

定位不一樣,外國人不論什麼狗屁玩意在中國都是特權階層,去酒吧女人都求著跟睡,拿工資還要international pay(我就認識一個瑞典女的在瑞典連才高中學歷來了中國在北京某個國際學校教英語一個月2萬8的工資還在東航做空姐一個月下來收入3萬五呢,在瑞典她可是住避難所的主),再看看前一段時間那個德國賓士的經理在北京順義的別墅區(想想中國能住上北京別墅區的都得是什麼級別的人)都敢拿胡椒水噴人就那樣惹到中國的特權人士到了派出所還敢翹二郎腿呢(哪個中國人抓進了派出所敢翹二郎腿?)
再反過來看中國人往國外移民的哪怕不是中國的精英也是中上層人士了吧?一下飛機美國海關就當頭一棒 「entering the United States is a privilege" 然後生活中工作中處處被老外刁難也沒地發聲~
我以前在其他關於在華外國人的帖子底下都談過~去年夏天在對外經貿大學門口就揍過騎小摩托闖紅燈差點撞到我的老美(至少說話是美音)當時嚷嚷著「you get your Chinass fucking out of the way..."估計以為我聽不懂英語呢結果沒想到我是剛回國的留學生而且我敢肯定他不是第一次這樣干,就是被中國人慣壞了欠揍我當場一腳把他連人帶車踹翻了丫然後指著斑馬線說「you look at that take a good look that"s the fucking pedestrian lane you see that? And what did you just call me? The C word aight? Learn some manners or I"m seriously gonna let you remember!"(真的,我心裡對他們對中國人的態度實在是再清楚不過了,在國外他們歧視咱們欺負咱們,行,我認了,人家的地盤,回了自己國家這幫玩意還敢去咱們頭上就說不過去了吧?)
後來我回來到加拿大渥太華繼續上學就在渥太華大學門口的subway買了三明治當時我有個杯子直接去飲料機接了一杯冰塊結果突然店主,一個40多歲戴金鏈子操著英國口音的傢伙(哦貌似有個中國老婆,很有意思是不是?wink wink~)揪著我的衣服說你個中國佬(嗯沒錯,他用的chinaman這個詞)偷老子的冰塊(你家冰塊還收錢?Excuse me?)然後他把我剛買的三明治拿走了叫我滾出他的店否則charge我trespassing我直接指著他鼻子罵「how about i charge you with theft ha?im not leaving without the sandwich I just paid for!"然後他掏出手機來叫警察我說「go for it"(反正老子不怕麻煩,被特警一排槍指著我都經歷過還怕你個英國佬?)然後我一個人門口等著警察來
警察來了我更他們一說那個店主為了一杯冰塊鬧成這樣也只是苦笑了一下然後進去和他交涉了幾分鐘就把我的三明治拿了回來給了我然後說「he"ll forget in a week"




2,你沒職業技能沒關係,藍翔新東方還是北大青鳥畢業都無所謂,說話你總會吧?你可以去非洲教漢語啊。普通話不標準?濃濃的膠東郊區口音?怕什麼,你可是正宗的黃種中國人!你說的話就是正宗的中國話! 實在不行你還可以幫非洲的公司扮演中國專家,出席他們的各種活動儀式。還可以給非洲最大的電子商務網站黑寶的網店做模特。總之,身為黃種人,你就別擔心掙不著錢,日結一天,闊以玩三天。









去年在北京,一什麼國際外貿諮詢公司工作的老外召集了一幫在國內生活工作的人在某西餐廳舉辦個christmas party, 類似於這裡紐約老中在某個參觀搞個春節聚會。我當時作為其中 一個abc的朋友參加。整個party大概20人,都是美國英國法國澳大利亞之類的西方白人加少許abc。有的外派,有的留學,有的教英語等等。在中國平均呆了4,5年了。中文大多口語交流沒任何障礙,很多都有中國老婆和女朋友。盡聽他們閑聊了。


1) 在他們圈子裡:大山,就是那說相聲的加拿大白皮,是他們公認的『洋奸』。他們認為他是給中國政府當花瓶當猴子耍的,對他恨之入骨。和這裡人看grace gao之流差不多。

2) 說起川普, 這些人全是白左,全部反床鋪,和美國國內白左一模一樣。但他的對華政策,包括對中國收關稅,接蔡英文電話,南海巡航之類的。他們大多都支持的,說終於看到一個能對中國強硬的總統了。當時川普接了蔡英文電話,說要吧一中原則作為籌碼時,美國國內左逼都覺得他瘋了,覺得是傻逼舉動。但這些在中國生活的左逼大部分在這件事上為他喝彩,覺得沒什麼不好。床鋪要和中國大貿易戰,美國左逼覺得也是傻逼政策,美國不可能打贏。而這幫白人覺得不一定,很希望川普對中國強硬。

3) 幾個他們之間流行的切口: chabuduo culture: 指他們所謂的中國人做什麼事都馬馬虎虎差不多就行。 hot water is good for the healthy: 嘲笑中國人愛喝熱水,"healthy"故意賣個語法破綻戲弄中式英語。 vivian: 在他們眼裡中國傻妞,對世界一切看法都很天真可笑的中國女孩。 中國所有的酒他們都被稱作 piss, 完全沒法喝。

4) 異口同聲的對支付寶,微信支付不以為然,認為用信用卡方便多了。對微信這個軟體,用他們的原話是:"a facebook/whatsapp/line ripoff with an interface that looks like it"s made by a high school kid in a 2-day UI design project"

5) 上次美國這裡bloomberg上有篇文章說中國IT創業環境已經要超趕矽谷了。有人談到這篇文章。底下哄堂大笑,說這個作者肯定沒在中國呆過。總而言之,你想見到最反華的白人,不要去德克薩斯,也不要去加利福尼亞。去中國!!


要想了解不少現居中國的ESL和國際學校「外教「們以及外派員工的真實想法,不妨來看看reddit的板塊CHINACIRCLEJERK2 ? r/CCJ2 (另一板塊r/china可以算是r/ccj2的溫和版,但主體思想殊途同歸)

  • Rainy

r/ccj2對於倒貼外國人的傻白甜中國女性,專門發明了個嘲笑她們的名詞:Rainy (倒貼女愛用的裝可愛名字,其實在英語里非常的不正式/不常見;說一口破爛英語,聽歪果仁描述了外國生活之後心生嚮往,不顧一切想吊個外國老公移民然後生個混血孩子)



  • r/ccj2的版頭就充滿了政治不正確的氣息2333

諷刺意味十足的「釣魚島是中國」就不消說了,中間那位被掛的女性是環球時報的一位作者Lan Yang。她曾在環球時報英文版發表的一篇文章中,把r/ccj2當做歧視典型批判了一頓,從此慘遭被掛牆頭,還被冠以Rainy的稱號

Lan Yang寫的原文:

Snobby Shanghai girl no worse than cruel expats


」Online forums for Western expats in China such as Reddit"s ChinaCircleJerk (/r/CCJ2) are brimming with scathing insults and mocking stories about the simple ways of their Chinese girlfriends (who they categorically refer to as "Rainy"). Photos of China"s "filthy" toilets get shared, along with condemnations of migrant workers ("Nongs", another disparaging term coined by CCJ), which these foreigners all laugh over while hiding in their gated apartment complexes.


/r/CCJ2 [ChinaCircleJerk] gets *rekt* in Global Times editorial ? r/China


  • nongess/nongs

(nongess:農村女, nongs:農村男)r/ccj2的又一貶低用語發明,脫胎於漢語拼音的農民和農民工。下面是個嘲笑農村女的經典段子:chingchong+fake iphone(用假iphone)+tiny eye slit(吊稍小眼睛)+yellow(黃皮) +inferior chinese microcock(小JJ))算是一個就把中國相關的種族笑話開完了,很黃很暴力就不翻譯了

  • 版上的日常提問 「我想搬到到中國教ESL,求過來人打醒我」


其次高的comment 「中國只適合待滿一年就跑,不然你會後悔。最好去台灣,它是中國的升級版。如果一定要去中國,別去污染嚴重的地方,去雲南」(難怪雲南這麼受NGO歡迎2333)




這裡可以補課 如何評價知乎用戶 Negar Kordi?







「請問貴甘比亞基本溫飽問題解決了嗎,你們威脅我們倘若攻打台灣就出兵來來來你面前就有一個來自你所說的低素質人民的中國軍人,你要麼給我閉嘴(用的是shut the fuck up)要麼過來跟我打一架。」當時身上穿的某軍種體能服。
南亞各國小夥伴還是挺可愛的(?ω?) 每次都和我們一起幹活。










如何評價知乎用戶 Negar Kordi?


























有沒有真正的中國粉呢?開篇說了:有 ,但是鳳毛麟角。



他們看得懂論語、尚書研究過老莊、韓非子還包括什麼公孫龍子 。
































本周五,北京市高級人民法院二審判決荷蘭公民韓非子(Harm Fitié)故意傷害罪不

法新社稱荷蘭人韓非子(Harm Fitié)在中國生活十餘年,2015年5月夜間,在北京老

荷蘭全國最大日報De Volkskrant--荷蘭人民報周五撰文稱韓非子一直表示蘆某是自己



























- 五件小事,五種「愛中國」的原因和方式。

I could be wrong, but...


