


1. 降低心血管系統疾病和糖尿病風險

2. 調節膽固醇水平,促進身體利用脂肪作為能量來源

3. 顯著增加生長激素分泌,促進代謝

本文由Mike Ling翻譯。原文附下或請見http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-04/imc-sfr033111.php





這項研究的主要負責人和Intermountain醫學中心心臟和遺傳流行病學研究所主任Benjamin D. Horne博士說:「這些新的研究表明我們以前的研究發現並不是偶然。這些在不同組群的病人的研究證實了禁食對降低這些常見疾病的作用,並為我們的研究提出了新的問題:禁食只是降低疾病風險還是禁食本身就是一種健康的生活方式?」









獲得最新的科學健身信息,歡迎關注我的新浪微博 @MikeLingFitness_凌雲健身 和FitTime即刻運動官方微信公眾號:FitTimeNow ,回復「Mike」獲得更多乾貨文章;回復「知乎禮包」還可獲得FitTime免費會員和7天低脂食譜一份。


Mike Ling











具體的機制是禁食、節食會產生β-羥基丁酸(β-hydroxybutyrate ,BHB),它可以抑制炎症複合物NLRP3的產生,NLRP3是炎症過程中參與的重要因子,雖然炎症是機體防禦疾病的正常反應,但過度的炎症反應會對身體有害,造成疾病,比如上面提到的幾個疾病。




更新時間:2016-4-5 10:24:32 來源:紐約時報中文網 作者:佚名
Fasting Diets Are Gaining Acceptance

Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging in Maryland, has not had breakfast in 35 years. Most days he practices a form of fasting — skipping lunch, taking a midafternoon run, and then eating all of his daily calories (about 2,000) in a six-hour window starting in the afternoon.

馬克·馬特森(Mark Mattson)是美國國家老齡化研究所(National Institute on Aging,位於馬里蘭州)的一位神經科學家,35年來,他從未吃過早餐。大多數日子他都執行著一種特殊形式的禁食:不吃午飯,午後跑步,然後在從下午開始的6小時內攝入每日需要的所有熱量(約2000大卡)。

「Once you get used to it, it』s not a big deal,」 said Dr. Mattson, chief of the institute』s laboratory of neurosciences. 「I』m not hungry at all in the morning, and this is other people』s experience as well. It』s just a matter of getting adapted to it.」


In a culture in which it』s customary to eat three large meals a day while snacking from morning to midnight, the idea of regularly skipping meals may sound extreme. But in recent years intermittent fasting has been gaining popular attention and scientific endorsement.


It has been promoted in best-selling books and endorsed by celebrities like the actors Hugh Jackman and Benedict Cumberbatch. The late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel claims that for the past two years he has followed an intermittent fasting program known as the 5:2 diet, which entails normal eating for five days and fasting for two — a practice Mr. Kimmel credits for his significant weight loss.Fasting to improve health dates back thousands of years, with Hippocrates and Plato among its earliest proponents. Dr. Mattson argues that humans are well suited for it: For much of human history, sporadic access to food was likely the norm, especially for hunter-gatherers. As a result, we』ve evolved with livers and muscles that store quickly accessible carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, and our fat tissue holds long-lasting energy reserves that can sustain the body for weeks when food is not available.

暢銷書里在宣傳它,演員休·傑克曼(Hugh Jackman)和本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)等名人也對它推崇備至。深夜脫口秀節目主持人吉米·坎摩爾(Jimmy Kimmel)稱自己在過去的兩年里一直奉行一種名叫「5:2輕斷食」的間歇性禁食計劃:正常進食五天,輕斷食兩天,坎摩爾先生認為自己能夠顯著減肥正是這種禁食法的功勞。禁食能改善健康的觀念可以追溯到幾千年前,希波克拉底(Hippocrates)和柏拉圖(Plato)都是其最早的擁躉。馬特森博士認為人類非常適合這種飲食方式:縱觀人類歷史,間歇性進食在大部分時間裡都屬常態,對於狩獵-採集者來說尤其如此。經過長期的演化,我們在肝臟和肌肉中儲存糖原,以備迅速分解提供能量;而脂肪組織則是我們的長期能量儲備,在缺乏食物時維持身體數周所需。

「From an evolutionary perspective, it』s pretty clear that our ancestors did not eat three meals a day plus snacks,」 Dr. Mattson said.


Across the world, millions of people fast periodically for religious and spiritual reasons. But some are now looking at the practice as a source of health and longevity.


Valter Longo, the director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, initially studied fasting in mice that showed that two to five days of fasting each month reduced biomarkers for diabetes, cancer and heart disease. The research has since been expanded to people, and scientists saw a similar reduction in disease risk factors.

