在1998年的時候,微軟的雄心壯志就是要消滅Windows,創造一個跑在IE6.0裡面的雲操作系統(叫.net)。由於當時人類的科學技術還比較落後(其實現在也是),這個事情肯定是搞不出來的。於是最後所有在產品狗的角度里失敗的技術,剩下的有用的部分,就變成了.net framework。
terminology - Why was .NET called .NET?
This is a bit of mystery, but the below answers are the best I"ve come across so far...
1) .NET enabled Microsoft"s marketing people to emphasise the
"Network"-ing aspect of its technologies, and was also a reaction to the
marketing blitz by Sun Microsystems at the time, whose theme was "The network is the computer". The term "Dot Com" was synonymous with the Internet at the time, and "Dot Net" was a play on that term.
I don"t think it is a bad name at all, the problem was that Microsoft
initially named so many products with the ".NET" nomenclature like ".NET
My Services" and ".NET Enterprise Servers", where the latter had
nothing to do with the Internet. It caused so much confusion. Only later
did Microsoft correct itself by limiting the .NET name to technologies
related to the managed software framework.
- Stanley Siu
2) I was a dev at Microsoft at the time, and I have no idea whose
ass the name .NET was pulled from. Anyone I talked to thought it was a
lousy name for all the reasons already enumerated. At least it"s
pronounceable, unlike NGWS.
- George V. Reilly
3) The early marketing thrust of .NET was web services. .NET was
supposed to make it easy both to write and consume web services. In
particular, it was supposed to make it easier to call the web services
that Microsoft was going to provide, and that everyone would then use:
the ".NET My Services".
Of course, that fell apart very quickly, but the name remained. It was at least better than "COM++" or "ActiveXX".
- John Saunders4) I was Summer intern at Microsoft in 2001 and back then the
interns went to Bill Gates"s house for a bbq near the end of the Summer.
One of the interns asked "what other names did you think of before
coming up with .NET?"To the best of my memory, Bill"s answer was something like:
"I didn"t actually like the name .NET. It makes people wonder if we
are finally just starting to learn about the Internet. Sadly, the other
proposed name was even worse. Our mission statement at the time was
"work Anywhere, Anytime, on Any device," so the proposal was AAAWare."
- leelinUser John Saunders
那個時候微軟覺得 Web Services (基於 SOAP 的) 特別重要, 然而現在大家都用 JSON 了..
那個時候微軟覺得大家不會再關注 HTML 了, 想用 Web Forms 隱藏掉它, 結果後來 Ajax 流行起來了..
一句話, 微軟很可惜地在 JavaScript 的興起中沒佔到便宜..
※Windows Phone 7 會成功嗎?
※Kinect 與 Siri,在技術上誰更勝一籌?
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