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Executive Summary

executive summary provides a synopsis of the report. It should

statement on the purpose of the report – what it sets out to achieve

brief outline of the scope of the report and/or research methodology

outline of the major issues or findings covered in the report

outline of the major conclusions and recommendations of the report.

executive summary should not include new information nor should it be used as
an introduction to the report.

the executive summary is a summary of the report, it should ALWAYS be
the LAST section of the report written

Introduction or Background

It may include an outline
of the terms of reference or
the reasons for the decision to write the report (see below).

Explain the background to the
issue/problem/topic (this could be the history, etc. that helps us understand
the issue/problem/topic.

What are the different
points of view/opinions about the issue/problem/topic?

What is likely to happen in
the future?

This report was requested
by a number of students having difficulty understanding how to write a report.

This report aims to give
students a plan to follow when preparing their material and an example of the
layout of a report.

The material for this
report was gathered from various books and web sites which will be referred to
later. This format is not the only way to write a report.

It is written especially
for students undertaking Academic English. However it can be a useful guide to
any student in any subject.

Scope of Report or Research

Outline the purpose of your

The scope of the report
should define major issues or research objectives to be addressed by the

If in doubt, ask you
teacher. They may be able to help you find the right place to look for

Research Methodology

Most reports will include:

primary sources of information – surveys,

secondary sources of information – books,

section needs to detail how the information for the report was obtained and any
limitations. The place to start is in your own head. How much do you already
know about the topic? Write everything down.

the library. Not just the internet. There are books, magazines, newspapers, and
staff to help you. Take notes and organise the information in a folder.

to write down all the information about any book or web site, etc. for the
bibliography: author, title, date published, publisher and place published (see
Appendix B of this report).

Note taking skills are necessary when reading
information and you must summarise
much of that information.

Detailed Findings

largest section of the report
– it will contain all the information and analysis,
including tables, charts and diagrams.

body must be divided into logical
sections and subsections with headings identical to those in the Table of

will include headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each

a report starts with a synopsis do not start writing it until AFTER you finish
the introduction, body and conclusion in that order.


the body of the report into headings and subheadings, so each section can be
written on its own. This makes the task seem easier.

the passive voice (revise this section of
English on Cue, Module 5
). Use short sentences and simple, formal language.
Include pictures if you want to make it more interesting e.g. 」Diagram 2 shows

your computer』s spell check and print preview where possible. Plan the pages
carefully. Careless layout will lose marks. Check grammar and punctuation.

referencing a book, etc. in your writing remember quoting directly must use
quotation marks e.g. 「There are many reasons why people visit Australia…..」
(Smith 2012).

quotes (paraphrasing): Smith (2012) says there are many different reasons
people want to visit Australia.

two copies: one on your computer and one on a USB. Lost work means starting


the second draft is not hard once your first draft of the report is edited,
typed and saved.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This is a summary of the
main findings of the report, especially those that are for the reader/client.

tell what the detailed findings mean for the reader/client in relation to the
scope of the report or research objectives.

recommendations should list the
action that you recommend should be taken based on these conclusions.


is hoped this guide will benefit students in at least two ways. Firstly, to
give a step by step method to report writing. Secondly, it is to be used as an
example of report writing.

process of report writing is obviously a long and complex one. Each step should
be completed before moving on to the next one. Do NOT put off starting to
research and write just because it is difficult.

sure the information in the report is relevant to the topic and discusses the
issues mentioned in the introduction.


Take one step at a time

Do not waste time

Use all the resources available

Talk to your teacher if in doubt

Start now


The bibliography is an alphabetical list of references used in
preparation of the report

should refer to their textbook for guidelines on how to correctly reference
information sources.

R.R (1990) Academic Writing Course,
Collins ELT, London.

Francis and Pritchard, R (1996) English
on Cue
, USQ, Toowoomba.



The appendices section is
for material that is relevant and is referred to in the report, but is too long
or is not necessary to be included in the body of the report.

Examples: Questionnaire

to be labelled: Appendix A, Appendix B


careful note of the order in which the information appears below –
alphabetically! The format is different for books, magazines and internet. Most
entries begin with an author but if not then the title, etc. is shown.


family name, initial or first name, (date of publication), title in italics, name of publisher, place where published.

M L (2010) Business Finance,
McGraw-Hill, Sydney.

P D (Ed.) (1997) Business Law:
, Thompson, London.

M and White, P (2000) Writing Assignments,
Thomas Nelson, Melbourne.


family name, initial or first name, (date of publication),「title of article」, name of journal in italics, volume
number, (issue number), pp. numbers.

B (2002) 「Can you write an essay?」 ,Education
, 64, (10), pp. 24-28.

Ben (2000) 「Students fail English test」,
Xin Hua,
13 September, p. 5.

3.0 Web

family name, first name/initial, (date of publication), title of page in italics, URL, date accessed. Or

Title of page, URL, date accessed.

M, (1996) Citing online sources.Advice on online citations formatsWorld Wide Words: Citing Online Sources
(Accessed 7.9.2013)

Information resource, www.immi.gov.au/visas (Accessed 20/10/2012)


  1. 攝氏度的輸入法,插入字元"°"(代號B0),快捷鍵shift+ctrl+@再按space,再加大寫英文字母C,任何情況下不要用搜狗字元。
  2. 數字和單位之間空一格,如5 nm;百分號不是單位,不空格,5%;但是質量百分數和體積百分數就被視為一種單位,要空格了:5 wt%, 5 vol%
  3. 單位最好採用負指數並全文保持一致,如5 m s-1(5 m/s),不推薦用斜線「/」的原因是遇到這樣的單位mA h-1g-1用斜線會很麻煩,如1 mA/(hg)。
  4. 單位前面只能接數字,如果是其他限定詞,需要把單位拼寫出來,如:several millilitres, a few micrograms
  5. 1–4 mA 而不是 1 mA–4 mA, 但是from 1 to 4 mA, 不是from 1–4 mA
  6. 毫升的升一般用大寫:mL
  7. 物理量一般用斜體表示,如溫度T,單位不能用斜體,如特斯拉T; 需要加斜體的還有立構前標(cis, E, D), 空間群(C2v),tert-butyl, tBu,N,N-;拉丁語不用加斜體,in situ, etc(這個根據期刊要求,wiley和ACS都不需要加斜體); 但是下標和數字一般不用斜體,如活化能Ea,Avogadro常數N_A, 開路電壓Voc 等只有表示物理量的大寫字母用斜體,下標只是英文單詞的縮寫,不是物理量(activation, open-circuit etc.)。
  8. 稿件的字體一般選擇Times New Roman或者Arial (Helvetica), 不要使用奇奇怪怪的字體;圖片中的字體(含a,b,c,d和圖片中的指示性說明,scale bar)包括Origin的坐標軸及圖注要使用非襯線字體(如Arial),不要用Times New Roman等襯線字體。一般情況下,a,b,c,d不加括弧(除非有特殊的格式要求,比如Science就全是大寫)
  9. 頂格書寫,段與段之間空一行,記得加頁碼
  10. 注意短劃線(en dash, 字元代碼2013),連字元(hyphen, 00AD),負號(minus sign, 2212)和破折號(em dash, 2014)的區別。很多人都會把連字元當做短劃線用,數字之間表示範圍應該用短劃線,而不是連字元或者負號。連字元用在如J-V曲線(注意斜體)這樣的地方
  11. 英文的破折號是中文的一半長,英文里的省略號只有三個點(就是三個句號)...
  12. 除了DNA等少數情況外,題目中一般不出現縮寫;所有的縮寫第一次出現都要定義,在摘要中出現的在正文中要重新定義,如carbon nanotube (CNT),如果是複數情況應該寫成,carbon nanotubes (CNTs)。縮寫越少越好,這樣是方便讀者選擇性閱讀,否則經常出現這樣的情況,拿到一篇文章從中間看,出現一堆不明就裡的縮寫,又要從頭去找,很麻煩。只有頻繁使用或者樣品代號的需要用縮寫,只出現一兩次的不要用縮寫
  13. 縮寫和阿拉伯數字不能置於句首,要用對應的單詞。例如Fig.1如果放在句首要寫成Figure 1;3 samples 如果放在句首要寫成Three samples
  14. 英語里沒有頓號,行使頓號職能的是逗號,如果有多個項目並列,最後一項之前要加and, and 之前要用逗號,如:A wide variety of carbon materials have been developed such as active carbon, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and carbon foam. 如果只有兩項直接用and連接。
  15. 縮寫要加點,如Fig., i.e., et al. e.g. 但是句末的縮寫的那個點相當於句號。i.e., e.g., etc.等多用於表格和圖注,正文中盡量寫全稱,that is, for example, and so forth.
  16. 正文里列舉的數字要加雙括弧:Using carbon nanotubes in electrodes has three advantages: (1)...; (2)...; (3)....
  17. pH的p是小寫,H是大寫。pH 6.5,不要寫成pH=6.5
  18. 商標首字母要大寫:Teflon, Nylon,其實還是推薦寫標準名,Teflon就直接寫聚四氟乙烯
  19. 正文里不要使用縮略形式:doesn"t=does not, can"t=cannot(注意can和not中間沒有空格),isn"t=is not
  20. absorption 吸收,adsorption 吸附