南加州大學長壽研究所(Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California)所長瓦爾特·隆哥(Valter Longo)在小鼠中進行的初步研究表明,每個月禁食2至5天可減少糖尿病、癌症和心臟病的生物標誌物。其後,科學家們在人身上也進行了同樣的研究,發現疾病的風險因素出現了類似的減少。

Dr. Longo said the health benefits of fasting might result from the fact that fasting lowers insulin and another hormone called insulinlike growth factor, or IGF-1, which is linked to cancer and diabetes. Lowering these hormones may slow cell growth and development, which in turn helps slow the aging process and reduces risk factors for disease.


「When you have low insulin and low IGF-1, the body goes into a state of maintenance, a state of standby,」 Dr. Longo said. 「There is not a lot of push for cells to grow, and in general the cells enter a protected mode.」


Critics say that health benefits or not, various forms of intermittent fasting are too impractical for most people.


The 5:2 diet, for example, advocates eating without restrictions for five days and then consuming just 500 calories — roughly the equivalent of a light meal — on each of the other two days of the week. Another regimen, called alternate-day fasting, involves eating no more than 500 calories every other day.


A third regimen, which Dr. Mattson follows, is known as time-restricted feeding. The idea is to consume all of the day』s calories in a narrow window, typically six to eight hours, and fasting for the remaining 16 to 18 hours in a day. Studies of time-restricted feeding practices in both animals and humans have suggested that the practice may lower cancer risk and help people maintain their weight.

馬特森博士採用的是第三種方案,稱為「限時進食法」(time-restricted feeding)。主旨在於在較短的時間段(通常是6到8個小時)內攝入一天所需的全部熱量,其餘的16至18小時一直保持禁食狀態。在動物和人體上進行的限時進食研究均表明,它可以降低患癌症的風險,還有助於人們保持體重。

The scientific community remains divided about the value of intermittent fasting. Critics say that the science is not yet strong enough to justify widespread recommendations for fasting as a way to lose weight or boost health, and that most of the evidence supporting it comes from animal research. Advocates say the body of research on intermittent fasting is growing rapidly and indicates that the health benefits are striking.


The 5:2 diet, in particular, is backed by 「promising」 studies that show that it lowers weight and improves blood sugar, inflammation and other aspects of metabolic health, said Joy Dubost, a registered dietitian and a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the country』s largest organization of dietitians. She noted that fasting isn』t appropriate for pregnant women, people with diabetes and people on medications.

特別是「5:2輕斷食」,一項「有前景」的研究顯示,它可以降低體重、改善血糖、炎症以及其他方面的代謝健康,註冊營養師喬伊·杜博斯特(Joy Dubost)說。她還是全美最大的營養師組織——美國營養與飲食學會(Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)的女發言人。但她也指出,禁食不適合孕婦、糖尿病患者和正在接受藥物治療的人。

「Most people who do this understand that it』s not about binge eating,」 Dr. Dubost said. 「But they like that it gives them the freedom not to worry about calories, carbs and other restrictions on days when they』re not fasting.」


Krista Varady, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago, has studied the effects of alternate-day fasting on hundreds of obese adults. In trials lasting eight to 10 weeks, she has found that people lose on average about 13 pounds and experience marked reductions in LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and insulin, the fat-storage hormone.

位於芝加哥的伊利諾伊大學(University of Illinois)的營養學副教授克里什陶·瓦拉迪(Krista Varady)在數百名肥胖的成年人身上研究了隔日禁食的效果。在持續8到10周的試驗中,她發現這些人的體重平均下降了約13磅(約合5.9千克),且其低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL膽固醇)、血壓、甘油三酯和胰島素(刺激人儲存脂肪的激素)都明顯降低了。

Dr. Varady found in her research that intermittent fasting was easiest when people ate a moderately high-fat diet and were allowed to consume up to 500 calories on their fasting days. In her studies, 10 percent to 20 percent of people usually find the diet too difficult and quickly stop. Those who stick with it typically adjust after a rocky first few weeks.


「We』ve run close to 700 people through various trials,」 Dr. Varady said. 「We thought people would overeat on their feast days to compensate. But people for some reason, regardless of their body weight, can only eat about 10 or 15 percent more than usual. They don』t really overeat, and I think that』s why this works.」


In 2011, Dr. Mattson and his colleagues reported a study of the 5:2 program that followed 107 overweight and obese women. Half of the subjects were assigned to eat no more than 500 calories each on two consecutive days each week. A control group was assigned to follow a low-calorie diet.


