頭腦特工隊(Inside Out)里有哪些地道的英文表達?

現在狂安利一下這個電影,雖然是一年前看的電影,但是抑制不住的喜歡。最喜歡的電影,沒有之一。因為自己也有因為轉學而跌入低谷的經歷,所以inside out帶來了強烈的共情。閑話不說,作為一個孜孜矻矻想著提高英文的留學狗,做一次inside out的英文搬運工。

1. An unqualified success--意思是 a complete/total success, 第一次看到這個解釋也是蠻吃驚的,unqualified是「不合格」的意思,為什麼 an unqualified success就是「絕對的成功」呢?這是fear說的,i call it an unqualified success。

2. Not what I have in mind. Raily爹媽突然要搬去三藩,驚慌之餘,joy說 「not what i have in mind」,表達「我沒想到啊」。

3. We』re gonna get rabies. --rabbi狂犬病

4. It is nothing our butterfly curtains couldn』t fix. --不知道為啥,好喜歡這個句式。it is nothing a box of ice cream could not fix. if not, you need two boxes.

5. Moving van -- 美國常見的搬家貨運車,真的是非常常見!!!在Georgia經常看到大家拖著u-haul到處跑,就是這貨--

6. She put her hair up. We are in for it. --be in for it, 要注意了,媽媽要使大招了!

7. Stall for me. I』ll be right here. --這是dad打電話的時候用的,stall for me,第一次見,是"幫我拖延一下"的意思,挺形象。

8. The drive out was pretty fun. --這美國這兩年,我發現up,out, in這些小介詞的應用真是無處不在,check out, drive out, etc. Raily媽媽的意思是,我們一路上很有趣是吧?

9. This is a monster railing, and we are riding it all the way down. --這句話也是,平淡無奇,但是我什麼時候能用上 i"m riding it all the way down 這種句式啊!

10. It looked like one was crooked. I am having a break down.--這兩句話是sadness說的,something is crooked, 什麼東西歪了,第一次見這樣表達 「歪了」,get起來。a break down意思是 崩潰了,sadness覺得自己行為非常奇怪,可能是自己崩潰了。

11. stomp around puddles, lighting storms.

12. Rains made our shoes soggy. And we get all cold, shivery, and everything starts to feel droopy. --soggy濕透了,shivery發抖,droopy愚蠢的。真的可以用everything starts to feel droopy嗎?

13. A real page turner! --joy敷衍sadness,真是一本引人入勝的書呢!

14. We have to lay people off. We got to land this.

15. I am so jumpy. My nerves are shocked. 這是fear表達fear的方式,堪稱經典啊!

16. This move has been a bust. 這一招棋(搬家)糟透了!

17. This smell alone is enough to make her gag. --gag窒息

18. ANGER: Mom, the bad news train is pulling in.--很喜歡這個表達呀,裝著壞消息的列車就要進站了!!

19. I rest my case. --這個可以翻譯成「你要這麼想我也沒辦法,愛咋的咋的!」 英文翻譯是這樣的--To say "I rest my case" means therefore that, as far as you are concerned, you"ve done more than enough to prove your point, and need say no more.

20. DISGUSS: Totally behind you, Joy. --我完全支持你!

21. JOY: I do not think of it as playing so much as hugging. 很好用的表達,我永遠不會用哎!
I was up late last night figuring out a new plan. --熬夜資深用戶必備表達。
Make sure Raily stands out today, but also blends in. --blends in, mix up

22. FEAR: Way ahead of you there. 我早就想到了。

23. JOY: I love the way it twirls.

24. MOM: What did we do to deserve you. 我現在經常跟韓狗狗說what did i do to deserve you, 他說,you did nothing - -

25. Double ears pierce; Infinity scarf. 就是這貨,天天見終於知道名字了

26. We"ve got a group of cool girls at 2 o"clock. -- At X o"clock: 表方位,可以用來裝逼了

27. FEAR: Getting called on by the teacher. Are you kidding me? Out of the days! --被老師點名,簡直是噩夢好么,getting called on by the teacher. -- out of the days, 不要是今天啊不要是今天啊!!

28. JOY: Ha-ha-ha, she is hilarious. We used to play tag and stuff. --play tags美國小朋友經常玩的遊戲,有點兒像撕名牌。

29. MOM: Trial outs are tomorrow after school. --trial outs 試用考核

30. Let』s probe. But keep it subtle so she cannot notice. --probe試探一下,我們經常用啊,可以get 起來。keep it subtle.

31. DAD: We let the toilet seat up.
--編劇真是深入生活啊,我爹爹就經常fail to let the toilet seat up.

32. MOM: I could strangle him right now! For this, we gave up the Brazilian helicopter pilot! -- 情侶吵架必備,get了,i could strangle handogu right now!!!!

33. DAD: Make a show of force. I do not want to have to put the foot down. -- put the foot down, 中文比較難解釋,大概就是「以強力方式要求某人做某事或停止做某事」, 英文翻譯是這樣的 「to tell someone in a strong way that they must do something or that they must stop doing something. You can"t just let him do what he wants, you"ll have to put your foot down.」


34. Take it to DEFCON 2. --Ready to launch on your command, sir.

35. DISGUSS: We have a major problem. 我們有大麻煩了。

36. JOY: Watching you play tag was such a treat.
--是一種享受,怕馬屁專用,taking your class is such a great treat!!!

37. Bingbong: It runs on song power. --用某種燃料驅動,runs on electricity

37.5 You』ll be in Headquarter in no time.--我們馬上到了, i will finish my thesis in no time.

38. Add the reality distortion filter. --哈哈濾鏡

39. ANGER: There is no turning back! -- 開弓沒有回頭箭

40. Mom and dad got us in this mess. They can pay to get us out.

41. Bingbong: Don』t you get it? We are stuck down here. We are forgotten.

42. I got a feeling on this one. --看到這裡我哭了,bingbang我要表白你!!

42. COOL GIRL: We are a total fraud. Do you think they could look through us? --cool girl的內心獨白,we are a total fraud!!!!

43. Deja Vu: 最後著重翻譯一下這個詞,是「似曾相識」。有時候我們去一個地方經歷一個事情,突然腦子裡閃現這個畫面,好像以前經歷過,這就是 deja vu!!!

今天就寫到這裡啦,貢獻一張我最喜歡的截圖~可愛的sadness~希望大家喜歡Inside Out!


fried rice 是什麼意思?

TAG:皮克斯PixarAnimationStudios | 英語翻譯 | 英語 | 迪士尼Disney | 頭腦特工隊動畫電影 |