外國人喜歡的其他一些東西(尤其是來自郊區的)的是在這裡生活是非常方便的。在加拿大,每天去雜貨店是很不方便的,許多家庭都只是每周去一次買完他們需要的所有食物。我自己是很討厭這個。我喜歡穿過街道來到我的小菜市場。多年來大多數員工和客戶都認識我,我們常會聊起我們的家庭。在大型的非個人雜貨店(我們稱之為Big Box Store),是很難做到這一點的。






微信: danielmulroy001



Is China safe for tourists?
Yuta Aoki, Japanese blogger.
Updated Aug 27, 2015
Look, I"m Japanese, and Japanese media often shows angry Chinese anti-Japan protesters burning Japanese flags or attacking Japanese restaurants. As a result, some Japanese people are worried about going to China, but that"s ridiculous. The protesters are a infinitesimally small percentage of people, considering the whole Chinese population.
The image of China we often see in the media is heavily distorted.
As somebody who"s been to 30 countries, I can say that China is not even remotely dangerous. I enjoyed my time there. You just have to watch out for scammers in big, touristy cities, but they are easy to avoid.
Go and visit China; it will be an interesting experience.


I』ve spent quite a few years in China, I have passed HSK6, HSKK Advanced and and I am approaching the end of my Chinese-taught Master』s Degree at a Chinese University. China is definitely fascinating and exciting, and a lot of the stuff some foreigners complain about like poor service, bad manners, spitting and smoking and so on, really doesn』t bother me that much - in the few years I have been here it has noticeably improved quite significantly, and I see no reason to think that it isn』t going to continue to improve in that regard.


Overall I like China a lot, however, I would absolutely not consider settling in China on a permanent basis for the following reasons, all of which are actually quite tightly related:


1- The education system.

If I stayed here and had kids, I would not want to subject them to the Chinese education system. While I find it amazing and quite charming that Chinese people can recite so many classical poems from memory, the emphasis on memorisation of huge chunks of texts is enormously time consuming and unnecessary. I have seen the pressure that the Chinese kids are put under, and it is really nothing to do with the population being too big as most seem to believe, (China has a relatively low unemployment rate, so I don』t see how this is pressure is a result of competition which does not exist outside of China) but due to the nature of the examination system itself. I would not want my kids to have their youth wasted on pointless rote memorisation.

1 -教育系統。


And besides that, I do not want my kids to be brainwashed or to have the development of their critical faculties hindered by Chinese education. For example, we had a class at my university called 現代中國專題。


Some of it was truly ridiculous, e.g.,


Q:「mao對中國最大的貢獻是什麼?「 (What was Mao Zedong』s greatest contribution towards China?)

A: 他解決了中國挨打的問題。 (he solved the 「China being beaten」 problem)

Q: deng對中國最大的貢獻是什麼?(What was Deng Xiaoping』s greatest contribution towards China?)

A: 他解決了中國挨餓的問題。 (he solved the 「China being hungry」 problem)

The problem with this isn』t that these viewpoints are 「wrong」 as such, but that these are actually very broad questions with a lot of subjectivity, and to have a simple answer which is right or wrong is just ludicrous. Another response on this thread pointed out the tendency to some Chinese to speak with authority on things they clearly don』t understand, (e.g. what a 「typical American」 looks like, Westerners do not value peace, Westerners are individualistic and Chinese are collectivist, the West is capitalist and China is socialist) ultimately stems from this style of education of memorising cherry picked 「facts,」 which are often opinions, not facts. This is not simply an issue of them teaching different facts to western schools, but of questioning these 「facts」 not being permitted. In history class in the West, you can challenge the teacher and you are rewarded for reading more widely than the set textbook. As an undergraduate I had a rebellious streak that manifested in a fascination with revolution, so some of my undergraduate essays on Chinese essay even took a fairly pro-Mao perspective and these got good grades because the arguments were backed up with evidence. However, taking a stance so against the mainstream viewpoint in Chinese school just would not be tolerated in the same way.



Likewise, I don』t get the insistence that China needs to have an authoritarian government because it is too big and has too many people so is difficult to manage, while at the same time insisting it must be united to be strong and nothing is more evil than separatism. These two viewpoints are self-contradictory



- if a small nation can more easily have better, more humane governance, then doesn』t it follow that China would be a better place as several small nations?


(NB I don』t necessarily agree with this, but the prevalence of logical absurdities that go unchallenged is a symptom of the style of education - the idea that China』s political system is the way it is as a response to China』s large population, rather than being based on the Leninist model as a (failed) way to build a worker』s state is simply false, historically and factually. While you could make the case that this hasn』t been reformed because of the large population, this isn』t the point that is generally being made. And before anyone comes in with a 「well but…」 here, my point is not whether the arguments are right or wrong, but that they are repeated unquestioningly and are not open to debate.)


2 - China does not actually want foreigners

While (most) Chinese people are friendly and welcoming to foreigners, this doesn』t mean that we are actually wanted there, in terms of policy. Westerners can work in China providing that they are bringing some skill that China needs, (e.g. teaching English) or some investment that China needs. In recent years, as China has gotten more self-sufficient in terms of technological capabilities, the number of foreigners working in China has began to decrease, and I suspect it will continue to do so. Even if I got married to a local Chinese person, I would still be in China on a visa which may expire, and even if I wanted to get Chinese citizenship, I would a) not be able to for bureaucratic reasons - they would have to include another nationality among the 「56 nationalities」 of China and b) I cannot get dual nationality which would mean that I have to sacrifice my own nationality, which I would not want to do.





The fact of the matter is China certainly does not believe in or accept the concept of a multi-cultural society whatsoever. China has a protectionist, prescriptive attitude towards its culture, which also explains the rote learning of classical poetry and so on. Foreigners are allowed in to the extent that they have something to offer, and are generally viewed as something that must be managed to maintain harmony. E.g. on university campuses we are basically separated from the Chinese students as far as is possible, I suspect because the party fears we could spread subversive ideas and so must be contained as far as possible.

Now, that is China』s prerogative, and I don』t expect China to make special accommodations for me as a foreigner, but I would still just prefer to live in a multi-cultural society.



3 - Chinese Nationalism is terrifying

In addition to foreigners not being welcome in terms of policy, there is an undercurrent of hostility which in the event of a serious breakdown in relationships between China and the West could become very dangerous very quickly. This isn』t just the hostile reaction I could face for being with a Chinese girl in public, but it is generally something stoked up by the state controlled media for political reasons, and can be sudden unpredictable. Chinese seemed to love South Korea a few months ago, now the country (and my various group chats on wechat) is full of bloodthirsty, psychotic expressions of pure venom and hatred. It is insane, right now it is South Korea but it has recently been Philippines, Vietnam, Norway, Japan, USA again… other countries do not do this, it is really extremely ugly and twisted, and makes me understand clearly the madness that occurred during the Cultural Revolution.



Around the time of the hysteria whipped up about the Diaoyu Islands, I got confronted by a Chinese boy who asked me if these islands were Chinese or Japanese. Now, I had actually not heard of these islands or this dispute at all until then, so I just said Chinese. The guy then accused me of lying and saying that if I were in Japan I would say they were Japanese - and I hadn』t even heard of those fucking rocks until then! He then continued to harass me to the point where I was running away from him down the street with him pursuing me shouting something about why I should stay away from Chinese girls. Around the same time, a friend of mine in Beijing got attacked for reasons unknown to him, and ended up having to jump into a taxi barefoot (he had lost his shoes in the beating) and bleeding to escape. In an unrelated event, I also know of someone who got a brick thrown at his head in Haerbin, which may or may not have been related to a news story doing the rounds at that time of a Chinese girl being raped by an American in Beijing. In these situations, I would not feel like I could go to the police for help, seeing as around the Diaoyu Island dispute some Japanese people I know suddenly had problems discovered with their visa and had to leave the country.


In the event of something major like a war in Taiwan, (which, based on the insanely aggressive nationalism in the country I feel may be inevitable) the entire country could become very dangerous for me very quickly, and if I had a Chinese wife I could easily imagine her being beaten by a mob as a 漢奸 or 叛國賊。Fuck. That.


4 - Political Repression, Censorship, Materialism, and Shallow Entertainment

This is just me personally, but I like to be engaged in the wider society I am in, whether that means joining a political party, volunteering for some sort of cause, attending discussions of some sort of controversial issue or even just engaging in critique of the government of the day. In China, however, civil society organisations do not really exist and political control is tight. Doing any of the above would be illegal and dangerous. Politics is not accepted as the domain of ordinary people, unless it is limited to expressing their hatred for whatever nation is public enemy of that particular day as prompted by the Global Times or some shitty tabloid rag.




That is fine if you aren』t interested in politics or whatever, but I don』t like the feeling that I am expected to be interested in nothing more than making money, vapid celebrity news, shopping and showing off my wealth, and I am not allowed to express my opinions. I can talk on Quora, but if I dared to express what I have said here on Tianya or something, my post would probably be deleted quickly and I would also end up suffering from paranoia about my online activity being observed for some time. I plan to do a phd in future, and the political controls on the education system, and lack of some resources, make doing it in China extremely unattractive.




It also means cultural output is kind of bland and shallow - music is dominated by dull love ballads, TV shows are just…. awful, and while there are some movies they are always ruined by some nod to official ideology or how good the government is which makes them lose a feeling of authenticity. Movies which are challenging or deal with some controversial issue are often not released in Chinese cinemas. There is a good reason why some of the most acclaimed Chinese movies were banned in China, and why some of the more acclaimed artists are persona-non-grata in China. And it isn』t because everyone else in the world is conspiring to bully China by having respect for Ai Weiwei. This might seem fairly petty in the grand scheme of things, but combined with other things I feel a kind of spiritual poverty living in China, and materialistic consumption is the main outlet for self expression or individualism.