  1. 注意英式拼寫和美式拼寫的區別,比如metre和meter, fibre和fiber, litre和liter, analyse和analyze, colour和color,現在大部分期刊要求美式拼寫 (2017-09-01補)
  2. 用詞要簡單,避免使用生僻辭彙,尤其見於對形貌的描述,不要起一些奇奇怪怪的名字,比如boscage-like, confetti-like, guova-like, helminth-like, torus-like, 誰都不知道是什麼樣
  3. 能用use就不用utilise,還有apply, employ
  4. Facile vs. Simple,facile是個貶義詞,表示輕而易舉的,膚淺的,表示方法簡單還是用simple或者easy。儘管有很多文章都使用facile修飾method,但是這仍然是一種不規範的用法。詞典的解釋是: (1) facile remark, argument etc is too simple and shows a lack of careful thought or understanding; (2) a facile achievement or success has been obtained too easily and has no value. 隨手從《經濟學人》里找了幾個例句:(1) Faced with legitimate critiques, Mr Sanders will need to do better than repeat the facile claim that his critics are just unable to see beyond their moneyed, mainstream perspectives. (2) Whatever the comparison, the crisis of the Arab world is deep and complex. Facile solutions are dangerous. 可見對於「facile」的使用都不是正面的,相反帶有草率的,不負責任的意味。所以,不要使用facile, 用simple不會有任何問題。
  5. firstly vs. first, firstly僅表示邏輯上的並列關係,用於陳述觀點,不能用於表示時間上的「首先」, first可以通用。
  6. 注意冠詞的使用,單數可數名詞前面一定要有限定詞,這些限定詞可以是(定/不定)冠詞,數詞,所有格。表示特指要使用定冠詞,泛指要麼加不定冠詞,要麼用複數。注意a和an的用法,a scanning electron microscope, an SEM image (因為S的是母音開頭),同理如an NMR spectrum.
  7. via vs. by: via是拉丁語,意為by way of,經由(某地)。不用於表示方法,如The electrode was prepared via electrochemical deposition.(X) 應為:The electrode was prepared by electrochemical deposition. (註:deposition表示"沉積"是不可數名詞,不需要限定詞,但如果用method就需要加限定詞了,如The electrode was prepared by an electrochemical method)
  8. Schematic illustration: 語義重複,An illustration is schematic. 還有such as和et al. such as已經表示不完全列舉就不需要再加et al. 同樣,analysis results, 要麼說analysis, 要麼說results
  9. Research是個集合名詞,所以不用複數形式, 謂語動詞用單數:previous research/work shows that…,不要說researches,不要說research work,也不要出現「研究者」researchers這樣的單詞
  10. composite vs. hybrid: 這兩個詞的使用比較有爭議,有一種說法是composite的成分里至少含有一種有機物或高分子,hybrid的組分都是無機物。另一種說法是composite的組分有主客之分,即一個是基質,另一個是填料(命名時常用斜線連接兩個組分:Matrix/Filler),hybrid的組分之間比較平等(命名時常用連字元連接兩個組分:A-B)。另外,composite就是名詞,複合物,不是composition;compound一般指通過化學鍵連接的化合物
  11. However (可是) vs. but:however是副詞,後面一般跟個逗號;but是連詞,不能單獨用於句首(and也一樣)(但是《經濟學人》經常這麼干)。However的同義詞是nevertheless和nonetheless,後兩者更正式
  12. compared to vs. compared with: compared to 側重相似,compared with 側重不同
  13. due to=attributable to, 不完全等於because of
  14. based on vs. on the basis of: based on相當於(which is) based on 一般用於修飾名詞,不用於句首,句首用on the basis of,例如:On the basis of the calculations, we propose a mechanism that...; We propose a mechanism based on the calculations.
  15. A由BCD組成:A comprises of B, C, and D; A is composed of B, C, and D; A consistsof B, C, and D; A is consisted of B, C, and D.
  16. respectively要有對應關係,不等於separately
  17. 不要說in this paper,換成in this study:前者是中文直譯,後者是比較規範的英文寫法
  18. 少用沒有意義的副詞如obviously, clearly, basically, interestingly, surprisingly, indeed, understandably, admittedly, namely, virtually, actually... (你在用interesting的時候,讀者不會覺得interesting)The SEM image (clearly)shows the morphology of the electrode. 有話直說
  19. 不要用too, 用also
  20. 在使用形容詞/副詞的時候要保守中立,不要自我吹捧, 這些單詞少用或者不用:significantly/considerably/remarkably/tremendously/substantially/,因為主觀性太強,沒有意義
  21. 不要用口語:a lot of=many, find out=determine, go into=enter, get rid of=avoid, take away=remove,
  22. 說話留有餘地,以下辭彙視情況使用:suggest, imply, indicate, support, likely, probably, possibly, presumably, potentially, mainly, primarily, partially, approximately, to (a large/some/a certain) extent, can, could, may, might, would (情態動詞的過去式語氣較原形弱化), we think/we speculate (不要用guess, guess純粹是瞎猜)/we believe/we reckon/we estimate,be supposed to/be expected to
  23. 選擇恰當的辭彙可以使句子簡練很多。例:In order to determine how flexible the fibre-shaped supercapacitor is, we measured the charge/discharge profile of a device that was repeatedly bent in different shapes at a constant current. 修改後: The flexibility of the fibre-shaped supercapacitor is evidenced by galvanostatic charge/discharge experiments under dynamic deformations.
  24. 使用代詞this/that/it可以讓語言精練,但是需確保代詞的指向明確,沒有歧義
  25. as作為連詞表示因為一般置於句首,句中用because表示因果關係。since表示因果一般與時間有關


  1. 行文要簡潔,避免贅述,如「as we have mentioned previously,」「 Figure 1 shows the SEM image of the particle."(不說讀者也知道Figure 1是啥)還有:It has been found that; It was demonstrated that;
  2. 注意Add的用法:The mixture was added 10 mL of water.這句話被動語態使用不當,因為被執行「加入」的對象是water而不是mixture。正確的表述是:「10 mL of water was added to the mixture. 」 或者 「To the mixture was added 10 mL of water.」 後者是表示方位的介詞短語置於句首,句子用部分倒裝的情況。另外,這種帶單位的主語一般也被認為是集合名詞,謂語動詞用單數形式:10 g of carbon nanotubes was added into the solution.
  3. which vs. that: which 和 that都可以作為先行詞引導定語從句,非限制性定語從句只能用which,限制性定語從句一般用that不用which。簡單來說,用which引導的定語從句前面有個逗號,不用逗號的一般用that做先行詞。另外,that引導的定語從句內容都比較重要,which引導從句內容就沒那麼重要。例如,(1)The carbon nanotube fibre was prepared from carbon nanotube arrays that were synthesised by chemical vapour deposition. (2)The J-V curves, which are shown in Figure 1, demonstrate the stability of the flexible solar cells.
  4. 現在分詞(v.-ing)/過去分詞(v.-ed)做狀語,邏輯主語要和句子主語一致:Stirred for 30 min, 5 mg of carbon nanotubes was added to the solution 不對。應該把邏輯主語補充出來:After the solution was stirred for 30 min, 5 mg of carbon nanotubes was added.
  5. 實用比較級時than後面的that不可輕易省略:The specific capacity of A is larger than that of B.
  6. 用詞簡短,能省則省:by the use of=by using; due to the fact that=because; a number of= many, several; a large majority of=most; are found to be=are; by means of=by; despite the fact that=despite; in order to=to; it is of great importance= it is important; prior to=before; it has been reported in literature that=it is reported that, provided that=if (不絕對,有的時候為了調整句子的語氣和節奏需要用不同的表達方式,《經濟學人》就翻著花樣的表達同一個意思,這屬於比較高級的表達手法)
  7. 不要用How to句式:How to understand the mechanism is still challenging. 寫成:It is still challenging to understand the mechanism.
  8. 不要使用排比句,倒裝句也少用或不用:Hardly can we observe any particles in the structure=The structure has almost no particles;當然句式結構也不能太單一,一「show」到底也不行,多樣化的表達還是要建立在內容豐富的基礎上。
  9. 主動語態 vs. 被動語態:論文的實驗部分要求一律使用被動語態(時態用過去式),因為這部分是客觀陳述,並且實驗的可重複性是獨立於操作者的。實驗部分不是實驗指南,不能使用祈使句(Add 5 mL of water into the mixture)。但是正文部分,主動語態使用得越來越多,一方面是因為被動語態會讓句子拗口,另一方面,主動語態可以呈現研究思路並且文章中的結論和判斷的確是主觀的。所以,正文部分主動語態和被動語態交替使用可以使行文更加流暢。注意,文章的主動語態第一人稱是we,代表文章全體作者,除非文章只有你一個人署名。
  10. 重要信息置於段首或段末。多數人的閱讀習慣是希望在段首或者段末獲取一段話的主題,所以一段話如果要下結論,就把結論放在開頭或者末尾。如果要強調創新性,就放在段首,如:

In summary, we have introduced the acoustic hologram. (Nature, 2016, 537, 518)
The novelty of our bending-insensitive sensors is particularly important when the target objects are soft movable three-dimensional surfaces. (Nat. Nanotechnol., 2016, 11, 472)

一般而言,一篇文章的重心在第三段(即引言最後一段)和倒數第二段(即In conclusion的上一段)這是強調文章創新性的最佳位置,以分點陳述的方式效果很好,如

Our approach to handling liquids requires only a single, standard LED source: there is no need for special optical set-ups or high power laser sources. Moreover...(Nature, 2016, 537, 179)
Here, inspired by the structure of a pomegranate fruit, we demonstrate a novel secondary structure for silicon anodes (Fig. 1a,b). Such a design has multiple advantages: (1)...(Nat. Nanotechnol., 2014, 9, 187)

11. 謂語和主語不宜相隔太遠,避免頭重腳輕。一般我們在閱讀一句話時意識里總是在期待謂語動詞,因為只有知道動詞才知道這句話要說什麼。如果動詞遲遲不出現,我們的注意力就會分散去尋找動詞,整句話的內容就會變得不知所云。另外,如果動詞置於句末會讓句子頭重腳輕,讀起來不協調,如:

A wire-shaped energy device that serves as both a dye-sensitized solar cell with high energy conversion efficiency and electrochemical capacitor with high specific capacitance has been demonstrated.
TiO2 nanotubes with increasing lengths from 11 to 38 μm that were controlled by increasing the anodic oxidation time from 1 to 8 h had been compared.


