為什麼洛杉磯的機場叫 LAX?


Fun fact - And if you wondered what the X in LAX stands for it was added when a growing air travel industry required that existing airports (that had two letter codes at the time) increase their code to three letters. Hence the X...with no special significance.


維基百科 Los Angeles International Airport 詞條中也有對此問題的解釋。[1]

Before the 1930s, existing airports used a two-letter abbreviation based on the weather station at the airports. So, at that time, LA served as the designation for Los Angeles International Airport. But, with the rapid growth in the aviation industry, the designations expanded to three letters, and LA became LAX. The letter X does not otherwise have any specific meaning in this identifier. Portland International Airport in Oregon also uses a similar code, PDX. "LAX" is also used for the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro and by Amtrak for Union Station in downtown Los Angeles.

[1] The "X" in LAX


據說LAXLAX設自動入境機 20分鐘可通關「洛杉磯華人資訊網報洛杉磯國際機場(LAX)於24日宣布,在布萊德利國際航廈(Tom Bradley International Terminal)入境大堂,設立40台自助入境系統機(Automated Passport Control Kiosks),美國公民丶來自免簽證國家的旅客可以使用機器,讓入境時間由以往的約50分鐘,大幅縮短到約20分鐘。海關及邊境保護局(CBP) 預計,未來綠卡居民都可以使用自助入境系統輕鬆入境。

出席記者會的洛市市長賈西提(Eric Garcetti)表示,他親身體驗過系統所帶來的便利。他指出,在他前往墨西哥拜訪時,就透過自助入境系統,輕鬆辦理入境手續。他對洛杉磯國際機場也有類似系統感到高興。他說,美國公民以後回國,就可以大幅縮短排隊時間。」


TAG:機場 | 洛杉磯LosAngeles |