
You can apply for a dual system university after the secondary school, but you do not send your application to the university, but the company you will be working for.

If you succeed in the interview you can study at the dual university. The majority of all studies is related with business or engineering. After three years you graduate with a bachelor degree. In those three years you switch every three months between working block and study block. This means that after working at the company for three months, you have to change your location and go to the dual university for studying three months. After this you have to change location and go back to the company and everything starts all over.

This goes for three years; during that time the company pays you a salary, whether you study or work. How much depends on the company; it ranges between 400-1700E. after finishing your studies you usually get on job offer and they pay you like a normal worker at the company and payment ranges betweem2200-3400E.

The studies at the dual university are not comparable with normal universities. You have to study hard for 1.5 years and to work hard for 1.5 years. You don』t have any free day or vacation. You must ask your company and they may give you between 4-6 weeks for the whole year. Also, you don』t have a choice what you want to study, the company chooses what you study based on its needs. So you cannot control your own development, the company controls your development.

If you know exactly what you want to study, then you can search for a company you can identify with, which offers dual studies at the same time. If you don』t know what to study after secondary school, you should go to a regular university and enjoy all the freedoms of developing yourself and finding out who you really are.

Graduates from dual universities usually earn money more faster, but later in their career they are stuck at middle-management, because their studies were too practical and superficial in compassion to regular university studies, regular university graduates need more time to earn money, but they make a better career because they have better analytical knowledge.

The specific one and most popular is the 「DHBW」-Duale Hochschule Boulen Wurttemlerg located in south-western Germany. It has several campuses and hundreds of company partners. momentarily 30000 students are at the 「DHBW」 and positions there are highly competitive.


德國有Duale Ausbildung ,一半在企業,一半時間在Berufskollege (相當於高中階段的雙元教學)
當然也有Duales Studium 就是所謂雙元制大學
相反的也有優點。 學習直接聯繫實際,避免了學習的盲目性 ,相比普通大學畢業生多了幾年的工作經驗,這樣大學畢業後的就業率是很高,起薪高,升遷快。
Duales Studium 具體又可以分
Ausbildungsintegrierter dualer Studiengang,
Praxisintegrierter dualer Studiengang,
Berufsintegrierter dualer Studiengang,
Berufsbegleitendes Studium.


慂懃這個詞怎麼解釋 ?

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