申請工作時,如何寫好 Cover Letter?

請問怎樣的一份Cover Letter算是標準格式的?如何寫好Cover Letter裡面的中英文的遣詞造句?尤其是稱呼、開頭、結尾的格式。

首先想真誠地告訴提問的人,cover letter在申請工作時所佔的重要性並不是很高,大家的cover letter寫的都差不多,公司無法很好地用cover letter來區別申請者,但是當然要好好寫,因為如果寫的不好,比如有錯別字的話,就肯定會影響申請啦。

一般來說cover letter有幾種不同的address方法。
(1) 可以寫給公司的HR,也就是Dear Mr./Mrs. 然後某個具體的名字。如果你知道公司裡面管本科/碩士申請的HR是誰的話,你就可以這樣寫。
(2) 如果你不知道的話,你可以抬頭寫公司的名字,比如Dear Mckinsey。
(3) 或者你也可以寫Dear Recruiting Manager。
(4) 或者你可以寫Dear Sir or Madam,但這個不推薦。

第一段你可以這樣寫:I am writing to apply for *** position at *** company. Through *** I learned about this position. (這裡最好能放一個你在這個公司當中聊過天的人的名字,如果沒有的話,也可以寫Through on-campus information session或者學校的網站) I believe my *** and *** experiences make me an qualified/outstanding/excellent candidate for the position.

第二到第四段請總結一下你跟申請職位相關的經歷。你可以一段寫工作經歷,一段寫學術經歷,一段寫課外活動。或者可以一段寫analytical skills,一段寫communication skill。總之隨便你想怎麼寫啦。

  • 不要重複簡歷上已經講過的語句,要利用cover letter這個機會講每段工作給了你什麼技能,比如***實習讓你對**行業有了深入的了解
  • 寫的經歷要和你申請的職位有關係,比如申請的職位需要很強的數據處理技能,你可以去強調你相關的經歷;同時講完這一經歷之後,注意往回扣你申請的職位和公司


最後,要很俗套地說謝謝!然後說:我期待聽到回復 或者 我期待與您聊天!

cover letter 最重要的就是讓僱主在看到的那一刻就立刻被吸引,也就是說,2到3個句子之內你就得抓人眼球。如果做不到,那估計你的cover letter 能被讀完的幾率不大。


你集中在前三個工作職責的原因在於,基本上,僱主招的職位的JD,有80% 是他們瞎編的。所以儘管你的實際工作範圍還包括其他原本沒說的,沒寫的,如果你不能很好地完成前三個工作職責,你能不能hold住這個職位就有點可疑了。


所以, 你的cover letter 可以這麼開頭:

My name is Larry Wang, and I』m applying for your & opening. I believe my background is a very good fit for this position given my previous experience

1) leading a xx person team,

2) supporting our company』s business development efforts to attract major clients, like xxxxx, xxxxx, etc., and

3) managing &

implementations within our xxxxxx department. In particular, &.

下一段,你可以分享更多你的經歷,聊一聊你對他們的職位/公司/行業等等的興趣。但是不管是不是一個面對面的交流,拓寬人脈的情況,或者是一個工作申請,最開始的20到30秒之內你得打動他們。不然, 他們估計也不太可能有興趣了解你了。(譯)


更多職業發展的精彩內容和專業知識,遠見和建議,請關注我的個人微信公眾號:Larry聊職商(LarryWangABC),知乎專欄:Larry聊職商,我司微信公眾號:王李亞洲資源( wangliyazhou ) ,微博@Larry Wang王承倫,LinkedIn:Larry Wang


Most important in any cover letter is to immediately catch an employer』s attention, which means within the first 2-3 sentences. If you can』t do this, others are not likely to read the rest of your letter.

The best way to catch an employer』s attention is to highlight whatever capabilities, achievements, and responsibilities you have that directly relate to the top 3 responsibilities of the position you』re applying for. This essentially indicates that your background is a good fit for their position.

Focus on the top 3 because they typically make up about 80% of what the job is about. While there may be others responsibilities, if you can』t handle the top 3 well, it』s doubtful you can handle the position well.

For example, a job description lists these 3 top responsibilities for a position:

1) Supervise a team of xx staff who will . . .

2) Identify new business opportunities with large enterprises. . .

