
小哥哥是一名哈佛在讀大學生學應用數學 在hsylc上遇到 一下驚為天人 他會說西班牙語 跳舞很sexy 在pub也很high就是不愛跟我聊天( 可能也是因為他其他二三十個迷妹迷弟們也在跟他聊的原因吧)
我有跟他照過兩次合照 第一次簽名的時候他主動抱了我 挺用力的摟在懷裡這樣 但是跟他聊天還是感覺在尬聊......怎麼撩??

In my opinion, you don"t want attention from that guy. I don"t know, I have a bad opinion of Harvard because I did a protest there one time and the school was trying to cover up rapes happening on campus. Regardless, if the guy is shy, maybe just approach him and ask how he is doing. What is he studying there, etc.? If he doesn"t respond, he is not interested. Guys are very easy to read that way.



TAG:應用數學 | 夜店 | 哈佛大學HarvardUniversity | 外國人 | |