


50 Nerds of Grey(Nerd版的五十度灰葷段子)

Medieval Reactions(中世紀插畫冷吐槽)

pakalu papito(一個以印裔loser視角發推的深井冰)


Pickup Lines! 一個分享搭訕用語的賬號(其實內容大多很逗很中二)

Onion Politics 洋蔥政治(看到洋蔥你知道是個什麼尿性了)

Funny Tweets? / Sarcasm / @Funny Sayings(這幾個風格都比較類似 配圖加吐槽的)

WW2 Tweets from 1944(一個牛津大學歷史系學生開的直播二戰的推,已經第五個年頭了,子賬號還有一個關注太平洋戰場的@asiainww2也推薦關注)

Britizenship Test一個名義上以「英國文化」發調查推的深井冰推,每一條都黑的讓人無言以對。

ISIS PR Department伊斯蘭國公關部(fake)(要是ISIS 公關原PO看見這個賬號的內容內心估計是崩潰的)

Showerthoughts reddit上showerthoughts(浴室沉思)專欄的官方推,不點進去看看你永遠不知道網友們的腦洞有多大。

shut up, mike


@ Donald Trump"s Diary







由於我們不知道這個賬號的所有人是誰,下面就用他的ID @KazHiraiCEO來稱呼吧。與我們一般認知上的假賬號不同,@KazHiraiCEO並不想讓人誤以為這是一個平井一夫的官方賬號,從他的個人簡介和頭像我們就能夠看出這一點。


其實@KazHiraiCEO只是喜歡用一個CEO的口吻,刁鑽的角度,幽默的語句,來調侃與索尼有關的業界消息。為了能寫出更有趣的段子,@KazHiraiCEO 更是時刻關注索尼及其對手的新聞,並能快速做出反應,從某種意義上來說這也是最全面的索尼資訊來源地之一,而且比一般的媒體更加幽默。




最近蘋果iPhone X公布,他也不忘去調侃一番。微軟的市場經理Aaron Greenberg發了條狀態,說他怕有人誤以為自己穿的Xbox One X的 T恤是iPhone X的T恤。

最後則是最為經典,也是最讓@KazHiraiCEO 自豪的一條推特。

在2016年CES 索尼發布會上,平井一夫在強調社交網路的重要性時,展示了在推特上自己的惡搞圖片來舉例,而在圖片上我們看到,索尼特意保留了推特主人的ID:@KazHiraiCEO ,這也算是平井一夫本人對於@KazHiraiCEO 這個假賬號的一種肯定吧,畢竟幽默、忠誠又無害的人是每個人都喜歡親近的。

@KazHiraiCEO 並沒有放過這個機會,又藉機黑了索尼一把。假賬號被本尊在發布會上拿出了調侃,然後用這個消息,再調侃一番,也是沒誰了,不過從這條狀態中,我能感受的@KazHiraiCEO的興奮和感激,一個調侃平井一夫的假賬號竟被平井一夫調侃了,這可能是對他的最大認可了。

就是這樣一個深受大家喜愛的賬號,卻在近日再一次用平井一夫的口吻發了條狀態,但這一次卻不那麼好笑,@KazHiraiCEO 表示自己將在2018年的E3之後退休(停止更新)。

在這份聲明中,@KazHiraiCEO 表示選擇退休主要是因為疲倦,他發現自己最近髮狀態的頻率越來越低,對遊戲新聞也不像之前那麼關注了,也不會全程追蹤報道各大遊戲的發布會了,對大新聞也沒有那麼敏感了,更主要的是他發現自己的笑話好像進入了一個瓶頸,很難有什麼新的創意和花樣,總是離不開幾個老生常談的梗。






其中就包括了Kotaku的編輯Luke Plunkett。

前Gamespot著名編輯Danny O"Dwyer。

著名非主流遊戲發行商Devolver Digital。





比如惡搞著名遊戲製作人Peter Molydeux的推特賬號。


在國內的微博上,也有一些類似的惡搞賬號被玩家們熟知,比如「今天SONY破產了嗎」,「Pokemon Go今天解鎖了么」等賬號,都曾經讓我們會心一笑,用另一種方式在調侃著遊戲業界。




