諾貝爾獎、圖靈獎、菲爾茲獎的「獎」為什麼在英文中分別是 「prize」「award」和「medal」?這三者有何區別?
諾貝爾獎:Nobel Prize
圖靈獎:Turing Award
菲爾茲獎:Fields Medal
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不是先有的諾貝爾獎、圖靈獎、菲爾茲獎再對應的Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Fields Medal;而是國人在將這些獎項從英語翻譯到漢語時通通加了一個「獎」字兒來描述這玩意兒是個「獎項」。因為漢語對於某個獎項的表達很簡單粗暴呀,就一個「獎」字兒了事兒,通俗易懂!只是變換一下獎前面的那個詞兒,就可以變身各種獎了~萬變不離其獎宗。
嘛……先弄清楚這個翻譯當中的先後關係,咱來看看prize, award和medal的區別:
medal和prize, award的區別度還是很高的—— Fields Medal,全名 The International Medals for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics,medal從詞義上講,就是「獎章,勳章」的意思,從這裡可以與prize和award做一個區分。一般而言,以xxx medal命名的獎項可能是以獎章作為重要的鼓勵形式之一的,獎章在其中佔用比較重要的地位;然而這樣說也有問題,禁不起推敲,不能逆推做說發了獎章的就一定會是xxx medal(比如諾貝爾獎就包括金質獎章、證書和獎金),所以只是可能理解為在以xxx medal命名的獎項里,那塊獎章的地位是比較高的。
Fields Medal 菲爾茲獎獎章
Priestley Medal 普利斯特里獎獎章
award: late 14c., "decision after consideration," from Anglo-French award, Old French esguard, from esguarder. Meaning "something awarded" is first attested 1590s.
prize: "reward," prise (c.1300 in this sense), from Old French pris "price, value, worth; reward". As an adjective, "worthy of a prize," from 1803. The spelling with -z- is from late 16c. Prize-fighter is from 1703; prize-fight from 1730 (prize-fighter from 1785).
輔助理解:prize - hard earned,
award - selected by a committee or body among competitors
What is the difference between an AWARD REWARD,PRIZE????
an award is something you are given based on a judging process by others,
and a prize is something you can earn by meeting pre set requirements....
What is the difference between award and prize "?
再貢獻一個wiki神器:List of prizes, medals, and awards根據牛津高階英漢雙解詞典第七版,有以下釋義;由於對獎項不夠了解,獎項的目的解釋來自維基百科。
Award: (often in names of particular awards) a prize such as money, etc. for sth that sb has done.
TheACM A.M. Turing Award is an annual prize given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to "an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the computing community". It is stipulated that "The contributions should be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field".
Prize: an award that is given to a person who wins competition, race, etc. or who does very good work.
例:She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.TheNobel Prize is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by
Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances.
Medal: a flat piece of metal, usually shaped like a coin, that is given to the winner of a competition or to sb who has been brave, for example in a war.
TheFields Medal, officially known as International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics, is a prize awarded to two, three, or four mathematiciansnot over 40 years of age at each International Congress of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
John Charles Fields was instrumental in establishing the award, designing the medal itself, and funding the monetary component.
與prize和award的不同在於,medal是獎牌、獎章,除了同樣強調獎給勝出者以外,同時強調給予勇者。菲爾茲獎的頒發對象要求是不大於四十歲的在數學領域有傑出發現的年輕人,這不也正是在獎勵勇於發現與創新的人~而且,John Fields本人親自設計了這個獎章,故叫做Fields Medal也是情理之中。
(對獎項並不熟悉,歡迎指正^^)諾貝爾獎全稱:Nobel Prize (Prize強調的是比賽結果的勝出者的獎勵)
圖靈獎全稱:Turing Award (award突出強調是對其所做工作的回報)
菲爾茲獎全稱:Fields Medal (這個Medal強調的是那個獎章實物,這種獎章一個重要特點是上面有頭像或者某種紀念意義的符號,正如這個獎上的頭像是阿基米德一樣)
----------警告:以下是硬廣-----------作為一個老知乎用戶,對平台變大後充斥的各種情緒和無處不在的營銷很憂心。推薦大家關注新的類quora/知乎社區「論道」論道, 真正致力於建立認真社區,永不開放註冊,尊重分享者。
應該這麼理解,prize 從 price來看,注重於money的獎勵,我們看諾貝爾獎確實是這樣子,當初諾貝爾創立這個獎項也是為了鼓勵和現金支持那些在此領域有所建樹的人,
award,是同時對物質和精神的獎勵,更多的是對獲獎者的肯定吧,像AMA, GRAMMY AWARD 都是這種性質的獎項,
prize------獎賞; 戰利品; 值得努力爭取的東西------重在物質層面。
award------獎品; (仲裁人、公斷人的)裁定; (法院、法官的)判決; 裁定書----重在榮譽層面
Medal------勳章; 獎章,獎牌; 紀念章; 證章------重在發一枚獎章
不只是中文會用很多詞表示一個意思,英語也是這樣啊 。 當初設獎的人這麼定了,以後就這麼叫了,應該沒有什麼特別的講究。
【PS 是我自己隨便猜的 沒有查找過文獻也不是專業學語言的
【via:award, reward, prize用法的區別】
"The Fields Medal is a prizeawarded to two, three, or four mathematicians under 40 years of age."
1. something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game or that is given to someone as a reward for doing very good work.
2. something important and valuable that is difficult to achieve or get.
1. to give money or a prize following an official decision.
2. a prize or an amount of money that is given to someone following an official decision.
a small metal disc, with words or a picture on it, given as a reward for a brave action, for winning a competition, or to remember a special event.
prize 獎金
award 獎勵
medal 獎章
award和prize基本同意:sth. given for victory or superiority in contest or competion or for winning a lottery
medal: an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event.
※為什麼「Rock "n" Roll」中間的「n」旁邊有兩個單引號?