

Does coffee have an effect on calcium?
Caffeine does produce a small increase in calcium excretion and a very small decrease in calcium absorption. But the body compensates by decreasing calcium excretion 2 to 3 hours later, so the net effect on calcium
is unchanged. Studies show that in moderation, drinking coffee has no
effect on bone health. In order to ensure stronger and healthier bones,
one should consume a diet adequate in calcium, providing 1000 mg/day for women 19-50 years.
Can we lose calcium if we drink coffee?
Each cup of coffee contains on average 60-120 mg of caffeine. Three hundred milligrams a day is the recommended intake of caffeine, roughly equivalent to 3-4 cups of soluble coffee.
Studies show that a cup of coffee causes a calcium loss of 2-4 mg, a negligible figure when compared to the amount of calcium in the diet (for example: 1 cup of milk has 300 mg, a 30 g slice of cheese has about 150-200 mg).
Can Coffee with milk help me get my calcium needs?
Adding milk to your coffee can indeed help you meet your calcium needs especially if you don』t like the taste of milk.
Milk is the best source of calcium; it has a very high calcium content: one cup contains about 300 mgs. The calcium in milk is easily absorbed. Additionally, milk contains vitamins A, D, B12, which are essential for bone health.
In a recent survey, when people were asked to list their dietary sources of calcium only 6% listed their morning latte as a calcium source. What is good to know is that adding a glass of milk to your morning coffee will help you get up to 300 mg of calcium that you did not think of in the first place.




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