If you think all the above are necessary for China to be strong or whatever, well that』s fine, but in the long term these are the things that make me unwilling to stay in China for much longer than I have already. I』m approaching the end of my Master』s Degree here and it is decision time, and despite the many things I do like about China, I have decided that I will not be staying here。




As a foreigner living in China, what things do you find annoying? Why?
Gene Hsu
Gene Hsu, Founder | CEO | Cross-Cultural Performance (2015-present)
Gene Hsu 創始人兼首席執行官(2015-現任)
I have been living in Shanghai for the past 5 years, initially as an Expat, and then as an Entrepreneur. Just for clarification, I was born, raised, and educated in the US, Atlanta, Georgia to be specific.
The most annoying thing that I have observed is THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHER FOREIGNERS, especially some Westerners that no longer feel the need to be politically correct, racially sensitive, and generally respectful towards others.

One unintended dynamic that has occurred seems to be that some foreigners behave as if they are oblivious of the norms in their own country. This is China after all, so What the F^@!
Since I am ethnically Chinese, often referred to as ABC (American Born Chinese), I am not immediately perceived as 「American」.

I recently experience an episode of 「bullying」 by a Brit name Keith, something that I have never encountered, ever, in the United States or Europe, and I think this type of behavior by foreigners in China is the most annoying!
This 「bullying」 story is published in both Chinese and English on Zhihu.com.
(還是個知乎用戶@Gene Hsu徐仁治)

What has been the most shocking thing about moving in to China?

Jessica Bolin, Language Learner, Lived in China
Updated Dec 10, 2015
Jessica Bolin,語言學習者,住在中國
Edit: I can tell some people are reading this as a list of things that are "wrong" with China. This is not my intention. Culture shock happens when someone visits another culture, no matter what the country is or how developed they are or what government it has. No culture is "right," they"re just different and these differences are usually unexpected or shocking (thus, culture shock). This is not a list of criticisms of China or things China needs to change, it"s just a list of things that surprised me as an American living in China.

I don"t think I can pick out a "most shocking" thing, culture shock is kind of a rollercoaster ride, and things that I found pretty shocking when I first arrived were later eclipsed by other events.
When I first arrived, I was shocked that Chinese food was nothing like the Chinese food back home, and even more surprised to find I loved it. I was surprised by the buildings being so ugly when I had hoped (ignorantly) to see more classic Chinese architecture. I was surprised that none of the Chinese people I talked to cared that their government wasn"t democratic. I was shocked by how cheap everything was.
Later I was dismayed to see people picking through my garbage. I was shocked to learn that girls over 25 or so thought they were "left over" and were afraid of never getting married, when all I had heard before going there was that there were so many more men than women. I was shocked to read the words "dog," "horse," and "cat" on menus I encountered. I was surprised by how little energy people used, since they were always biking or taking the bus, almost never heated buildings, and used so little hot water. I was shocked to learn that girls thought drinking cold things while on their period was bad.
I was surprised by a random stranger telling me I shouldn"t wear sandals because the weather was too cold.
At nearly the end of my first year I was surprised by a station attendant calling a long-distance bus that my friends and I had missed to ask the bus to stop, and putting us all in a taxi so we could catch up with it.
I was surprised to be on the brink of going home; the time had flown by.
I was shocked to see a little dog beaten to death with a stick by a smiling security guard at our school... it wasn"t hurting anyone.
Then I went home, and was really surprised when I found I missed China and wanted to go back. And I did.

What has been the most shocking thing about moving in to China?
Anita Leonelli, +2 years loving Shanghai
Answered Dec 9, 2015
Anita Leonelli,喜歡上海2年了
Besides from most things that Jessica Bolin (上邊那位)nailed in her answer, a few things that caught my attention when I arrived:
除了Jessica Bolin在她的回答中所做的大多數事情之外,在我來的的時候,還有一些事情引起了我的注意:

- spitting like there"s no tomorrow. Two years later I still hear this hawking sound and cannot possibly get used to it.
- people walking around the city in their PJs and slippers.人們穿著睡衣和拖鞋在城市裡走來走去。
- the amount of brown puddles everywhere (seems like there aren"t other dogs almost)
- the ridiculousness of expats" life. Met so many depressed people that are living here, even when their standard of living is 10 times higher than back home. They seem to find it so hard, and come here extremely close-minded, thinking they know better.
- how fancy streets turn into semi slums all of a sudden, modern and old constructions are next to each other very often.
- how safe the city is (not all places in China are so safe)
- how little the rest of the world understands about what"s awesome about China
- how doable it is to learn Chinese
- most of the people I met were pretty amazing, had wonderful stories and experiences that brought them to China
The most surprising thing for me, I have to say, was the overall level of comfort. I can manage everything -utilities, rent, phone credit, transfers, clothes, grocery shopping and more- online, with my wechat wallet mostly.
I can buy anything at any time of the day and the next day it may just get to my door.

I was also surprised by how easy it is to move around the city, beyond how great the metro system is, Shanghai "s streets all indicate which side is north, south, east or west. Even when everything around you is in Chinese, this gives you confidence to go out and explore.

Ishank Arora, works at Bombardier
Originally Answered: What are some mind-blowing facts about China?
Ishank Arora,在龐巴迪公司工作
"Ohh man, what have the Chinese done now?" :) - That was my frank reaction, when I read the below headline in Economic Times.

Spain to China by rail: A 21st Century Silk Road


"World"s longest train route from China to Spain will travel 6,200 miles in 21 days"

As a person who works in the rail-road industry, I can tell you for sure that this is a crazy and impossible feat to achieve by any measures.

The ride is more than 6,000 miles (10,000 kilometres), you cross 6 nations in between, every nation more or less would offer a different set of electrification way (AC-DC, some with Voltage beef up, etc.). Then, we are talking about the terrain, the track gradients, slope, etc. Given its a freight/cargo train, it easily is carrying more than 60-70 coaches, thus, a huge amount of power is needed.

We are also talking about inconsistent track gauge, thus, the transfer of goods/cargo needs to be done in a cascade form, which is difficult and time consuming. Lots of challenges!!
Though I do see that the Trans-Siberian railway feat provides a relatively similar benchmark to this effort by the China-Spain authorities, but, Trans-Siberian operates on the same power network. This is still uphill.
我們還要考慮不同的軌距,為此,貨物/貨物的轉運需要以串聯方式進行,費力又費時。挑戰非常多! !儘管我確實看到,跨西伯利亞鐵路的壯舉為中國-西班牙當局提供了一個相對類似的借鑒,但畢竟跨西伯利亞鐵路運行在一個電力網路內。因此,這項工作仍然很艱苦。
It takes freaking 16 hours to fly, 45 days at least by water ways, and the above rail network was capable to completing the journey in over 21 days. That"s just majestic !!
空運需要16個小時,水運至少需要45天的時間,而上訴的鐵路能夠在21天內完成。這(項目)真是宏偉! !
The above has definitely set a distance record, but, does it really make any economic sense, only time will tell - especially given the fact, that the first cargo deliverables were mostly toys, etc.
Again it was still a test run of 13,000 kms, but, after studies are done by German experts and freight operators like DB Shenker Rail, it will be nice to see the conclusion, if this viable on a permanent basis. But, what has been done is simply unbelievable and hats off !! :)

Priyank Bhatia
Priyank Bhatia,城市信息和數據科學

In human history, nothing has changed faster than China』s fortunes: the country has shown brutal, breathtaking, miraculous, and stupendous economic growth.The future may well belong to China notwithstanding the lack of democracy, institutions, demographic dividend, market-driven economy, and transparency.

Steeped in its ruthlessness, China can collapse only because of its own 「screwing-up」; others don』t seem capable of toppling it. The Chinese story is here to stay.
The Chinese Economic Miracle (some samples)
Which country spends more than $1bn per day to build world-class infrastructure?
Which country can add the equivalent of 100 Channel Tunnels in just 5 years?
Which country consumes half the world』s cement, one-third of its steel, and one-fourth of its aluminum?
Which country can boast of building a skyline (in 10 years) that is twice that of Manhattan (built over 100 years)?
Which country runs the fastest train in the world?
Which country has more Starbucks than the US?
Which country buys more cars, trucks, refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioners, and other kitchen / home appliances than the US?哪個國家購買的汽車、卡車、冰箱、洗衣機、空調和其他廚房/家用電器比美國多?
Which country can add 105 GW of power in one year, equal to the entire generating capacity of India?
Which country is the world』s largest producer of power from renewable energy?
Which country could build 50 new Nuclear Reactors by 2020, whereas the rest of the world will have only 15?
Which country produces 95% of the rare-earth metals like yttrium and lanthanum that are needed for everything from iPods to precision-guided weaponry?
Which country insists that producers who want to use these rare metals have to set up shop there (in the home country)?

Why is it that people are saying China is a good place to live in? Millions of people have been migrating from China to other countries.