3) Manage projects related to implementing . . .

4) . . . . .

5) . . . . .

Therefore, the opening of your cover letter may look like this:

Dear xxxxx,

My name is Larry Wang, and I』m applying for your & opening. I believe my background is a very good fit for this position given my previous experience

1) leading a xx person team,

2) supporting our company』s business development efforts to attract major clients, like xxxxx, xxxxx, etc., and

3) managing &

implementations within our xxxxxx department. In particular, &.

In your next paragraph, you can share more details about your experience or talk about your interest in their job/company/industry/etc. But whether it』s a face-to-face encounter, networking situation, or job application where you』re trying to impress others, you need to do this within the first 20-30 seconds. Otherwise, they』re unlikely to put much more effort into knowing more about you.


If you need help performing well in your job interviews in English, join my Zhihu Live tomorrow night (Thursday, 1/19)! I』ll have many very practical tips examples for you on this topic!





For more great career development and career success-related expertise, insights, and advice, follow Larry Wang"s personal account on Wechat, at Larry聊職商& and company account at 王李亞洲資源 &

To get to get to know Larry Wang better personally and access his latest career development and career success-related articles, follow him on Weibo, @ &.

http://weixin.qq.com/r/KHXs9ArE5FebrU6X9yA6 (二維碼自動識別)

伯克利的Resume, CL全指南。

先來談談在美國找工作到底需不需要cover letter,我搜集了以下數據。

放在前面的話:本文提供的數據需要分析得出結論,這裡就直接先做總結吧,Cover Letter其實是個蠻重要的東西,我們的留學生求職機構himycareer對cover letter 有一組數據。


42.9%的僱主想要看到申請者的Cover Letter

29.8%的僱主覺得Cover Letter並沒有什麼卵用(「讓我看這東西我是拒絕的!」)


如果你覺得光看數據有些蒼白無力,那我在給你講一個之前我輔導的學生身上發生的事,暫且稱之為Y同學吧。這位Y同學的背景還不錯,美國TOP50大學畢業,但是在求職前期卻很難拿到面試邀請。面試過程和結果也很不理想,後面放低要求去投一些比較小的企業,對方表示可以要他,但是因為H1B的一些事情沒有談攏。作為他的職業輔導,我有責任為他分析求職中所出現的問題。這其中我就發現,他在遞交簡歷時,並沒有附送Cover Letter,他覺得Cover Letter在求職中並不重要,所以沒有準備。

這就是他很難獲得面試邀請的原因,你想下,即使HR在很忙的情況下並不會閱讀你的Cover Letter,但是準不準備就體現出了你的態度問題,如果你連Cover Letter都懶得準備,HR憑什麼相信你在未來的工作中能盡職盡責的工作,後來我指導他做了一份Cover Letter,相比之前很難獲得面試邀請的情況,他獲得的面試邀請增加了很多,而且經過我們的模擬面試,讓他再面試過程中進行的很順利,不久便獲得了offer。

因此,Cover Letter還是有必要寫的,既然要寫Cover Letter,那麼就要寫好,否則不如不要。那麼怎麼才算寫得好的Cover Letter呢?

想要寫好Cover Letter,首先你得明白僱主想要看什麼。所以,這裡又有另外一個調查數據。

33% - 公司對這個職位提出的能力要求,你符合哪些?

26% - 你的行文能力和表達能力是否清晰簡潔

20% - 對CV中某些重點的提煉和解釋

19% - 你的個人價值→為什麼要僱傭你?

18% - 拼寫和語法

17% - 個人亮點

12% - 概括能力

10% - 即使你給了,我也不看Cover Letter

因此,大家可以看出來了,Cover Letter最大的作用應該是兩個,一是展現你的文章表達、概括總結能力,二是針對性地說明你適合這項工作的能力和理由。圍繞著這兩個要點來寫Cover Letter,就會事半功倍。


那麼cover letter 具體該怎麼寫呢?

cover letter主要覆蓋以下三個問題:
Who are you and where are you?
Where did you hear about me?
What can you do for me? What can you provide relevant to the job?


My name is ___, and I am applying for the position as ____,那你基本沒戲了,常規,老套,絲毫引不起HR讀下去的慾望。



640 hours. 50 volunteers. Eight weeks. One event. That』s what it takes pull together Spring City』s Annual Community Expo.