For the current elastic conductors including buckled metallic or conducting polymer films and networked nanomaterials such as carbon nanotube and graphene, photoactive materials are easily pealed off from the conducting substrate during the stretch.


In order to realise the best performance of the fibre-shaped dye-sensitised solar cell, TiO2 nanotubes with a length of 28 μm were mainly studied below.

12. 一句話只表達一個信息,不要把所有的信息雜糅在一句話里。如:

The elastic counter electrode is prepared by winding aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube sheet on rubber fibre with low electrical resistance that remains unchanged during stretch by 100% or other deformations such as bending and knotting.

這句話又在說彈性對電極的製備,又在說其導電性不隨形變而變化。另外that指代不清,究竟是指rubber fibre還是electrical resistance?

For instance, carbon nanotube, another allotrope of carbon which has been extensively studied for over two decades, recently finds a promising direction by formation of fibers with diameters of several to tens of micrometers and lengths of hundreds of meters through an easy wet or dry spinning process.


For instance, carbon nanotubes can be prepared in form of fibres (with micrometre scale in diametre and hundreds metres long) by a simple wet or dry spinning method.


關於科技論文英文寫作,我的方法是積累,積累,再積累。你總結和積累的知識儲備將成為你日後寫作任何英文論文的捷徑。那麼具體操作辦法就是多讀你本身領域的頂尖期刊。什麼叫頂尖,在我的材料領域頂尖就是Nature系列,Advanced Materials系列, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Energy Environmental Science等。

然後我發現Abstract, Introduction, Experiment, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Supporting Information的寫法都是不太相通的,所以我在每個板塊都進行了分門別類的積累,具體是關於辭彙,句子,段落和最重要的邏輯。但是這些不同板塊也有很多相通之處,很多辭彙,句子其實都是可以用在各處的。你會在這些部分都發現有很多在你本領域內高頻出現的辭彙,短句,句子,這些都是你從實際的高水平論文種多次篩選出來的,意味著曾被你領域內的大牛,大師,同行們多次使用,所以肯定是萬無一失的。同時還有作用就是讓你熟習了同義轉換,以免某一文章里某個詞出現太多次。

比如在我的材料科學,你會驚奇的發現我們總需要表達一些相似的東西。 你總需要在文章中表示:

表示獲得關注(常用於Abstract, Introduction等需要開篇的地方)

In the past 10 years, considerable attention has been paid to perovskite materials falling
within the classification La1?xSrxMO3(where M is a transition metal) as catalysts for oxygen reduction.

Among them, Mn-based oxides have attracted extensive interest because of low cost, high
abundance, environmental friendliness and considerable activity.

Rechargeable magnesium batteries have lately received great attention for large-scale energy storage systems due to their high volumetric capacities, low materials cost, and safe characteristic.

表示本領域目前出現的困境 (常用於Abstract, Introduction等處,尤其是在自己的新idea出現之前的地方) 所謂革命尚未成功,同志們仍需努力

However, rechargeable Mg–air batteries with reversible oxygen reduction and evolution
reactions are facing challenges and it is worthwhile devoting much effort to this.

As can be seen, the development of cathode materials convenient for rechargeable Mg
batteries remains an ongoing challenge due to strict requirements for the intercalation compound that ensures fast Mg 2+ ion transport in combination with a high operating voltage.

Theoretical and experimental investigations on new cathode materials such as V2O5, MoS2, Li4Ti5O12, and MnO2 have demonstrated promising results, but it is generally agreed that a high-voltage high-capacity cathode with fast Mg2+ intercalation kinetics has yet to be identified.

Although some encouraging progress have been made, developing appropriate electrode materials with high capacity and good reversibility is less successful and still require further research.

引進一個新事物,新材料,新方法 (常用於Introduction強調自己研究的重要性)

Among the various NASICON compounds, NVP has emerged as an interesting candidate because of its impressive energy density.

NaFePO4, unlike its celebrated lithium analogue olivine type LiFePO4, crystallized in the more thermodynamically stable maricite structure, ...

Hence, it is no surprise that similar NaMO2 compounds have been targeted as Na intercalation electrodes.


explore, probe, investigate, illustrate

Therefore, it is desirable to exploit efficient ORR electrocatalysts.


propose, point out, claim, state


perform, carry out, conduct, undertake, adopt


illustrate, elucidate

In an effort to uncover the electrochemical kinetics derived from different LiCl concentrations, …


certify, verify, justify, substantiate

To further substantiate our claim that…

Use clear reasoning to justify each criticism and highlight good points and weaker


identify, specify

形容「好的」,「顯著的」 (最常見於Results and Discussion吹自己的結果有多好,也通用於Abstract,Conclusion等處)

remarkable, outstanding, considerable(也可以用於表示大的,多的)

fantastic, impressive


The only exception was perhaps Chevrel phases (Mo6X8 , X = S, Se), which show acceptable intercalation kinetics and cycling stability for practical applications.

A surprisingly high-rate capability (170 mAh g-1 at 20 Ag-1) and unprecedented long-term cyclability (~90% capacity retention for 20 000 cycles) has been obtained.

XXX, with the reduced consumption of Pt while still maintaining satisfactory catalytic activity and stability.

This is a noteworthy finding because mullite-based oxides are significantly less expensive and more abundant than platinum group metals and offer a promising alternative route for tackling the oxygen activation problems.


extensive, intensitve, considerable, tremendous

In the past 10 years, considerable attention has been paid to perovskite materials falling within the classification La1?xSrxMO3(where M is a transition metal) as catalysts for oxygen reduction.

Among them, Mn-based oxides have attracted extensive interest because of low cost, high
abundance, environmental friendliness and considerable activity.

In recent years, theoretical and experimental investigations of novel cathode materials for MIBs have increased tremendously.

2d-trees have numerous applications, ranging from classifying astronomical objects to computer animation to speeding up neural networks to mining data to image retrieval.



+ other adj.

Interestingly, the electrochemical response measured for the MgCl2 containing solutions is strikingly different than that for the MgTFSI2/DME solution.

The capacity drastically decayed upon further cycling.

形容 重要的,決定性的

crucial, critical, essential, key,

play an important role in …, central to

A critical element in the pursuit of this quest is the discovery of efficient and cost-effective catalysts for use in electrochemical energy conversion processes1,2 such as the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), both of which are central to the efficiencies of direct-solar and electrolytic water-splitting4,5 devices, fuel cells6 and metal–air batteries.

表示展示性能 (這個通用於Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion 主要用於Results and Discussion部分)

present, demonstrate, reveal, show, exhibit, feature, posses, have, display, depict, deliver

The as-prepared hydrogenated Pt/CaMnO3 hybrid exhibits a 5-fold higher ORR mass activity and an 11-fold higher specific activity than that of the benchmark Pt/C catalyst.

SEM results display average particle sizes of ~50 nm, which is consistent with the XRD line-broadening results.


Galvanostatic studies show that expanded graphite can deliver a high reversible capacity of 284mAhg-1 at a current density of 20mAg-1.

Highly symmetric peak profiles are observed which signify good reversibility of both anodic and cathodic reactions.

The feasibility of graphite in a Na full cell is also confirmed in conjunction with the Na 1.5VPO4.8F0.7 cathode, delivering an energy of ~120 Wh kg-1 while maintaining ~70% of the initial capacity after 250 cycles.


be beneficial for.../ be favorable to...

boost/ promote

Advances in perovskite-type materials have shown that they possess mixed ionic and electronic conductivity, which is beneficial for catalytic activity.


The peroxide formed in the two-electron mechanism is severely detrimental to the range of compounds examined here, as most manganese compounds with a high oxidation state are
susceptible to reduction (to form soluble Mn2+) by the peroxide.

However, magnesium batteries containing an aqueous electrolyte media risks decomposition of the Mg metal anode surface.

表示吹牛 (常用於Abstract, Conclusions和其它需要總結強調自己的工作多牛逼的地方)


The electrolyte with high ionic conductivity, excellent Mg deposition reversibility as well as the highest anodic potential to date (3.5 V vs. Mg RE) opens the door to research on high energy rechargeable Mg batteries.12,13

In this Article, we report a volcano relationship between a material property that serves as the activity descriptor and the intrinsic ORR activity of perovskite-based oxides. Such information has predictive power and provides insights into the design of new catalysts with enhanced ORR activity similar to those reported for platinum-based metals10,11,13.

The viewpoint from the electronic structure proposed in this study might pave a new way to design electrode materials for multivalent-ion batteries.

The utilization of such a highly electrochemical stable GF unlocks the critical bottleneck of incompatibility among all battery parts, especially parasitic corrosive reactions between electrolyte and currently available current collector, which takes a big step forward towards Mg-based batteries" practical applications.


endow, allow,
afford, render,
cause XX to …

Therefore, an ether-based (DEGDME) electrolyte is believed to endow CoS@rGO electrode with remarkable electrochemical properties in the present studies.

Thus, after their formation, polysulfides may diffuse out of the cathode and into the electrolyte separator, causing capacity to fade and leading to degradation reactions at the lithium anode.


due to,
owe to, thanks to, caused by, arise from, stem from, derive from


inhibit, impede, preclude, plagued

陷入困境 B get stuck with A

However, some precipitation of insoluble surface species obviously occurs in pristine solutions, which impedes Mg deposition but does not fully avoid it.

Catalysts located on the left side of the volcano in Figure 1 bind oxygen too strongly, and thus the reaction is retarded by desorption of the OHads.

These studies have shown that the discovery of cathode materials is mainly inhibited by the nature of Mg2+ ions:

However, despite these advantages, the development of rechargeable MIBs remains hindered by a lack of suitable cathode materials and electrolytes and overall anode-electrolyte-cathode incompatibilities.


raise concerns of its application in...

pose an important challenge to...

precludes their potential application in...

