

謝邀 @胡博浩。

The candidate must register with Pearson VUE to take the examination(s) prior to the Pearson VUE exam registration close date. (Candidates will only be considered registered if they have scheduled and paid for the examination with Pearson VUE).

(1 ) 正規學習路線: 從正規的針灸學院畢業, 並參加學校組織的所有臨床實習, 且實習小時數達到美國針灸執照委員會規定的最少小時數, 學校需直接向美國針灸執照委員會發送學生成績單。
(2 ) 出具跟隨正規針灸師學習理論基礎並經過臨床實習的證明。
(3 ) 在正規中醫學院學習過但是沒有畢業, 並跟隨正規針灸師學習或有臨床經驗者。如果考生沒有在美國的中醫學院完成學業, 而是在外國的中醫學院畢業, 需要考生的學校直接向美國針灸執照委員會出具考生的成績單, 並由美國針灸執照委員會審核後決定該考生是否具有資格參加考試。
Chinese Exam Administrations:
June 15 – 27, 2015 registration now open. Pearson VUE registration closes June 26, 2015.
September 21 – October 3, 2015 registration opens March 1, 2015. Pearson VUE registration closes October 2, 2015.

其次,在NCCAOM開始前有一個第 1 部分是潔針技術(clean needle technique,CNT)考核, 分筆試和操作兩部分。每年都會輪流在不同州的各大針灸學院舉行考核, 可以用英文、 中文和韓文 3 種不同的語言參加筆試。參加考試前一般會有專業人員對考生進行簡單培訓, 考生需要買 1 本針灸師專用的潔針技術的書, 售價大約為 2 5 美元左右。
筆試約2 0~3 0 題, 都是圍繞該書進行考核, 考試完畢由考官當場判題,7 0 分以上視為通過。
操作考試主要就是考核學生是否做到進針、 出針都按程序, 避免交叉感染。整個過程不能出任何錯誤, 如果出了錯誤學生自己意識到, 當時改正考官可能會讓你通過考試, 否則是通不過的。學生操作的時候考官會拿一張紙引導學生下一步需要做的過程, 如果學生其中出錯誤, 考官不會叫停,而會在學生全部操作完成後告訴學生你是否通過,整個操作過程大約需要 1 0 分鐘左右。


值得說明的是該表似乎是2003年的資料匯總,因為畢竟詳實在此引用,但是在 2004 年 6 月以後, 針灸考試增加西醫基礎知識部分, 由原來的 3 部分變為 4 部分。通過對這幾年試卷的分析,比例大致如下:陰陽理論8% , 病因病機5% , 基礎診斷7% , 臟腑氣血7% , 四診6% ,經絡理論1 0 % , 中藥方劑1 0 % , 辨證應用17 % , 醫療法及倫理5% , 中西醫綜合1 8 % , 基礎常識7% 。

關於考試費用,第二次補充,重新整理了過時的費用數據,資料引用自最新的 NCCAOM Fees | NCCAOM
1.Application fees are due when the application is submitted to NCCAOM. All fees are payable in United States ($) dollars and are non-refundable.
Application Type Fee
Oriental Medicine (OM,東方醫藥) Certification Application $595
Acupuncture (AC,針灸) Certification Application $475
Chinese Herbology (CH,中藥) Certification Application $425
Recertification Application (Active Status,換髮新證件費用) $250
Change TypeFee(更換證件申請)
AC Certification Application changed to OM Certification Application$220
CH Certification Application changed to OM Certification Application$220
2.Examination fees are paid directly to Pearson VUE at the time of exam registration.(註冊VUE時支付,以下為考試各科英語和非英語的價格區別,前一位為數字英語收費,後一位為非英語類收費)
English Language Foreign Language
Acupuncture with Point Location Module $300 $400
Biomedicine Module $300 $400
Chinese Herbology Module $300 $400
Foundations of Oriental Medicine Module $300 $400
Acupuncture Reinstatement Exam $450 N/A
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology Reinstatement Exam $550 N/A
Chinese Herbology Reinstatement Exam $450 N/A
Oriental Medicine Reinstatement Exam $550 N/A
Practice Tests $60 – $75 N/A

Current NCCAOM Certification StatusFee(認證費用)Certified Diplomate$35.00Candidate for Certification$35.00Inactive Status$35.00Lapsed Status$100.00Terminated Status or State Candidate$100.00

成績情況的話,考試成績會在考試結束後 1 個月內以郵寄的方式寄給考生。如果順利通過以上 3 部分考試考核,美國針灸執照組織將會授予你美國針灸師職業資格證書。

官網提供的學習建議(Suggested Study Tips and Strategies)

Preparation for study:
1. Read the NCCAOM ? Certification Handbook
? Examination Administration Page 37
? Examination Preparation Page 38
? Examination Day Pages 40 – 43
? Examination Results Pages 43 – 44
? Exam Complaints or Appealing Examination Decisions Pages 44 – 45
? Retaking an Examination Page 45
2. Print the NCCAOM ? Study Guide (NCCAOM - The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)
? Review the exam content areas
? Use the exam content areas to create a study plan
? Where applicable, split the areas into groups depending on how well you understand each
concept and constantly refer to the plan to ensure you are studying all areas.
The following suggested study tips may be beneficial:
? Gather resources using the study guide bibliography so that you can relate to your exam content
areas. You may not find resources that address the area completely, so vary sources of
information as much as possible.
? Have a good system for note taking and information retrieval. It can take weeks or months to
study for exams due to the sheer amount of content that is covered, which can be overwhelming.
Accessing key information quickly is an integral part of studying effectively.
? Study in short sessions, often as this is much more beneficial than trying to study in one long
? Set an objective for each study session, but keep it attainable. Set the goal at the start of each
study session and not some time in advance. By doing this you will have a better feel for how
mentally prepared you are to deal with whatever goal you have set for yourself.
? Take regular breaks, but maintain your focus through the break. You know what distracts you so
avoid anything that may get you sidetracked or break your focus.
? Don』t force the issue, its quality study time you need not quantity. If you cannot focus on your
study, wait for another more convenient time.
? Cap off each study period with a review and review all study material every so often.
Important: Using these 「Suggested Study Tips and Strategies」 does not guarantee success when taking
the NCCAOM certification examinations.

感謝 @Gavin 補充如下,

CNT考試費用為500美元,英文考試在全美各針灸學校每月都有開課及考試,中文考試一年只有一次,在中國北京中醫藥大學考試,今年考試為六月十五日(已過),中國的考試共兩場,英文版在香港,中文版在北京;考試為單選題20題,必須答對15題以上為通過,操作考試如你所說約5-10分鐘沒錯。另外nccaom的報名費用,中醫師為595美元,針灸師為475美元,中藥師為425美元。考試科目為中基、中藥、針灸、生物醫學。針灸師不考中藥,中藥師不考針灸。每科費用為300美元要交給pearaon vue機構。需考過所有機考科目和cnt證書才能取得執照,中藥師不需要cnt證書。 nccaom較麻煩的部分就是資格審核及報名了,細項太多就不贅述了。

1.NCCAOM - The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
2.朱愛松.解析 NCCAOM 美國針灸師考試試題.中 華 中 醫 葯 學 刊.第2 5 卷 第4 期
2 0 0 7 年 4 月
3.王曦梓.美國針灸執照考試介紹.中國針灸 2 0 0 5 年 1 1 月第 2 5 卷第 1 1 期
4.朱愛松, 鄭海鷹.剖析美國針灸師執照考試(三).中 華 中 醫 葯 學 刊.第25 卷 第3 期2 0 0 7 年 3 月




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