如何看待 Boston Dynamic 2 月 24 日發布的最新 Atlas 機器人視頻?
雙足機器人的運動穩定性一直是學術界研究的難題,業界大部分實驗室的機器人一般採用ZMP步態,Atlas採用的是Capturability理論,也是基於Marc Raibert之前的那套。但這個公司不發Paper,專利申請也極少,其實真的不知道他們現在具體搞得是什麼。
Atlas給我的直觀感覺是機械結構設計的很精簡,Atlas 2的重量約為80kg,身高的話目測在1.7米左右,比一代阿特拉斯矮了一截,而我們實驗室的Walkman高約2m,重量在120Kg,每個關節的慣量很大,很難控制好。當時我們的工程師在設計Walkman的時候,造成尺寸如此巨大的關鍵因素還是關節電機,因為在市面上很難採購到合適的電機和減速箱,所以我們自己設計了電機和諧波減速箱,但是Size就較為龐大。
這代Altas採用的是電源+液壓的驅動方法,視頻上看非常Powerful,尤其是那個手臂支撐起身,腳踝關節站立的動作,這也是其液壓驅動的特點和優勢。我所在的實驗室其他項目組有一隻液壓驅動的四足(HyQ),從液壓泵到液壓缸是採用軟管輸送液壓油,接頭處的漏油讓同事苦不堪言,同時也是制約驅動力的因素。Altas的油管已經內置在其機械結構之中,這對設計、加工以及後期的維護都是巨大的挑戰。早在Altas一代的時候,HyQ項目組的同事已經考慮過效仿Altas將油管內置在機械結構中,加工的話需要金屬3D列印,但最後還是擯棄了,原因有二:1是加工成本太高,組裡的Funding錢不夠;2是材料與列印工藝達不到美帝的程度,列印出來的樣品,油管內表面有很多細小的裂紋和縫隙,在高壓的液壓油下,容易損壞管道內壁。就從機器人硬體的設計角度來說,Boston Dynamics有極多經驗豐富的工程師,拿到的Funding很多,加工製造的工藝體現了美帝整體的工業實力。
整體來說,Boston Dynamics的Atlas在成熟、穩定的硬體平台上實現了極佳的步態控制和操作控制。聽聞最近谷歌搞AI搞得風生水起,私以為谷歌收購Boston Dynamics是下了很大的一盤棋,想像一下吧,當谷歌把AI Head裝在Atlas上會發生什麼~
23:1 執棍人是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。
23:2 祂使我拾起紙盒,領我在靜寂的停車場。
23:3 祂使我的靈魂蘇醒,以曲棍球棍引導我走義路。
23:4 我雖然行過死蔭的樹林,也不怕遭害,因為你與我同在;你的棍,你的盒,都安慰我。
23:5 在我敵人面前,你為我擺設大門。你用機油膏了我的頭,使我的福杯滿溢。
23:6 我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我,我且要住在執棍人的倉庫中,直到永遠!
轉載下IEEE Spectrum的報道:
Boston Dynamics unveiled yesterday a massively upgraded version of its ATLAS humanoid that is smaller, lighter, and more agile. In a video, the new robot is seen walking untethered in snow-covered woods, lifting and placing boxes on shelves, and even face-planting and immediately getting up unscathed after being pushed by an engineer. As one observer commented, 「We expected [ATLAS] to turn around and blast that guy with a laser beam.」
What is perhaps most impressive about the 「next generation」 ATLAS is that it is just a huge technological leap forward compared to its predecessor, which was already a pretty incredible robot. The new ATLAS can do things we』ve never seen other robots doing before, making it one of the most advanced humanoids in existence. So, how did Boston Dynamics do it?
「The engineering team did a huge amount of work to make ATLAS lighter and more compact,」 Marc Raibert, founder and president of Boston Dynamics, told IEEE Spectrum. 「One thing we did was use 3D printing to create the legs, so the actuators and hydraulic lines are embedded in the structure, rather than made out of separate components. We also developed custom servo-valves that are significantly smaller and lighter (and work better) than the aerospace versions we had been using.」 He added that there were lots of 「other work by a great team that I won』t go into.」
Late last year, Raibert mentioned in a conference talk that this kind of integrated, additive manufacturing issomething that Boston Dynamics was focusing on for the legs of its next-generation robots [right].