The bivalency of Mg2+ ions has made it challenging to find cathode materials operating at high voltages with decent (de)intercalation kinetics.

Despite great interest in a Li–S battery, soluble polysulfides as charge/discharge intermediates pose an important challenge to realize commercial Li–S batteries.

However, the lack of suitable cathode materials allowing reversible intercalation of Zn2+ hinders the development of zinc-ion batteries.

However, a lack of fundamental understanding of the ORR mechanism and the material properties that govern catalytic activity hampers the development of highly active oxide catalysts.

The prohibitive cost and scarcity of the noble-metal catalysts needed for catalysing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells and metal–air batteries limit the commercialization of these clean-energy technologies.


Pyrite FeS2, as an easily obtained natural mineral, has been already commercialized
in primary lithium batteries.

In recent years, theoretical and experimental investigations of novel cathode materials
for MIBs have increased tremendously.25?34 (前文說最近有很多研究,緊接著就說這些研究說明了什麼) These studies have shown that the discovery of cathode materials is mainly inhibited by the nature of Mg2+ ions: XXX


It is interesting to note that oxides such as LaMnO3td and LaNiO3 have intrinsic ORR activity comparable to state-of-the-art Pt/C (Supplementary Fig. S2).

相當於further more


Impressively, the CoS@rGO nanostructure exhibits much better capacity retention with a
ultrahigh discharge capacity of around 425 mAh g-1 even after 1000 cycles.

More importantly, it should be noted that the plate-on-sheet structure of CoS@rGO promote the integrity of the electrode.

More recently, FeS2 and FeSe2 have also been synthesized and demonstrated superior
electrochemical performance in SIBs. However, as the same first-row transition metal dichalcogenides, cobalt sulfides have been rarely investigated in SIBs, …

Hence, it is anticipated that highly reversible electrochemical reaction could be realized by simply restricting the potential window to 0.6 V

In fact, …也是很好的一個起承轉合片語

In the search for electrode materials with stabilities acceptable for practical Na ion batteries, Meng and co-workers conducted XXX



Despite these considerable advantages, the commercial application of Li-S batteries is still far due to the low sulfur utilization and poor cycle stability.



Introduction是最重要的,需要把你所做工作的領域向大家介紹一下,然後目前發展瓶頸說清楚,再之後提出自己的idea, 概念,方法或者新事物。大部分對前人工作的總結和批判是在這個部分完成的,參考文獻也大部分發生在這部分,所以耗費時間最長,最考察作者的科研深度和對文獻的熟悉度,如果有很多重要工作漏掉了沒有引用,在審稿的時候就會被編輯大加批判的。

Results Discussion這部分當然就是介紹自己每一個所做實驗的結果。數據分析和結果討論和Introduction同等重要,考察的是作者的學術功底,能否在已有數據上分析出科學合理的結果,並作證自己的結論。



The High Performance of Crystal Water Containing Manganese Birnessite Cathodes for Magnesium Batteries

Nano Lett., 2015, 15 (6), pp 4071–4079

Rechargeable magnesium batteries have lately received great attention (獲得關注,引入新概念) for large-scale energy storage systems due to (B受制於A,由於) their high volumetric capacities, low materials cost, and safe characteristic. However, the bivalency of Mg2+ ions has made it challenging to (本領域目前出現的困境) find cathode materials operating at high voltages with decent (de)intercalation kinetics. In an effort to overcome (起承轉合) this challenge, we adopt (具體做了什麼) an unconventional approach of engaging crystal water in the layered structure of Birnessite MnO2 because the crystal water can effectively screen electrostatic interactions between Mg2+ ions and the host anions. The crucial (好重要哦) role of the crystal water was revealed by directly visualizing its presence and dynamic rearrangement using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Moreover, the importance of lowering desolvation energy penalty at the cathode–electrolyte interface was elucidated by working with water containing nonaqueous electrolytes. In aqueous electrolytes, the decreased interfacial energy penalty by hydration of Mg2+ allowsBirnessite MnO2 to achieve (展示性能) a large reversible capacity (231.1 mAh g–1) at high operating voltage (2.8 V vs Mg/Mg2+) with excellent (形容「好的」,「顯著的」,吹牛部分 ) cycle life (62.5% retention after 10000 cycles), unveiling the importance (意義重大,顛覆三觀) of effective charge shielding in the host and facile Mg2+ ions transfer through the cathode』s interface.


Stabilization of Insoluble Discharge Products by Facile Aniline Modification for High
Performance Li-S Batteries

Jae Ho Kim , Taehoon Kim , Yo Chan Jeong , Kunsil Lee , Kyung Tae Park , Seung Jae Yang , * and Chong Rae Park

Adv. Energy Mater. 2015, 5, 1500268

DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201500268

Energy storage systems with high energy density are required to fulfill the needs for grid energy storage and electric vehicles. [1–3] Sulfur has been spotlighted (獲得關注) as a cathode material due to its theoretical capacity of 1672 mAh g?1 , [4,5] which is around 5 times higher than that of metal oxide based on an intercalation reaction. [6] Lithium sulfur batteries operate on a redox reaction described as S8 + 16 Li ? 8 Li2S near 2.2 V (vs Li/Li+), which provides (展示性能) a high specific energy of 2600 Wh kg?1. [4,5] Furthermore, sulfur is inexpensive, environmwentally benign, and naturally abundant. [7] Despite these considerable advantages, (革命尚未成功,還需努力) the commercial application of Li-S batteries is still far due to (B受制於A,由於) the low sulfur utilization and poor cycle stability. [8] Low sulfur utilization is from the insulating nature of the sulfur and intermediates. This issue has been handled by employing carbon materials and conducting polymers. [9,10] Poor cycle stability is a more intricate issue, since the intermediate soluble polysulfides diffuse into the electrolyte [11,12] and insoluble discharge products (Li2S2 and Li2S) aggregate at the end of discharge. [13] To date, (起承轉合) considerable researches have been conducted (前人工作,獲得關注) to prevent loss of soluble polysulfides by encapsulating sulfur in various nanostructured carbon matrices, [14–19] wrapping the composites with polymers, [20–22] graphene [23] and metal oxide, [24] and adding the interlayer between the cathode and separator. [25–27] To alleviate the shuttle reaction, (起承轉合) additives were introduced to the electrolyte by Solid electrolyte interface (SEI) formation on the Li negative electrode. [28,29] However, issues from insoluble discharge products have not been addressed (本領域目前出現的困境) with as much fervor.
Cui and co-workers recently exploited bulky amphiphilic polymers to enhance the binding energy between the carbon matrix and insoluble discharge products, which resulted in sequestering aggregation of insoluble discharge products.(本領域目前出現的困境) [30] This approach exhibited a high specific capacity and improved cycle life.
However, the bulky property of used amphiphilic polymer can cause (導致) nonuniform
functionalization and ineffective sulfur infiltration by pore blockage.(本領域目前出現的困境) Therefore, there are some challenges in managing the insoluble discharge products for high performance Li-S batteries: (i) a smaller chemical group is more suitable for functionalization, which can lead to the homogeneous functionalization of pore wall and efficient sulfur infiltration, (ii) a more effective functional group can manage the insoluble discharge products, and (iii) a cheaper and milder fabrication method is needed for commercialization.

In this work, (起承轉合,具體說自己的新方法,新概念) we introduced aniline into the pore wall of ordered mesoporous carbon (CMK-3) for the first time by a simple diazotization method. In general,(起承轉合) the amine-type functional groups have been widely used to
remove H2S in the natural gas sweetening process [31,32] through a strong Lewis acid-base interaction.[33] The aniline functional group is presumed to strongly interact with insoluble discharge products in a similar manner. CMK-3 with the confinement effect was used as a carbon framework, [14] which led to (導致) a synergistic effect on the performance. The proposed diazotization method was conducted in a simple procedure under mild conditions and preserves the original structure of carbon matrix. [34–36] The resulting materials provided (展示性能) effective interaction sites for a homogeneous distribution of the insoluble discharge products during cycling, as schematically described in Figure 1 , and it conclusively exhibited (展示性能) highly stable cycling performance and good rate capability when evaluated as a cathode material for Li-S batteries.





Enhancing sodium-ion battery performance with interlayer-expanded MoS2


The paper that you are requested to write should be a research paper,
meaning that its goal is to present the reader with a
somewhat new, original way of looking at a concept or
idea. In
addition to analyzing primary sources – the novel(s), play(s),
poem(s), or essay(s) that you chose as your focus – a research paper provides a
context for its argument by summarizing
and commenting on secondary sources, which are other people』s
analyses of primary sources. Hence a research paper is not
just a
summary of other people』s ideas. Instead, a research paper should evaluate those ideas and either propose
a new argument or develop
an existing one.

The following steps should help
you plan and then write your paper.


a) Revisit
your paper proposal
and think about the questions and the argument that comprise your
thesis (you might need to refine, reformulate or expand
them slightly at this stage).

b) Revisit your primary sources. Look for patterns in your observations
about a text or event and take notes. As you read through your list of
evidence, look for ideas that contradict each other, change, or are not
fully explained. When writing about literature, a symbol』s meaning might change
or contradict itself in a poem, or a character might change his or her attitude
toward an idea.

c) Skim through the text(s) again
to find specific quotations and
any other examples you may have missed. Consult the secondary sources that you have gathered. Focus on evidencethat relates to your topic
and strikes you as particularly interesting, confusing, or astute. Think about how each piece of evidence
supports or contradicts your topic.

d) Take notes. It
is a good idea to note each piece of evidence that may be relevant to your
essay. List the source and page number,
and make sure it is clear whether each piece of evidence is a direct citation),
a close paraphrase, or your own analysis or interpretation.

e) Define a Motive or Purpose for Writing. A good paper should
be interesting to a broader audience. When you express your motive,
you indicate why you are
writing your paper
. The motive is not
the argument itself but rather the
reason that your argument should be interesting to your reader
. Motives
may take into account what other critics have written, common perceptions of an
event, or historical context.

