

Friedman, T. L.(2007), The World is Flat

Goodman, D. J.(2008), Globalization and Consumer Culture

Huntington, S. P.(1996), Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

Ritzer, G. (2009),Globalization: A Basic Text

Sklair, L. (2002),Globalization: Capitalism and Its Alternatives

Statistics Singapore (2012), Statistics Singapore - Latest Data - Population (Mid-Year Estimates)

Steger, M.B.(2003), Globalization: A Very Short Introduction

Google (2012), Zeitgeist2012, from Zeitgeist 2012







看亨廷頓(Huntington)的 the clash of civilisations

個人偏向於,未來的世界文化將處於一種 你方唱罷我登場 的局面. 但是在任一個時刻,將表現出現在處於主導地位的文化對其他文化的強勢影響和同化.




























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