Quora 的 Best Source 有什麼作用?實現的邏輯是什麼?

Quora對Best Source的定義是,如果對於某一個問題,Quora上的回答是目前互聯網上最好的回答(詳細條件如下),那麼這個問題就可以被標註為「Best Source」。標註由用戶發起。對於不符合條件的標註,管理員可以撤銷。

Questions that are marked best source have a small star next to them wherever there is a link to that question. Anyone can mark or unmark a question as best source in the Options menu at the top right of the question page. The menu item is "Mark as Best Source."

Questions should be marked as "best source" if the Quora question page is among the best sources available on the Web for someone who is interested in the question. This means that, for someone who has that question, they are better off reading that question page than all but perhaps 3 or 4 other sources on the Web.

If you disagree that a question is best source, write a comment on the question, and cite the URL of a better page as part of your comment.

[1] http://www.quora.com/What-are-the-rules-for-marking-a-question-as-best-source-on-Quora


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