Stephen R. Covey once said, 「Accountability breeds response-ability.」 As an experienced manager, I believe accountability is the key to success in any work environment.


I fell in love with basketball at a very young age. Not only do I love the sport itself, but also I loved the numbers behind the scores. Because of this life-long interest in sports and numbers, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for the Data Analyst position for the Washington Wildcats.


I discovered Accounting Solutions was hiring, I knew I had to apply. I』ve been waiting to find a company where I feel like I can make a difference while working as an accountant. Not only are your clients awesome, but the overall mission of your company is something I believe in, too.


首先要明確,在你的cover letter 中不要重複簡歷中的內容。重點是,你要找到你和公司的交叉點:一篇好的cover letter會解釋你會為公司帶來什麼以及你為什麼對於這家公司來說是一個合適的人選。簡單來說,申請者不能一味去羅列你過去的工作經歷有多麼牛(What I have achieved),而是要證明為什麼你的加入會讓公司更牛(So what? Why Do I care?)。

Cover Letter的主體內容包括:









結尾一定要簡單利落,擲地有聲。快速總結你的經歷如何會在新工作中幫助你成功,留下你的聯繫方式並表達希望能夠得到面試的機會,最後表示感謝即可。關於落款方式,最常用的是「Sincerely」, 「Best Regards」等,給大家推薦一個很優雅的落款方式:「Respectfully, XXX」。


1.文章中不要用太多「I…」:原則上,一段話裡面不要超過兩個「I」。舉個例子,「I have enclosed a copy of my resume」 可以替換成「Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume.」

2.開頭稱呼:如果你確定HR的姓名,可以直接稱呼,但是一般情況下用「Dear Hiring Manager」, 「To Whom It May Concern」, 「Dear Director of Human Resources」 或者 「Dear Hiring Official」。

3.發送格式:建議把cover Letter存成PDF格式,根據公司要求發送。有些公司要求cover letter和簡歷分開兩個文件發送,有公司並沒有具體要求。如果沒有具體要求的話,也可以把兩個cover letter和簡歷合成一個文件,這裡注意要把cover letter 放在前面。

最後提醒一句,cover letter 一定要精鍊短小,富有特色


首先咱們要搞明白cover letter是個什麼鬼。我們都知道雜誌都有個cover letter,或者換個叫法, cover page。一般一些商業企劃書上也有個cover letter。那個這個東西到底是幹嘛的?按字面意思來理解,這個經常放在首頁的COVER,它真實的目的主要是為了吸引閱讀者能更感興趣地打開正式的文本, 找工作時, 這個正式的文本就是你的簡歷。

也就是說cover letter是為了讓recruiter打開你的簡歷,是為了抓住他的眼球。有的人說cover letter不重要,沒什麼用。而有些人則認為cover letter尤其重要,沒有cover letter就會喪失很多機會。這些其實都有一定的道理,因為它們是在不同的情形下的不同解讀。

有的行業尤其需要cover letter,有些recruiter比較看重cover letter,對於後者,求職者往往不能預先知道。所以我建議求職的朋友,除非是明確知道不需要cover letter,都應該準備一份,畢竟機會是留給有準備的人的。


如果說Resume是個死的, 靜態的, 客觀的, 不帶任何感情色彩的自我表述, 那麼Cover Letter就是個動態的, 動情的, 活躍的, 能稍微帶點感性的東西.。它的表述更符合原則: 你要站在Recruiter在第一眼想了解你什麼東西的基礎上, 想想你到底怎麼「扇情」的東西。但話又說回來了, 這種」扇情」不是放縱的, Recruiter沒有時間去欣賞你對他們的細膩而衝動的情懷, 這種「扇情」其實是很專業和高效的, 目的只有一個, 讓Recruiter打開你的簡歷。

經常看到寫得密密麻麻的Recruiter, 好象網路上不少的模板也是這麼宣傳的. 很多Cover Letter的作者不一定都是Recruiter, 很多只是我們叫做writer的一幫人, 他們的角度更多的都是文學式的, 而不是Recruiter式的. 就是換了我們在一天里去讀很多陌生人的密密麻麻的極力抒發自己對他們毫無興趣的對工作的渴望, 我們也會體會到一種強迫症的。

Cover Letter應該概述以下幾個問題。

你是從哪兒知道有這個工作機會的? (時間, 地點, 信息來源)
你現在所處的狀況如何? (學歷,經驗,和學識)
為什麼你覺得你有資格申請這項工作? (怎樣MATCH他們的要求)
你的期望是什麼? (得到面試的機會)
怎樣能得到你的完整信息? (附加簡歷)

那麼如何寫好一份cover letter?