Some examples of motives:

critics see the relationship between Huck and Jim as fair and harmonious, but
closer examination of the novel reveals that this is not the case.」

has been often argued that Hamlet is a character who constantly delays action,
especially any action leading to the revenge of his father. However, when one
compares his behaviour with Laertes』s, one arrives at a different conclusion.
Hamlet has no choice but to delay.」


you plan the steps of your
beforeyou write
your essay, you are less likely to get stuck or not know where to go next. An
outline is like a map of your argument;
it should show the sequence of your ideas and argument. The first part
of your outline should include your motive and your thesis statement. You also
should write down the subcategories of your argument and note the evidence
that you plan to use.



first paragraph of the paper is the most important—and probably the most
difficult to write, as it describes the focus of your argument and your reason
for making it.

should start by 1) providing some relevant
background information
and then 2) explain your motive for writing and 3) state your thesis. Typically, you will want to make your thesis statement
in the final sentences of the introductory paragraph.

of a strong thesis paragraph:


Use the body paragraphs of your paper to develop your argument. Typically,
a short paper has about three body paragraphs between the thesis paragraph and
the conclusion. However, you should use as many paragraphs as you need to
express your ideas effectively. Each
paragraph should develop a single, specific component of your
. A paragraph should not explore two separate ideas unless it
explicitly tells why they are related to each other.

important points to consider when writing your body paragraphs:


E ach paragraph should begin with a
sentence that develops your thesis statement.

sentences should introduce new
that confirms or complicates the
argument that you state in the first paragraph.


the paragraph, you should use specific
to supportthe idea
stated in your topic sentence
. Evidence may include historical events,
passages from your chosen text (primary source), or arguments that other people
have made about your topic (secondary sources).

sentences explain why this evidence supports the argument that you are making.


ideas within each body paragraph should come in a logical sequence.
This sequence can explain, complicate, or develop the idea of the topic

Transitional words help
your reader understand how you are developing your main idea. These words
indicate contrast, provide examples, explain results, or establish a sequence. Common
transitional phrases include 「furthermore,」 「in addition,」 「in contrast,」
「for example,」 「as a result,」 「hence」 and 「thus.」

Example of a good body paragraph:


as the ideas within the paragraph should come in a logical sequence, so should
the paragraphs themselves. Each paragraph should relate explicitly to the
preceding and following paragraph.


A conclusion should explain the significance of your thesis statement in
a larger context
. Although a conclusion should provide a sense of
closure, it should not make broad generalizations that imply that you have
supplied an absolute solution to the problem your paper addresses.


of the most effective ways to provide a sense of closure is to cite a
relevant quotation from the text you are working with and to
explain how to interpret that quotation using your argument. Another
technique is to explain a concept/term that you bring up in your thesis
statement. A further possibility is to end your paper by showing that your
argument can be applied to a related topic – this reinforces the relevance
of your ideas.


should format your paper according to the rules of the Modern Language Association (MLA).

à Basic
Formatting Rules

Standard A4 paper

Font: 12-point
Times New Roman


Paragraphs indented 0.5
inch from the left margin

Block quotations
indented 1 inch from the left margin

Page numbers: Number
the first page in the upper right-hand corner. On all subsequent pages, place
your last name before the page number (Garcia 12). Put the page numbers in the
upper right-hand corner of the page, 0.5 inches from the top.

The heading should
include your name, your instructor』s name, the course name, and the date.
Double-space the heading.

Title: You do not need
a separate title page. Center the title and place it one double space below the
heading. Capitalize all principal words. Do not underline or italicize.
Double-space titles longer than one line.

of heading and title:


Three lines of text or
fewer: include in the text, surrounded by double quotation marks.

Three lines of text or
more: indent 1 inch from the left margin of the text; omit quotation

Three lines of poetry or
fewer: include in the text, using solidi (/) to indicate line breaks.

Three lines of poetry or
more: offset as you would more than three lines of text (see rules above).
Include line breaks. Do not use slashes to indicate line breaks.

To indicate an
omission: use an ellipsis [.
. .] (three periods in a row with spaces between them). If the omission is at
the end of a sentence or more than one sentence, add a period to the ellipsis.


every quotation or reference in the text of your paper, indicate the author and page number of the referenced work in a parenthetical note immediately following the reference. The final quotation mark comes before the
first parenthesis, and the sentence』s punctuation comes after the final
parenthesis. If you do not directly quote the author, but still reference /
paraphrase his or her ideas, these rules apply.

are some basic MLA rules:

by one author
: In parentheses, after
the quote, include the author』s last name and the page number. If you name the
author in the text of the paper, include the page number but not the author』s

It has been said that 「all men may be created equal, but not all men live
equally well」 (Howard 421).

Finton Howard firmly insists that 「all men may be created equal, but not all
men live equally well」 (421).

by two or three authors
: Include each
author』s name in the parentheses, separated by 「and.」

「A man who knows where the fish eat may soon eat fish himself」 (Rogers and
Llewellyn 15).

or more works by the same author
: Include
a short version of the work』s title in the parenthetical note, separated from
the author』s name with a comma.

In her theory of representation, on the other hand, she is less interested in
notions of beauty than in notions of 「linguistic accuracy」
(Martin, Language 143).

and verse dramas
: Cite act, scene, and line numbers,
separated by periods. Do not cite page numbers. Do not use Roman numerals. When
poems are not divided into acts or scenes, cite only line numbers.

(Shakespeare, Hamlet 1.23.218–219)

(Keats 14–16) or (Keats lines 14–16)


The Works Cited section should follow the end of your paper. The purpose of
this section is to make it possible for
your readers to identify and consult the sources
that you use to make your

You should list at least two works
besides your primary sources – and only one of these works can be in
Chinese. If you list four sources, only two can be in Chinese,
and so on, meaning that there must be a
between sources in English and sources in Chinese.


The Works Cited section must
include every work you cite in your

Place the Works Cited
section at the end of the paper,
starting on a separate page.

Single-space entries but
leave an additional space between entries.

Center the words 「Works
Cited」 at the top of the page.

Alphabetize the
entries by author』s last name. For works with no listed author, alphabetize
by title.


Jonathan. Processes of Consciousness
Encoded in Semiotic Sign-Sequences: A Political Approach
. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1987.

with one, two, or three authors
: Authors』
names, title (italicized), city of publication (include state abbreviations for
smaller cities), publisher, and date.


Claude. God, Gulliver and Genocide:
Barbarism and the European Imagination, 1492-1945
. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

with authors and editors or translators
: Include
the name of the editor or translator after the title, abbreviating 「editor」 to
「Ed.」 and 「translator」 to 「Trans.」


George. Middlemarch. Ed.
Phillippa Howitzer. New York: Overlook Press, 1981.

or more works by the same author:
alphabetically by title. For every entry after the first, replace the
author』s name with three em-dashes.


Randolph. My Time in Eden. Los
Angeles: El Dorado Press, 1990.

———. You Can So Go Home Again. Los
Angeles: El Dorado Press, 1972.

Authors』 names, title of article (in quotes),
journal title (italicized), date or volume and issue number, and page numbers.


Marcus. 「Shakespeare』s Women.」 Shakespearean
26.7 (1982): 34–41.

Websites: Complete
URL and, if available, author information, title information, date text
was posted, date site was accessed, and company or organization information.


Brandon. 「Dodgers Strike Out on New Stadium Deal.」 ESPN.com. 17 December
2001. 20 December 2001. http://www.espn.com/berry121701.html.

in an encyclopedia, dictionary or reference book:
name, title of the article, title of the work, and publication information
(including number of volumes).


Hyman. 「Abraham Lincoln.」 Encyclopedia
of Political Leaders
. Ed. Lavar O』 Denby. 4 vols. New York: Random House,

no author is given, alphabetize by article title.


「Prolegomena.」 The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd
ed. 1989.

à For
works in Chinese, you should follow exactly the same MLA rules and
indicate all the elements in pinyin.


your paper carefully before submission. Computer spell-checking misses many,
many mistakes. Reread your paper
and look at spelling, subject-verb agreement, long sentences, and long


If you fail to use citations to indicate
which ideas you got from someone else, you are effectively claiming those ideas
as your own, whether you mean to or not. Stealing
an idea is called plagiarism, and it is a serious offense that may
cost you your grade and reputation.


——————————————————Nov.29.2016 更新—————————————————


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————————————————————Original Answer————————————————


英語論文分為兩種:Knowledge essay和 Cited essay。
前者是依靠自己的記憶學識來寫,通常只有考試時才會出現。比如一些省統考,例如要考過才能上大學的Literacy test。

To justify this, when Lady Macbeth encourages her man successfully, she says 「 When in swinish sleep their drenched natures lie as in a death, what cannot you and I perform upon th』 unguarded Duncan」( I. VII. 75-78).



Introduction: hook(1句)+essay map(如果有三個body paragraphy的話3句,有幾個body paragraph幾句)+thesis statement(句數的決定因素同essay map 一樣,不過一般一句)
Body Paragraph(1-3個): topic sentence(1句)+ (point+proof+comment)*3+Conclusion(1句)
Conclusion: Restated thesis statement(1句)+ restated essay map+remarkable ending(一句)

【而我的一句一般都有三行那麼長。。。建議句子長度不要大於三行,這種run on句子等同於語法錯誤的...........

On the whole, 3U那年被essay虐得死去活來活來死去,到最後的麻木證明了真的只有練才是生路.........多找語法成熟的人幫忙改會有很多領悟。



Argument。也就是你的Thesis Statment,是你寫論文最重要的點。你的論文一定要對題,但是同時也不能定的太死,你的定論(Thesis Statment)要有可以讓人say no的點。

For example:

In the relationship of marriage, the wife of the thane of Glamis becomes the key that saves Macbeth from his frightened mind.

