
有自然的過渡 圓一點不要有凸起 為何你理得像個沒削好的土豆… 磕磕巴巴表達了可對方似乎聽不明白 每說一次smooth就給我再推短一截 其實我都沒啥要求了就想理個大兵頭出來卻總像坐牢的 求英語達人給予地道常用語句~

I think by 「smooth」 you mean 「graduated hair」. In this
technique, the barber or stylist holds the scissors at an angle less than 90
degrees to the hair and cuts in a downward direction.

Here are some other terms for hairstyling:

  • Layers: different
    sections of hair are cut at different lengths. This technique is used to make
    hair look thinner and create movement.
  • Thinning: a
    technique to make hair look thinner. The stylist or barber uses thinning shears
    to create really fine (thin) layers.
  • Blunt cut: all
    the hair is cut to the same length (this is more for the ladies. If men want
    hair all the same length, just say no tapering/fading or 「make it all the same
  • Fade/taper: the
    length of hair is gradually shortened from the top of your head down to your
    neck (this is more for the men).

Some suggestions:

  1. Do research before you get your hair cut to
    figure out what sort of style will work for your face shape, daily routine,
    your personal style.
  2. Take a picture with you to the hairdresser.
  3. Talk to the stylist/barber about your personal
    style, how much time you put into your appearance so you don』t end up with a
    hair style that you have to spend 2 hours on each morning when you have only 5
    minutes to get ready.
  4. Show the barber/stylist what length you want
    your hair to be rather than saying 「take off an inch」.
  5. If you like a certain style but are not sure it
    will work for your hair texture or density (thickness or thinness), ASK! The stylist/barber
    should be able to tell you.
  6. Talk to the barber/stylist during the hair cut
    to make sure they do what you want.

I hope this is helpful.



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謝邀! 這種問題應該是用搜索引擎回答的吧? Try and Google or Bing "how to talk to the barber for a perfect haircut"



fix it,no much


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