前面說過, Cover Letter還是和簡歷有本質的不同的, 針對Recruiter在收到你的信後關心的問題, 相應地就變成了你的訴求

訴求一: 你要告訴Recruiter你從哪裡知道這個工作機會的, 比如說網站, 朋友, 時間, 如果有他們貼出的job code最好。
訴求二: 你要簡單介紹自己現在所處的狀況, 包括學歷,經驗,和學識。
訴求三: 你要解釋下為什麼你想申請這個職位, 你是怎麼覺得這個職位跟你的背景比較相符合.也就是怎樣match的問題。
訴求四: 你的期望是什麼, 比如說希望得到面試的機會, 希望了解更多情況。
訴求五: 你要把自己簡歷和聯繫方式附上一份。

Dear Sir and Madam:

Just come across your above mentioned opportunity posted on http://CareerBuilder.com (訴求一) and feel it might match my background.(訴求三)

Here is a my brief career summary which is also listed in my resume in the attachment.(訴求五)

Over eight years experience of automotive operations and project management in global companies.

Plus three years engineering background at manufacturing plant as Mechanical Engineer with BSME.

Working knowledge of industrial quality system (ISO, QS9000, FMEA, APQP, PPAP, SPC, GRR)

Strong negotiation skill extensive ERP/MRP skills (AS400, SAP/Oracle Database scheduling system).

Bilingual – read, write and speak English and Mandarin Chinese and comprehensive business relations. (以上五點為訴求二, 其實你要仔細看, 這也是你RESUME中的前十行)

Many thanks for your attention and look forward to hearing from you. (訴求四)

Best Regards


Cover Letter的語氣和用法

如果你的英文足夠好, 你可以用更加美妙而職業但一定是簡潔的文字來表達以上的訴求. 記住簡潔永遠是第一位, 這叫必要條件, 美妙是次要的, 作為充分條件可以讓事情變得更圓滿。

不知道你要不要參考網上無窮的Cover Letter, 但象我們已經在複雜的環境中工作了很久的人來讀一封純文學修飾性的陌生人的來信時, 我們只會感受到一種弱者的訴求。沒有人會在正常的交流中用一些盡乎肉麻的言語來向一個陌生人來表達一種願望. 很多作者都在這方面顧此失彼, 認知迷失,Cover Letter,應該充滿我們應有的自信, 職業, 邏輯, 和素質。

但Cover Letter,不是必須的, 如果你的招聘者已經看過你的簡歷了, 你就不用在這麼假迷三道似地傳一份或寫一份Cover Letter,, 因為它的作用已經被其它方式完成了.。

總之Cover Letter, 是個很自然的交流過程, 而不是個正式的文件, 之所以大家需要它主要是招聘者在看你簡歷之前想了解些你的初步情況。


最近有不少學弟學妹問我怎麼寫cover letter的事情,記得當年我在港大交換的時候,也想找個實習,所以正好一門投資組合分析的課程裡面我選取了insurance industry做研究,特別是對幾家broker的公司進行股價分析,發現其中一家公司的股價在我的模型中有被低估的可能性即值得投資(but who knows),然後我就把自己的PPT連同一封找實習的cover letter發給了這家公司的亞太區總裁(正好在他們官網上公開了郵箱),沒想到隔了2周就接到一個電話,是上海分公司的總經理給我打來的,說亞太區總裁把我的郵件轉發給他了,他覺得也很不錯,跟我聊了一下希望我暑期回大陸之後去上海實習。就這樣,我把實習就搞定了。當然後續又出現波折,雖然最終去實習了,但不是暑期去的。