這是一個Thesis Statement。你可以否定這個定論中the wife of the thane of Glamis到底有沒有拯救她的丈夫,或者她丈夫有沒有恐慌過。


In the relationship of marriage, the wife of the thane of Glamis is a savor to her panicky husband.












1. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(一)

2. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(二)

3. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(三)

4. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(四)

5. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(五)

6. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(六)

7. SCI論文寫作中一些常用的句型總結(七)

1. 某數據使我們得出…結論

A. Because the ellipsometric data give a HS-ssDNA film thickness of approximately 20% of the expected maximum thickness, we conclude that the HS-ssDNA monolayer is not a tightly packed monolayer, and that the DNA chains are not oriented perpendicular to the surface.(J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1997, 119 (38), 8916–8920)

B. The behavior of the correlation coefficient makes us conclude that a linear relationship between interaction energy and the charge density at the bond critical point is still valid for multiple-bond critical points. (J. Phys. Chem.1995,99,9747-9754)

C. On the basis of these results we concluded that compartment A is more closely associated with open, accessible, actively transcribed chromatin. (Science 2009,326,289-293)

可變形為:On the basis of our findings, it can be concluded that…

或者:From the results we have obtained, one can conclude that...

D. The very low energy thresholds lead us to conclude that semiconducting polymers comprise a class of promising laser materials. (Science 1996,273,1883)

E. Our findings lead us to conclude that the voltage-sensor paddles operate somewhat like hydrophobic cations attached to levers, enabling the membraneelectric field to open and close the pore. (Nature 2003, 423, 42-48)

2. 考慮到…

A.Giventhe observed increase of about 10%, the expected increase of PDI is about 40%, taking into account the increased duration of events. (Nature 2005,436, 686-688)

B. Taking the above observations into account, weconclude that PAB (eq. 10), calculated with the localized spinorbitals that maximize Na, defines a covalent bond order between theatoms A and B in the Lewis (resonance) structure described by this particularset of localized spin orbitals. (J. Am.Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 4142-4145)

C. Given that only aryl enones have reduction potentials sufficientlypositive to accept an electron from the photogenerated Ru(bpy)3+ reductant,aryl enone 6 can be selectively reduced in the presence of alkyl enone 7 to form the nucleophilic radicalanion intermediate. (Nat. Chem.2010, 2, 527–532)

D. Considering that the zincion, the deprotonated ligand 1 and bridging oxo oxygen have charges of +2, -1 and -2, respectively, we need two additional positive charges per [Zn3(μ3-O)(1-H)2- unit for overall neutrality. (Nature 2000, 404, 982-986)


A. A transparent and rigorous approach, however,can almost always shine a light on issues of reproducibility. (Science, 2014, 346, 679)

B. To shed light on theevolution of qualitative pheromone alterations, we studied sex pheromones inthe wasp genus Nasonia, an emerging model system for investigating thegenetics of speciation and complex traits. (Nature 2013, 494,345–348)

C. In this regard, what is requested to material chemists is to make clear the relationships among chemical structure,quantum chemical simulation, physical properties and device performances.(J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1,1699-1707)

D. In order to clarify the possible reasons for the higherphotocatalytic as well as photoelectric properties of Ag3PO4 cubes than spherical particles, the surface structures andatomic configurations of Ag3PO4 {100} planes have been further studied. (Chem. Commun., 2012, 48,3748-3750)





1. 選用邏輯關係

參考文獻:G. J. Hutchings et al. Science, 2016, 351, 6276.

A limiting factor in achieving high selectivity toward H2O2 with Au-Pd/TiO2 catalysts prepared by the wet impregnation method is that the catalyst nanoparticles exhibit a variation in composition with particle size, with the smallest particles being Pd-rich (傳統催化劑選擇性的局限性). These small Pd-rich NPs are likely to be highly active for H2O2 synthesis and also for its subsequent hydrogenation and decomposition, as has been shown when AuPd catalysts are prepared by colloidal techniques with particle sizes typically 2 to 4 nm (限制選擇性的原因). In the case of the Sn-Pd system, the small Pd-rich NPs are often associated with the amorphous SnOx films(本實驗中的發現). We postulated that it might be possible to further decrease the H2O2 degradation activity of the catalyst by inducing encapsulation of the ultrasmall Pd-rich NPs by this SnOx film(基於已有理論和現有發現做出的推論). We therefore used subsequent thermal treatments in an attempt to induce a strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) between the Pd and SnOx layer (根據推論設計的實驗方案). We first added a low-temperature reduction step (200°C, 2 hours, 5% H2 in Ar), which made the catalysts stable to multiple reaction cycles (實驗操作). However, the H2O2 degradation activity increased markedly, from 65 mol kg?1 hour?1 to 300 mol kg?1 hour?1; this rate increase was associated with the reduction of Pd2+ to metallic Pd, as shown by XPS (實驗結果). Metallic Pd is known to be a more effective H2O2 hydrogenation catalyst (對實驗結果的進一步解釋).

這一段一共有9句話,每句話所要表達的意思我都用紅色字體進行了標註。1)首先介紹了傳統催化劑Au-Pd/TiO2在選擇性上的局限性;2)介紹了這種局限性的具體原因;3)本實驗中的發現;4)基於已有理論和現有發現做出的推論;5)根據推論設計的實驗方案;6)根據推論設計的實驗方案;7)實驗操作;8)實驗結果;9)對實驗結果的進一步解釋。可以看得出來,作者在寫作時層層遞進,這是研究思路的內在邏輯。而為了更好地體現這種邏輯,作者在文字上也有所承接(請注意上面一段文字中藍色字體標記的內容)。比如第一句話中引出了Pd rich這個概念,然後第二句話將Pd rich NPs的具體影響進行了進一步地解釋(Pd rich NPs就是這種遞進關係的銜接詞)。而類似的,第三句話,作者還是通過Pd rich NPs從文獻拉回本文的實驗結果。第四句話中更是針對Pd rich NPs提出了推論。類似的第八句和第九句通過metallic Pd將兩個句子銜接在一起,體現出了遞進的關係。


2. 使用連接詞


表示遞進的:then, subsequently, in addition, besides, what is more, moreover, furthermore, in order to...further, 等等;

表示轉折和讓步關係的:but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, instead of, even so, though, although, despite, regardless of, in spite of, as opposed to等等;

表示層次關係的:firstly, first of all, to begin with, secondly...finally, last but not least, afterwards,simultaneously, at the meantime, meanwhile, eventually等等;

表示因果關係的:because, because of this, since, for this reason, thanks to, due to, owing to, seeing that, on account of, therefore,as a result, hence, consequently, accordingly等等;

表示歸納總結的:in conclusion, in summary, in sum, in short,overall,等等;

表示條件關係的:unless, otherwise, only if, if only, suppose that, as soon as, in case that, providing that, given that等等。


參考文獻:Liu, J. and Fan, J. et al., Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, 4, 441-446.

To further confirm the alloy structure, HRTEM and line-scanning analysis were employed. As shown in Fig. 1c, the lattice fringes of Pt1Pd3 display interplanar spacings of 0.223 and 0.192 nm in the particle, which match well respectively with those of the (111) and the (200) planes of the fcc PtPd alloy. On the other hand, the compositional line profiles of Pt and Pd cross an individual particle shown in Fig. 1d also suggest the NPs to be alloy with homogeneous distributions of elemental Pt/Pd. Moreover, as can be seen from Fig. 1a, the PtPd NPs are well dispersed in the m-SiO2 framework and the sizes of PtPd alloy NPs are rather small with a narrow size distribution (4.1 ± 0.6 nm). The mesoporous SiO2 framework is highly ordered, suggesting that the presence of PtPd NPs does not affect the mesoscopic structure of the oxide support. These results were also confirmed by SAXS data and N2 adsorption–desorption data. As shown in Fig. 2, the interplanar distance of the (100) plane calculated from the SAXS analysis are both 10 nm. Meanwhile, the results from N2 adsorption–desorption data confirm that both Pt1Pd3–m-SiO2 and m-SiO2 have characteristics that are typical of mesoporous materials, and they possess similar BET surface areas (422.8 m2 g?1vs. 439.4 m2 g?1), indicating that the introduction of PtPd has little influence on the structure of the MMOs.


我在本科期間發表了兩篇SCI一作論文,全部都是自己寫的,老師叫我找外國人幫忙改,我嫌麻煩,就沒找,最後投稿也輕鬆命中。一般來說,第一篇文章會麻煩些,熟悉這一流程以後,後面就比較快了。現在讓我寫一篇論文,或者是grant proposal,2周就能基本完工。


先把論文的骨架搭建起來,而不是想到哪兒寫到哪兒。當時我有了幾十頁的筆記,雖然都是有用的信息,但是雜亂無章。於是我嘗試運用金字塔原理(金字塔原理 (豆瓣)。金字塔原理是由明託大師發明的一種思維寫作方式。其中心思想如下:


遵照這一思想,我先確定我論文的主題。然後尋找幾個支持主題的論點,再在論點下提供分論點。後來PhD的Academic Writing課程上稱之為Bullet Points。




也就是承上啟下的句子。大致就是些口水話。推薦的方法就是從別人的文章里摘抄漂亮實用的句式和詞語。這部分需要長期的文獻閱讀和留心積累。本科時,老師經常給我講我們學校某院士年輕時經常把別人論文里的句式抄成小字條,隨身帶著,不時翻看,等到他寫文章時,先用中文寫好,翻譯成英文時,直接套進那些記下的固定句式里。PS: 為了避免抄襲,paraphrase之後請記得寫好reference。


1. 少用主動語態,多用被動語態。

2. 同一段落時態注意一致,多為過去時。

3. 一個句子不要以阿拉伯數字開頭。

4. 不管你是幾個人,最好用we, 而不是I.

