

計生辦產科門診醫生說有的人沒事,讓我去寶安婦幼 優生門診諮詢。

EIF, 英文全稱EchogenicIntracardiac Focus (EIF或者EICF), 或者又稱為IntracardiacEchogenic Foci (ICEF),各種文獻上的名字有細小差別,翻譯為心臟內強回聲灶,由於EIF是在胎兒心臟影像學上是亮的白點看上去像一個小的白色高爾夫球,在超聲影像學中有Golfballs之稱。

起初對於胎兒心臟超聲檢查是想了解EIF跟出生後嬰兒先天性心臟結構性缺陷的聯繫。許多文獻都認為AndrewG. Schechter等人在1987年首次提出了EIF的概念和心臟腱索的功能有關,被廣泛用於孕中期超聲檢查的一項指標。
(註解:三尖瓣和二尖瓣皆由強韌的腱索(英語:Chordae tendinae)所固定,以免瓣葉被血液在心臟收縮(英語:Systole(medicine))時所產生的強大液體壓迫開。腱索由尖瓣連接至心室的內壁的乳頭狀肌(英語:Papillarymuscle)之上。腱索的功能不良會導致血液錯誤倒流,大大減低氧氣和養分的輸送。)

Andrew G. Schechter et al. In Utero Thickening of the Chrodae Tendinae-A Cause of Intracardiac Echogenic Foci. J Ultrasound Med. 1987, 6:691-5


1. 是否和染色體異常(非整數倍)有相關性,

2. 是否與先天性心臟疾病有聯繫,

3. 是否意味著心臟結構的異常。

ANA CARRI?O etal. How Important is a Cardiac Echogenic Focus in a Routine Fetal Examination? RevPort Cardiol 2004; 23 (3) : 459-461


Andrei Rebarber et al. Anethnic predilection for fetal echogenic intracardiac focus identified duringtargeted midtrimester ultrasound examination: A retrospective review. BMCPregnancy and Childbirth. 2004,4:12

在染色體非整數倍的患兒中,唐氏綜合征(21三體綜合征)中出現先天性心臟病的概率大約在50%,人們認為EIF和染色體多倍體異常有關。BruceD. Rodgers, M.D.等認為現有的大多數的研究設計都存在一定偏差,這麼高比例的結果通常都是從納入這類已知高風險的人群的研究中獲得,因此實際上在低風險人群中的比例沒有這麼高。有研究發現孕期高風險例如染色體變異的人群中,這個比例通常為6%,低風險人群為3%。



- 超聲技術依賴於設備和探頭的改進。對於EIF的確定需要減少心內結構引起的噪點的影響。
- 避免主觀評估
- 客觀上通過與骨骼的超聲回聲比較,需與鄰近的肋骨的強回聲類似
- 是否為EIF應通過降低超聲波直到只有骨骼可見時,回聲點依然存在的情況下方可確認


Pooja Mittal etal. Technical factors affecting the detection of echogenic intracardiac foci. AJOG.2004, 191(6): s181
SA Maternal Neonatal Clinical Network. SouthAustralian Perinatal Practice Guidelines. Ultrasound soft markers of aneuploidy(management of). ISBN number: 978-1-74243-241-0


基於有EIF新生兒心臟超聲隨訪和屍檢結果,BruceD. Rodgers, M.D總結出以下幾點:

1. 新生兒回聲:在乳頭肌和腱索區持續灶。

2. 新生兒屍檢:對103名嬰兒進行屍檢,16%的21三體和39%的13三體綜合征中出現中中央乳頭肌的鈣化,檢出的這種鈣化與產前超聲的EIF相關。

3. 新生兒回聲:異常腱索

4. 新生兒屍檢:產前診斷EIF的2倍體和4 倍體的正常胎兒中心肌內鈣化纖維化,並有相關性。


1. 與染色體非整數倍相關
2. 先天性心臟腱索功能異常有關
3. 乳頭肌的鈣化

Bruce D.Rodgers, M.D. Intracardiac Echogenic Foci, http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/



1. 染色體非整數倍

2. 先天性心臟疾病

3. 心臟功能不全

Bromley 等在1995年報告稱,1334例患者中出現4.9%的EIF,18%的患兒為21三體。染色體異常中,以唐氏綜合征為主(21號染色體),通常在每600-800個出生存活的嬰兒中出現一例,另外還有18號和13號染色體成三倍或多倍。而孕早中期的唐氏篩查的風險也是通過血液學指標檢測及產期年齡共同計算出來。由於多項研究表明35歲以上的孕婦的唐氏綜合征顯著增加,因此風險的計算都在年齡基礎上。通常情況下,30歲產年齡是23歲的2倍。

Bromley B, Lieberman E, Laboda L, Benacerraf BR: EchogenicIntracardiac Focus - A Sonographic Sign for Fetal Down-Syndrome. Obstetrics andGynecology 1995, 86:998–1001.


