為什麼 MySQL 使用多線程,而 Oracle 和 PostgreSQL 使用多進程?
諸如Oracle這種商業資料庫,基本都支持多種Process Models, Oracle默認是多進程。
根據Understanding MySQL Internals所說, MySQL一開始是Solaris上的 :Thus in May of 1996 MySQL version 1.0 was released to a limited group, followed by a public release in October 1996 of version 3.11.1. The initial public release provided only a binary distribution for Solaris. A month later, the source and the Linux binary were released.
Just as a good rider becomes one with the horse, Monty(MySQL author) had become one with the computer. It pained him to see system resources wasted. He felt confident enough to be able to write virtually bug-free code, deal with the concurrency issues presented by threads, and even work with s small stack. What an exciting challenge! Needless to say, he chose threads.
Postgres的原因可以在The design of Postgres中找到:
However, this approach requires that a fairly complete special-purpose operating system be built. In contrast, the process-per-user model is simpler to implement but will not perform as well on most conventional operating systems. We decided after much soul searching to implement POSTGRES using a process-per-user model architecture because of our limited programming resources.
至於如果要了解不同model間的優劣,強烈推薦Anatomy of a Database System第二章Process Models.ORACLE在windows上也是多線程。傳統的unix系統,早期沒有提供多線程,只有多進程。linux是最近的版本才加入多線程支持,以前一直都是多進程。windows很早就支持多線程,本地應用大部分也是多線程。因此oracle在windows上一直都是多線程,在unix上才是多進程。多進程的好處是,一個進程崩潰不會影響其他進程,多線程的好處是不需要共享內存這樣的手段來訪問資料庫緩衝區。mysql很可能是從windows發站起來的,pg和oracle都是最早從unix發站起來的,因此前者是多線程,後兩者是多進程。
一般操作系統教科書里的線程和進程的概念只是抽象理論上的,在不同OS里的實現顯然有很大區別。Windows上線程庫很方便很高效,強於posix thread,而process的創建代價就很昂貴;而且這是由MS自己設計實現的,直接以系統API方式提供。Unix上process model更簡單,而multithreading基本就是一個雷區,Unix上幾十年來的主流開發語言C/C++根本就不支持thread(直到C++11),即使後來有了posix thread,在移植性上也是開發人員的噩夢。所以,拋開具體的DB產品不說,multitasking在Windows上一般首選thread,而Unix上肯定是用fork了。這也是為什麼mysql基於solaris卻採用thread會被認為是挑戰。
※SQL Server和Oracle,我該選擇哪一個去深入學習?他們各有什麼優勢和劣勢?Ps.我是做.NET開發的。
TAG:資料庫 | MySQL | PostgreSQL | Oracle資料庫 |