  • 除了娛樂,Twitter 上還有有很多學術向的「不知名人士」,他們的興趣和工作是」觀察中國「。如果關注他們,或許可以給你更多視角,來了解這個國家。

  • 其中涵蓋中國政治中國經濟中國歷史中國社會中國的司法和法律中國的媒體和宣傳中文世界的人文與藝術等領域。列表中賬戶名添加括弧的學者要更為知名一些,另外末尾為在讀博士生(2014年時)

  • 註:原列表由 Jonathan Sullivan 收集,我只做了歸類整理。

  • *閱讀提示:本文過長,有興趣的讀者可以直接跳轉到相應部分。

  • 文章來自於公眾號「小雅隨刊」,歡迎關注。 (二維碼自動識別)

  • #1 中國政治

  • Laura Luehrmann

    (@LauraLuehrmann) is Assistant Professor in Political Science at Wright State. Research and tweets on comparative and Chinese politics and state-society relations.

    Kerry Brown ?

    (@Bkerrychina) is a Professor and Director of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. Former head of the Chatham House Asia Program, he is a leading expert and frequent commentator on Chinese politics, particularly elite politics.

    Victor Shih ?

    (@vshih2) is a Political Economist at Northwestern. Research and tweets on Chinese politics, the economy and finance.

    Sam Crane ?

    (@UselessTree) is Professor of Political Science at Williams College. Particular interest in the connection between Chinese politics and ancient philosophy.

    Gary King

    (@kinggary) is a world renowned social scientist and Director of IQSS at Harvard. Not a China scholar per se, but has recently published some incredible work on censorship and the Chinese internet. It』s a shame his China grad student co-authors (@mollyeroberts and @jenjpan) don』t tweet much, but I imagine Gary keeps them busy.

    Clayton Dube 杜克雷 ?

    (@claydube) is Director of the USC-China Institute and manager of C-Pol (a closed list for China professionals). Research on US-China perceptions and econ/political change.

    Dali L. Yang ?

    (@Dali_Yang) is Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. Research and tweets on politics and the Chinese economy

    Jeremy Wallace

    (@jerometenk) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Ohio State. Research and tweets on Chinese and authoritarian politics more broadly.

    Lynette H Ong

    (@onglynette) is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. Research and tweets on China』s political economy.

    Jessica Chen Weiss

    (@jessicacweiss) is Assistant Professor of international relations and Chinese politics at Yale. Research and tweets on Chinese foreign relations, with particular focus on Sino-Japan relations.

    Steven W. Lewis 劉瓊毅

    (@LiuQiongyi) is a China Fellow at the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice. Research and tweets on central/local relations, energy policy and pol comm.

    Florian Schneider

    (@schneiderfa77) is Lecturer in Chinese Politics at Leiden. Interests in Chinese politics, media, and digital.

    Cobus van Staden

    (@stadenesque) is a post-doc in Political Science and the Centre for Chinese Studies at Stellenbosch. Research and tweets on East Asian soft power expansion in Africa.

    Timothy S. Rich 芮宗泰

    (@timothysrich) Assistant Prof in Political Science at Western Kentucky. Research and tweets on East Asian politics and elections, with special interest in Taiwan.

    Rya Butterfield

    @RyaButterfield is Assistant Professor at Nicholls State University, working on Chinese and western rhetoric and political theory.

    Brian DeMare

    @BrianDeMare is an historian of modern China at Tulane University. His new book on Mao』s Cultural Army is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press

    Winnie King

    @DrWinnieKing is currently a teaching fellow at the University of Bristol, and specializes in Chinese political economy.

    Dan Chen

    @dorischen is Assistant Professor at Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania. Expertise in Chinese media and politics

    John Wagner Givens

    @JWagnerGivens is a Postdoc at the University of Louisville Center for Asian Democracy. Tweets on Chinese law, politics and society

    Xiaoyu Pu

    @pu_xiaoyu is Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, specializing in China』s foreign relations and rising powers in IR

    Scott Kennedy

    @ScottIU is Director of the Research Center for Chinese Politics Business at Indiana University.

    John McNeil Scott

    @McNeilScott is Chaplain and researcher with the Taiwan Studies Programme at the LSE

    Jennifer Hsu

    @jennifer_hsu Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta and an expert on Chinese development

    Stéphane Corcuff

    @stephanecorcuff is Professor at Sciences-Po Lyon and Director of the Centre d』Etudes Fran?ais sur la Chine Contemporaine, based in Taiwan. Expert on Taiwanese politics and society.