5. 句子與句子之間,多用連接詞承前啟後(however, therefore, additionally, moreover, furthermore, )

6. 用一些高級辭彙。important太不大氣了,significant稍微好點,高手都用essential,pivotal。能用due to,就別用because之類的。widely used 就不如ubiquitously used帥氣。About/around跟approximately比起來也相形見絀。當然辭彙不是越高級越好,注意上下文的語境,合適最重要。

Dr. Eckert"s Academic Writing Page
The Essential Student Guide To Writing First Class Essays by Ed Thompson
The Craft of Research by Wayne Booth


如果有充足的時間看Part I+Part II,博士以上級別,準備做博後及以後常蹲學術界;
時間少看Part II,博士級別,畢業走人;
時間再少,看Part II中部分,碩士級別;

Part I :英文寫作理論核心 General Writing:Basic Parts
Part II:學術寫作 Academic Writing






OK,現在可能會有很多留學生湊過來跟你說,哎呀別聽他瞎幾把胡扯,不就是Essay么,很好寫!你剛來的時候去上語言學校,專門教你怎麼寫論文!一大本講義呢! 我們去約跑步吧!
這些人說的是對的,很多留學生剛來的時候,由於語言沒有達到要求,就會去上語言學校,語言學校主要就是教授各項血書英語技能的,寫論文當然是大頭。你來到語言學校之後會發生什麼呢,(以下也寫給準備出國的留學生當作經驗) 首先,學生們會被分到各個不同等級的班(有可能會進行一個等級測試),每個班的材料會不一樣,一般只有等級稍高的班級才會在第一周就教寫論文,課程一般都是8周 12周 24周的,會發給你一大本講義,這本講義有詳細至極的essay教程,它會告訴你essay先寫introduction, intro第一句些什麼,最後一句些什麼,然後是argument1,之後是evidence,之後是counter argument 1., 之後.。。。。。。。基本細化到每一句些什麼,而且老師會反覆強調,稍微用點心就能記住。看起來很簡單,




如何讓自己的英語寫作達到英語母語者的水平? - Jason He 的回答
讀過我這個答案的同學都知道之後我用了一段傳銷體,推出了核心產品「TONE" 為了不讓兩篇答案雷同,我想再說仔細點,其實這個恍然大悟是一個老師給我的,有一次我交論文前把draft拿給他看,他先表揚了我很認真(真懷念那時候),說我找了很多很好的文獻, 而且都認真做了summary,但是他這麼說(大概意思)

You got good facts, bu you put them in the wrong place, ir seems that you are qouating other"s worlds without making too many change. YOu have to let us know that it is your argument .

大家看,重點是facts 與 argument, 不管你讀了再多的文獻,你提取的終究是別人寫的東西,而在重視originality 的西方學術界,重要的是你自己的看法,是argument.

Essay的核心是辯論,辯論的意思就是不管你是不是對的,你要以你現有的事實,資料,邏輯說服對方你是對的事實,文獻,邏輯是客觀的,剩下的一切都是主觀的,你可以運用一切可以想到的手段來忽悠對方,沒錯,就是忽悠。所有的高級的辭彙,語法,從句,在essay里終究只是工具而已,讓別人覺得你更可信,進而相信你的工具。我個人認為,這是運用academic tone ,寫好essay 的終極秘密

Make Belief

You do not have to be right, but you must look righteous.

再念一遍 You do not have to be right, but you must look righteous.



論文寫作最重要的是什麼? 聽鐵哥一言以蔽之--「溝通」。 首先一篇文章最重要的不是它行文多麼嚴謹,公式多麼複雜, 而是它所要傳達的意思, 這個意思是什麼 , 傳達的好不好, 就是看一個文章寫得到不到位的根本。

通常寫論文的人容易陷入的思維模式是你想要把自己做的東西一個不漏的全說出來,但是這是一個思維的陷阱,因為寫論文其實是把你的想法賣給別人,用一個流行的詞語說-叫建立連接, 建立你與學術圈的連接, 建立你與整個人類在這個領域的思考的連接。 這更像是一場對話而不是你的獨白, 下面我就談談- 連接。


寫一篇論文是一個構建連接的過程,你的文章如同一個沙漏,你往裡面投入一大堆別人的文章(其實是前人的想法),通過你的文章這個漏斗, 過濾出一部分自己的想法和理論, 並因此顯示出一些之前看不見的聯繫, 從而把前人的那些想法和一批新的人建立起連接。 你的文章就起到了一個聯繫idea到idea的橋樑, 這樣的橋樑多了, 學科就逐步進化。

所建立連接的數量和質量, 也是你的文章優越與否的標誌, 就是人們常說的各種index。 事實上, 你索引的文章等級越高, 你的文章也通常等級越高。 這也是為什麼文章中的reference如此重要, 因為它們可以更加清晰的提示這些連接。

這個想法和想法互相連接的過程, 在行文中可以看成一個論文從introduciotn到discussion的全過程。 introuduction 是輸入部分, 把前人的思想引入, discussion是從你的結果再引申出一些新的結果, 並預示一些前人沒有發現的新的連接。 這兩部分也通常具有一種對稱式的結構。

說到連接, 我還要回到溝通。 你要連接的好,就要把自己的意思轉述清楚, 那麼如何把意思最清楚的表達?其實多數論文具有的類似八股文的結構, 不過是為了方便好好溝通而沉澱下來的,只是人們往往只看到了形式忘記了實質,而用更加晦澀的語言填充這個結構使得溝通更加不暢。 而我想說的是,想要意思信達雅最重要的不是套用任何結構, 而是行文中的邏輯流。 何為邏輯流? 邏輯流就是文章一環扣一環的意念結構, 或者說一個思維嚮導, 帶著人從一層走到另一層,如同盜夢空間里的大師, 讓你進入一層又一層夢境。俗稱,make a story,你得講一個故事。 如同流水一般把瑣碎的公式實驗結果串起來。邏輯流是你所要真正表達的意思, 或者用一個先進的詞叫「meme(迷因)」的載體。



邏輯流是什麼? 無非評書的起承轉合, 就是銜接完美的講一個段子

這也是文章寫作最有意思的過程,也是最難的部分, 你要用到的一個心法就是從粗輪廓到枝葉。 粗輪廓是文章的骨架,在學術論文寫作中,它是由小標題和圖表組成的。我覺得最好用的方法是把文章中有的一個個關鍵節點都記下來,然後讓各個關鍵點自然銜接, 如同做一個presentaton(你就可以先準備個PPT)。你假設要把一個主題很清晰的講給別人聽, 需要幾個關鍵點就可以把一個問題說清,然後你依次用幾張圖表把這個問題說清楚。 比如你立一個主題, 屌絲如何逆襲白富美, 然後呢,你就像你的奶奶要了解這個主題 , 你要首先告訴你奶奶屌絲和白富美是什麼, 背景出自何處。 然後呢 ,你要有一個起承轉合的過程,就像在說評書。 先抖個包袱 - 比如說世界最遠的距離不是南極和北極, 而是屌絲和白富美的距離。賣個官子奶奶已經開始側目聆聽了, 然後你開始「承」和「轉」-雖然世間屌絲多被甩, 然而卻不乏有成功者, 為什麼? 這些屌絲基因突變了?還是他們掌握了不可告人的兵法? 這時候奶奶已經開始不得不思考了。

最後是「合」的時候了, 也就是要亮出我們的results: 我們通過我們的調查研究, 首次發現了世界獨一無二的屌絲逆襲兵法:-你把後面的秘訣部分核心point列出來,並跟隨畫出關鍵圖表。 如第一小標題「統計表明三里屯的屌絲比五道口的更有戰鬥力」 ,跟隨第一幅圖「各領域屌絲逆襲成功率排行榜單」, 第二個小標題,「為什麼三里屯屌絲逆襲更成功 - 逆襲的路徑依賴分析」 ,附圖: 三里屯屌絲pk五道口屌絲職業薪水變化圖, 並說明調查研究顯示,金融屌絲的升遷路線是三里屯屌絲戰鬥力更強的原因。 第三個小標題,職業之外的因素-增量思維脫屌法則 -- 副標題-畫大餅做包裝(和做金融類似), 附圖- 裝作高富帥的屌絲騙得白富美。 這幾幅圖和簡潔的畫讓你的奶奶都明白你要幹什麼事,為什麼那麼干,並且最終引導她得到結論-而不是灌輸給她結論, 這就算極為成功了 。 你奶奶終於悟到入對行加適度包裝對屌絲的終極意義, 就好了。

下一步你要做的是如何把這個骨架添枝加葉,變成一個能跑能跳的活生生的文章。 這點,你要想到的其實是重複在每一個分point上繼續思考每個小節內部的邏輯流。 比如, 你要說明金融領域屌絲的戰鬥力最強, 那麼需要幾個分點(從世界格局談到A股走勢)? 這一點做到的最高境界是句子和句子之間沒有冗餘 ,你既不能刪除一句話也不能添加一句話。 在這各時候千萬不要糾結語法,因為這無意間會影響你思維的自然流程。 你就是把你想說的都說出來 ,然後再顧及其他。

這個時候這些文字加上圖,你已經有了一個大體上說得過去的故事。 一般人看了都會長嘆一聲, 我他媽怎麼沒早發現這玩意弄得美人歸,在這個基礎上,才是你精雕細刻畫出你的美文的時候。 之後的每一步都要力求精緻,需要秉承的原則依然是每個人時間寶貴, 你需要能少一筆就少一筆, 把你要的道理以非常準確簡潔的形式呈現出來。 這一步上的通用方法就是人工大數據, 你把所有你這個領域漂亮的文章,尤其是你要發期刊的文章一字擺開,模仿他們的書寫方式寫每一句話。