總之,寫cover letter的目的是找到實習或者工作,那麼focus應該在結果上,而不要僅僅盯著cover letter本身。從我個人的經驗來看,我的簡歷背景、與眾不同的地方(比如發了一份自己的研究報告)等會一定程度地提升enroll的概率,但最重要的是背景和與眾不同總是match對方的需求的,所以要對JD (job description)做充分的研究。

以上只是我的個人經歷,不太有普遍參考價值,由於英文的求職信(cover letter)主要是外企或者在海外找工作會更需要,我就請教了一些做過career counselor的native speaker朋友有什麼好的建議,靠譜的她不但給我說了理念和策略,還舉了兩個實際的例子加以分析。估計是她工作中經常用的,直接現成就給我了。對部分英文我作了翻譯,供大家參考。感謝 Emily!


The infamous cover letter! Although there are some essentials, I can promise you that you will run into trouble with cover letters if you try to work out the one 『right』 way to write them! There is no one correct, magical solution!


In reality, you should re-write your cover letter for Every. Single. Position.


I know this may seem like a challenge when writing in a language that isn』t your native tongue, but I can』t emphasize the importance of this enough!



In terms of format, a cover letter should generally be along the lines of:

1. Statement

2. Introduction

3. Demonstration of abilities

4. Conclusion

Of course there are also some standard essentials to include, which are:

? Make sure your writing is free from spelling and grammatical errors

? The content has a good logical flow

? Use a professional and polite tone of voice

? Don』t sound 『greedy』! (that is, avoid at all costs spending your time talking about what you want out of the job, rather than what you can offer them)

? Avoid covering details that are already in your resume – they already have that and can read it if they want, the cover letter is your chance to display your voice, logic and personality!

Other than these basics, the similarities between each cover letter you write should end there! Every single cover letter should be a work of art, carefully crafted and polished to highlight what makes you the ideal candidate for that particular position.






4. 結論


  • 確保你的寫作是無拼寫和語法錯誤;
  • 行文邏輯流暢;
  • 語氣專業,有禮貌;
  • 不要「貪婪」(即,千萬不要大談特談對職位的期望,而是要談你可以給公司帶來什麼);
  • 避免重複已經在簡歷中展示的細節—如果僱主想看,他們自然會去看!求職信是展示你的聲音,邏輯和個性的大好機會,不要重複簡歷中的細節!



The first thing you should do is read the position description or job advertisement again. And again. Read it at least 3 times. Analyse it carefully for keywords and clues. The same response will NOT get the same positive result from different employers. Every employer has a need or a problem that they need to solve – by filling a skills gap or labour shortage in their team. The advertisement gives you an idea of what their 『source of pain』 is, so that you can try to address it!

On top of this, different organisations have different values and styles. For example, a bank or a recruitment agency should be addressed with a somewhat formal tone, whereas an innovative start-up company will want to see more personality in your writing style.





In Example A and Example B attached, I』ve compared two very different ads so you can get an idea of looking for keywords, who you should address, and what kind of skills demonstrations a particular employer wants to see. Example A is an ad for a bank that has been placed by a recruitment agency. It』s fairly formal in tone, and looking for concrete evidence of applicants』 skills. Example B, on the other hand, has been placed by a management member in a small start-up company. Their emphasis is on disruption and innovation, and they』ll want to see something a bit more daring and interesting from their applicants.

Similarly, you shouldn』t use the same set of examples from your past history in every cover letter you write, as different employers will want to see a focus on different skills. These clues will all be found in the advertisement. I』ve attached two contrasting examples below!




Example A: 第一則招聘廣告

Our client has a well-established retail banking business in XXX with a significant share of the local market and a strong growth profile. An outstanding opportunity has arisen for a driven and energetic Branch Based Lender to spearhead their business growth agenda.

Key role responsibilities:

· Driving the growth and profitability of the Bank"s retail mortgage segment.

· Undertake quality consultative conversations with customers to understand their needs and identify cross sell opportunities to distribute the Bank"s product and service offerings.

· Active involvement in business development and new opportunity identification by prospecting internal and external networks to grow new business.

· Assist clients with often complex decisions around the best way to protect and grow their wealth.

· Strict adherence to Risk and Compliance processes and protocols.

The successful candidate will demonstrate:

· Proven and quantifiable track record in client facing role with the ability to demonstrate historical performance.