    Jack Qiu

    @jacklqiu is Associate Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, working on the Chinese internet.

    Jon Taylor

    @USTPoliSciProf is Professor of political science at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Expertise in Chinese and U.S. public administration and policy

    Miwa Hirono

    @MiwaYang is Lecturer in Politics and IR at the University of Nottingham researching China』s foreign relations and foreign policy behaviour.

    Pradeep Taneja

    @kyakarraheho is based in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, with interests in the politics and international relations of China and India.

    Zachary Scarlett

    @TheCrimsonEarth is Assistant professor of Chinese history at Butler University, Indiana, specialising in politics and culture and radical political movements

    Robert Barnett

    @RobbieBarnett is Director of the Modern Tibetan Studies Program at Columbia University. Expert on Tibet

    James Leibold

    @jleibold is Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University, where he researches ethnic relations and ethnic policy in China, with particular interest in Xinjiang

    Katrien Jacobs

    @katrien_jacobs is Associate Professor in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Interests in media and sexual politics.

    Kacie Miura

    @kaciemiura is a PhD student in Political Science at MIT studying China』s foreign policy

    Jennifer Pan

    @jenjpan is a PhD student at Harvard and author with Gary King and Molly Roberts of papers in Science and the APSR on censorship on the Chinese internet.

    Verity Robins

    @verity_robins is PhD Candidate at Oxford University working on Chinese politics IR.

    Geoffrey C. Chen

    @geoffreycchen is a PhD Candidate at the University of Bath working on Chinese politics and environmental governance

    Eric Hundman

    @ehundman is a PhD Candidate in political science at the University of Chicago, with interests in China and Taiwan.

    #2 中國經濟

  • Linda Yueh ?

    (@lindayueh) is amazing, no other word for it. A card carrying China scholar with affiliations to Oxford and London Business School, and simultaneously the BBC』s Chief Business Correspondent. Research and tweets on Chinese economy, business, finance.

    Ann Lee ?

    @AnnLeesays is currently Adjunct Professor of Economics and Finance at NYU. Focus on the Chinese economy, business and finance.

    Sara Hsu

    @SaraHsuChina is Assistant Professor of Economics at SUNY, New Paltz and an expert on Chinese economic development.

    Joanna Lewis

    @JoannaILewis is Associate Professor of Science, Technology and International Affairs at Georgetown University. Expert on climate change and clean energy in China.

    Markus Eberhardt

    @MEDevEcon is Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Nottingham. Expertise and tweets in empirical development economics

    Paul Gillis

    @ProfGillis is Professor of Practice at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He also runs the China Accounting Blog

    Maggie Clinton

    @maggieclinton is Assistant Professor of History at Middlebury College with expertise on modern china

    Christian Schmidkonz

    @ChinaFFWD is Professor at Munich Business School, with interests in the economy of China and Taiwan

    John Ross

    @JohnRoss43 is Senior Fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University. Interests in China』s economy

    Walter Hutchens

    @prof_hutchens is Global Business Chair at the University of Redlands in California, with interests in China』s legal and financial systems

    #3 中國歷史

  • Jeff Wasserstrom ?

    (@jwassers) a history Professor at UC Irvine, but that doesn』t begin to cover the scope of his activities (which include editing the China section of the LA Review of Books and the flagship Journal of Asian Studies). Writes and tweets frequently on diverse issues relating to China.

    Adam Cathcart ?

    (@adamcathcart) is a Lecturer in Chinese History at the University of Leeds. Strong research interest in North Korea and PRC-DPRK relations. Frequent tweets on the minutiae of North Korean political life. Member of the FP-100.

    Kate Merkel-Hess

    (@kmerkelhess) is Assistant Professor of History and Asian Studies Penn State. Research interests in modern Chinese history.

    Susan Fernsebner

    (@sfern) is Associate Professor of Chinese History at the University of Mary Washington. Research and tweets on China』s expos, childhood, and the digital humanities.

    John Delury

    (@JohnDelury) is Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies at Yonsei. Research and tweets on modern Chinese history, plus South and North Korea.

    Stephen R. Platt

    (@stephenrplatt) is a professor of modern Chinese history at UMass-Amherst.