Károly Molnár, Married to a wonderful Chinese girl,best decision of my life

Updated Nov 6, 2016I married a Chinese girl and have been in China many times. Life now is good in China if you are smart. There is a lot of money, no drugs, no weapons, no violence and no pornography. Okay, the last one is a con, haha. You don』t have to fear that someone will shoot in bright daylight on the streets or that your child will be harmed in a school shooting like we hear it in America. There are no serial killers, armed robberies and police shootings. It is a very safe country.
China is a great country to live with a family. The better schools are very expensive but the system and the parents can still teach some good values for children. For example the popular girl in school is the one who can play a traditional instrument. Weird right? In many other places they would call her a nerd. Or if a girl has a boyfriend in high school then she becomes very unpopular. And that is because Chinese people value study and hard work the most. I find these values very good to teach a teenager.
The health system is also well above average. Doctors are very highly skilled - imagine how many patients they have to treat every day :). Doctors focus more on finding the cause than treating the symptom. I can go to the hospital in the morning and in the afternoon I will exactly know what is my problem and how to treat it. Once I did a full-body check, it took around 3 hours. The throat specialist looked into my throat and told me sometimes i will feel pain because I drink too many cold drinks. Which was true. On the abdominal ultrasound they found out I have some fat in my liver because of eating too many diary products. Which was also very true. Later for some reason I did the same thing in Hungary and the doctors said I have no problem at all. Nothing. The difference? While Hungarian doctors seek for only real existing problems, Chinese doctors see little changes in the body which can be later turn into a real health problem. Very different mindset.
Some interesting facts about the well-being in China. There are more middle class citizens than the whole US population and there』s a new millionaire in every 5 minutes! Crazy fact.
Please keep in mind that China is so huge that one can』t simply talk about it as about any other country. It』s like if we were to say that Europe is very dangerous because of the Syrian war.
If millions of people are migrating from China than it is still below 1% of the population, that』s nothing! Of course many people go to live in America because it』s still better for highly educated people. They can earn top money in America, no doubt.

Chinese people』s thinking way about migrating is simple; go wherever you can be successful. It』s all about making money, not about living the american dream life, just making good money to support the family with a good life, wherever it is.
But this is just my own observation.

Why is it that a lot of Chinese people don"t feel oppressed by their regime but some foreigners insist they are?

Norm Matloff, Norm Matloff"s Biographical Sketch
Answered Feb 6, 2016
First of all, if they are old enough, they know how terrible things were for most people, before the CCP took over: Grinding poverty, little access to health care and education, terrible oppression of women, periods of out of control inflation, and so on. The CCP has made tremendous progress since then. Those same people know of the extreme abuses of the Cultural Revolution, of course, but they view that as a temporary diversion (however tragic), with the CCP having recovered since then and done well for 40 years since.

Second, I don"t mean to sound flippant, but what oppression are you talking about? The main problem from a Western point of view is curtailment of freedom of speech, but this is something of little or no concern to most people in China. The other major problem, the one-child policy, has recently been relaxed, and (to the government"s surprise) no longer a big deal to many these days. Other than these two issues, most people view the government as having very little interference in their daily lives.
People in China may have gripes about specific issues, but no more than people in Western countries do, and the gripes don"t involve feeling "oppressed."s。

How misunderstood is China by the outside world?
Politically, the society in general, the people, the economy, the environment, everything.

Ray Comeau, A decade in China, interest in geopolitics
Updated Aug 14, 2016
China is so misunderstood there should be a television program on understanding China.
IMO most of the misunderstanding is plain ignorance versus willful mischief. Ignorance is not a put down; it only describes a lack of knowledge. We are all ignorant about certain subjects. As one of many writers on China; it is evident worldwide there is a large ignorance about China.
Most interesting is that several billion people who have never been to mainland China and never researched the country; consider themselves knowledgeable about China. How does that happen? What people have is a (plus or minus) bias about everything; and they choose to hear or read is anything that supports their bias.
My role is to try to inform the misinformed, based on my experience of living in China. As one of a number of writers on China; we all respond to a flood of questions demonstrating a general cluelessness about what China is TODAY. So this time to be brief here is a condensed version of what China is like today:

1- Chinese government propaganda and media manipulation is similar to Western government propaganda with its media all politicized. Remove the names and you can』t tell the difference.
2- #1 Chinese people want a stable society, a safe environment and a good economy.
3- Voting for the Chinese is a low priority, at this time; even though they vote at the village level.
4- Chinese want a better future for their family, education for children, a positive future and make a decent living; followed by a relatively uncorrupt government.
5- 80% of citizens thinks the government is steering the country in the right direction.
6- Nearly 30% of the National People"s Congress (their parliament) are not members of the CPC.

7- The government is NOT run by politicians; it is run by technocrats. People with experience and education in fields like economics, engineering, agriculture, finance, etc.

8- Government corruption does not touch most citizens. Bribes, etc. do not happen in the lower ranks of government. The police are trusted by the citizens and do not carry guns or batons.政府腐敗並沒有觸及大多數公民。賄賂等不發生在政府的低層。警察受到市民的信任,不攜帶槍支或警棍。

9- Crime is very low. Women can walk outside at night without fear. Culturally China is not a violent society.犯罪率是很低的。女人可以在不用害怕夜晚出門。從文化上來說,中國並不是一個暴力的社會。

10- China has Sedition Laws and implements them. Everyone in China knows this. Only the reckless and those who think they are self-important will challenge China on this.

11- Religious practice in China is allowed as long as the 「organization" follows the laws. I have been to churches, mosques, and temples all over China. They are all open to the public. For some reason certain Christian churches seem to go out of their way to challenge local government and get themselves in trouble, then whine like babies. The church led foreigner leaves; but maybe the congregation is painted as trouble-makers. Christians are a very small minority and locals tend not to pay them any attention.

12- Chinese follow lifestyle philosophies - Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religions. It could be appropriate to refer to them as spiritual, rather than religious. Christianity and Islam is very small, maybe 3% of population each.。
13- Most Chinese are very proud of China.

14- The Chinese are not suppressed by the government, and it is not a police state. The majority of people are not interested in leaving China. Yes, some criminals want to, to avoid punishment and others for job opportunities.
15- Chinese people are very practical and do not follow any ideology or dogma. Culturally, family and friends are very important.


Rindge Leaphart, Proactive, results driven Executive with proven ability managing the PL and delivering both top line and b...

By no means am I the Chinese expert, but I will weigh in with a few thoughts. I have not spent a lot of time in China / HK, but I have had the pleasure of enjoying the country at various times. In HK I stayed at the luxurious Chung King Mansions (yes that was a joke as there is nothing luxurious except location about that place). During my several month stay at the mansion I had the pleasure of eating in back alleys, roadside stalls, and my all time favorite was eating shao ya fan (probably didn"t spell that correctly) under the underpass of a highway. During that time, I cannot say that I encountered Chinese who ate / slurped loudly. Maybe the din of the cars on the roadway above drowned out the other "noisy" customers。
In the mainland area I also do not believe that I ate with people who exhibited bad manners. Now there were times where dinner guests may have been loud as it relates to toasts etc, but no demonstration of poorly mannered guests. That being said, I have had the pleasure of watching more than my fair share of kung fu films (rest in piece Shaw Sifu) and there are numerous scenes that I can recall where the restaurants were full of loud patrons slurping away. I always assumed (as I do for most movies) that these scenes were slightly exaggerated.

I am not questioning your observations, just noting that they are different than mine (and seemingly many others). Maybe you should ask your friends (assuming they are your friends) why their eating habits seemed to be the opposite of what others have experienced我並不是在質疑你的觀察,只是指出它們和我的看法不同(似乎還有很多其他的)。也許你應該問問你的朋友(假設他們是你的朋友),為什麼他們的飲食習慣似乎與別人的不同.


Why doesn"t China have the ability to manufacture high-quality products?
Cameron Purdy, ceo of xqiz.it
Updated Dec 8 · Featured in Newsweek

Q: 「Why doesn』t China have the ability to manufacture high quality products?」
Arguably, in the world today, China has the greatest ability to manufacture high quality products.
Your question contains an assumption, and the assumption is wrong. Your assumption is that China manufactures poor-quality products because China cannot manufacture high-quality products. The reality is that China manufactures poor-quality products because they are paid to do exactly that. In other words, the buyers in companies in the USA (for example) are explicitly asking their contract manufactures in China to cut corners that they know will make the products lower quality, so that the profit margins are higher.

To understand this phenomenon, the first thing that you need to appreciate is how much excess manufacturing capacity exists in China. The Chinese government hides (or at least obfuscates) this information, but for many types of manufacturing we know that the output could be dramatically higher than it is, if for no other reason than that it was recently much higher than it is today! Steel is a great example.
Second, most of the manufacturing that you see coming from China is called contract manufacturing. This happens when a company wants something built to some specification, and they get a number of Chinese manufacturers to bid on that work. The company then chooses one (or more) of those bids, and the manufacturers produce the desired product, and they get paid for that work.
Third, the price that you pay for the product has no relationship to the cost of its manufacture. That $20 item you purchase in the USA? The company that sold it to you probably spent less than $1 on that item for its manufacturing. (In other words, the manufacturer bid less than $1 to produce the item, and in that 「less than $1」 amount there was enough room that the manufactureur probably realized a profit. Even something super-complex and expensive to build, like an iPhone, costs less than $100 to manufacture — parts and all!)
Fourth, the executives of the US company are measured (by their board and shareholders) on margin growth. They respond by asking each group within the company to cut costs and/or increase revenues. One of those groups is called purchasing, and they are the ones selecting bids from Chinese manufacturers. When they get a list of bids, and none of those bids is lower than what they paid last year, what do they do?
This creates the ideal environment for what is referred to as 「the race to the bottom.」 You go to the store and expect a product for $20, but if a competitor has something similar for $18, you buy it instead. Since the companies selling those two products are only paying about $1 for the item, they need to get every sale, or their revenue goes down. Remember, to increase the amount of pay that the executives of the US company can take — and this is the only thing that drives large company behavior! — the sales have to go up and/or the costs have to go down. Thus the buyers (「purchasing」 department) are told to cut what they』re spending from $.93 to no more than $.89. At the same time, the manufacturers are saying that they want $.95 instead of last year』s $.93. Something has to give.
And those manufacturers are smart. Very smart. They know this game better than anyone, because their survival depends on it. The first of those manufacturers to come back to the buyer and give them a cheaper option wins, so they are all looking for areas to cut corners in. In other words, they are creatively finding ways to change the specification in a way that won』t get the purchaser in big trouble, but can get the price down to what the purchaser needs.