It』s hard to tell exactly how close Boston Dynamics is to this 「vision for the future」 with the new ATLAS, but it』s worth mentioning that they』re not the only ones taking this approach. Just this month, the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and control systems manufacturer Moogformed a new robotics lab to develop 「next-generation actuation and control technologies for autonomous robots.」 Moog has been working on these same sorts of 3D-printed, integrated hydraulic actuators for IIT』s next-generation quadruped, HyQ2Max, and we saw a prototype at ICRA last year.
Since founding the MIT Leg Lab and pioneering the concept of dynamic locomotion, Raibert, who spun off Boston Dynamics from MIT in 1992, has focused on robots that move in a nimble manner, much like humans and animals. One of his most famous creations (at least judging by YouTube views) is the BigDog quadruped, whose movements were so animal-like that many people found the robot 「creepy.」
The next-gen ATLAS appears to achieve that same level of animal-like agility, with the robot slipping and stumbling on snow but rapidly recovering its balance to continue marching. Raibert said that』s all thanks to his controls team, which has been developing new algorithms and refining the old ones. 「They also are taking advantage of the improved strength-to-weight ratio that this robot has,」 he added, 「as well as other performance improvements.」
「Our long-term goal is to make robots that have mobility, dexterity, perception and intelligence comparable to humans and animals, or perhaps exceeding them; this robot is a step along the way.」—Marc Raibert, Boston DynamicsOne question that some roboticists had about the demonstrations shown in the video is whether ATLAS was being controlled by a human operator or performing its actions fully autonomously. Raibert said that for the outdoor scenes, a human provides general steering via radio while the robot uses its stereo and LIDAR sensors to adjust to terrain variations. ATLAS also does its own balance and motion control. As for the indoor scenes with the cardboard boxes, he said the robot 「chases the box around and stacks the boxes autonomously, once someone gets it set up and tells it to go.」
But of course, the big question in everyone』s minds is, Why did Boston Dynamics develop this robot? The company was acquired by Alphabet in 2013, along with other roboticscompanies, and there』s a huge amount of interest in what they are planning on having robots like the new ATLAS do. Raibert wouldn』t give specifics, but indicated that as far as Boston Dynamics is concerned, its vision remains the same as when he started it 24 years ago. 「Our long-term goal is to make robots that have mobility, dexterity, perception and intelligence comparable to humans and animals, or perhaps exceeding them; this robot is a step along the way.」
除了底層的運動控制以外,可以看出boston dynamics開始向機器人高層的圖像識別,人工智慧,任務規劃等方面發展,野心不小。
不過demo始終是demo,對於boston dynamics這樣的公司,作出最終的產品才是改變自身命運的方法。而距離真正能服務於消費者,並且大規模替代人力的階段,還有點遙遠。最後開門那個動作最驚艷,老外真會拍視頻啊!
15年8月Raibert在FAB 11大會上就透露了一些這個機器人的信息,所以這次這個視頻放出來其實是早晚的事……
按自動化的發展速度 倉管都快淘汰了
閑置的低端勞動力 藥丸最讓我佩服的一點是,工程師很細心。視頻最後的推門動作,不是把門推開直接走出去了,它還知道把門連續停止兩次指直到機體出去。不知道是簡單的執行設定好的命令還是機器自我學習出來的,如果是後者,n代之後加裝皮膚痛感感測器也不是不可能的。
動力學, 動力學, 還是動力學.
世界最厲害的機器人公司, 不是XYY RObotics, 而是boston Dynamics.
稍微介紹一下boston這個城市: 1630年成立, 1636年哈佛大學成立, -- 一個6年的小移民城市, 建立一所大學, 這一點, 國內有哪些城市在做??
Boston最出名的不是移動機器人, 是國際醫療領域的領頭羊, 與新加波, 劍橋等, 引領世界醫療行業.
--- 關注醫療, 同時關注移動機器人, 的可以找我們來做相關的一些事情. 謝謝關注. 不定期更新.
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