· High level of internal motivation and drive to meet and exceed client expectations and business performance requirements.

· Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

· A proven track record and experience in residential mortgage lending preferred but not essential.

This opportunity will appeal to a highly driven professional with a proven track-record in a client facing/sales role.

In return, you will receive a highly competitive salary package and generous incentive scheme, as well as enjoy the excellent culture from a first-class Banking practice that is led by some of the best leaders in the local market.

For more information or a confidential discussion, please contact NAME SURNAME on 00 0000 0000 , quoting reference ##### .


Our client:

This is a recruitment agency. They probably receive thousands of applications daily. Keep your letter as short as possible.

The tone is also quite formal and objective, so you should write in a similar way.


strong growth profile:

This employer is interested in trends. If you can show an example of your skills in trend analysis that would be favourable.


quality consultative conversations with customers:

Strong customer service skills are a must. Talk about your focus on quality, and also your ability to listen carefully to others』 opinions. But talk about these aspects separately (definitely not in the same sentence) so it doesn』t look like you are just repeating the contents of the ad.



Look for keywords throughout the document that indicate the skills and personal attributes you what you should demonstrate in your letter. Where industry acronyms are used, you should ensure you use the same ones correctly.



The word Proven is repeated – this advertiser is more interested in your experience than your goals. Focus on demonstrating your past success.


For more information or a confidential discussion, please contact NAME SURNAME on 00 0000 0000 , quoting reference ##### .

The recruitment agent』s name and phone number are provided. Therefore, you know who to address it to. Include the reference number in your application.

Also, since a number is provided, you SHOULD call before you submit your application to introduce yourself. Ask an additional question about the company to demonstrate your thinking ability and interest, and make sure you repeat what you discuss in your cover letter so that they remember who you are and that you made the effort to call.

For example: 「Dear Ms SURNAME, thank you for taking the time to speak with me this afternoon. As discussed, I am interested in this role because Y, so I was glad that you were able to confirm that Z」 and then continue with the rest of your cover letter.

If the name was not provided, since it is an agency ad, it』s ok to write 「Dear Recruitment Manager」 or 「To whom it may concern」.




如果因為是招聘機構代發的求職廣告,而沒有提供公司名稱,那麼開頭書寫「Dear Recruitment Manager」 or 「To whom it may concern」都是可以的。

Example B: 第二則招聘廣告

? Are you entrepreneurial? Want to get in on something a start-up stage to own the space?

? Are you an experienced, qualified SEO, Content marketing guru?

? Are you passionate about getting high quality content and results?

? Are you creative and able to create maximum optimisation of digital assets on a shoestring budget (for now anyway)!

? Do you want to be part of an innovative, value and service driven commercial team that puts customers first ALWAYS?

? Do you pride yourself on superb customer experiences and want to work with a network of supportive and energetic people who share your passion and values?

? Are you looking to have a more flexible work/life balance?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then this could well be a perfect match!

We are passionate about revolutionising and disrupting. We are pre-launch and are looking to do things differently. We are an inclusive employer and welcome applicants from all age groups, genders and backgrounds. We are keen to work with passionate, competent people with the right skill sets and values. We intend to build rapidly and create superior and exceptional customer experiences globally.

We are a pre-launch start up that is creating a disruptive presence and shaking up an industry. To get ahead we need to ensure we have superb optimisation and we"re seeking an entrepreneurial and experienced SEO and Content Marketing specialist who is passionate and able to manage the end to end coordination, implementation and analysis of search engine optimisation and our content marketing program.


? Help us to define an overall clever and sophisticated digital strategy

? Help to build the front-end experience using personas and customer journey

? Plan and execute integrated content distribution strategies in line with SEO best practice

? Monitor and report data analytics e.g. Google Analytics, providing insight and research

? Ensure the best optimisation and SEO

? Managing the day to day channel pages and uploading content (Social and Digital), to ensure the overall commercial objectives are met, including re-evaluation, future enhancement and functionality improvement

? Utilising techniques such as title and meta tagging, indexing, link building, keyword ranking and overall site architecture and content optimisation

? Monitoring and analysing site performance and reviewing tracking metrics to provide solutions to increase search engine ranking

? Researching and evaluating new traffic trends and identifying new optimisation opportunities

? Assessing search outcomes related to advertising/marketing campaigns

? Work closely with CEO to identify areas for growth and opportunities to improve return on investment via all digital channels

The right person for us:

Ideally you will have broad digital knowledge and a bit of a guru who takes pride in seeing their results. The key outcome for this role is to amplifying content through our digital and social channels and continually optimising our digital assets to improve search ranking and get in front of our target audiences.