    Stephen McDowall

    @TheRealMcDowall is a Chancellor』s Fellow in History at the University of Edinburgh, and a cultural historian of late-imperial China

    Mark Elliott

    @Mark_C_Elliott is Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History and Director of the Fairbank Center, at Harvard University. Expert on the Qing,

    Ryan Dunch

    @DunchinYEG is Professor of Chinese history at University of Alberta (more tweets focused on higher ed than China)

    Paula S. Harrell

    @psharrell3 is an historian specialising in China and Japan at Georgetown University

    Jocelyn Chatterton

    @Chatt236 is a Lecturer in Chinese history at SOAS specializing in Ming/Qing textiles and eunuchs.

    David Brophy

    @Dave_Brophy is a Lecturer in History at Sydney University specialising in the social and political history of China』s northwest, especially Xinjiang

    P?r Cassel

    @ParCassel is Associate Professor in Chinese History at the University of Michigan. Expert on late imperial and modern China.

    Carla Nappi

    @CarlaNappi is Associate Professor of History at the University of British Columbia, and an expert on the history of science and medicine in the Ming-Qing

    Enze Han

    @EnzeHan is Senior Lecturer at SOAS and an expert on ethnic politics in China and China』s relations with Southeast Asia

    Hilde De Weerdt

    @hild_de is Professor of Chinese History at the University of Leiden, and a specialist in Chinese and comparative history and digital research methods

    Amy Jane Barnes

    @AmyJaneBarnes is currently based at the School of Management, University of Leicester, with expertise in Chinese history and museum studies.

    Thomas Jansen

    @Jansen_Lampeter is Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at Trinity St David, University of Wales, specialising in early medieval China and Chinese religions

    Stephen Morgan

    @SimaHui1 is Professor and Dean of Social Sciences at University of Nottingham, Ningbo campus. Business historian of China

    Tong Lam

    @tong_lam is Associate Professor of History at the University of Toronto and an expert on Chinese visual culture and technology

    Maggie Greene

    @mcgreenesd is Assistant Professor of History at Montana State with interests in modern Chinese history

    Sam van Schaik

    @sam_vanschaik researches the history of Buddhism, Tibet and the Silk Road, and is a member of the British Library』s International Dunhuang Project

    Natasha Heller

    @nheller is Assistant Professor of Chinese Religions at UCLA. Expert in Chinese Buddhism and its interaction with the intellectual history of the Song, Yuan and Ming

    Vincent Leung

    @vshleung is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Pittsburgh and historian of Early China

    Chelsea Zi Wang

    @chelseazw is a PhD student at Columbia University researching information management in pre-modern China

    Devin Fitzgerald

    @DevinFitzger is a Doctoral Student in History and East Asian Languages at Harvard University

    Eric T. Schluessel

    @EricTSchluessel is a Doctoral student in Chinese and Inner Asian history at Harvard University.

    Robert W. Cole

    @RobtWCole is a PhD candidate in 20th century Chinese cultural-intellectual history at New York University

    Pete Millwood

    @petemillwood is a PhD student in History at the LSE.

    Julia Famularo

    @Julia_Famularo is ABD in History at Georgetown University. Researching Xinjiang, Tibet and human rights, Taiwan and identity

    #4 中國社會

  • Ralph Litzinger

    (@BeijingNomad) is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Women』s Studies at Duke with interests in environmental issues, urbanization and Tibet.

    Gregory Lee 利大英

    (@GBLee) is Professor of Chinese and Transcultural Studies at the University of Lyon. Interests in Chinese diaspora and migration.

    Kerim Friedman

    (@kerim) is Associate Professor in the Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures at National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan. Research and tweets related to anthropology and film with a focus on Taiwan.

    Willy Sier

    @WillySier is a researcher at the Institute for Social Science, University of Amsterdam. She specializes in contemporary migration issues in China.

    Gerald Roche

    @GJosephRoche is an anthropologist at Uppsala University working on endangered languages in Tibet. He is the Editor of Asian Highlands Perspectives.