1. 頸項軟組織增厚(NT值) LR=17

2. 腸管回聲增強LR=6


4. 心臟回聲光點 (EIF)

5. 囊腫

6. 單臍動脈


8. 腎盂分離

Michiel C. Van den Hof, MD,Halifax NS et al .Fetal Soft Markers in Obstetric Ultrasound.J Obstet Gynaecol Can2005;27(6):592–612





Towner D,GerscovichEO,Chiong BB et al. Comparisonof single versus multiple echogenic foci in the fetal heart regarding risk ofaneuploidy. J Ultrasound Med,2010, 29(7): 1061-1067.
Diket AL,Nolan TE. Anxiety and depression:Diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy. ObstetGynecol Clin North Am,1997,24(3):535-558

張穎等. 超聲對胎兒心室內強回聲光團的診斷及臨床意義. 中國醫科大學學報. 2011, 40(5): 439-441

不用擔心的。 網上流傳的那個2%的比例指的是白人人種。我在國外做的24周產檢,不同醫院的兩個b超專家(都是從事教學任務的三級醫院以上的—類似於國內三甲以上級別的醫療機構)都告訴我說「左心室強光點」對亞裔來說非常正常、是極其普遍的現象。



1 B超機當時所調的強度,
2 媽媽肚皮上的脂肪,
3 做檢查時血液中血紅蛋白含量都有關,





論文1: Significance of fetal intracardiac echogenic foci in relation to trisomy 21: a prospective sonographic study of high-risk pregnant women.

CONCLUSION: In a high-risk obstetric population, the association between fetal intracardiac echogenic foci and trisomy 21 was statistically significant. Therefore, women carrying fetuses with intracardiac echogenic foci should be informed of the statistical association with trisomy 21.

Author information:Department of Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine 90095-6969, USA.


論文2 :Isolated echogenic intracardiac foci in patients with low-risk triple screen results: assessing the risk of trisomy 21.

CONCLUSION: An isolated EIF with a low risk TS is not associated with an increased risk of T21.單個的EIF與21三體(唐氏病人)風險增加無關。

Author information: Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, New York University, New York 10016, USA. koklan01@med.nyu.edu

論文3:Isolated echogenic foci in the fetal heart: do they increase the risk of trisomy 21 in a population previously screened by nuchal translucency?

CONCLUSION: The finding of isolated echogenic foci at the time of the 20 week-scan does not significantly change the risks of trisomy 21 if background risk and previous nuchal translucency measurements are taken into account in the individual risk calculation. We suggest that no further adjustments to risk should be used.

Author information: Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, Sydney Street, London SW3 6NP, UK.

論文4 :The association between isolated fetal echogenic cardiac foci on second-trimester ultrasound scan and trisomy 21 in low-risk unselected women.

CONCLUSION:In an otherwise healthy pregnancy, the finding of isolated FECF on a routine second-trimester anomaly scan is normal and should not be considered as a risk factor for trisomy 21 in an unselected low-risk population.

Author information Department of Obstetrics Gynaecology, Northwick Park St Mark"s NHS Trust, Harrow, Middlesex, UK. pauline.mills@nwlh.nhs.uk

論文5 : How important is a cardiac echogenic focus in a routine fetal examination?

CONCLUSION: Echogenic foci are commonly seen inside heart chambers during routine fetal heart scanning, the left ventricle being the most frequent location. Although they probably represent a normal variant of papillary muscle development their presence should

be interpreted as a possible risk for congenital heart defects.

Author information: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Paediatric Cardiology, Porto Medical School, CARDIOFETUS, Centro Diagnóstico da Mulher e da Crian?a, Porto, Portugal. acarrico@sapo.pt

論文6: Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of fetal heart echogenic foci: no correlation with Down syndrome.