So the good news is that China is more than capable of producing excellent quality items. The bad news is that the reason that China produces poor quality items is a combination of (1) you wanting the cheapest possible item and (2) an economic model driven by executives of the US company willing to do literally anything to get a few million extra dollars in bonus a year, quality be damned.

Why doesn"t China have the ability to manufacture high-quality products?
Sarah Bonaca ,Quality Control Advisor ,live in Hong Kong 質量控制顧問

You would be surprised to know how many big and famous companies do manufacture in China and the products are considered high-quality and sold for thousand of dollars.
That』s a false assumption to believe China is unable to manufacture high quality products but it doesn』t go one-way.
All the companies manufacturing in China their high-end products, invest a lot of monet in verifying the quality of the products at each phase (raw materials, before, during and after production), 100% inspection, defect sorting inspection … and they also invest in the factories they work with by auditing them (1st step for knowing them) and make sure they are certified for ISO 9001 (quality management standards) and apply it by example.
In some cases, they would require the factories to obtain the certifications so they can give them the contract with more trust。
When you look at most importers nowadays, they try to reduce the cost by thinking 「we are in China, people work for nothing」. That』s not true anymore. Go to Vietnam or other countries if that』s what you want but don』t expect a high quality either. You get what you paid for.
If you want to manufacture in China high-end products, proceed to basic audits of your supplier and of the ISO 9001. The last one is very important for controlling the quality.
If the supplier hasn』t the ISO 9001 certification, ask him to obtain it by explaining the benefits from it. If he has it, proceed to an audit. They have the paper but it doesn』t mean they implemented it.
Process to quality inspection along the production process and for the shipping.
The money you invest in these audits and controls is a small investment compared to the loss you may have (look at Samsung that didn』t control the quality of their battery. It took them one mistake to lose millions but only a few hundreds for quality operations)
Don』t be greedy on saving costs during manufacture, because I』m pretty sure you would be happy to sell these products at high price and place a new order later because your customers are satisfied and your company has a reputation of quality.
To put it simply, you can manufacture high-end products in China but at the condition, you invest money in both your supplier and production.)。

Why don"t Chinese people revolt against communist rule and bring about democracy in China?

Roger Gilmartin, Traveling the world and learning wherever I go
Answered May 7
Essentially, what is the nature and power of human self-interest versus philosophical 「rectitude」?
I』ve never met a person, whether they were from a 「democratic』 country or society or an 「undemocratic」 society or country, who could articulate what the real, day-to-day benefits that accrue to each individual in that society or country based solely on the fact that they were 「democratic」 vs 「undemocratic」.
Am I better off simply by being in/from a 「democracy」? Depends. Are my basic needs being met? How much effort is it to make my way in the society and provide for my family?
Am I worse off simply by being in/from an 「undemocratic country / autocracy」? Not necessarily. The same question asked above needs to be asked here: are my basic needs being met? How much effort is it to make my way in the society and provide for my family?
In the US (where I was born, raised, and have lived for 80% of my life), we have a republic, which is a version of democracy, where we elect people (who always tell us that they are the best choice to help us reach our goals) that, once in office, seem to only care about reaching their goals. There is little cohesion in government because of all the competing interests, and 「the right thing to do」 never really gets done. They would rather argue than lead - progress is hard to come by, even when everyone agrees it is the 「right thing to do」.
In China (where I have spent some time, and where my wife is from) the political side is more removed from the day to day lives of the people (unless they are part of it), but the economic side is even more dynamic than it is in the US. Plans are made and the funds placed behind those plans to get them done.
I』ll take infrastructure as a case in point. China』s high speed train system was introduced in April of 2007, and now, ten years later, connects 29 of China』s 33 provincial entities.
In the US, the 「high speed ground transportation act of 1965」 was the start of the effort in the US. To date, the only quasi high speed link is the Acela line between Boston and New York. Even when the people, through a referendum, which they placed on the ballot in (for example) in 1991 in Seattle/Washington state, which passed overwhelmingly to build a high speed rail link from Seattle to Portland, the plans for that link have been shelved.。
High speed rail is one of those ideas that everyone wants, and the government just talks about it, perhaps commissions yet another study of it.
In China, you can ride a high speed train to many destinations. I have done so. I can ride hgh speed rail in Japan, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium - and I have done so.
I have not done so in the US, and outside of the Boston-New York corridor, you can』t.
Back to the basic question: 「why don』t Chinese people revolt against communist rule and bring about democracy in China」.
The next question though is this: 「what are the tangible, real, day-to-day benefits to individuals and their families if they were to revolt?」 Most people (regardless of where they live) just want to do their 「thing」 and be left alone.
Would they really be better off, given the turmoil (and uncertainty) of a lengthy transition from one system to another?
In retrospect, isn"t the key to democracy the right of self-determination? If that"s true, who is a better judge of the relative merits of becoming a democracy?
That would be the Chinese people.

Why don"t Chinese people revolt against communist rule and bring about democracy in China?

lexander Ris?y, CEO at Nebb Group
Updated Jun 19, 2016
I have been a number of times to China and this question illustrate well my thoughts before going there. I think the following encounter serves as a good first hand explanation to the question.
I was once guided through the Forbidden City in Beijing by a Chinese guide called Linda. She was educated as an accountant, but made more working as a guide. At the end of our tour we had a long chat on the hill behind the beautiful old city.我去過中國很多次,這個問題很好地說明了我在去中國之前的想法。我認為下面的經歷是對這個問題的一個很好的一手材料。

I was curious and asked many questions about politics, history and culture. I was wondering if she wasn"t sad she had no political influence and one of my questions was quite similar to what was asked here.
Linda』s response was:
Every year is better than the previous. Why change it?
There is absolutely no guarantee that a democraticly elected government could achieve the same!
I would like to point out that there isn"t dictatorship in China, as many seem to believe. The one party has near 88 million [1] members. That is a significant chunk of people that agree who shall be elected.
Go there to get your own first hand experiences. It"s a fabulous country!
I also like Michelle Zhou』s visual answer.
我也喜歡的Michelle Zhou生動回答。

What is it like to live in rural China?
Eric miller,works at Yale University
I lived in a Chinese village for a year, so I can say a bit about what it is like for a foreigner to live in rural China, and a bit about the people I know there.Of course, even the villages up the road are different, so there are is a lot of variety, and it also makes a big difference if you are young or old, male or female.
I lived in a moderately prosperous village in central Shandong Province, where most of the income came from agriculture. The population was about 880. I was there to research old age in the village. Mostly, everyone lives in courtyard houses packed close together in the center of the village. The houses are bigger than urban apartments, with several rooms and a courtyard. Some homes are clean and pretty well furnished, while others were messy and not so clean. In most, the kitchens are still outside, there is a water pipe in the courtyard, and no toliet, shower or central heat. People have televisions, washing machines, motorcycles. A few have cars.

People were generally quick to comment about how much poorer and harder life there is than in the cities, but in many ways, their lives were pretty good. The air was clear, the water was good, and we had a constant supply of locally grown vegetables, fruits, and eggs. The local tofu was amazing at sunrise, freshly made and still warm with just a simple spicy vinegar sauce. The local beer was good, too. They didn"t eat so much meat--mostly pig liver and pig ears, and scrawny chickens. The generally only eat what they grow themselves. I ended up hiring a cook, as just going to market to buy food would have taken me a huge amount of time.

Rural life revolves around the seasons. This area had a corn harvest and a wheat harvest, and each harvest is a very busy time. In between is much more relaxed. There is work to do, but people can do it at there own pace. Life also revolves around the markets, where people go to socialize and buy and sell produce and other items. These are held every ten days, but there is pretty much a market somewhere in the area every day.


Typical days, older people would go to the fields to tend to the crops, younger people would head off to the city to work, and children would go to school. Some of the crops were processed and stored at the house. The old men would gather in the center of the village for endless retellings of fighting the Japanese and to watch games of Chinese chess. Women tended to gather closer to their homes. In the evenings, people of all ages would tend to gather on the streets under the lights to chat, play cards, pool, or other games.
I spent a lot of time going to weddings, where there is a lot of eating and drinking. There are other holidays, and visits to people to celebrate 100 days after a baby is born, for example. Spring Festival in the village is great, with all of the decorations and making and eating of dumplings and many foods and drinking from morning to evening, and firecrackers.
For me, it was a great privilege to get to know these people. It could be a bit lonely, since no one spoke English (including the English teacher), and certainly no one would understand most of my kinds of jokes. I gravitated towards people who were a little more worldly than most. One good friend is a farmer, but also a tinkerer. Another knew the village genealogies, was an avid reader and knew more than anyone about various customs. Yet another was a man who retired from a career in the navy and so had visited many countries.