    Ellen Wu

    @ellendwu is Assistant Professor of History at Indiana University. Expert on experience and identity of Chinese/Asian Americans

    Yanzhong Huang

    @YanzhongHuang is Associate Professor in the School of Diplomacy at Seton Hall. Expertise and tweets on Chinese health

    Mike Gow

    @mikeygow is a postdoc at NYU Shanghai, researching and tweeting on the role of Higher Education in the Chinese development model

    Andrew Quintman

    @AndrewQuintman is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, and an authority on Buddhism in Tibet and the Himalayan region

    Scott Simon

    @ssimon_chelsea is an anthropologist at the University of Ottawa specializing in the political ecology of Taiwan

    Alison Marshall

    @Marshallalisonr is an historian at Brandon University, Canada. Researching Chinese Canadian history, gender and religion

    Hyun Shin

    @urbancommune is Associate Professor in Geography at the LSE, specialising in comparative urban studies and urbanization in China

    Silvia Lindtner

    @yunnia is Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan researching cultures of technology production and use in China

    Cameron Campbell

    @campbell_kang is Professor at UCLA currently based at HKUST. Expertise in population and the family in China

    Carole McGranahan

    @CMcGranahan is Professor of Anthropology and historian of Tibet at the University of Colorado. Expert on Tibet and the Tibetan Diaspora

    Christian Straube

    @touminghua is a PhD student in Anthropology working on China in the African Copperbelt

    Benjamin Coulson

    @benjcoulson is a PhD student at Newcastle Univeristy working on genealogies of China in the US imagination

    J B Bird

    @JBBird33 is a PhD Candidate at the University of Sydney. Working on North-West China, human rights and ethnic minorities

    #5 中國的外交和軍事

  • Johan Lagerkvist ?

    (@Chinaroader) is a Senior Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. Has published extensively about the Chinese internet, with research interests and tweets on Chinese foreign policy and increasingly China-Africa issues

    Andrew Erickson ?

    (@andrewserickson) is Associate Professor at the US Naval College. Research and tweets on Chinese security, with a bit of IR and defense analysis.

    M. Taylor Fravel ?

    (@fravel) is Associate Professor in International relations at MIT. Research and tweets on Chinese foreign policy and security issues.

    Deborah Brautigam ?

    (@D_Brautigam) is Professor at American University. Research and tweets on the engagement between China and Africa.

    iginio gagliardone

    (@iginioe) is a Research Fellow in International Communication at Oxford. Research and tweets on the media, African politics and China-Africa relations.

    Peter Dutton

    @peter_dutton is Director of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College, tweets on Chinese and Asian security.

    Malcolm Davis

    @Dr_M_Davis is Assistant Professor at Bond University in Queensland. Research and tweets on China』s major power relations and military.

    Chen Dingding

    @ChenDingding is Assistant Professor of Government at the University of Macau, with interests in Chinese foreign policy and security

    Amy King

    @amysarahking is Lecturer in the Strategic Defence Studies Centre at ANU. Expert on China-Japan relations and Asia-Pacific security

    David Tobin

    @ReasonablyRagin Lecturer in Politics at the University of Glasgow with expertise and tweets on China and Japan relations and Asian security

    Gary Rawnsley

    @GDRaber is Professor of Public Diplomacy in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University and an expert on China and Taiwan』s public diplomacy

    Matt Ferchen

    @MattFerchen is Associate Professor in IR at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Research on Chinese development China-Latin America relations

    Kingsley Edney

    @KingsleyEdney is Lecturer in the Politics and International Relations of China at the University of Leeds.

    Christopher Twomey

    @ctwomey68 is Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, researching Sino-US relations and Asian security

    Corey Wallace

    @CoreyJWallace is a Lecturer at the University of Auckland, specialising in China- Japan relations and East Asian IR/security

    Polis Lo

    @thinkingpolis is a PhD Student at the University of Melbourne focusing on China and international affairs

    Alessandro Rippa

    @AlessandroRippa is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at Aberdeen University. Research on China, Xinjiang and Pakistan.

    #6 中國的媒體與宣傳

  • Min Jiang ?

    (@mindyjiang) is Associate Professor of Communication at UNC-Charlotte. A former editor at CCTV, she researches and tweets on the Chinese internet and media.

    Heather Inwood

    (@heatherinwood) Lecturer in Chinese Studies at Manchester. Teaching, research and tweets on contemporary Chinese poetry, pop culture and digital media.

    Guobin Yang ?

    (@Yangguobin) is Professor in the Annenberg School for Communication at UPenn. Research and tweets on the Chinese internet.