CONCLUSION: Although the echogenic intracardiac focus appears to be associated with a small increased risk of Down syndrome, its use as a screening tool in low-risk populations would lead to a large number of amniocenteses and miscarriages to identify a small number of Down syndrome fetuses.

Author information: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.

論文7 :Echogenic intracardiac foci: associated with increased risk for fetal trisomy 21 or not?

CONCLUSIONS: The finding of an isolated EIF on prenatal sonography does not significantly increase the risk for fetal T21 in populations not otherwise at an increased risk for the disorder. An isolated EIF should be considered an incidental finding in patients younger than 35 years and in those without abnormal serum aneuploidy screening results.

Author information:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8064, 660 S Euclid Ave, St Louis, MO 63110, USA shanksa@wudosis.wustl.edu

論文8: The impact of the use of the isolated echogenic intracardiac focus as a screen for Down syndrome in women under the age of 35 years.

CONCLUSION: Although the echogenic intracardiac focus appears to be associated with a small increased risk of Down syndrome, its use as a screening tool in low-risk populations would lead to a large number of amniocenteses and miscarriages to identify a small number of Down syndrome fetuses.

Author information 1Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco 94143, USA. caugheya@obgyn.ucsf.edu

論文9: Correlation and overlapping between nuchal translucency and triple test among Down syndrome-affected pregnancies.

CONCLUSIONS: The degree of overlapping of one third, between NT and TT, confirms the assumption that both tests utilized together improves DS detection. Screen- negative result, by both tests simultaneously, may reassure low-risk population and aid to reduce the number of non-indicated invasive tests.

Author information: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Genetic Institute, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. aherman@asaf.health.gov.il



Echogenic intracardiac focus and choroid plexus cysts are common findings at the midtrimester ultrasound. These findings have been linked with an increased risk of Down syndrome and trisomy 18. Most fetuses with these findings will, however, not have chromosomal abnormalities, especially when these findings are isolated. Patients experience considerable anxiety when informed of these findings and require extensive counselling in order to minimize anxiety not only about aneuploidy but also about the structure and development of the heart and brain. Although early studies showed an association with aneuploidies, several recent studies have cast doubt on this association. Many of the early studies were carried out in high-risk populations or in populations that had not had the benefit of other screening tests. Many Australian and New Zealand patients will access screening tests designed to detect these aneuploidies before presenting for a midtrimester ultrasound. Patients who have been screened by nuchal translucency, maternal serum screening or some combination of the two will already have had most cases of Down syndrome and trisomy 18 detected, and any soft marker found will almost certainly be a false positive. It is time to rethink the management of these markers. Recent evidence indicates that if these markers are found in isolation in an otherwise low-risk pregnancy, then there is minimal or no increase in the risk of Down syndrome or trisomy 18: these markers should be considered normal variants. The Australian Association of Obstetrical and Gynaecological Ultrasonologists consensus statement on these markers is included.

Author information: Ultrasound Department, The Royal Women"s Hospital, Victoria, Australia. bethunes@gmail.com

Fetal soft markers in obstetric ultrasound.


1. The screening ultrasound at 16 to 20 weeks should evaluate 8 markers, 5 of which (thickened nuchal fold, echogenic bowel, mild ventriculomegaly, echogenic focus in the heart, and choroid plexus cyst) are associated with an increased risk of fetal aneuploidy, and in some cases with nonchromosomal problems, while 3 (single umbilical artery, enlarged cisterna magna, and pyelectasis) are only associated with an increased risk of nonchromosomal abnormalities when seen in isolation (II-2 B). 2. Identification of soft markers for fetal aneuploidy requires correlation with other risk factors, including history, maternal age, and maternal serum testing results (II-1 A). 3. Soft markers identify a significant increase in fetal risk for genetic disease. Timely referral for confirmation, counselling, and investigation is required to maximize management options (III-B).

Author information: Van den Hof MC, Wilson RD; Diagnostic Imaging Committee, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada; Genetics Committee, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.

Echogenic intracardiac foci: disclosure and the rate of amniocentesis in low-risk patients.

CONCLUSION: Except for those at highest risk, rates of invasive testing were significantly higher in pregnancies with isolated EIF vs those at comparable risk.

Author information:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY.





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