
日學者造超級病毒 人類對其毫無抵抗力

Exclusive: Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research




Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has genetically manipulated the 2009 strain of pandemic flu in order for it to 「escape」 the control of the immune system』s neutralising antibodies, effectively making the human population defenceless against its reemergence.

Most of the world today has developed some level of immunity to the 2009 pandemic flu virus, which means that it can now be treated as less dangerous 「seasonal flu」. However, The Independent understands that Professor Kawaoka intentionally set out to see if it was possible to convert it to a pre-pandemic state in order to analyse the genetic changes involved.

碼字太累,不翻譯了。文章提到The Independent understands that ,而非客觀事實。而且該研究尚未發表有諸多未知,所以各類新聞報道水分很大。


「Through selection of immune escape viruses in the laboratory under appropriate containment conditions, we were able to identify the key regions [that] would enable 2009 H1N1 viruses to escape immunity,」 Professor Kawaoka said in an email.

「Viruses in clinical isolates have been identified that have these same changes in the [viral protein]. This shows that escape viruses emerge in nature and laboratory studies like ours have relevance to what occurs in nature,」 he said.



「He took the 2009 pandemic flu virus and selected out strains that were not neutralised by human antibodies. He repeated this several times until he got a real humdinger of a virus,」 said one scientist who was present at Professor Kawaoka』s talk.

「He left no doubt in my mind that he had achieved it. He used a flu virus that is known to infect humans and then manipulated it in such a way that it would effectively leave the global population defenceless if it ever escaped from his laboratory,」 he said.

「He』s basically got a known pandemic strain that is now resistant to vaccination. Everything he did before was dangerous but this is even madder. This is the virus,」 he added.


「With that being said, this work is not to create a new strain of influenza with pandemic potential, but [to] model the immune-pressure the virus is currently facing in our bodies to escape our defences,」 Ms Moritz said.

「The work is designed to identify potential circulating strains to guide the process of selecting strains used for the next vaccine…The committee found the biosafety containment procedures to be appropriate for conducting this research. I have no concerns about the biosafety of these experiments,」 she said.

Professor Kawaoka said that he has presented preliminary findings of his H1N1 study to the WHO, which were 「well received」.

「We are confident our study will contribute to the field, particularly given the number of mutant viruses we generated and the sophisticated analysis applied,」 he said.

「There are risks in all research. However, there are ways to mitigate the risks. As for all the research on influenza viruses in my laboratory, this work is performed by experienced researchers under appropriate containment and with full review and prior approval by the [biosafety committee],」 he added.





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