    Fan Yang

    @FanfanYang is Assistant Professor of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Maryland. She has particular interests in the media and visual culture in contemporary China

    Marcella Szablewicz

    @MSzabs is Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Pace University, New York, working on the Chinese Internet and Digital Media

    Aynne Kokas

    @shotinshanghai is a Fellow in Chinese Media at the Baker Institute at Rice University

    Randy Kluver

    @rkluver is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Texas AM. Media, digital and international communications with a China focus.

    Cara Wallis

    @carawallis is Assistant Professor at Texas AM, researching the social and cultural implications of new media technologies in China.

    #7 中國的法律

  • Alex Wang

    (@greenlawchina) teaches at UCLA School of Law. Research and tweets on China』s environment and energy issues.

    Donald Clarke ?

    (@donaldcclarke) is Professor at George Washington University Law School. Research and tweets on modern Chinese law.

    Ira Belkin

    @IraBelkin is Executive Director of the US-Asia Law Institute at NYU Law School. Expertise and tweets on rule of law criminal justice in China

    Karla Simon

    @KarlaWSimon is affiliated with the NYU US-Asia Law Institute and author of Civil Society in China (OUP)

    Carl Minzner

    @CarlMinzner is Professor of Chinese law and politics at Fordham Law School and an expert on law and governance in China

    Mark Feldman

    @MFeldman97 is Associate Professor in the School of Transnational Law at Peking University. Expertise in Chinese and Asian law

    #8 中國哲學

  • Bryan W. Van Norden

  • @BryanVanNorden is a Professor at Vassar College, specialising in Chinese religions and author of Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy

    #9 中文世界的文學藝術

  • Michel Hockx ?

    (@mhockx) is Professor of Chinese literature at SOAS, and Director of the SOAS China Institute (Disclosure: Michel will be my boss from Jan 2014). Research and tweets on the sociology of literature, cyberliterature and censorship.

    Charles Laughlin

    (@charleslaughlin) is Professor of Modern Chinese Literature at the University of Virginia. Tweets on politics, society and pop culture.

    Craig Clunas

    (@CraigClunas) is Professor of the History of Art at Oxford. Research and tweets on Chinese art.

    Nick Admussen

    (@nadmussen) is Assistant Professor in Asian Studies at Cornell. Research and tweets on contemporary Chinese literature, poetry and Chinese-English translation.

    James Wicks

    (@jawicks75) is Associate Professor of Literature and Film Studies at Point Loma Nazarene University in California. Research and tweets on transnational film and pop culture in Chinese, Taiwanese and comparative contexts.

    Anita Huang

    @HLaoshi is Assistant professor of Chinese linguistics at Birmingham-Southern College, Alabama.

    Anne Sytske Keijser

    @KeijserA is a Lecturer in the Chinese Studies Programme at Leiden University. Expertise in Chinese film literature

    Keith Dede

    @KeithDede is Associate Professor of Chinese at Lewis Clark College in Portland, Oregon

    Lily Wong

    @lilyw0817 is Assistant professor of Literature at American University, with interests in East Asian Cultural Studies film and media

    Eric Shepherd

    @erictshepherd is Associate Professor of Chinese and storyteller at the University of South Florida.

    Scott Galer

    @scottgaler is Associate Professor of Chinese at Brigham Young University, Idaho.

    Scott Gregory

    @ScottGreg is currently a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore, working on late imperial Chinese literature

    Eileen Chengyin Chow

    @chowleen is Visiting Associate Professor in Asian Middle Eastern Studies at Duke, with interests in film, literature and Chinatowns

    Nicole Talmacs

    @nikitalmacs is a PhD Candidate at the University of Sydney, with a focus on Chinese cinema

    Josepha Richard

    @GardensOfChina is a PhD Student in the School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield researching gardens in China

    Greg Fenton

    @thegregfenton is a PhD student at University of Guelph working on Asian North American literary and cultural studies.

    &> 原資料來源

  • The China Studies Twitterati 50(The China Studies Twitterati 50)

  • China Scholars Twitterati 100(China Scholars Twitterati 100)


小膜女姜 @Kyou_Kyouu

Luvmmy @Cluvmmy

小母狗的爸爸 @volcanoveea

爸爸的小母狗 @rinco1201

留賓宴 @liubinyan

鬼兒(?へ?) @wwwGUIA

段子手也算吧~( ̄▽ ̄~)~










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