
Emanuela - Michele Laurenti - Cirillo : The Kurdish Bride
Emanuela - Michele Laurenti


名稱: Emanuela -米歇爾Laurenti Cirillo, 義大利
類別和專業知識: 人,專業

輸入描述: 前提
只是表面,時間的流逝,伊斯蘭征服和其他外國支配,庫爾德人的文化是現在被遺忘的危險,或者更糟的是,近年來失去其真實身份,困惑與穆斯林或土耳其的傳統。 通過奧斯曼帝國,然後除以四個州的西方大國土耳其、伊拉克、伊朗和敘利亞,在過去的九十年里,庫爾德人被迫害和屠殺的受害者更兇猛發生在土耳其,一個政權的強制鎮壓憎恨每一個表達自己的文化身份。

「山土耳其人」。 土耳其人稱為庫爾德人。

但在這些山脈,由偉大的阿勒山,毫無疑問仍然存在古代和特定的口味傳統,過去幾千年舊的痕迹,痕迹精確和可辨認的標識。 那些山脈,婚禮的第一天Sukran和賽門特,一個象徵性的聯盟,特別是因為他們的起源和歷史事件:Sukran是庫爾德人,賽門特是土耳其。 我們的旅行從這裡開始。 2014年8月,在Xarik地方作為第一,在安納托利亞東部,然後在約茲加特,在中央安納托利亞。

社會結構的庫爾德人的家庭被認為是一個不可分割的單元:它是dipend整個社會的核心,其重要性體現在婚姻的場合。 特別是Sukran和薩梅特婚禮持續了五天的第一部分在新娘家裡舉行慶祝活動,Xarik的海拔,清醒的人物雖然顏色。 剩下的四天的慶祝活動,發生,最奢華的大氣層,在新郎的家庭的房子。


的標準直接兩個年輕人的婚姻常常dipend家人之間的關係。 即使沒有了婚姻中的自定義給年輕女孩,年輕人有選擇的自由,年輕女性更少,等待一個真誠的求婚。 Sukran的歷史和薩梅特幸運的是一個不同的故事。


Entry Title:"The Kurdish Bride"
Name: Emanuela - Michele Laurenti - Cirillo, Italy
Category and Expertise: People, Professional

Entry Description: PREMISE
Only scratched in the surface by the passing of time, by the Islamic conquest and other foreign dominations, the Kurdish culture is now in danger of being forgotten, or worse, losing its true identity, confused in recent years with the Muslim or Turkish tradition. Put through to the Ottoman Empire and then divided by the Western powers in the four states of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria, in the last ninety years, the Kurds have been victims of persecutions and slaughters that occurred with greater ferocity in Turkey, where a regime of forced repression resented every expression of their cultural identity.

""Mountain Turks"". As Turks called Kurdish people.

But in those mountains, dominated by the great Ararat, unquestionably still persist the flavors of ancient and specific traditions, traces of a thousand-years old past, vestiges of a precise and recognizable identity. Among those mountains, the first days of the wedding of Sukran and Samet took place, a symbolic union, especially because of their origins and historical events: Sukran is Kurdish, Samet is Turkish. Our journey starts here. In August 2014, at Xarik place as first, in Eastern Anatolia, and at Yozgat then, in Central Anatolia.

In the social structure Kurdish family is considered an inseparable unit: it is the core on which dipend the whole society and its importance is manifested on the occasion of a marriage. Specifically, the Sukran and Samet wedding party lasted five days: the first part of the celebrations was held in the bride family home, in the altitudes of Xarik, with sober characters although colored. The remaining four days of celebrations, took place, with the most sumptuous atmospheres, in the groom"s family house.

In Yozgat, a Turkish small town.

The criteria that direct the marriage of two young people often dipend on the relationship between their families. Even if there is not anymore the custom to give in marriage young girls, young men have some freedom of choice, young women even less, waiting for a sincere marriage proposal. The history of Sukran and Samet fortunately is a different story.




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