You need to be able to work flexibly and achieve tight deadlines on casual/freelance basis. This opportunity will start as a part-time freelance/casual opportunity whilst in build mode. As



「Guru」 is not a proper key word, but it is an important word.

Firstly, it』s informal, so you shouldn』t write too formally either.

Secondly, what is a guru? It means you don』t just have basic skills, you know EVERYTHING about the topic and how to apply it. Since it』s impossible to know everything, this means that you should show how you constantly seek out new knowledge.



This company is starting things off in an unusual manner. You probably won』t stand out if you write a typical formal cover letter.

The tone is fast paced and excited, so your letter needs to demonstrate enthusiasm.


We are an inclusive employer and welcome applicants from all age groups, genders and backgrounds.

If you are able to make some kind of diversity statement, include that in your cover letter! It sounds like they would be interested in hearing it.



Again, look for keywords throughout the document that indicate the skills and personal attributes you what you should demonstrate.



Try and match up past experiences where you have had similar responsibilities.

Show that the CEO can rely on your advice.

Also, there are a lot of points here, so you won』t be able to address them all, but it tells you they want someone who is very flexible and adaptable and will do what needs to be done. So try to show a past example of this.



The rest of the ad (cut short for this example) goes on to describe the applicant』s ideal qualities and experience, which are points you should try to address.





結尾,套路式感謝,your consideration of my application will be an essential help in my career planning. i look forward to hearing from you soon之類的

cover letter要簡單,不要長篇大論,要突出自己能夠結合所應聘職位的competitive advantage

我的兩份工作cover Letter都幫了大忙。背景是德企。一家是汽車工程師的職位,一家是戰略諮詢公司的諮詢顧問。




一般來說,完整的cover letter包括三個部分。這三個部分功能各異,需要的模板也有差別。


美國求職,如何寫出具有吸引力的cover letter? - 關咲的文章 - 知乎專欄


Identify the Problem

55%的HR是不會閱讀cover letter的,因為他們覺得大部分的cover letter都是在變著花樣地求工作。


「As a veteran of http://Details.com and Vs. Magazine, I』ve seen how crazy fashion month can get.」


當你寫自己的cover letter的時候,多問自己為什麼。為什麼你要去這個公司,為什麼他們要接受你,為什麼這個工作很重要。


Agitate the Problem




If you』re looking for someone who can not only keep up, but also deliver that SEO-friendly, 75-page street style slideshow five minutes ago…

你會發現我沒有說「If you』re looking for someone who can turn around projects quickly…」,而是非常仔細的舉了一個例子來引起某一類型職位的人的共鳴。


在對話中,我們都會傾向於相信和自己使用相似身體語言的人。我們可以揣測面試官微妙的暗示和語句在cover letter中進行模仿。


Offer the Solution


「Since TeamSite and I are old friends, I』ll be able to hit the ground running—and whether it』s churning out a dozen blog posts per day or refreshing the homepage with breaking fashion month news, I』ve done it all. Most importantly, you』ll never hear me say, 「That』s not my job!」


Close With Confidence

寫完所有的重要部分,你會不會很前篇一律的寫上「Hope to hear from you soon!」


「I"d love to learn more about your production needs and how I can help!」

不要害怕撰寫cover letter這件事,也不需要把cover letter堆砌成過多的華麗散文。只要展示你的熱情和你的能力,以及你工作認真的態度,你就已經寫出了最完美的cover letter了。


不贊同第一的回答 you never knows what"s going to impact your application 我從前也覺得寫cover letter很花時間 但是我的一個朋友是Pearson recruiter 她說大部分時間是會看你的cover letter 她認識的多數HR都持一樣觀點 但是千萬不要千篇一律 如果你真的很喜歡 為什麼不好好寫一個呢