After six months, both groups had lost weight. But the intermittent fasting group lost slightly more — about 14 pounds on average — and had greater reductions in belly fat. They also retained more muscle and had greater improvements in blood sugar regulation.


Dr. Mattson』s interest in intermittent fasting grew out of work on animals that showed that alternate-day fasting protected mice from strokes, Alzheimer』s and Parkinson』s disease, and consistently extended their life spans by 30 percent. Dr. Mattson and his colleagues found that alternate-day fasting increased the production of proteins that protect brain cells, enhancing their ability to repair damaged DNA. Fasting, he said, acts as a mild stress that makes cells throughout the body stronger, shoring up their ability to adapt to later insults.


In this way, intermittent fasting is like exercise, which causes immediate stress and inflammation, but protects against chronic disease in the long run. Eating fruits and vegetables may have a similar effect. While very large doses of antioxidants can cause cancer in humans, moderate amounts of exposure can make cells more resilient, Dr. Mattson said.


「There is overlap between the way cells respond to exercise, to fasting, and even to exposure to some of the chemicals in fruits and vegetables,」 he added.


Dr. Mattson is now starting a rigorous clinical trial of people 55 to 70 years old who are prediabetic and at high risk for developing Alzheimer』s disease. He plans to study whether intermittent fasting may slow cognitive decline.


Dr. David Ludwig, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, said one benefit of fasting is that it forces the body to shift from using glucose for fuel to using fat. During this process, the fat is converted to compounds known as ketones, a 「clean」 energy source that burns more efficiently than glucose, like high-octane gasoline, Dr. Ludwig said.

哈佛大學公共衛生學院(Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health)的營養學教授大衛·路德維希(David Ludwig)博士表示,禁食的好處之一在於它迫使身體從使用葡萄糖作為燃料改為使用脂肪。在此過程中,脂肪被轉化為酮,一種更為「清潔」,燃燒效率高於葡萄糖的化合物,就像高辛烷值汽油那樣,路德維希博士說。

The same process, known as ketosis, occurs when people go on extremely low-carb, high-fat diets. Dr. Ludwig said ketones seem to have unique effects on the brain. High-fat diets, for example, have been used for years to treat people who suffer from epileptic seizures.


「There are extensive reports of children who had debilitating seizures who were cured on ketogenic diets,」 Dr. Ludwig said. 「If it benefits the brain to prevent seizures, then maybe it benefits the brain in other ways.」


Dr. Ludwig noted that the long-term effectiveness of fasting had not been well studied. He cautioned that for many people, fasting is simply too difficult and may slow metabolism. A potentially more practical approach is to limit sugar and other processed carbohydrates, replacing them with natural fats, protein and unrefined carbohydrates, he said.


「It takes a very disciplined person to skip a couple meals every day,」 he added.


But Dr. Mattson, who has been skipping meals for decades, said the adjustment to skipping breakfast and lunch was a lot like the change that occurs when a couch potato starts exercising.


「If you』ve been sedentary for years and then you go out and try to run five miles, you』re not going to feel very good until you get in shape,」 he said. 「 It』s not going to be a smooth transition right away. It takes two weeks to a month to adapt.」For more fitness, food and wellness news, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up for our newsletter.


我不會去嘗試間歇性節食(intermittent fasting),也不會建議其他人去嘗試,以下是原因:

首先聲明,我所選擇的健身方式是健美訓練,簡單的說是 目的是增肌和減脂。




這是一個美國的營養諮詢師,健身教練Martin Berkhan網站的截圖,注意這兩篇關於間歇性節食(intermittent fasting)文章的發布日期,一個是2010年,一個是2016年。點開網站里的鏈接,你會讀到這些年來關於間歇性節食幾乎所有的相關研究和討論。只是科學是解釋世界的方式之一,科學家以追求真理為己任,但科學不等同於真理,實踐才是檢驗真理的唯一標準。通過一個網站,透過一堆研究,我只看到了兩點:












I started intermittent fasting about a week ago,, started off with 16/8 and currently on 20/4. I consume around ~1800Kcal during the 4-hr eating window.

I used to eat ~1200Kcal throughout the day (5 meals etc) and have been constantly feeling hungry and unsatisfied -- per the conventional diet advices.

With IF, i up the kcal intake and feel extremely satisfied (consuming ~1800Kcal of wholesome food in 4 hrs time is actually not that easy...).

The main benefit i feel (on my own body) is the rid of period pain. And even just for this one benefit, im going to keep practising IF. :D

Suggest you check out keto Reddit posts. Super helpful!






只吃早飯,晚上慢跑 40~60 分鐘,一個月能瘦多少?

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