剛才講的是文章正文部分的方法, 然後配合這一部分, 還有一個至關重要的東西叫method, method這個玩意呢, 就是一個使用說明書 , 好比這個時候分析完了屌絲逆襲白富美這個事情,你要告訴我如果我是屌絲, 我如何可以1,2,3,4能夠追到白富美,當然最高境界是連你奶奶看到照做都能去追個白富美。雖然追不追的到後果自負,但是你要做到的是, 如果某人真的做到完全重複你的步驟, 文章的結果是可以重複的, 至少以你得告訴他以多大概率可以成功。

這個過程之後, 你的文章已經差不太遠了。 這個時候還是回到那兩個字-溝通。

文章畫龍點睛的introduciton(最前)和discussion(最後)可以在這一步完成。這個時候是你繼續思考我之前說的沙漏結構的時候了。你總結前人文章和你主題的關係, 這是introduciton。 你最後指出你的結果可能還與那些其他結果相關,以及對之後的人有什麼幫助, 這是discussion。

你的結果呢, 其實是一個溝通前後的信息通道,一個信息整理的漏斗(其實這也是做phd的本質不是嗎? 輸入的信息越廣博,過濾的窗口越具體, 而最後引發的思考越廣泛就越成功)。

熟練這套辦法並反過來使用, 你對論文的閱讀功力也會大大提高。





  • The fact that (插入你找到的論據) proves/shows/demonstrates/illustrates/etc. that (你的觀點) because...
  • Based on this(代指你之前舉出的論據), we must conclude (觀點)because...
  • All of this goes to show that (觀點) because...
  • The argument that (觀點)must be true because as (論據) shows...
  • The most logical conclusion we can draw from this is that (觀點)because...
  • Taken together, the fact that (論據) and that (更多論據), clearly demonstrates that (觀點)because...
  • This (代指) is significant because (聯繫起觀點的原因)...
  • (論據)matters because(原因). Thus,(觀點)must be true because...
  • If (論據)were not true, then (觀點)may be false. However, (重複論據)is true, and thus, we must conclude that (觀點)because...
  • These facts/examples/images/stories/data/etc. work together to build a case that (觀點)because...
  • This (illustration/graph/statistic/etc.) is irrefutable evidence that (觀點)because...


  • Comparable
  • Similarly
  • In the same way
  • Likewise


  • Take the case of
  • To demonstrate
  • For instance
  • An instance of this
  • On this occasion


1. 讀英文文獻硬學文風。Paper多少屬於應用文類,好學。
2. 第一步,嘗試翻譯自己用中文寫過的論文。
3. 記得找有寫英文論文經驗的朋友幫改。









英文時態運用並不是中國學者寫作SCI論文時的一個很大障礙,因為中國的英語教學非常注重時態。相對而言,SCI論文寫作時態的運用比較容易掌握。其原則是:(1)描述作者自己的工作時通常用過去式。如在Material and methods部分及Results部分。(2)描述他人的工作時通常用現在時或現在完成時,有時也會選擇過去式。


1、一般現在時:主要用於不受時間限制的客觀存在事實的描述,或發生或存在於寫論文之時的感覺、狀態、關係等的描述或致謝的表述等。值得 注意的是,出於尊重,凡是他人已經發表的研究成果作為"previously established knowledge",在引述時普遍都用一般現在時。


  3、 一般將來時:用於撰寫論文之後發生的動作或存在的狀態。例如提出下一步的研究方向。











1. Sci文章不是滿漢全席,而是快餐














文章難懂的第三個原因,也是最重要的原因是整體構架不好。整體構架不好的文章第一個特點是抓不住重點。要麼是在細枝末節上解釋太多,對於關鍵的內容卻一筆帶過;要麼是把關鍵內容放在不顯眼的位置。正常情況下,重要內容應該放於段落的開頭(topic sentence,主題句)或者末尾。開頭是最常見的位置,因為讀者閱讀一個段落,首先看的就是第一句話。當把topic sentence放到段落中間的時候,就會被讀者忽視。以前我帶教的課程需要學生寫比較正規的實驗報告,當時寫作要求里就硬性規定:每一段的開頭必須是topic sentence。整體構架不好的文章第二個特點是抓住了重點,但是邏輯不流暢。這與新舊信息的合理安排和思維方式的一致也有相關性。例如先介紹自己做了哪些實驗,再介紹存在的問題及為什麼要做這些實驗,從邏輯上來講順序就不對,反過來才講得通。

正常情況下,寫論文應該先構思整體的提綱,然後構思每一部分(introduction,methods,results,discussion)的提綱,最後構思每一段的提綱。只有當提綱構思好了之後,才動筆詳寫段落和句子。一篇整體構架好的文章,是容易提煉出提綱或者摘要的文章:只要把每一段的topic sentence拿出來就行了。正因為如此,這樣的文章才是最容易理解的文章。


在考GRE和托福的時候,我總結出了一個提高英語寫作能力的方法:把基本的表達方法背下來(我稱之為「表達單元」,例如「A長期被認為」:A haslong been thought to be),然後熟練運用。我總結了幾百個這樣的表達單元,反覆背誦(文末可以下載)。事實證明,這是提高英語表達能力的一種有效方法。對於英文論文寫作而言,看十幾篇經典文獻,從中提煉出自己寫作能用得上的表達單元,反覆背記,是提高英語論文寫作能力的快速方法。

快速提高英文表達能力的另一個方法就是記下自己曾經犯過的錯誤,常常複習,並避免下次重犯。人們犯一個錯誤,是因為有犯這個錯誤的「易感因素」,只要這個易感因素沒有消除,這個錯誤就會不斷的重複。解決的方法就是記住這個錯誤,有意識地避免重犯。所以我會把導師對我寫作的修改建議保存下來。電子版的直接存檔,手寫的,我掃描下來存檔。然後經常複習。我發現:自己經常犯的錯誤主要就是那麼幾個。所以今後在寫作時,我就重點注意防止同樣的錯誤。因此,我推薦兩篇關於中國人英語寫作的常見錯誤的總結的文章(見下面):《中式英語與美式英語對照表》和《The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written byGraduate Chinese Engineering Students》




檢索英文網頁,直接輸入自己不確定的表達方法,例如不清楚「在10月1日」的表達方法是On October 1st,還是At October 1st,就可以分別檢索這兩種表達方法。正確的檢索結果遠多於錯誤的結果。當然還有更基本的檢索方法,就是直接輸入中文 + 英語翻譯,例如「在顯微鏡下觀察英語翻譯」。







優點是可以對發表的論文進行全文檢索,所以適合用來參考論文寫作的表達方法。假如不知道「帕金森病患者」怎樣翻譯,就可以在Google學術裡面輸入「patient Parkinson"s disease」,然後搜索,可以看到正確的用法是patientwith Parkinson"s disease. 值得注意的是,檢索的結果也有出錯的可能,所以一般選用使用頻率最高的表達方法,這樣的表達應該最可靠。


1. 缺乏參考文獻。每一句話,除非是常識,如果是事實性的,都需要參考文獻支持。

2. 句子太長。一般而言是短句比長句好,常用單詞比生僻單詞好。

3. an,a不分

4. 單複數不分:例如該加s的地方沒加s,該用have的地方用了has等。

5. the的用法不對





《The Science of Scientific Writing》





《The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written byGraduate Chinese Engineering Students》






孫常全:《提高寫科研論文效率之「化整為零法 (Modular approach)》科學網—提高寫科研論文效率之「化整為零法 (Modular approach)」




The elements of style (51頁)



這個方法是分解段落的層次和梳理邏輯關係用的,可以讓你的文章更有邏輯性,也可以說是所謂的Critical thinking.

T: Topic, 中心句

E: Evidence 論據

E: Explain 論證

S: Sum up 結論



However, little information...

little attention has been devoted to…

little work...

little data / little research

few studies / investigations /
few attempts have been don on…

none of these studies

has (have) been less

done on ... / focused
on / attempted to

conducted /
investigated / studied

(with respect to)

To the author"s knowledge... There is little information available in
literature about...

Until recently, there is some lack of
knowledge about...

Previous research (studies, records) has

failed to consider



neglected to

overestimated, underestimated


thus, these previous results are

inconclusive /

unsatisfactory / questionable

Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist


所以文章不要出現非常negative的評價,比如Their results are wrong, very
questionable, have no commonsense, etc.


Their studies may be more reasonable if
they had considered this situation.

Their results could be better convinced if
they ...

Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties.


比如說,你們專業的學術論文,摘要多少字,怎麼寫;理論 部分說的多具體,數據怎麼展示,結果如何分析和報告….不論你做的是什麼研究,不管你寫的是哪一類的文章,都是可以找到前人寫過很好的文章的,你可以借鑒與模仿,這可能是寫作提高最快的方法。那麼具體如何模仿呢?


這個地方就是把文章的大綱用幾句話描述出來。只有明白了自己想寫什麼之後,才好找模仿對象。 這個步驟其實還挺有必要的,因為很多時候,研究者仔細考慮過之後,可能會發現自己其實不是特別清楚想寫什麼內容,也可能寫的內容太少或太多。或者仔細想過之後,才發現自己開始想寫的,並不是最有意思的內容。在寫之前,把這些東西想清楚,可以使寫作的時間更好的得到利用,不至於浪費時間。





還有些更細微的地方, 比如怎麼樣舉一個例子等等都很像。研究清楚了之後,你就會對遊戲規則比較明白。不是說你一定要遵循這些遊戲規則,而是當你不遵循時,要有比較好的理由。因為遵循這些規則,會使溝通比較容易。同時,當你研究這些文章的時候,可以考慮每篇文章的優點和缺點。學習每篇文章的所長之處,會讓你的文章更好。





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