本人水平有限,推薦一個幫助到我的網站:Susan Ireland『s Resume Site Create a Resume
既有各種resume和cover letter的範文,也有一些寫作技巧,還按職業和目的(如跳槽、在校/應屆生找工作等)分門別類:







100/day ,有午餐




同意排名第一的答案,既然是letter,就有address to的問題。一般在這樣的招聘信息裡面,能從郵箱知道你投遞簡歷的接收方的名字(如Morgan),那麼就Dear Morgan;在沒有進一步信息的情況下,可以寫Dear
Hiring Manager,或者Dear Recruiting Team。



在這裡大家容易犯的錯誤是用發給A公司的cover letter簡單修改之後投遞B公司,公司名稱和職位沒有改,雖說HR的職業生涯中這種事情應該見得很多,然而……還是會生氣的……


I』m writing to
apply for the sales support intern at Careerfore referred by Stanley. 如果是在某個招聘網站上看到的信息,就寫為xxx position at xxx company on xxx.com.


I』m currently
a sophomore/junior student at xxx University majoring in xxx. I don』t have class on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and I』m willing to do this internship for over 3 months.


I believe I』m a good fit
for this position for the following reasons.


skill、learning ability以及是否detail


sense分析等等,得出這個職位對candidate的要求可能是與客戶以及主管溝通的能力,能快速理解行業、產品以及客戶需求的學習能力,那麼第三第四段就可以先一兩句話說明I』m a team player and have good communication skill. 然後舉一個例子,可能是你在做社團活動時幫助宣傳、聯繫場地等事宜,也可能是你在上一份實習中打cold call。學習能力可能是你在某一個課程project或者實習裡面做了一個行業研究。




To sum up, I believe this internship will
help bring my professionalism to a higher level. And I will be an asset to your
team with my proven communication skill and learning ability.

Please refer to the attachment for my
resume. Thanks for considering me for this position.

Best Regards,


cover letter 並不是可有可無的,除了客套話之外中間的兩段要寫「為什麼我想來這個公司」和「為什麼這個公司會需要我」 這兩點在簡歷上並不易體現。

這是我學校的cover letter instruction,希望可以幫到你

不知道為什麼那麼多回答說 cover letter可有可無。 通常來說,去國外找工作一般都需要cover letter,有的招聘中也會強調說明請隨函附上cover letter。既然樓主來問cover letter這件事,就肯定有它的用處。雖然國內找工作用的沒有那麼普遍。

而且題主的問題是,怎麼樣寫cover letter,標準格式是怎樣的,然後回答一般不用cover letter,有的招聘從來不看blabla的人,也真是醉了!不知道我是該說 你是沒看懂題目還是 在那裝什麼裝!

抱歉,實在看不下去了,來吐個槽。正好本人正在研究寫cover letter的事情。

Here employees look mostly at resumes. As for advice, be sure to double-check it. There"s nothing more embarrassing that a grammar mistake in your resume or cover letter. Be sure to also write how you got to know of the offer and why you want to change jobs, provided that you didn"t get sacked from the last one.

你不需要cover letter。你的求職郵件中盡量只包括:

  1. PDF格式的個人簡歷,一頁A4大小,包括求職目標、聯繫方式、具體工作經驗和特長(通常把初稿簡歷刪掉一半內容,再刪掉三分之一,還不夠,請看第三條);
  2. 推薦信,而且一定是要有分量的人的推薦信(否則不如不放);
  3. 在簡歷里包括LinkedIn的個人頁面,詳實描述項目經歷,並在簡歷里附上鏈接(注意設置成可點擊超鏈接);
  4. 把你想在cover letter里說的話,適當的精簡後放在郵件正文中,或留在初面。

我被告知,cover letter寫的不好,resume連被人看的機會都沒有。就如何寫好cover letter這件事,我問過不同的人。教授的意思是,廣告里要什麼就寫什麼,她是大牛,經驗學識已經不用寫就能直接上班的。領居家的姐姐說,要看幾百份sample,要以個人有價值的經歷為主,乾貨,華麗都不用。所以我覺得就正如上面的人所說,沒人會看你cover letter的遣詞造句,看的都是如何能精鍊的終結自己的經歷,經驗,學識,能力;然後再細看簡歷。




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