I had internet access, and so was not completely cut off from the world, but I watched local TV and got into some of the serial dramas. I enjoyed hiking in the fields and mountains and bird watching in the early mornings. I was kept busy with my work and having meals and banquets with people, and also with photography.

Compared to living in the cities, it could be a bit dull, or at least there were less options. The variety of vegetables was fantastic, but it was always the same style of food. If I wanted even something like a bowl of rice or Sichuan food I had to go into town (People there eat steamed bread and dumpling, mostly, not rice.)

It might seem like it would be hard being a foreigner in a Chinese village because of course I stood out, but really, it was easier than in many cities. In the village and in town, I didn"t hear people calling out "foreigner" but instead they called out my name. They knew who I was and why I was there, and they really adopted me, so it was really nice.
The world of the village is really small. Most of the people lived there either their whole lives (men) or since they got married (women). Sometimes I do think one reason people liked to talk to me was just because I was someone new. I can"t imagine what it would be like to live in one place for an entire lifetime, or to have lived through the warlord period, Japanese occupation, civil war, founding of the new China, Great Leap forward, Cultural Revolution and reforms as the oldest residents had.
Certainly, the villages weren"t living some idyllic village life, though things really are better than they have ever been. They also do not really live more traditional lives than Chinese who live in the city. And they are also not backward bumpkins. They are complex people just like anywhere else.

For them, living in the village can feel a little confining--they just can"t find a way to get ahead in life, but it is also home, and they do value their good air and water and food, and also their friends and opportunities to eat and drink and spend time together.
Again, this was one village. I have visited bigger villages, more prosperous ones and also poorer and much more remote ones. A Chinese colleague did research in a village that could only be reached by a two day journey on foot. Living there would be very different.

Lauren Windle
Lauren Windle, Expat that lived in Shanghai 2010-2015
Updated Sep 19, 2014
1. Your salary. I get paid pretty much equal to what I would in the USA ($40-45k) as a history teacher at a local school, which includes a stipend for housing and round-trip flight home every year... but my salary goes further here.
At home, I could hardly afford an apartment (I"m from New Jersey) because I had student loans, car payments, car insurance, rent, utilities, etc.
Here, rent is paid. Utilities are cheap ($100 max for heat in the winter; $10 water bill; $30 unlimited internet). I have no car, no car insurance. I can get taxis (starting at $3) or hire a car (starting at $5) or take the metro (less than $1) everywhere. I can eat very well with a variety of foods, go get massages spa treatments ($30 for 90min at my fave place, but you can go to cheaper places), and travel cheaply. All while still having enough to send home to pay for student loans...
2. The food. I left Shanghai for a year for another job and that is what I missed most. All the regional cuisines (Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Dongbei, Taiwanese, Xinjiang, Tibetan) are delicious and fantastic. I can also get a wide range of international cuisines within 5km of my apartment (Thai, Vietnamese, Vegan, Organic, Japanese, French, Italian, Mediterranean, Spanish, Mexican, Turkish, Moroccan, Indian, Malaysian, Singaporean, etc. etc.) and, for the most part, are reasonably priced. Shanghai is more expensive than Beijing and people here always complain about inflation, especially with cost of food. However, with everything else being relatively cheap, I don"t mind spending $15-30 on a Western restaurant brunch which includes a bloody Mary or two... (not the four star crazy buffets... they are $80-100)

2。食物。我離開上海一年換了另一份工作,期間食物我最懷念的。所有的地方菜系(湖南,四川,雲南,東北,台灣,新疆,西藏)都很美味,讓人驚喜。我還可以在我的公寓周圍5公里範圍找到各種世界各地的食物(泰國、越南、素食、有機、日本、法國、義大利、地中海、西班牙、墨西哥、土耳其、摩洛哥、印度、馬來西亞、新加坡等地)的,而且大部分都是價格合理的。上海比北京貴,這裡的人們總是抱怨通貨膨脹,尤其是食品價格。然而,由於其他東西都相對便宜,我不介意花15-30美元在西式餐館吃早午餐,其中包括一兩個血腥瑪麗……(不是四星瘋狂的自助餐……它們是80 - 100美元)

3. Convenience. You don"t have time to clean your house or do your laundry? Hire an ayi (maid/nanny) ... Mine costs about $6/hr ... You don"t want to go to your favorite restaurant for dinner because the pollution is bad? Don"t worry, you can have it delivered. There are many restaurant delivery services where you can order online and someone goes to get your order from the restaurant and brings it to you... You don"t want to go to the foreign supermarket? You can order online and have it delivered. You don"t want to go to the store to buy bottled water? You can have it delivered. You don"t want to spend $100s on a new suit? Bring a picture to the fabric market and they"ll make it for $10s. You want to do a juice cleanse? You can buy one and have it delivered to you every day. You can get a lot of things done for you if you know how... And the list keeps growing! All the choices for foreign food markets deliveries were not around 4 years ago, so the market is growing...


4. Travel. You can travel cheaply in the entire region. You can also splurge on a hotel because the cost of wherever you"re going is going to be nominal. I treated my mom to a private villa in Thailand for Christmas. I stayed at the Sofitel in Hanoi for my birthday. I am a ardent budget backpacker at heart and have been travelling living in hostels for 8 years, but living in China has given me the opportunity to see many different cultures around East and Southeast Asia and stay within my budget. Only in the last year have I started splurging a bit, and while I don"t do it all the time, it"s nice to know that I can...

Now, I know friends at bigger international schools with bigger salaries that live in bubbles on the outskirts of town and spend my entire monthly salary on apartments or going out to eat... My boyfriend lives in such a bubble with a driver and he eats at the top tier restaurants all the time... I like being in the middle of it all... I would probably be considered rich by most Chinese, but middle-upper class by most expats here in Shanghai... I can`t enjoy top tier luxuries all the time, but I can afford way more that I ever could in the USA at my age (I"m 29)


and if you"re looking for a non-monetary and/or food answer:

5. Culture/Language. Living in the middle of Shanghai means that I interact with the local culture every day. I"ve learned to read and speak enough Mandarin to haggle in markets, order in restaurants, talk to taxi drivers, have conversations about where I"m from and what I do, navigate around the city, etc. It can be very frustrating sometimes, and I know if you are in your expat bubble, you don"t even have to speak any Mandarin at all, but I like what I"ve experienced. I speak Mandarin every day and as a history teacher, I find living and experiencing the changes in China to be fascinating. You can see the impact the past has had on the current government and how the economic changes are paving the way for a new China to emerge... it"s great to be here and experience all of the energy...

Sammy Gill,在中國廣泛旅行
Woman in China is secure, enjoys her freedom and works very hard in whatever field she is working into. China, as Asia』s biggest economy and manufacturing giant, no doubt has a very strong and dedicated female participation in this achievement.
One can see Chinese woman working almost in every field like shops, cabs, hotels, restaurants, bus drivers, agents, taxi drivers besides they are in traditional sectors like Education, Army, Hospitals and in factories manufacturing almost everything in the world.
This was a pleasant experience to see them enjoying their freedom, as they almost seems to be in total control in hospitality sector of Chinese Railways, Chinese Airports /Planes/Airports , Chinese Bus Stands and they work shoulder to shoulder with male counterparts without any visible discomfort.
During my stay of two weeks and travelling extensively from Shanghai to Tibetan Plateau, not a single time I was able to see any man taking interest in any woman, ogling or staring at someone. Now, this observation also includes those faces too, which I marked as 「Not Good」 .
I saw them travelling alone late night metros and bus services and even driving cabs in night. As a India born, such sight in a Asian country, I am sure is rare. A strong economy comes from a safe and secure woman. I am sue, India has to learn a lot from China. What Chinese aggression and heavy headedness is promoted by international media – I could not see any such trait in them.
I haven』t noticed anywhere in China where they are going 「over」 – it looks as they know and understand importance, responsibility of their role and they are equally acknowledged by their companion and families.
Chines do not show much 「 Westernized 「 emotions in public and love and romance is limited to hugs, a arm around waist like gestures. Husbands/ Boyfriends were seen holding woman purses – and she was leaning to his arm or freely walking carrying herself like a queen.
One more thing, which I so far, could not see is, anger and aggression in male voice while interacting with woman in public. And not only anger or aggression, I have yet to see teasing, leg pulling like common male traits. I don』t think such behavior might not be there, but it seems they are careful in their conduct in public.
I had my share of crooked and pissed of woman working in pharmacies and shops, where they were least interested in exploring ways to communicate with a alien, they simply negate..」 May Yo 「 is big NO, as soon as you try to make a conversation. But such simple and natural experiences are acceptable in a country where Non-Chinese speaking people are aliens.
對於在藥店和商店工作的女人,我覺得有一點委屈和生氣,她們對於嘗試與外國人交流沒有一點興趣,只是簡單的否定。只要你試著交談,她們就說「may yo」意思是NO。但是,在一個不說中文就是外國人的國家,這種簡單而自然的經歷是可以接受的。

Logan Fraser
Logan Fraser, lived in Shanghai (2011-2014)
Answered May 16
There is a lot of things to like about China.. Actually, let me put it to you this way. Pretty much everything about China is probably better than where you live, It is like living in the future with better food and being middle class here will make you feel like you are rich.. There are just few major problems:
Internet is just awful
Political situation is awful
Bribery / corruption can impact you if you get into trouble
Work culture not the best, regulations are not followed - it is good to be the boss
If you can get over those things and you have money or a good job you will have a better or at least easier life than anywhere else most likely.

