


101 things I learned from control systems:

1. 信號與系統(signals and systems)要分清,有時候只考慮信號,有時候只考慮系統,有時候靠系統來定義信號,有時候靠信號來定義系統,等等。

2. 確定(deterministic)與隨機(stochastic)要分清。這其中有很多悖論似的問題,尤其要小心。比如很多時候,看似隨機,但知道了,可以抵消。看似確定,但演算法中沒用到這個信息,等於不確定。

3. 不論信號還是系統,不確定性分為known known, unknown known, known unknown, unknown unknown。其中,尤其注意unknown known。比如信號中,看似隨機,其實可以分離出確定(常值、周期等)的部分,剩下的部分再以隨機來考慮。再比如系統中,很多環節,不一定硬套到某個系統模型,有時甚至可以用最原始的輸入輸出look-up table的形式處理,反而讓更多unknown known成了known known。

4. 負反饋(negative feedback)很重要。除非特殊需要(有時候還真有用),盡量避免正反饋(positive feedback)。扯遠一點,也算過度解讀吧,Elon Musk說:『Really pay attention to negative feedback, and solicit it, particularly from friends. This may sound like simple advice, but hardly anyone does that, and it』s incredibly helpful.』 馬雲也說:「那些私下忠告我們,指出我們錯誤的人,才是真正的朋友」。負反饋也。

5. 模型的話,有時黑箱(black box,system identification,data-driven等)好用,有時候白箱(white box,physical modeling,first principles等)好用,還有grey box,等等。

6. 有時候頻域(frequency domain)好用,有時候時域(time domain)好用,還有熵域(entropy domain),等等。

7. PID,乃至只用PI,或PD,或P,等等。

8. Kalman Filter,EKF,UKF,PF,等等。

9. 基於模型的控制演算法,和基於數據(誤差等)的控制演算法。前者先把感測器(包括信息融合)調好,再談建模/辨識,最後才可談控制演算法。後者先把感測器(包括信息融合)調好,再談控制演算法。

10. 優化目標很重要。比如二次型的指標,會造成振蕩。在有些場合(很多過程式控制制),可以接受。但有些場合(很多運動控制),則不可以接受。

11. 有的控制注重動態性能(如響應速度、過渡過程等),有的則注重穩態性能(如方差等),當然有的兩者並重。

12. 有是建模是prediction-oriented,是為了下一步的預測,那就特別注意比如是不是提取了數據中的所有『信息』(是不是最大似然估計等等)。而有時建模是control-oriented,是為了下一步的控制,那就特別注意比如下一步的控制中哪個頻段的特性很重要,那就在建模時把這個頻段的模型建得更準確。如此等等。

13. 寧可大致地對,不可精確地錯。

14. 不要有個鎚子,就把什麼都看成釘子,甚至不是釘子的,「假設」或美其名曰「近似」成釘子(當然,很多時候也可以)。如果在黑暗處丟了鑰匙,不要僅僅因為有光就到路燈下來找,而是要想辦法找到手電筒。如果方法解決不了問題,那一定是方法的錯,要試圖改變方法。問題是不會有錯的,不要試圖改變問題,它就在那裡。

15. 沒有免費午餐。很多時候調參是trade-off。不能在一般意義下,說哪個方法更好。五大三粗,五比三大,三比五粗,怎麼比?

16. 錢學森《工程式控制制論 Engineering Cybernetics》英文版序(節選):

The purpose of "Engineering Cybernetics" is then to study those parts of the broad science of cybernetics which have direct engineering applications in designing controlled or guided systems. It certainly includes such topics usually treated in books on servomechanisms. But a wider range of topics is only one difference between engineering cybernetics and servomechanisms engineering. A deeper-and thus more important-difference lies in the fact that engineering cybernetics is an engineering science, while servomechanisms engineering is an engineering practice. An engineering science aims to organize the design principles used in engineering practice into a discipline and thus to exhibit the similarities between different areas of engineering practice and to emphasize the power of fundamental concepts. In short, an engineering science is predominated by theoretical analysis and very often uses the tool of advanced mathematics. A glance at the contents of this book makes this quite evident. The detailed construction and design of the components of the system-the actual implementation of the theory-are almost never discussed. No gadget is mentioned.

What is the justification of this separation of the theory from the practice? With knowledge of the very existence of various engineering sciences and their recent rapid development, such justification seems hardly necessary. Moreover, a specific example could be cited: Fluid mechanics exists as an engineering science separate from the practice of aerodynamics engineers, hydraulic engineers, meteorologists, and many others who use the results of investigations in fluid mechanics in their daily work. In fact, without fluid mechanists, the understanding and the utilization of supersonic flows would certainly be greatly delayed, to say the least. Therefore, the justification of establishing engineering cybernetics as an engineering science lies in the possibility that looking at things in broad outline and in an organized way often leads to fruitful new avenues of approach to old problems and gives new, unexpected vistas. At the present stage of multifarious developments in control and guidance engineering, there is a very real advantage in trying to grasp the full potentialities of this new science by a comprehensive survey of the whole field.

Therefore a discussion on engineering cybernetics should cover reasonably well all aspects of the science expected to have engineering applications and, in particular, should not avoid a topic for the mere reason of mathematical difficulties. This is all the more true when one realizes that the mathematical difficulties of any subject are usually quite artificial. With a little interpretation, the matter could generally be brought down to the level of a research engineer. The mathematical level of this book is then that of a student who has had a course in elements of mathematical analysis. Knowledge of complex integration, variational calculus, and ordinary differential equations forms the prerequisite for the study. On the other hand, no rigorous and elegant mathematical argument is introduced if a heuristic discussion suffices. Hence to the practicing electronics specialist, the treatment here must appear to be excessively "long-hair" but to a mathematician interested in this field, the treatment here may well appear to be amateurish. If indeed these are the only criticisms, then, with all due respect to them, the author shall feel that he has not failed in what he aimed to do.










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從2011年開始入門自動控制,到現在已經3年半了, 今年即將博士畢業。一句話想真正的學習控制,一定要有一個「對象「。圍繞一個對象展開相應問題的研究。而且這個對象不要經常換來換取,不要因為一個領域看上去很火就扎堆,當他火起來時,重要工作已經基本被做完,修修補補只能做別人的嫁衣!大部分理論派和實際系統偏離很大,中看不中用,所以他們拿不到工業界funding,哦,我指的英國。不謝,寫畢業論文去了,而且可能還要來個research associate 啥的。


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