

新年讀好書~ 為醫學大v薦書還真是讓人亞歷山大呢...
那就強行推一下心水之作吧,UC San Diego神經學教授V. S. Ramachandran的《腦中的幽靈》!

科學性:可以很客觀地說,V.S. Ramachandran作為一名當代神經科學家,打破了傳統神經醫學注重描述的局限性,用科學、嚴謹的實驗方法解釋了幻肢現象,而且極其巧妙利用鏡子實驗治癒幻肢疼痛,實在不能給贊更多。

圖片來源: What phantom limbs and mirrors teach us about the brain


Philip rotated his body, shifting his shoulder, to "insert" his lifeless phantom into the box. Then he put his right hand on the other side of the mirror and attempted to make synchronous movements. As he gazed into the mirror, he gasped and then cried out, "Oh, my God! Oh, my God, doctor! This is unbelievable. It"s mind?boggling!" He was jumping up and down like a kid. "My left arm is plugged in again. It"s as if I"m in the past. All these memories from so many years ago are flooding back into my mind. I can move my arm again. I can feel my elbow moving, my wrist moving. It"s all moving again."
After he calmed down a little I said, "Okay, Philip, now close your eyes."
"Oh, my," he said, clearly disappointed. "It"s frozen again. I feel my right hand moving, but there"s no movement in the phantom."
"Open your eyes."
"Oh, yes. Now it"s moving again."
It was as though Philip had some temporary inhibition or block of the neural circuits that would ordinarily move the phantom and the visual feedback had overcome this block. More amazing still, these bodily sensations of the arm"s movements were revived instandy, even though they had never been felt in the preceding ten years!


作為小清新類的醫學讀物,個人覺得科學性還是要優先於文學性。我們來對比一下,為這本書作序的是享譽世界的科普作家Oliver Sacks,其本人也是一位文筆極佳的(過氣)神經學家。比如紐約時報這麼介紹的時候是不是看起來棒棒噠~

「The Poet Laureate of Medicine」

— The New York Times

Renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks was a physician, best-selling author, and professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine.

但是,Oliver Sacks的文筆再優美我也讀不進去...... 的原因就在於其寫法過於側重描述臨床軼事,就好像一本又一本的罕見病例集並不能真正指導我們通達心靈中央,而且有些解讀早已跟不上時代了,所以至少業內人士對其科研能力和方法並無特別欣賞。這說的,忽然好後怕,我還是專心做數據去吧,老寫知乎萬一以後自己也變成奧利佛·薩克斯這種文風怎麼辦......

Anyways, 下面就是你們要的V. S. Ramachandran的《腦中的幽靈》的封面,拿去不謝~
(然而只給封面是什麼鬼 (⊙?⊙)

Ramachandran, V. S. Blakeslee, S. (1998). Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind.

維蘭努亞·拉瑪錢德朗: 通往心靈中央的旅程

已故的、偉大的科普作家、神經科學家Oliver Sacks. @This Is Not Tina 提到過了。在此不贅述。
我對於Oliver Sacks的印象來自於Musicophilia。The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat和其他幾本未來得及讀。說實話我更喜歡文學性強一點的科普作品(Musicophilia也稱得上嚴格意義上的文學作品),所以Oliver Sacks更合乎我的胃口。文風細膩微妙,卻有著直指人心的力量。在Musicophilia中我記得這麼一段:

On my morning bike ride to Battery Park, I heard music as I approached the tip of Manhattan, and then saw and joined a silent crowd who sat gazing out to sea and listening to a young man playing Bach』s Chaconne in D on his violin. When the music ended and the crowd quietly dispersed, it was clear that the music had brought them some profound consolation, in a way that no words could ever have done.

Music, uniquely among the arts, is both completely abstract and profoundly emotional. It has no power to represent anything particular or external, but it has a unique power to express inner states or feelings. Music can pierce the heart directly; it needs no mediation. One does not have to know anything about Dido and Aeneas to be moved by her lament for him; anyone who has ever lost someone knows what Dido is expressing. And there is, finally, a deep and mysterious paradox here, for while such music makes one experience pain and grief more intensely, it brings solace and consolation at the same time.

Music can pierce the heart directly; it needs no mediation.
想起Aldous Huxley在Music at Night中講,After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music。大概能像Oliver Sacks這樣,把inexpressible的東西勾勒得如此淋漓盡致細膩動人的,幾乎也無神經科學家能出其右了吧。






推薦一本《King of Hearts》by Miller, G. Wayne

雖然不是醫生寫的。但是寫的是美國心臟外科大牛Dr. C. Walton Lillehei的傳記。
Dr.C.Walt Lillehei







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