Stuart Morgan, studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Answered May 12
I』ve lived here for 6 years, and yes, I do love China. Please recognize that ALL my comments reflect that of a foreigner in China - not natives. Here are my top reasons why I (and my wife) love living in China:
#1 - The people are great and the friendliest I have known in my world travels and international residencies. And, people are HAPPY!

#2 - The food is fantastic, fresh, and incredibly cheap! I especially enjoy buying fresh produce, at least 10 types of mushrooms at about 10% of USA prices. Our average precooked takeout 3 course dinner is around $3.00-$4.50 per person. Sometimes it is only about $2.00 per person (again, this is for fresh pre-cooked takeout, not for making our own dinner!).食物棒極了,新鮮,而且非常便宜!我特別喜歡買新鮮的農產品,至少有10種蘑菇價格大約是美國的10%。我們的平均外賣3道菜是每人3美元到4.50美元。有時候,每個人的價格只有2美元(再一次,這是新鮮的煮熟的外賣,而不是為了自己的晚餐!)
#3 - There is no violent crime in Beijing, a city of 22 million people. Our teenage daughter attending high school here could be out until 2AM with friends, doing karaoke or whatnot, and we had no worries for her safety!
#4 - Incredible public transportation. Never need a car. My occasional city bus ride costs $.15! The high speed inter-city trains are amazing! This weekend I』m travelling by train from downtown Beijing to downtown Hefei - 1,000 KM by fast train - 4Hrs23Min. You could never make that time by plane!4-令人難以置信的公共交通。完全不需要自己的車。我偶爾乘坐城市巴士,費用是15美分!高速城際列車是驚人的!這個周末,我乘火車從北京市區到合肥市區,乘高速火車-4Hrs23Min。你永遠也不能用飛機來達到這個時間!(注意是市區到市區)
#5 - The career opportunities are excellent, with salaries comparable or higher than the USA while cost of living is about 35% the cost of the USA. That』s why Chinese are able to save - not because they are so frugal! And, no age discrimination in employment!!
#6 - Vibrant, lively, and endlessly entertaining. Even after 6 years, walking down our street in Beijing is like attending 「Cirque du Soleil.」
#7 - Thousands years old and ultra modern Art, culture, history, architecture - FANTASTIC!!

Answer written · China · 2015
Is China a stable country?

Gideon Rose, Editor, Foreign Affairs
Answered May 17, 2015 · Upvoted by Marc Bodnick, Former Stanford PhD student in Politics and Andrew Su, lived in China
We just asked dozens of the world"s top China experts that very question, and their answers were fascinating. They were told to agree or disagree with this proposition:

The current Chinese regime will not survive the next decade without major reform.

This is how their answers broke down:

Foreign Affairs: May/June 2015

2015年5月17日,Marc Bodnick,前斯坦福大學政治學博士和安德魯蘇,在中國生活




How corrupt is China"s government compared to other governments?

Godfree Roberts, Ed.D. Education Geopolitics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1973)
Updated Feb 24
Even a superficial glance at what China has accomplished in the past 70 years shows that it has the least corrupt government in the world, and by a considerable margin.
The 『corruption』 that infuriates ordinary Chinese and which Western media use to discredit the government occurs at the lowest levels: the minor officials making $200/month who demand fees for 『expediting』 your driver』s license application, for example, and the rich, impatient woman who literally tries to force $10,000 on a deputy planning inspector–who makes $300/month–so she can add a code-violating extension to her McMansion.
It takes two to tango, and ordinary Chinese are probably the most aggressively corrupt population in the world and should be ashamed of themselves. Let』s charitably ascribe it to 150 years of war and suffering. President Hu addressed this habit in his 2012 farewell address and President Xi will raise the issue more forcefully and implement some changes before 2020. It』s on the agenda, in other words, but it』s tricky to get 1.4 billion people to change an ingrained habit.
China can take pride in its honest policy-makers who, fortunately, run the country and decide its course and direction. The higher they rise the more honest they must be so the top guys are extremely honest, competent and experienced, and they』re good listeners. That』s why 93% of Chinese approve of their policies: their policies are solidly grounded on what people want and they』re not affected by what the West calls 『lobbyists』–pressure groups of professional bribe-givers seeking to influence policies for the benefit of the special interests who hire them. That』s almost unheard-of in China, especially since Xi hit town.
And you don』t have to take my word for this. According to a recent World Values survey, 96% of Chinese are confident in their government (compared to 37% of Americans). Likewise, 83% of Chinese think their country is run for everyone』s benefit rather than for a few big interes andt groups (36% of Americans think the same). That』s how you tell if a government is honest: by its results, not its propaganda.



Here is my suggestion to all the people that have this question. Plan your next vacation to travel to China. Although it is on the other side of the world for Americans it is not THAT expensive to travel their. A one way ticket is between $800 and $900 you can stay in a decent hotel in Shanghai for $45 a night and you can eat for $10 bucks a day. Take the train and walk around and enjoy the city.
Many people will think nothing of vacationing in a resort in Florida, go to Las Vegas or any of the other states and experience what they already know and then sit at home watching the news and wonder what a country like China is like. People can tell you how great it is but you will never really believe it because of preconceptions.
I urge you to go and experience it yourself. It will open your mind and you will see how wrong our perceptions are! Go ahead, do something crazy, do something unusual just Go!!!
I visited China in 2009, which was almost a
decade ago, so I might be able to offer you a bit of insight of what I liked and disliked:
1. Even in that time, the public transportation, specifically in Shanghai, was already among the best that word-class cities could offer. Getting to different places was easy and quiet the time saving. Buses literally comes by every 10 minutes, and the MRT』s were just as good (maybe 15–20mins).
2. A wide variety of places for entertainment and sports activities. I was never a fan of KTV, so there were places that I went to , such as a vintage building where they offered a mini-marketplace offering random accessories. If you like shopping, they have nice shopping malls where you can get by easily because the MRT is right below the shopping malls. If you like knock-offs, they have quiet a few places where you』ll never get bored because you see some really interesting products. You can play soccer, basketball, or volleyball in many of the university campuses while watching old couples exercising or dancing as well. Simply put, many indoor or outdoor activities.各種各樣的娛樂和體育活動場所。我從來都不是KTV的粉絲,所以我去過一些(其他類型的)地方,比如一個特色的老式建築,那裡有一個小型的市場,出售各類的小配件。如果你喜歡購物,他們有很好的購物中心,在那裡購物很方便,因為地鐵就在購物中心的下面。如果你喜歡山寨產品,那有一些地方絕對不會讓你無聊因為你會看到一些非常有趣的產品。你可以在許多大學校園裡踢足球、打籃球或排球,同時觀看老人家的鍛煉或跳舞。簡單地說,有非常多許多室內或室外活動。
3. Living expenses such as transportation, food, and daily necessities are very affordable.交通、食品和日用品等生活開支是非常實惠的。Although some might argue that properties are too expensive nowadays.儘管有些人可能會爭辯說現在的房產太貴了。
4. Generally nice people. It』s quite difficult to make new friends, but once you become friends, it』s really genuine.
5. I like their singing shows even though I don』t understand it.。
6. Pretty gals (even with the armpits) and diverse in terms of looks.
7. Quite a lot of expats already (the good and bad).已經有很多外國人(有好有壞)
8. Many other places you can go to around China and the cheap fares are quite the incentives for your getaway weekend!
9. Street foods are pretty damn good and cheap. Although cleanliness is an issue, it never gave me any problems.
10. They have this Taro-flavored ice cream stick and it』s so delicious. I used to eat 3–4 bars a day.他們有這種酒味冰淇淋冰棒,味道很好。我以前每天吃3-4根。
1. Too crowded with old women pushing or elbowing your back when getting into the bus or MRT.
2. Too many people spitting!
3. Taxi drivers are arrogantly reckless without concerning pedestrians.
4. Negotiating can be fun but energy-consuming, and I just don』t feel great when they try to scam me with fake products.
5. Police are bystanders, not peacekeepers. Only when someone is finally down on the ground, they』ll get involved….maybe.
6. Can』t use google or youtube, which kind of sucks, but for most Chinese people they don』t really need it because they have their own social media infrastructure suited for them.
7. Electronic brands are cheaper in the US even though most are made in China! LOL!
8. Worshiping white people! The Chinese would even pick them over Chinese-Americans on pretty much anything…quite sad.
9. The packaged noodles were bland and boring compared to other countries』 packaged noodles.
While I provided the cons, that won』t stop me from coming back again. The pros heavily outweigh the cons for my day-to-day life. For the people that have visited, they feel the same way that I do - things are improving considerably and both the government and its people should be given credit where it』s due.
For those that are still skeptical, save some money and take a trip there instead of going to Mexico, the Bahamas , or other road trip destinations.
Try to avoid politics and have an open mind. It will give you a different perspective, both positive and negative, but you will have a much better understanding than what your local media is giving you.。

William Regan, I"ve been living in China for seven years.
Answered Oct 26, 2016
What are some advantages to living in China compared to living in the US?
I think I should preface my answer to this question by stating the benefits of a FOREIGNER living here. If you』re an average Chinese person — I』d imagine your perspective would be much different.
—Public Transportation— China
I can pay about 20 USD per month for almost all of my transportation needs. I can take the subway, buses, and even ferries with my metro card. It』s easy to get a taxi — whether it be a standard taxi or Didi / Uber.
High speed trains are also fast, cheap, and comfortable enough. I can go to neighboring cities quickly and cheaply.公共交通——中國
—Freedom— China
The biggest gripe I have about the 「freedom」 aspect is being trapped on the Chinese intranet. Foreign traffic is throttled — so even with a VPN you can』t get nearly the same experience as you can in a more open country.
With that said, the police here don』t make me nervous. The ones in America do. I can take a stroll at 3AM without being questioned about my motives and destination. I can smoke and drink in public. (Which, of course, would be a turn off for some!)
Overall, people just 「mind their own business」 here. That』s a double-edged sword. It』s awesome because you can do as you please — but I wouldn』t want to be stuck in a desperate situation in which I relied on a complete strangers help. In China, you just might not be helped.。
—Food— Draw
Chinese food is quite diverse. Cantonese food is light and healthy. If you』re not in a big city, however, finding variety is a challenge. I』m from a small town in the USA and I can find a much wider variety of food.
One advantage, however, is that I can order food at any time of the day. If it』s 3AM I can walk outside and find something. With the explosion of wai mai services I can practically get any kind of food available delivered straight to my place.食物—太吸引人了
—Services— China
I can get my haircut for under three dollars. I can get an hour long massage for less than ten dollars. You can still get shoes and clothes repaired here. Anything requiring human labor is, naturally, cheaper here than in the USA.
—Shopping— USA
How could other people even dare say China is a better place to shop? Taxes and tariffs are so high here. The quality and safety of goods is questionable. You can get ripped off very quickly if you』re not careful.
Brand names are sometimes double or triple the cost compared with the USA. The clothes I purchased in the USA (up to 5–10 years ago) are still wearable while anything I』ve purchased in China hasn』t lasted a year. Have a problem? Try returning the product to the store. Good luck.購物——美國
—Overall Vibe— China
The overall feeling living here is exciting. Everyone is getting their hustle on. Since the law isn』t so prickly and enforced so strictly, people here can cut corners and get a head start on making their business work without worrying about this restriction or that regulation.
People are far less PC compared with the USA. I don』t have to mince my words here. Chinese people recognize that life isn』t fair. Some people win; some people lose. It』s life. Boys will be boys and girls will be girls.

Al Nelson, Voting since the "70"s
Answered Jun 11, 2013
1. The energy around Shenzhen is amazing. It feels like a heyday. Things are in flux in a generally good way. It feels like the US in the 50" and 60"s. You can make it if you really try. It is a little unstable, but so are fighter planes.

2. Shopping. OMG, this is where they make the stuff, so you can buy almost anything at a good price. Bring an empty suitcase. They go big here - whole malls filled with nothing but electronics or tea or whatever.


3. RMB spends almost like dollars. My US salary plus per diem made me affluent. I had a great suite, a waiting car, ate at the best places; it was a treat.

4. We all have a bit of China in us, but you might not realize it until you see it with your own eyes. Stands of bamboo. Impossible upright hills of red soil, Lush green growth and shining cities. Cobbles and statues older than history.
5. Freedom. This might surprise some, but China feels more free than the US on most days. Sure they tap your communications even more, but meanwhile, there are a thousand fewer petty rules. You want to buy a $70 pack of premium cigarettes, go ahead. You want to buy meds from a pharmacy without a prescription, ok. You need to cut a deal with vendors or shippers; . A cocktail at 4:30 am, fine. As long as you don"t knock the government or make a public ass of yourself, almost anything is possible.






根據國務院行政審批制度改革辦公室決定原外國人入境就業許可和原外國專家來華工作許可統一整合為《外國人來華工作許可》。國家外國專家局決定在深圳等省市開展外國人來華工作許可制度的試點工作。據國家外國專家局提出的 "鼓勵高端、控制一般、限制低端"的原則予以嚴格執行外國人來華工作分類標準和審批標準。試點期: 2016.11.01至 2017.03.31.目前試點期已經結束。



已經開始淘汰了,枝葉還是需要修剪的!可能以後許多要 「粉」都不能了,資格審查欠缺。很多在本國內活得不如意來華工作屌絲老外,去年已經開始嘰嘰喳喳的不快,其中不乏所謂種族歧視的泛自由言論。不過說實話,我們這也是向山姆國的燈塔先進位度學習,他們可沒少搞那些個三六九等標準。中國歡迎高素質外國人才,至於那些個漢語都說不勻稱的所謂外教之流及其它類屬,啥專業素質都沒有。更不談什麼工作簽證在此混大錢撈油水騙炮打,明褒暗貶,回國背後就揶揄黑化我們。呵呵,以後來學習來旅遊的歡迎。至於來工作的,還是依法先拿許可申請簽證。畢竟中國就業飯碗本就不多,發展的紅利百姓分享還頗多不如意。計劃生育這些年強制終止妊娠的四億多空間,不是給廢材垃圾們騰籠換鳥的回收站。某些國人就是賤,崇洋媚外,態度上一派外熱內冷的哈巴狗皮相,見了白皮毛子尾巴搖的比誰都歡。大概是奴才當久了,給塊骨頭摸摸腦袋賞個贊就覺得被寵幸萬分的歡喜。只要國家發展好,人民可分享到紅利,誰稀得要某些虛偽雙標透頂的外國 「友」人 「粉」?還上幼稚園嗎,得了個滿分就稀罕一朵小紅花?什麼時候,能把頭放正些 腰挺直點 臉放靜點,別總一見個老外就彷彿比見自己親媽都還熱乎,一臉哈喇子 盲目追星崇拜的腦殘樣 迷之仰視,久了 易得頸椎病!










這種對外籍人士格外優待的做法,實在不是首創,早在晚清時期, 「一等洋人二等官」的現象便出現了。




  • 英法聯軍俘虜兩廣總督葉名琛 / 網路




  • 美國來華傳教士和大學教育者人數 / 《近代來華外國人名辭典》,李佩珊整理





2010 年,重慶建立了當地最大的外國人租賃公司,這項生意就是讓外國人去扮演各種不同的角色,陪客人吃一頓飯1000元,唱一首歌1000-1500 元。——「只要老外往那兒一站,那就變了,就不是某個偏遠山區房地產修的房子,那就是未來國際化的城市。」

  • 2017年8月25日,山東濟南,金髮碧眼洋模車展「淘金」,一天站6小時日賺千元 / 視覺中國

這項工作被人稱為「白猴子」。一位資深從業者分享了他的經驗,他從事這個職業已經二十幾年,25 年前在台灣,15 年前在北京和上海,後來則是在成都、達州,一路向更遠更偏處。很多城市都需要「白猴子」,而那張歐洲面孔,也被詮釋成「國際化,都市建設和西方優質生活」的鮮活代表。





  • 來自美國的Steven Weathers 經常在中國廣告中飾演科學家,而他本人則是文學老師 / BBC



  • 2017年9月8日,西安首次向15名外籍專家頒發"永久居留身份證" / 視覺中國



  • 2015年3月26日上午,江蘇太倉新區舉行外企專場招聘活動。在求職市場中,外資企業一直大受歡迎 / 視覺中國




  • 2015年03月29日,福建漳州,30歲的越南新娘抱著6個月大的孩子(中)和丈夫、婆婆合影 / 視覺中國





  • 2012年2月20日,武漢,日本小伙環遊世界單車被偷,網友接力找到車 / 視覺中國








貴州財經大學的考慮可能更周到一些,為推進本校國際化辦學戰略發展,吸引更多優秀外國留學生報考,他們設立了「貴州財經大學外國留學生獎學金」。這個獎學金的標準是博士生每年2萬,碩士生1.5萬,本科生1萬, 看起來確實不多,但該省的研究生獎學金卻是博士生每年1萬,碩士生8千。同時,為擴大本校國際化辦學影響力和知名度,他們還設立了一個「貴州財經大學ISEC項目外國留學生獎學金」。

  • 2017年9月5日,濟南,山東師大舉行新生開學典禮,來自五大洲的外國留學生出席 / 視覺中國





  • 2015年在中國居住外籍人口的來源國家、地區分布 / 聯合國經濟及社會理事會


本文首發於微信公眾號 浪潮工作室(ID:WelleStudio163) ,想了解更多就快來關注吧~

  • 2008年11月3日,北京,一位外國人經過東田造型的廣告牌前。人民日報報道稱,中國經濟的急速發展吸引了成千上萬的外國人來大陸定居,尋找新生活 / 視覺中國


呵呵噠,在一個老外找工作的群里,老外們最熱衷的一件事就是黑中國,什麼人權,什麼自由,種族歧視,什麼都吃的怪物,熱衷於討論中國有些社會新聞,除了看熱鬧就是看笑話。鬧得最凶的就是黑人,各種黑各種吐槽,因為只要有招聘的信息,大多都會附加only white;native speaker,社會現狀吧……只認皮不認人(白大人都是來自發達國家有錢又帥有教養的人),表示能理解。但大多還是秉著中國人都是SB,但生活所迫還得教他們小孩子英語(攤手狀)

對了,老外最討厭別人叫他們老外,一群人在群里聲討 「勞資是有名有姓有國家的」,「難道在中國見了人都是,嘿!中國人,你好嗎?」,「我們來自老外聯合王國!!」,「我們都是老外人!」




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